Nindy Sabrina
Nutrition Study Program, Faculty Of Food Technology And Health, Sahid University, Jalan Prof. Dr. Soepomo No. 84, Tebet, Jakarta

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Plasma Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 and Cholecystokinin Responses to Fast Food in Healthy-Weight and Obese Men Handayani, Dian; Putri, Dianita Setya Pradita; Sujuti, Hidayat; Andarini, Sri; Rahmawati, Widya; Kusumastuty, Inggita; Harti, Leny Budhi; Sabrina, Nindy
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya Vol 31, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (59.1 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jkb.2020.031.01.14


Satiety hormones play a role in obesity metabolism. The satiety response to similar nutrients in food in healthy and obese men remains undefined. The research was aimed to determine the satiety response differences by comparing the effect of isocaloric fast-food consumption on reducing appetite-related gut hormones, such as glucagon-like fullness ratings and both GLP-1 and CCK among healthy and obese men. Respondents were given an isocaloric fast food, then GLP-1 and CCK levels were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Visual analogue scale (VAS) form was used for hunger and fullness ratings of the subjects. The difference level of GLP-1, CCK, and VAS between groups were measured by t-test. The correlation between VAS hunger and fullness rating was measured by Pearson. Plasma hormone levels in 16 obese and 16 healthy-weight respondents were assessed before eating and at 30, 60, and 120 minutes after consumption. In obese men, GLP-1 levels were significantly higher than those in healthy-weight men at 60 and 120 minutes, while healthy-weight men had significantly higher CCK levels than those of obese men over time (all p<0.05). The total area under the curve (AUC) for GLP-1 was significantly higher for obese men than for healthy-weight men, while the AUC for CCK was significantly higher for healthy-weight men than for obese men. Obese men have higher plasma GLP-1 levels and lower plasma CCK than healthy men indicates that those respondents were experiencing glucose intolerance and leptin alteration. The hormonal systems that may contribute to the development of obesity need further investigation.
PUASA BERGIZI DI TENGAH PANDEMI Palupi, Khairizka Citra; Laili, Aditya Fatkhi; Sabrina, Nindy
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat AbdiMas Vol 6, No 4 (2020): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Abdimas
Publisher : Universitas Esa Unggul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47007/abd.v6i4.3558


The ritual of fasting by refraining from food and drink has been a Muslim tradition for thousands of years. Some studies say that Ramadan fasting can improve immune system. This Ramadan fasting moment in 2020 is unique and different from previous years because the world is being hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. The exact relationship of Ramadan and Covid-19 is unknown. So far there has limited information about fasting and Covid-19 in the Esa Unggul University Therefore, we endeavour to provide an information approach based on existing references to improve the understanding of the Esa Unggul campus community regarding nutritious fasting during the Covid-19 pandemic. This community service preparation was carried out in April 2020 which included making online invitations and educational material. Educational material consists of introduction to Ramadan fasting, introduction of Covid-19 and ways of prevention, the role of the immune system against Covid-19, the relationship of the immune system and digestive system, metabolism during fasting, the benefits of physical and mental fasting, optimization of Ramadan fasting, principles and conditions diet, and sample menus delivered in the form of online seminars via zoom. The activity flow is divided into two, namely all participants are given education and afterwards participants are given closed questions related to the understanding of the material presented. The location of the study was conducted online at each place. The community service program was held on Tuesday, May 5, 2020 from 13.00-15.00. Although the effect of fasting on Covid-19 is still unknown, fasting is known to be able to improve physical and mental health. Appreciate your hunger during fasting with food consumption from 5 food groups Keywords: pandemic, fasting,nutrition
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Kesehatan (Journal of Food Technology and Health) Vol 2, No 2 (2020): November
Publisher : Universitas Sahid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36441/jtepakes.v2i2.524


ABSTRAK: Bir pletok adalah salah satu minuman tradisional Betawi yang terbuat dari herbal. Pembuatan bir pletok menghasilkan endapan yang akan mengurangi penerimaan konsumen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek dari jenis stabilizer pada kualitas bir pletok selama penyimpanan. Penelitian telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan acak faktorial dengan dua faktor.  Faktor pertama jenis stabilizer (A) yang terdiri 3 taraf, yaitu pektin 0,15%, guar gum 0,10%  dan selulosa mikrokristalin 0,05%.  Faktor kedua periode penyimpanan (B), yang terdiri 5 taraf, yaitu 0, 7, 14, 21 dan 28 hari. Parameter yang dianalisis adalah nilai organoleptik (warna, aroma, rasa dan tekstur), total padatan terlarut, viskositas, stabilitas, pH, vitamin C dan antioksidan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa jenis stabilizer berpengaruh sangat signifikan (α (0,01)) dari nilai organoleptik (warna, aroma dan rasa), viskositas, stabilitas dan pH, tetapi tidak berpengaruh signifikan (α (0,01)) terhadap total larut padat. Kualitas bir pletok dengan pektin 0,15% dengan lama penyimpanan 14 hari memiliki kualitas yang masih baik, dengan total padatan terlarut 10,65OBrix, viskositas 32 cPs, stabilitas 100%, pH 6,46,  vitamin C 682,64 mg / 100g, antioksidan 53,87 ppm dan memiliki nilai hedonik untuk warna (4,1), aroma (3,4), rasa (3,6), dan tekstur (3,9). ABSTRACT: Bir pletok is one of the traditional Betawi drinks made from herbs. During storage, bir pletok produces precipitate that will reduce consumer acceptance. The aim of this research was to find out the effect of the type of stabilizer on the quality of bir pletok during storage. Research has been conducted using a randomized design of factorials with two factors.  The first factor was type stabilizer (A) consists of 3 levels, namely pectin 0.15%, guar gum 0.10% and microcrystalline cellulose 0.05%.  The second factor is the storage period (B), which consists of 5 levels, is 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The parameters analyzed were organoleptic values (color, aroma, taste and texture), total soluble solids, viscosity, stability, pH, vitamin C and antioxidants. The results showed that the type of stabilizer had a very significant effect (α (0.01)) of organoleptic values (color, aroma and taste), viscosity, stability and pH, but had no significant effect (α (0.01)) on the total soluble solid.  The quality of bir pletok with 0.15% pectin with a 14-day storage length is still good quality, with total soluble solids of 10.65OBrix, viscosity of 32 cPs, 100% of stability, pH 6.46, vitamin C 682.64 mg/100g, antioxidants 53.87 ppm and has hedonic values for color (4.1), aroma (3.4), taste (3.6), and texture (3.9).
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Kesehatan (Journal of Food Technology and Health) Vol 2, No 2 (2020): November
Publisher : Universitas Sahid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36441/jtepakes.v2i2.515


Abstrak: Nugget merupakan makanan popular yang mudah disiapkan dan disukai anak-anak. Bahan utama nuget umumnya adalah daging ayam, kelemahan nugget ayam adalah kurangnya serat serta tingginya lemak. Tempe merupakan salah satu bahan baku yang potensial dapat mensubsitusi daging ayam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui mutu nuget hasil formulasi tempe dan berapa formulasi tempe dan daging ayam terpilih. Metodologi dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) satu faktor dengan 5 (lima) taraf x 3 (tiga) ulangan. Uji yang dilakukan pada adalah uji fisik (kerenyahan) dan uji kimia (kadar air, abu, protein, lemak, karbohidrat, dan serat). Uji organoleptik dilakukan pada mutu hedonik dan hedonik warna, aroma, rasa, kekenyalan, dan rangking. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua parameter mutu nugget tempe dipengaruhi oleh formulasi tempe dan daging ayam yang berbeda (α=0.01). Formulasi tempe dan daging ayam terpilih adalah 25:25 pada formulasi nugget tempe dengan nilai rangking tertinggi. Karakteristik mutu nugget tempe terpilih adalah nilai kekenyalan 662,76 gf, kadar air 56.53%, kadar abu 1.73%, kadar protein 15.23%, kadar lemak 11.84%, kadar karbohidrat 8.78% dan kadar serat 2.11%. Mutu organoleptik nugget tempe terpilih adalah warna kuning (2.8), aroma nugget kuat (4.2), rasa gurih (4.4), dan tekstur sangat kenyal (4.6). Berdasarkan SNI 01-6683-2002, maka nugget tempe dengan formulasi tempe dan daging ayam 25:25 pada formulasi telah memenuhi syarat mutu nugget ayam yaitu pada kadar air, protein, lemak dan karbohidrat. Nugget tempe terpilih dapat memenuhi  kebutuhan serat sebanyak 8.44% untuk wanita dewasa, 5.55% untuk pria dewasa dan 23.44% untuk anak-anak.ABSTRACT: Nuggets are a popular dish that is easy to prepare and kids preferred. The main ingredient of nuggets is generally chicken meat, the lack of chicken nuggets is the lack of fiber and high fat. Tempe is one of the raw materials that can potentially substitute for chicken meat. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of the nugget produced by the tempe formulation and the selected tempe and chicken meat formulations. The methodology in this study is an experiment using a one-factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 (five) levels x 3 (three) replications. The tests carried out were physical tests (elasticity) and tests (moisture, ash, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and fiber content). Organoleptic tests were carried out on sensory of color, aroma, taste, elasticity, and ranking. The results showed that all quality parameters of tempe nuggets were influenced by different formulations of tempeh and chicken meat (α=0.01). The selected tempe and chicken meat formulations were 25:25 in the tempe nugget formulation with the highest-ranking value. The quality characteristics of selected tempe were the 662.76-gram force of elasticity, 56.53% of water content, 1.73% of ash content, 15.23% of protein content, 11.84% of fat content, 8.78% of carbohydrate content, and 2.11% of fiber content. The selected organoleptic tempe nuggets were yellow color (2.8), strong nugget aroma (4.2), savory taste (4.4), and very chewy texture (4.6). Based on SNI 01-6683-2002, the tempe nugget with the formulation of tempe and chicken meat 25:25 formulation has met the quality requirements of chicken nuggets, namely in water, protein, fat and carbohydrate content. The selected tempe nuggets can fulfill the fiber needs of 8.44% for adult women, 5.55% for adult men, and 23.44% for children.
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Kesehatan (Journal of Food Technology and Health) Vol 3, No 2 (2021): November
Publisher : Universitas Sahid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36441/jtepakes.v3i2.574


ABSTRAK: Manajemen sistem penyelenggaraan makanan yang baik pada sebuah institusi berpengaruh pada ketersediaan makanan dan asupan zat gizi siswa sehingga institusi penyelenggara makanan perlu memperhatikan tahapan penyelenggaraan makanan yang meliputi input, proses, dan output. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis input, proses, dan output penyelenggaraan makanan di Rumah Qur’an Daarut Tarbiyah Depok. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional, dengan subjek penelitian meliputi penyelenggara makanan dan siswa. Data input dan proses diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dengan kuesioner dan observasi. Data tingkat kesukaan diperoleh menggunakan kuesioner uji hedonik. Pengolahan dan analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel 2016. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penyelenggaraan makanan dilakukan dengan secara swakelola dengan metode konvensional meliputi makan pagi, makan siang, dan makan malam. Hasil analisis input diperoleh hasil penyelenggara makanan terdiri dari satu orang yang bertanggung jawab terhadap seluruh tahapan penyelenggaraan makanan. Hasil analisis proses, diketahui bahwa tidak terdapat siklus menu yang tetap, pengadaan bahan dilakukan secara mandiri membeli ke pasar setiap 3 hari, perencanaan menu ditentukan ketika bahan sudah tersedia, penyimpanan bahan masih belum terstandar, persiapan dan pengolahan makanan dilakukan pada tempat yang sama, pendistribusian makanan menggunakan sistem sentralisasi dan desentralisasi. Hasil analisis tingkat kesukaan pada menu makanan termasuk kategori biasa.  ABSTRACT: A good food management system in an institution affects the availability of food and nutrient intake of students so that food service institutions need to pay attention to the stages of food administration which include input, process, and output. This study aims to analyze the input, process, and output of food service at Rumah Qur'an Daarut Tarbiyah Depok. This study used a design cross-sectional, with research subjects including food organizers and students. The data were input and process obtained from the results of interviews with questionnaires and observations. The level of preference data was obtained using a hedonic test questionnaire. Data processing and analysis was carried out descriptively using Microsoft Excel 2016. The results showed that the administration of food was self-managed with conventional methods including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The results of the analysis input show that the food organizer consists of one person who is responsible for all stages of food administration. The results of the process analysis, it is known that there is no fixed menu cycle, procurement of materials is carried out independently by buying to the market every 3 days, menu planning is determined when materials are available, material storage is still not standardized, food preparation and processing is carried out in the same place, distribution food using a centralized and decentralized system. The results of the analysis of the level of preference on the food menu include the usual category.
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Kesehatan (Journal of Food Technology and Health) Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Sahid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36441/jtepakes.v3i1.531


ABSTRAK. Kue kembang goyang merupakan kue tradisional dari Betawi. Bahan baku kue kembang goyang adalah tepung beras. Kelemahan produk ini adalah rendah kandungan protein. Penambahan sumber protein nabati dapat menurunkan kerenyahan. Oleh karena itu dilakukan formulasi dengan tepung kacang merah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui formulasi beras dan tepung kacang merah terhadap mutu kembang goyang (100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30 dan 60:40), berapa formulasi terpilih.  Metodologi dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) satu faktor dengan 5 (lima) taraf x 3 (tiga) ulangan. Uji yang dilakukan pada sampel kue kembang goyang adalah uji fisik (kerenyahan) dan uji kimia (kadar air, abu, protein, lemak, karbohidrat, dan kadar serat). Uji organoleptik dilakukan pada mutu hedonik dan hedonik warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur, serta kesukaan umum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua parameter mutu kue kembang goyang dipengaruhi oleh formulasi tepung beras dan tepung kacang merah yang berbeda (α=0.05 dan α=0.01). Formulasi tepung beras dan kacang tanah terpilih adalah 60:40 dengan kesukaan secara umum sama dengan suka. Karakteristik kue kembang goyang terpilih adalah nilai kerenyahan 15,73 g/mm², kadar air 2,45%, abu 2,53%, protein 10,66%, lemak 17,21%, karbohidrat 58,3%, serat kasar 5,17%, warna coklat (2,7), aroma agak langu (3,3), rasa manis (3,9), dan tekstur renyah (3,7). Kadar air  dan kadar protein kue kembang goyang memenuhi persyaratan kue kering SNI 2973-2011.ABSTRACT: The kembang goyang cake is a traditional cake from Betawi. The raw material for the kembang goyang cake is rice flour. The lack of this product is the low protein content. The addition of vegetable protein sources can reduce the crunchiness. Therefore, it was formulated with red bean flour. The purpose of this study was to determine the formulation of rice and red bean flour on the quality of the kembang goyang cake (100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, and 60:40), how many formulations were selected. The methodology in this study is an experiment using a one-factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 (five) levels x 3 (three) replications. The tests carried out on the samples of the cakes were physical (crisp) and chemical tests (moisture, ash, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and fiber content). Organoleptic tests were carried out on the hedonic and hedonic qualities of color, aroma, taste, texture, and general preference. The results showed that all the quality parameters of the kembang goyang cake were influenced by different formulations of rice flour and red bean flour (α=0.05 and =0.01). The selected formulation of rice and peanut flour is 60:40 with general preference equal to liking. Characteristics of the selected cakes are crunchy value 15.73 g/mm², water content 2.45%, ash 2.53%, protein 10.66%, fat 17.21%, carbohydrates 58.3%, crude fiber 5, 17%, brown color (2.7), slightly unpleasant aroma (3.3), sweet taste (3.9), and crunchy texture (3.7). Moisture content and protein content of the kembang goyang cakes fulfilled the requirements of SNI 2973-2011 cookies.
The association of snacking behavior and sodium intake with nutritional status in primary school children Nindy Sabrina; Khoirul Anwar
Jurnal Gizi dan Dietetik Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics) VOLUME 10 ISSUE 1, 2022
Publisher : Alma Ata University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21927/ijnd.2022.10(1).1-7


ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Hubungan antara perilaku jajan dan status gizi belum dapat disimpulkan karena dapat disebabkan oleh perbedaan jumlah jajanan dan asupan natrium yang dikonsumsi.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kebiasaan jajan dan asupan natrium kaitannya dengan status gizi pada anak sekolah dasar.Metode: Survei cross-sectional terhadap 115 anak usia 8-12 tahun dilakukan di Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia. Asupan makanan dinilai menggunakan recall 24 jam dan pengukuran antropometri dilakukan. Status gizi subjek ditentukan dengan menggunakan indikator IMT/usia.Hasil: Anak-anak yang kurus mengkonsumsi makanan ringan dua kali lebih banyak daripada anak-anak yang gemuk, tetapi mengkonsumsi lebih sedikit energi yang bersumber dari makanan. Tidak ada perbedaan rata-rata konsumsi energi dari makanan dan dengan status gizi partisipan yang berbeda (p>0,05). Produk snack yang paling sering dikonsumsi oleh peserta adalah minuman manis, gorengan, dan snack ekstrudat. Rata-rata asupan natrium harian partisipan adalah 1620,11 ± 1129,780 mg dan meningkat secara signifikan dengan peningkatan asupan energi (p-tren<0,05). Tidak ada hubungan antara status gizi dengan konsumsi natrium pada penelitian ini.Kesimpulan: Meskipun kebiasaan jajan tidak berpengaruh pada status gizi, namun hal ini berkontribusi pada peningkatan asupan natrium. Temuan ini mungkin menyiratkan bahwa kandungan natrium dalam makanan ringan harus diatur lebih lanjut untuk mencegah perkembangan penyakit tidak menular. KATA KUNCI: asupan natrium; jajan; kebiasaan jajan; makanan ringan; status gizi   ABSTRACTBackground: The associations between snacking behavior and nutritional status are inconclusive, which may be due to differences in snacking quantity and sodium intake.Objectives: This study aims to determine the association between snacking behavior and sodium intake and nutritional status in primary school children.Methods: A cross-sectional survey of 115 children aged 8-12 years old was conducted in South Jakarta, Indonesia. Dietary intake was assessed using 24-hour recalls and anthropometric measurements were collected. The nutritional status of subjects was determined using BMI-for-age indicator. Results: Thin children consume twice as many snacks as children who are obese but consume less energy at meals. The average energy consumption from meals and snacks was not significantly different between participants with varying nutritional status (p>0.05). Participants' snack products most frequently consumed were sugar-sweetened beverages, fried foods, and extruded snacks. The average daily sodium intake was 1620.11 ± 1129.780 mg and increased significantly with increased energy intake (p-trend<0.05). There was no association between nutritional status and sodium consumption in this study.Conclusions: While snacking have no effect on nutritional status, it contributes to increase sodium intake. This finding may imply that sodium content in snacks should be further regulated to prevent the development of non-communicable diseases. KEYWORD: nutritional status; snacks; snacking; snack behavior; sodium intake