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Clustering of the Potential of Customers' Internet Bandwidth Upgrade on FTTH Broadband Arnomo, Sasa Ani; Yulia, Yulia
ILKOM Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 13, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Teknik Informatika Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Univeristas Muslim Indonesia

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Increasing customer bandwidth needs to be considered by companies by determining potential customers. Potential determination is needed because previously it was only done randomly. Therefore, first determining the potential is needed by grouping customers who have the same characteristics based on the data and attributes they have. This research will implement data mining technique with clustering method with K-means algorithm on 263 FTTH Broadband customer groups. Then the potency can be determined based on the final centroid point in the grouping. The results obtained are divided into 5 clusters consisting of 34 customers or 12.92% of the total potential customers, 29 customers or 11.02% of the total potential customers, 56 customers or 21.30% of the total potential customers, 54 customers. or 20.53% of the total fewer potential customers and 90 customers or 34.22% of the total non-potential customers. Comparison of the validity of the Davies-Bouldin Index cluster for 5 groups between K-Means and K-Medoids, the value of 0.538 for K-Means and 0.819 for K-Medoids is obtained. This method is used to streamline the distribution of bandwidth.
Computer Based Information System Journal Vol. 9 No. 2 (2021): CBIS Journal
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33884/cbis.v9i2.4455


The progress of the internet has become the best means to start a property business and it has been proven to be an effective and effective media of information from the internet to disseminate information that is fully accessible to anyone,anytime and anywhere. The great effect on the property business is caused through the internet because only by accessing it from smartphone device and computers at home or in the office of prospective buyers can see property add information.In today’s digital era property sales are mostly done on social media. Social media has many users. But social media has the disadvantages of having to pay if you want to advertise sales, consumers are only users of social media, sales posts quickly sink. In this research, a web-based property sales and leasing information system will be built to cover the shortage.
Optimasi Metode Fuzzy Mamdani Dalam Estimasi Kebutuhan Pengadaan Suku Cadang Pada PT.XYZ Yulia, Yulia; Arnomo, Sasa Ani
Indonesian Journal of Computer Science Vol. 10 No. 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : STMIK Indonesia Padang

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Persediaan merupakan hal yang penting bagi perusahaan untuk menjalankan proses bisnis agar efektif dan efisien sesuai dengan tujuan yang hendak dicapai. Salah satu contohnya adalah persediaan suku cadang pada PT. XYZ yang bergerak dibidang pabrikasi dan distribusi logam berat yaitu Cooper Slag di Kota Batam yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh pihak galangan kapal maupun Offshore. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memudahkan PT. XYZ dalam mengambil keputusan optimasi persediaan suku cadang. Sistem yang di pakai adalah Fuzzy Inference System yang penerapannya menggunakan metode Mamdani. Metode ini dapat dengan mudah diterapkan pada sistem yang dibuat dengan bantuan toolbox fuzzy inference system. Fungsi implikasi yang digunakan dalam proses ini adalah fungsi MIN. Hasil yang didapat dalam pengujian FIS sebesar 8, angka ini masih dalam parameter variabel output sedikit dan sedang. Maka, didapat kesimpulan bahwa FIS metode Mamdani dapat membantu PT. XYZ dalam membuat keputusan pada optimasi dalam estimasi pengadaan suku cadang.
Market Basket Analysis pada Barang Minimarket dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 Arnomo, Sasa Ani
JUSTIN (Jurnal Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 9, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Informatika Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (282.416 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/justin.v9i2.43243


Sebuah minimarket memerlukan suatu analisa untuk mengetahui kebiasaan pembelian konsumen di masa pandemi covid 19. Penelitian ini nantinya akan berguna untuk menata tata letak barang di toko, menentukan promosi produk dan mengefisienkan stok produk agar transaksi penjualan berjalan lancar serta meningkatkan hasil penjualan. Metode market basket analys dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis keterkaitan produk yang dibeli konsumen sekaligus untuk mengetahui kebiasaan membeli konsumen. Penelitian berhasil menemukan kombinasi produk yang saling terkait yang memiliki nilai support dan confidence tertinggi pada kombinasi produk Basic Food, Home Care, Instant Food yang memiliki nilai support 14,1% dan confidence 100% serta produk kombinasi. Kombinasi pembelian produk berupa susu, snack, ice cream memiliki nilai support 14,1% dan confidence 100%.
Analisa Decision Tree untuk Kepuasan Penggunaan Sinyal dari Base Transceiver Station (BTS) Arnomo, Sasa Ani
JUSTIN (Jurnal Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 9, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Informatika Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/justin.v9i2.43425


Kepuasan konsumen merupakan salah satu tujuan perusahaan dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada konsumen baik perusahaan jasa maupun non jasa. Salah satu perusahaan penyedia layanan akses data internet yang berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk, fasilitas dan kualitas layanan demi kepuasan pelanggan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kepuasan konsumen dengan menggunakan metode algoritma data mining process metode C4.5 dan mengukur tingkat kepuasan konsumen dari hasil pohon keputusan yang diperoleh. Variabel penilaian meliputi kualitas produk, fasilitas, pelayanan dan harga dengan hasil keputusan puas atau tidak puas. Hasil pengolahan metode data mining menggunakan algoritma C4.5 mampu mengklasifikasikan tingkat kepuasan konsumen. Terbukti dengan tingkat akurasi 84.66%, recall mendapatkan 0.828, precision memperoleh 0.828, dan ROC mendapat nilai 0.825. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan acuan untuk meningkatkan kepuasan konsumen dan menjaga loyalitas konsumen dalam menggunakan produk paket data layanan internet dan meningkatkan penjualan.
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/klik.v6i1.171


All information about e-tickets is stored digitally in the airline's computer systems. As proof of e-ticket expenses, customer will be given Itinerary Receipt which only applies as a tool to enter into the airport. The E-Ticket contains the same information that Paper Ticket provides, only E-Ticket data is contained in the airline's database system. While Paper Ticket data is on one or several sheets of paper and held by the consumer. The use of E-Ticket itself in Indonesia reaches 80%, mainly due to the increasing number of airlines offering cheap flights or promotions for domestic and international routes through their websites. With the ease of the system is required to test Quality Interaction Quality System E-Ticket with the aim to know the quality of service interaction system already offered. The level of quality interaction quality is measured by the reputation of the e-ticket website, the security of transactions, the security of the user's personal information, the space for personalization, the community, the ease of communication, the security of the flight procedure as promised. The method of analysis used in this research is descriptive. The result states that the level of interaction quality quality of the e-ticket system is well greened from several test factors.Keywords: E-Ticketing, Interaction Quality.Semua informasi mengenai e-ticket disimpan secara digital dalam sistem komputer milik perusahaan penerbangan. Sebagai bukti pengeluaran e-ticket, pelanggan akan diberikan Itinerary Receipt yang hanya berlaku sebagai alat untuk masuk kedalam bandara. E-Ticket memuat informasi yang sama dengan yang diberikan Paper Ticket, hanya saja data E-Ticket terdapat di dalam sistem database maskapai penerbangan. Sedangkan data-data Paper Ticket terdapat pada satu atau beberapa lembar kertas dan dipegang oleh konsumen. Penggunaan E-Ticket sendiri di Indonesia mencapai 80%, terutama karena semakin banyaknya maskapai yang menawarkan penerbangan dengan harga murah atau promosi untuk rute domestic maupun internasional melalui situs web mereka. Dengan kemudahan system tersebut maka diperlukan uji Mutu Interaction Quality System E-Ticket dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui mutu interaksi pelayanan sistem yang sudah ditawarkan. Tingkat mutu interaction quality diukur dari reputasi website e-ticket, keamanan untuk melakukan transaksi, keamanan tentang informasi pribadi pengguna, ruang untuk personalisasi, komunitas, kemudahan untuk berkomunikasi, keamanan prosedur penerbangan sebagaimana yang telah dijanjikan. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Uji interaksi atau sering disebut dengan Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). Hasil menyatakan bahwa tingkat mutu interaction quality sistem e-ticket baik ditijau dari beberapa faktor pengujian. Pengujian MRA menunjukan Variable independent yang digunakan berpengaruh sebesar 0,507 atau 50,7%.Kata Kunci: e-ticket, interaction quality.
Perbandingan Fitur Smartphone, Pemanfaatan Dan Tingkat Usability Pada Android Dan iOS Platforms Sasa Ani Arnomo; Hendra Hendra
InfoTekJar : Jurnal Nasional Informatika dan Teknologi Jaringan Vol 3, No 2 (2019): InfoTekJar Maret
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (551.088 KB) | DOI: 10.30743/infotekjar.v3i2.1002


Android dan iOS nowadays have become the most dominating operating system in smartphone markets. These two operating system continue to grow rapidly in terms of technology as well as the number of devices that exist in the world. However, consumers are still lacking of understanding on how to compare these two operating systems from various of aspects. So, this research is being conducted with the purpose to learn about the comparison of these two operating system in terms of features, utilizations and usability. Method that is being used in this research is descriptive analysis which in comparison of features and utilizations are using documentation and observation as data collection technique. For usability comparison is using questionnaire technique. Result of the research has shown that Android and iOS each have their unique features such as Google Hangouts with i-Message and Smart Caller ID with Facetime. Afterwards, comparison of utilizations has shown that Android is mostly being used for communication as for iOS more for information searching. Meanwhile, for descriptive result of usability has shown that Android and iOS have the same level of ease of use which is good.
JURNAL TIKAR Vol 1 No 2 (2020): JUNI 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/teknik_informatika.v1i2.180


Penelitian ini memfokuskan tata kelola pada system informasi Gapuro yang di gunakan di deparment produksi pada PT. Epson Batam. Bidang audit tata kelola system informasi ini, peneliti memilih framework COBIT 4.1 dengan focus masalah pada DS2, DS5, DS7 dan DS11. Metode penelitian ini memngggunakan pendekatan kualitative dengan dukungan data kuantitatif, hal ini focus tata kelola hanya orang tertentu saja yang dapat mengakses dan mengautorisasi system Gapuro. Data yang dianalisis berupa secondary data baik melalui interview, observasi, kuestioner dan essay. Semua data akan dianalisis dengan pendekatan tinggkat kepentingan masing-masing tujuan proses TI. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data kuisioner dapat diketahui bahwa pada proses TI domain DS dengan hasil pengukuran tingkat kematangan proses objek menunjukkan bahwa beberapa bagian subdomain yang dijadikan rekomendasi dari penetian ini adalah DS2/L (1.33) untuk harapan 3, DS5/H (2.98) untuk harapan 3.50, DS7/L (0.86) untuk harapan 2 dan DS11/H (2.46) untuk harapan 4. Rekomendasi untuk penggunaan system informasi Gapuro yang ada di departemen produksi harus harus lebih ditingkatkan kemamanan datanya berdasarkan tingkat kebutuhan PT Epson Batam yang selama ini digunakan.
PUAN INDONESIA Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Puan Indonesia Vol 2 No 2 Januari 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (544.637 KB) | DOI: 10.37296/jpi.v2i2.34


The influence of globalization with the support of information technology is a double-edged sword. on the one hand, we cannot deny the benefits and threats it brings on the other. Thus, these benefits are also called positive effects and threats are called negative effects. The positive influence that can be felt by Information Technology is an increase in speed, accuracy and convenience. It provides efficiency in various fields, especially in terms of time, energy and costs. For example, the manifestation of Information Technology that is easily seen around us is email where sending a letter only takes a short time. Information technology is also utilized in the field of economic activities such as E-banking, E-commerce, e-shopping and many more. Meanwhile, the negative impact that may arise as a result of information technology is pornography, while the economic aspect of globalization is the opening of free markets that allow foreign products to enter easily. The large number of foreign products and the addition of relatively cheaper prices can reduce the attractiveness of domestic products. This is a big challenge for SMEs in business competition. Financial fraud and embezzlement through electronic media are also rife so it is necessary to learn how to do business online. With this background, there is a need for guidance on how to deal with developments in information technology. As many as 93% of the responses from the community stated that they were very good and useful.
PELATIHAN MICROSOFT OFFICE 2010 PADA K3TK DAN GUGUS PAUD NAGA DI KOTA BATAM Rika Harman; Tukino Tukino; Amrizal Amrizal; Sasa Ani Arnomo
PUAN INDONESIA Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Puan Indonesia Vol 3 No 2 Januari 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.398 KB) | DOI: 10.37296/jpi.v3i2.59


The material provided in this training is divided into 3 groups, namely Microsoft Word 2010, Microsoft PowerPoint 2013, and Microsoft Paint groups. The briefing material given to the Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 group was the introduction of spreadsheets, starting from worksheets, to the use of functions and formulas to solve problems. Activities are carried out based on the division of the ability/skill level of each teacher. Teachers who have been proficient are grouped separately from teachers who are still new to computers so that coaching is more intensive. Teachers who are still laymen are guided and accompanied by instructors starting from the procedure for turning on the computer, opening files, saving files, using the mouse, basic typing, introduction to computer parts to the procedure for turning off the computer. The introduction to the spread sheet material begins with explaining worksheets, menu functions, and how to create borders, introducing cell alignment, and introducing Microsoft Excel formulas and functions to solve a particular problem/case. So far we have known more or less about Microsoft Office, including Microsoft Office XP, Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Office 2007, and the latest we know is Microsoft Office 2010.