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Flipping the Technical and Vocational Classroom for Increased Instructional Outcomes Mupita, Jonah; Abdullah, Ade Gafar; Bünning, Frank
INVOTEC Vol 16, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Technological and Vocational Education-Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/invotec.v16i1.23510


Higher learning institutions are under immense pressure to evolve within the realms of the fourth industrial revolution. Training institutions are anticipated to minimize learning costs in the face of increasing enrolments. The flipped classroom model is a suitable instructional pedagogy to achieve institutional goals considering the current ubiquitousness of information and communication technology. The systematic review was aimed at summarizing and identifying research gaps that help inform future research trajectories. The 3-step review process was composed of articles searching and retrieval, filtering and sorting, and final inclusion. Identified empirical articles were; i.) Retrieved and summarized on the basis of tittles, abstracts, methods and basic findings, ii.) Filtered and sorted on the basis of study discipline, and iii.) Synthesized on the basis of basic findings. It was found that the flipped classroom improved academic performance to a limited extent. Most articles unanimously concurred that the flipped classroom model makes learning enjoyable and enables the development of lower order cognitive skills outside class and higher order cognitive skills through F2F (face to face) active learning. The success of the model in higher education is hinged on excellent planning, implementation and evaluation.
Electrical Engineering Students’ Perception in a Flipped Classroom Pedagogy Mupita, Jonah; Abdulah, Ade Gafar; Hakim, Dadang Lukman; Saripudin, Saripudin; Subekti, Eri
INVOTEC Vol 17, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Technological and Vocational Education-Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/invotec.v17i1.33751


Tertiary learning institutions are under immense pressure to evolve within the realms of the fourth industrial revolution. The flipped classroom model externalizes in-class traditional learning and internalizes outside class activities in an attempt to move students from lower order cognitive skills to higher order cognitive skills. Training institutions are anticipated to minimize learning costs in the face of increasing enrollments. The broad aim of the study was to establish whether a flipped pedagogy would enhance performance and improve students’ perceptions over the conventional classroom pedagogy. To examine the impact of a flipped learning model, an experiment was conducted on two classes studying fundamentals of electrical engineering course. The participants were 64 pure electrical engineering students sampled from a population of 156 first year electrical engineering students. 32 students were assigned to the experimental group which was exposed to both the flipped classroom model and traditional classroom model. The remaining 32 were solely exposed to the traditional classroom pedagogy. Evaluation survey was administered on both the flipped and traditional cohort. Although students revealed positive perceptions of the flipped classroom model, empirically, there was no significant differences in academic achievements of students taught using either instructional approach. 83.87% of the flipped students were better off with a conflated instructional pedagogy as canvassed through the questionnaire survey. Educational practitioners ought to move up with the fourth industrial revolution demands by adopting a blended instructional approach.
Sundanese Short Story (Carpon) as an Effort to Improve Reading Ability of Middle School Students Ababil, Salza Nabila; Muktiarni, M.; Mupita, Jonah
Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Research Vol 1, No 2 (2021): IJOMR: VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2, 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.049 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/ijomr.v1i2.38597


In Indonesia, the literacy level of students is still very low, especially in learning Sundanese. This research is motivated by seeing children nowadays who very rarely even forget about cultures, as well as the lack of literacy in Sundanese literary works, including short stories (known as Carpon or Carita Pondok). Therefore, we are looking for ways to increase Sundanese literacy, one of which is by getting used to reading Carpon. The purpose of this study was to find out how far the level of understanding of student literacy after reading Carpon also fosters reading interest in Carpon. This research is descriptive quantitative. The research instrument carried out was in the form of a pre-test and post-test which was carried out by distributing questionnaires (google form) to students via whatsapp groups, the source of data in this study were students of junior high school. The results showed that the pre-test results were 61% of students who answered yes, and 39% of students who answered no and in the post-test 85% of students answered yes and 15% of students answered no. It can be said that the level of student literacy and students' understanding of Carpon reading activities has greatly increased.
Teaching of the Production and Acceptance Analysis of Instant Urap Seasoning in the Vocational School Rahmadhani, Reno; Sitiawati, Tati; Mahmudatussa’ada, Ai; Mupita, Jonah
Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Research Vol 1, No 2 (2021): IJOMR: VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2, 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (438.62 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/ijomr.v1i2.37605


Urap is one of the salads or side dishes of Indonesian vegetables originating from the island of Java with the basic ingredients of half-old grated coconut and seasoned then mixed with vegetables with a spicy, savory, and fresh taste. In general, the urap seasoning does not last long after being mixed with vegetables. It will quickly go stale. Instant urap seasoning is a solution to go stale quickly, besides being durable, it can be used practically. The purpose of this study was to teach how to make instant urap seasoning and determine the public's acceptance. The method is the experimental method, involving 35 people consisting of 4 expert panelists, 9 trained panelists, and 22 untrained panelists. The instruments were hedonic test sheets and organoleptic test sheets. The results showed that The addition of coriander and lime juice affected the taste and aroma of the family recipe instant ointment. Thus, it made the aroma and taste of the family recipe instant ointment more fragrant and savory. The difference in the addition of palm sugar also affects the color difference between the two instant urap spices. The effect of the comparison of chili types has an impact on the flavors. The family recipe instant urap seasoning product is well received by the public.
Consumption Analysis of Children with Lack Nutrition at the Patient Health Center Berliana, Suci Wahyu; Subekti, Sri; Nikmawati, Ellis Endang; Mupita, Jonah
Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Research Vol 1, No 2 (2021): IJOMR: VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2, 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1224.356 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/ijomr.v1i2.37854


The number of malnutrition toddlers still exceeds the minimum number set on a national scale in Indonesia. Malnutrition occurs because of the lack of diversity in food consumption and fulfillment of energy and macronutrients in the consumption. The purpose of this research was to determine the diversity of food consumption and the level of fulfillment of energy consumption in malnutrition toddlers. The method in this research is the descriptive-analytical method with a quantitative research approach. The sampling technique uses total sampling, which includes all members of the population as samples. Diversity of consumption and level of energy fulfillment were obtained by interview using food frequency questionnaire and food recall 2x24 hours. The results of the research based on the diversity of consumption showed that the types of food commonly consumed by toddlers were rice (staple food); eggs, chicken, and fish (animal side dishes); tofu and tempeh (vegetable side dishes); spinach and carrots (vegetables); and papaya and banana (fruits). Based on the results of research on the level of energy fulfillment, as many as 39 toddlers have a deficit in energy consumption, 13 toddlers have a protein consumption deficit, 32 toddlers have a fat deficit, and 25 toddlers have a carbohydrate deficit. Recommendations in this research are addressed to the hospital to conduct outreach activities regarding knowledge of the diversity of food consumption and nutrients in foodstuffs.
Application of Financial Literacy to Elementary School Students to Be More Prosperous in the Future Ramadhan, Fikry Nurul; Muktiarni, M; Azizah, Nissa Nur; Mupita, Jonah
Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Research Vol 2, No 1 (2022): IJOMR: VOLUME 2, ISSUE 1, 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (497.227 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/ijomr.v2i1.38616


Indonesia has almost 2 years in implementing distance learning to prevent an increase in the transmission of the Corona Virus. With the creation of the Thematic community service program, it is hoped that it can increase student interest in learning and help educators and parents of students to facilitate the implementation of online learning activities. This research was conducted in an elementary school in West Java. At the initial stage, the research was conducted to survey the number of students in grade 6 of the Elementary School. The number of students recorded was 60 students in grade 6. Then we distributed the 60 students with 47.60% (21 male students) and 52.40% (39 female students). Learning and teaching activities at Karanganyar State Elementary School 2 are carried out online. The learning media used are Zoom Meet, WhatsApp group, and Google Form for students. This method is a solution in implementing distance learning with interactive learning media. The results of the research show that the average post-test score of 84.0% is greater than the average pre-test score of 49.03%, so the difference is 1.95%. Therefore, we can increase interest, knowledge, and application in material related to financial literacy. This increase in understanding can be done by continuously teaching and giving examples of financial literacy to students through fun media, such as animated videos containing financial literacy.
Strengthening the Value of Pancasila in Elementary Schools in Online Learning Through Whatsapp Group Media Maulidayani, Tiana; Muktiarni, M; Mupita, Jonah
Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Research Vol 2, No 1 (2022): IJOMR: VOLUME 2, ISSUE 1, 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (436.731 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/ijomr.v2i1.38648


Pancasila is a formulation and guideline in the life of the nation and state for the people of all Indonesia. In applying the values in Pancasila, this can be done in various ways such as using a media application called WhatsApp. Material on Pancasila will be given in the group so that students can easily gain knowledge about the values contained in Pancasila.  "Reading is fundamental for a person to gain another ability. However, there are still areas in Indonesia that still do not read. The aim of the core research is to provide innovation in literacy learning in grade 4 primary school. The study was conducted during a pandemic with an online learning system. . Students are given learning with sticky notes, where sticky notes are used as a medium. Sticky notes contain questions that must be matched with other sticky notes based on the same color. From the description above, we use this approach to test literature and theories so that they can fit the circumstances of the location we are researching. This is the basis for us to use a quantitative approach. The quantitative approach in this study was to determine the extent of the implementation of learning with Sticky Notes was to increase grade 4 students' reading interest in textbooks during the covid-19 pandemic. This approach emphasizes finding data to be processed systematically and using mathematical calculations. From the results of the study get an increase owned by students.