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Media Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 6 No 2: MIK Agustus 2017
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat FKes Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30989/mik.v6i2.220


Background: Drug abuse has become a global problem, including in Indonesia, especially Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta is the province with the highest prevalence of drug abuse among students in Indonesia. Usage of drugs has a negative impact on health both physically and psychologically. However, based on preliminary studies, drug users continue to use the substance, althought they know its effect. The client experience of drug dependence when first trying the substance is interesting to look at. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of the pearticipant in their early stage of drug addiction in Sleman Regency. Methods: The study method used qualitative with design of phenomenology intepretif, and use method of IPA as method of data analysis. Results: Based on the results of the analysis of the phenomenology intepretif of the 9 participants obtained the theme of the results are as follows: Trying to be part of the world of drugs and drug self-control. Conclusion: Someone uses drugs due to various things one of them improves self-existence. For future research is expected to take place at BNN or hospital  to see a different experience.   Keywords: drug abuse, initial phase of drug abuse
Jurnal Media Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 1 No 2 (2012): Media Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (241.363 KB)


Introduction: National Final Examination (UAN) often gives psychological impacts for students,especially anxiety. If anxiety is allowed to continue, it will give negative impacts on teens, such as adecision to commit promiscuity. Therefore, there are needs for therapies that can reduce the anxiety ofstudents in facing exam, one of which is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFTs). Objective: To determine the effect of EFT on anxiety in the face of UAN at high school students. Methods:The research method was quasi experimental with pretest-posttest design. Prior to therapy, anxiety screening was performed on 137 students using a questionnaire of Pasco-Hernando CommunityCollege (PHCC) Anxiety Test. After that, 28 were taken students as the sample divided into 2 groups (control and intervention), each 14 students. The intervention group received 3 times of EFT therapysessions. Analysis of data was to determine the effect by using a paired t-test and to know thecomparison used independent t-test, with a of 0.05. Results:The initial screening results were as follows: mild to moderate anxiety (58, 4%) and moderate tosevere anxiety (0.7%). Test results of paired t-test showed p = 0, 046 (p <0, 05). In addition, based onindependent t-test, p was 0.000 (p <0.05); thus, the mean value of anxiety of the intervention group wassignificantly lower than that of the control group. Conclusion: EFT effectively reduced student anxiety in facing UAN in SMA N 1 Pakem, Sleman,Yogyakarta. It is suggested EFT can be used as a non-pharmacological psychological therapy. Keyword: EFT, anxiety, adolescents
MEDIA ILMU KESEHATAN Vol 6 No 2 (2017): Media Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (57.882 KB) | DOI: 10.30989/mik.v6i2.190


Background: Drug abuse has become a global problem, including in Indonesia, especially Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta is the province with the highest prevalence of drug abuse among students in Indonesia. Usage of drugs has a negative impact on health both physically and psychologically. However, based on preliminary studies, drug users continue to use the substance, althought they know its effect. The client experience of drug dependence when first trying the substance is interesting to look at. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of the pearticipant in their early stage of drug addiction in Sleman Regency. Methods: The study method used qualitative with design of phenomenology intepretif, and use method of IPA as method of data analysis. Results: Based on the results of the analysis of the phenomenology intepretif of the 9 participants obtained the theme of the results are as follows: Trying to be part of the world of drugs and drug self-control. Conclusion: Someone uses drugs due to various things one of them improves self-existence. For future research is expected to take place at BNN or hospital to see a different experience. Keywords: Drug abuse, initial phase of drug abuse
Jurnal Keperawatan Respati Yogyakarta Vol 8 No 2 (2021): MAY 2021
Publisher : Universitas Respati Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35842/jkry.v8i2.606


Diabetes prevalence in Yogyakarta is the second highest in Indonesia, and Diabetes sufferers are prone to experiencing physical and psychological disorders. Psychological disorders such as depression, stress, and anxiety are more at risk in Diabetes patients. This condition will be worsen the prognosis and outcome, so managing psychological disorders in Diabetes patients is essential. One of the efforts to manage mental disorders in Diabetes patients is non-pharmacological therapy such as Benar Relaxation Therapy (BRT). It combining between aromatherapy and Benson relaxation techniques which is effective for mild and moderate anxiety therapy. In this study, the BRT try to test the effectivity stress, anxiety, until depression. This therapy using three sickles of therapy and the dose of the aromatherapy was three drops in 20 ml of sterile water which formulated by the researcher. The aim study is evaluate the effect of Benar Relaxation Therapy (BRT) in reducing psychological symptoms in diabetes patients. This study did Quasi-experimental research with a pre-posttest without control group design. 14 adults Diabetes patients who ADL independently and have cellphones with video features in Candibinangun district purposively taken to this study. For three consecutive days, patients received therapy for 15 minutes. Their psychological symptoms were measured using the DASS 21 and PSQI questionnaires. Meanwhile, the measurement of physiological symptoms is to measure blood pressure, pulse, and blood glucose. The data processed using the T-test and Wilcoxon test according to the results of data normality. The results showed that Benar Relaxation Therapy effectively reduced psychological symptoms in the form of depression (p = 0.038) and improved sleep quality (p = 0.042). Physiologically, this therapy was also effective in lowering blood pressure (p = 0.00). However, this therapy is not significant in reducing psychological and physiological symptoms in stress, anxiety, pulse, and blood glucose levels. The conclusions is the Benar Relaxation Therapy in this study was effective in lowering depression scores and blood pressure. This therapy also improves the quality of sleep in type 2 Diabetes patients. However, this therapy significantly increases the patient's stress and anxiety and has no significant effect on pulse and blood glucose levels. Keywords: Benar Relaxation Therapy; Psychologic Symptoms
Penurunan Stres Ibu Pada Saat Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Di Posyandu Kunir V Wirobrajan Melalui Terapi Relaksasi Hipnosis 5 Jari dan Musik Hidayati, Rizqi Wahyu Hidayati; Nirmalasari, Novita; Susilowati, Latifah
The Journal of Innovation in Community Empowerment Vol 3 No 1 (2021): JICE
Publisher : Journal of Innovation in Community Empowerment

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (379.697 KB) | DOI: 10.30989/jice.v3i1.582


Stres di masa pandemi merupakan ketakutan dan kecemasan tentang kesehatan diri maupun kesehatan orang lain yang disayangi. Seseorang yang mengalami stress akan timbul gejala seperti perubahan pola tidur, pola makan, dan kesulitan konsentrasi. Faktor penyebab stres pada ibu antara lain adanya double burden yang terdiri pengasuhan anak, ibu rumah tangga, dan ibu bekerja. Sehingga manajemen stres dibutuhkan untuk mengurangi stres tersebut. Manajemen yang digunakan yaitu hypnosis lima jari dan terapi musik. Sehingga, pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk menurunkan level stres ibu selama masa pandemi. Pengabdian ini menggunakan metode pengajaran langsung dengan dibantu video terapi pada ibu. Sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan nilai stres ibu diukur menggunakan Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Rata-rata itu mengalami stres sedang baik sebelum dan sesudah terapi. Selain itu, nilai p value juga menunjukkan 0, 802 (p > 0,05). Hal ini berarti bahwa terapi relaksasi yang dilakukan tidak memberikan penurunan secara bermakna. Maka, perlu dilakukan kegiatan tindak lanjut untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut.
Gangguan Psikologis pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Dusun Kanoman, Pleret, Bantul Hidayati, Rizqi Wahyu; Susilowati, Latifah; Nirmalasari, Novita
The Journal of Innovation in Community Empowerment Vol 3 No 2 (2021): JICE
Publisher : Journal of Innovation in Community Empowerment

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.062 KB) | DOI: 10.30989/jice.v3i2.632


ABSTRAK Pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan berbagai masalah psikologis, terutama pada pasien dengan penyakit komorbid, salah satunya yaitu diabetes melitus. Hal ini terbukti bahwa sebanyak 65% orang mengalamai masalah tersebut, antara lain depresi, cemas, gangguan tidur, hingga sindrom pasca trauma. Namun, hingga saat ini, gangguan psikologis tersebut masih dianggap sebelah mata. Hal ini juga terjadi di Dusun Kanoman, Pleret, Bantul. Sehingga pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memeriksa status psikologis masyarakat yang menderita Diabetes Melitus di masa pandemic Covid. Kegiatan pengabdian meliputi pemeriksaan psikologis dengan menggunakan kuesioner Depression, Anxiety, and Stress 21 Scale (DASS 21) dan konsultasi. Kuesioner ini memeriksa depresi, cemas, dan stress yang dialami penderita diabetes melitus. Kemudian, hasil dianalisis menggunakan SPSS 25. Berdasarkan hasil diketahui bahwa 20% penderita mengalami depresi sedang, 13,3% mengalami cemas sedang, dan 6,7% mengalami stress ringan. Setelah pemeriksaan, peserta diarahkan ke meja konsultasi. Di meja tersebut, peserta diajarkan cara-cara untuk manajemen relaksasi seperti nafas dalam dengan disertai afirmasi positif, spiritual relaxation techniques, dan terapi musik. KATA KUNCI: Gangguan Psikologis; Covid-19; Diabetes Melitus ABSTRACT The Covid-19 pandemic caused various psychological problems, especially in patients with comorbid diseases, such as diabetes mellitus. It was proven that as much as 65% of people who experience these problems, including depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, and post-traumatic syndrome. However, until now, this psychological disorder is not still considered. This also happened in Kanoman, Pleret, Bantul. So that this service aimed to examine the psychological status of people suffering from Diabetes Mellitus during the Covid pandemic. Service activities include psychological examinations using the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress 21 Scale (DASS 21) questionnaire and consultation. This questionnaire examines depression, anxiety, and stress experienced by people with diabetes mellitus. Then, the results were analysed using SPSS 25. Based on the results, it was found that 20% of patients had got moderate depression, 13.3% moderate anxiety, and 6.7% mild stress. After the examination, participants were directed to the consultation table. At the table, participants had mental health promotion about relaxation management techniques such as deep breathing accompanied by positive affirmations, spiritual relaxation techniques, and music therapy.
Edukasi Manajemen Latihan Pasien Diabetes Melitus Melalui Senam Kaki Diabetikum Pada Warga di Dusun Kanoman, Pungkuran, Pleret, Bantul Ike Wuri Winahyu Sari; Novita Nirmalasari; Rizqi Wahyu Hidayati
The Journal of Innovation in Community Empowerment Vol 3 No 2 (2021): JICE
Publisher : Journal of Innovation in Community Empowerment

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (443.78 KB) | DOI: 10.30989/jice.v3i2.646


ABSTRAK Senam kaki merupakan latihan yang dilakukan bagi penderita Diabetes Melitus (DM) atau bukan penderita untuk mencegah terjadinya luka dan membantu melancarkan peredaran darah bagian kaki. Perawat selain berperan dalam memberikan edukasi kesehatan juga dapat berperan dalam membimbing penderita DM untuk melakukan senam kaki sampai dengan penderita dapat melakukan senam kaki secara mandiri. Menurut hasil wawancara dengan ketua RT 2 Dusun Kanoman, di wilayah tersebut belum pernah diadakan penyuluhan tentang penyakit DM dan warga juga belum pernah diajarkan tentang senam kaki diabetikum. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang senam kaki diabetikum dan agar masyarakat mampu mendemonstrasikan gerakan senam kaki diabetikum secara mandiri. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di RT 1 dan 2 Dusun Kanoman, Pungkuran, Pleret, Bantul yang diawali dengan evaluasi awal pada masyarakat dengan diminta mempraktikkan gerakan senam kaki diabetikum dilanjutkan dengan penyuluhan dan demonstrasi. Selanjutnya evaluasi akhir dari penyuluhan dengan mendemonstrasikan senam kaki diabetikum secara mandiri dan diobservasi oleh penyuluh. Seluruh rangkaian kegiatan berlangsung dari Bulan Maret s.d. April 2021. Terdapat peningkatan keterampilan melakukan senam kaki DM dengan peningkatan rata-rata keterampilan sebesar 92%. Dengan kegiatan ini peserta diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi yang telah diberikan oleh tim pengabdi kepada masyarakat lainnya di lingkungan tempat tinggal tentang penyakit DM dan senam kaki DM dan menerapkan hasil penyuluhan pada kehidupan sehari-hari sebagai langkah manajemen diri penyakit DM.
Predictors of the Willingness to Promote Advance Care Planning among Nurses in Palliative Care Settings in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Sari, Ike Wuri Winahyu; Hidayati, Rizqi Wahyu
Nurse Media Journal of Nursing Vol 11, No 3 (2021): (December 2021)
Publisher : Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/nmjn.v11i3.40339


Background: While previous studies showed that oncology nurses were highly inclined to promote advance care planning (ACP), there is a limited study focusing on ACP that concerns the willingness to promote ACP among palliative nurses in Indonesia. This issue needs to be investigated to determine the causative factors so that interventions for nurses can be arranged to improve ACP in Indonesia.Purpose: This study aimed to identify predictors of the willingness to promote ACP among nurses in palliative care settings.Methods: This study used a descriptive-analytical design with a cross-sectional approach. A total of 150 registered nurses with at least one year of experience were purposively recruited. Data were collected using the Indonesian version of the willingness to promote ACP instrument (I-WPACP) with a possible score range of 24 to 120; the higher the score, the higher the willingness to promote ACP. The descriptive statistic, independent t-test, Pearson correlation test, Spearman rank correlation test, and multiple linear regression test were used to analyze the data.Results: The willingness to promote ACP showed a mean score of 84.73±9.36. The score indicates a high willingness to promote ACP. The experience of receiving palliative care education became a related factor as well as the most closely related factor to the willingness to promote ACP in the palliative care settings (β=0.184; p=0.028).Conclusion: The willingness to promote ACP among nurses is high and closely related to their experience of receiving education about palliative care. Education about palliative care and training on ACP needs to be developed so that nurses can discuss ACP with patients and family caregivers.
Pengalaman Ibu Saat Pertama Kali Terdiagnosa HIV Rizqi Wahyu Hidayati; Dwi Kartika Rukmi
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 11, No 3 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf11313


Increasing number of HIV cases were worried. The new case was found increasing 39% in sixteen years. Indonesia had 150.296 cases. ARV program and screening were used to hold the cases. On the other hand, this program had difficulties to improve because of the stigma. Most of them did not want to share their diagnosis. Because of that, self-disclosure of HIV person was an interesting thing to catch up. This aim of the research was to know the meaning of self-disclosure for mother who had seropositive HIV in Victory Plus Yogyakarta Foundation. The method was qualitative study with phenomenology design using IPA analysis. It was used in depth interview. Purposive sampling was used with inclusion criteria were mothers who were 26 to 45 years old and they had children. The result had 2 themes, there were (1) HIV was death shadow; (2) trying disappear from the world. Firstly, the person with HIV felt loneliness and darkness in their live. They also got isolation from society. Because of that, knowing what they felt and empathy for other were the only way to help them from their darkness live. Keywords: woman; HIV; seropositive ABSTRAK Peningkatan jumlah penderita HIV di dunia merupakan hal yang mengkhawatirkan. Penemuan kasus baru dalam rentang 16 tahun naik hingga 39%. Skrining awal dan penggunaan ARV merupakan upaya untuk melakukan pencegahan terhadap penyakit ini . Namun, program ini sulit untuk diupayakan karena adanya stigma. Bahkan, mayoritas penderita tidak mau membuka diri bahwa dirinya HIV positif. Oleh karena itu, keterbukaan diri merupakan hal yang menarik untuk dikaji terutama saat mereka pertama kali terdiagnosis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat makna keterbukaan diri ibu dengan seropositive HIV di Yayasan Victory Plus Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualittaif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi intepretatif. Analisa data menggunakan IPA. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan wawancara semiterstruktur. Teknik sampling menggunakan purposive sampling dengan kriteria inklusi wanita seropositive HIV berusia 26 sampai 45 tahun dan sudah memiliki anak. Jumlah partisipan yaitu 5 partisipan di Yayasan Victory Plus Yogyakarta. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan 2 tema untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian. Tema-tema tersebut yaitu (1) Menganggap HIV bayangan kematian; (2) Mencoba menghilang dari peredaran dunia. Oleh karena itu, seseorang yang terdiagnosa HIV untuk pertama kali merasa bahwa ia tidak memiliki arti dalam hidupnya lagi. Selain itu, mereka juga menarik diri dari lingkungan sosial. Salah satu upaya untuk membantu mereka adalah memahami arti keterbukaan dan empati pada penderita. Kata kunci: wanita; HIV; seropositif
Jurnal Kesehatan Mesencephalon Vol 5, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Kesehatan Mesencephalon - Oktober 2019
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kepanjen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36053/mesencephalon.v5i2.118


Abstract : Adolescent was a period from children to adult which is 11 – 21 years old. Nowadays, the number of adolescents was one-sixth of world population. The characteristic of this period wee egocentric, over estimates, and aggressive. Because of this, adolescent was under attention. Family was first line which influences their development. Moreover, family who had verbal abuse and hostility, it could make unstable and negative emotion. It also influenced the children personality types. Children who grow with physically and psychologically trauma, they susceptible had anxiety disorder, PTSD, depression, and personality disorder. The aim of this research was to see the descriptive of parental verbal abuse and personality type in adolescents at 2 Gamping junior High School. This research used quantitative method with descriptive design. The number of the sample was 89. The inclusions were the students who lived with their parents (mother/father/both) in the same house and they were 12 – 14 years old. This research used simple random technique. Besides, the questioners used verbal abuse and Myerss Briggs Type Indicator Personality. Next, it was tested by coefficient contingency. Finally, the researcher got Ethical Clearance from ethical commission in Health Faculty of Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta University. Based on result, it can be seen that majority of the students got vebal abuse in low category (88,8%). Next, majority of the students also had introvert personality type (50,6%). Although, the difference between introvert and extrovert was not significant (0, 01%). Researcher hopes that this result could be the based data of next research.Keywords : Parental Verbal Abuses Personality types; Adolescents Abstrak : Remaja merupakan masa peralihan anak-anak ke dewasa dengan rentang usia 11 – 21 tahun. Jumlah remaja saat ini seperenam populasi dunia. Berdasarkan jumlah dan karakteristik remaja yang ego sentris, over estimates, pemarah, dan agresif menjadikan kelompok ini diperhatikan. Keluarga merupakan lingkungan pertama yang dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan remaja. Keluarga yang penuh dengan celaan dan permusuhan menyebabkan emosi anak tidak stabil dan negatif. Hal ini juga akan berdampak pada tipe kepribadian anak. Anak yang tumbuh dengan trauma baik fisik maupun psikologis, maka akan memiliki gangguan kecemasan, PTSD, depresi, dan gangguan kepribadian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat gambaran perilaku verbal abuse orang tua dan tipe kepribadian remaja di SMP N 2 Gamping Yogyakarta.Penelitian ini merupakaan penelitian kuantitatif dengan deskriptif. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan yaitu 89 dengan kriteria inklusi antara lain siswa tinggal satu atap bersama dengan orang tua (single parentsatau lengkap) dan berusia 12 – 14 tahun dengan simple random technique. Kuesiner menggunakan verbal abuse dan Myerss Briggs Type Indicator Personality.Diuji menggunakan koeffisien kontingensi. Persetujuan etik didapatkan dari Komisi Etik Fakultas Kesehatan Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta. Berdasarkan hasil didapatkan bahwa mayoritas siswa mengalami kekerasan verbal dari orang tua dengan kategori rendah yaitu 88, 8%. Selanjutnya, sebagian besar siswa memiliki kepribadian introvert dengan prosentase 50, 6%. Selain itu dapat dilihat bahwa mayoritas siswa memiliki nilai kekerasan verbal kategori rendah. Hal ini dapat dijadikan dasar penelitian selanjutnya tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai kekerasan verbal orang tua dalam kategori rendah.Kata Kunci : Verbal Abuse, Orang tua, Tipe Kepribadian, Remaja