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PENERAPAN ART THERAPY MEMBATIK COLET SEBAGAI UPAYA MEMELIHARA FUNGSI KOGNITIF LANSIA DI POSYANDU BAROKAH, KELURAHAN KLAMPIS NGASEM, KECAMATAN SUKOLILO, KOTA SURABAYA, PROVINSI JAWA TIMUR: The Application of Art Therapy Batik Colet as An Effort to Maintain Elderly Cognitive Functions in Posyandu Barokah, Kelurahan Klampis Ngasem, Kecamatan Sukolilo, Kota Surabaya, Provinsi Jawa Timur Elida Ulfiana; Makhfudli; Kusnul Chotimah; Zenitha Rani
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Kesehatan Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): JPM | Maret 2020
Publisher : LPPM - STIKES Pemkab Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (224.129 KB) | DOI: 10.33023/jpm.v6i1.563


Klampis Ngasem is one of the areas in East Surabaya, precisely in Sukolilo sub-district, Surabaya. The target group in the community partnership program (PKM) is the Elderly Posyandu "Barokah" in RW 3. Problems that occur in the Elderly Barokah Posyandu are less varied activities and innovation so that some elderly are less interested and bored to follow routinely as indicated by the presence of the elderly < 75%, the absence of efforts to prevent dementia that is carried out regularly and continue for the elderly, lack of elderly knowledge about changes in cognitive function and efforts to maintain cognitive function so as to prevent dementia, and the availability of leisure time for the elderly in addition to routine posyandu activities and those that have not been utilized to be useful and productive. The solution to overcome these problems is through the application of Art Therapy to make colet batik. The purpose of this community service is to help express themselves, maintain the cognitive function of the elderly and provide new skills in making batik as an activity in the Posyandu Elder Barokah Klampis Ngasem Village. The activities carried out are screening to see the cognitive function of the elderly using Mini mental state examination (MMSE) and clock drawing test (CDT), counseling about prevention of dementia which includes knowing dementia, prevention of dementia, and art therapy, batik colet training with demonstration methods, and simulation. The results of batik colet will be processed again with the help of cadres or the elderly who have sewing skills to be used as sofa pillowcases. From this process, a work or product will be produced from the batik colet method.
Prosiding Conference on Research and Community Services Vol 4, No 1 (2022): Fourth Prosiding Conference on Research and Community Services
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Kelurahan Klampis Ngasem merupakan salah satu wilayah di Surabaya timur tepatnya di kecamatan Sukolilo kota Surabaya. Kelompok sasaran dalam program kemitraan masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah Posyandu Lansia “ Barokah” di RW 3. Permasalahan yang terjadi di Posyandu Lansia Barokah yakni berkurangnya aktivitas kegiatan di Posyandu lansia di tahun 2020 yang hanya sekali setiap bulan untuk pemeriksaan kesehatan, sehingga banyak waktu luang lansia yang belum dimanfaatkan secara produktif. Apalagi di masa pandemi Covid-19 ini kegiatan Posyandu lansia di tiadakan sehingga lansia hanya beraktivitas di rumah. Apabila waktu luang ini tidak dimanfaatkan untuk beraktivitas fisik, sosial, maka akan mempercepat terjadinya demensia, dampak lain juga menimbulkan depresi serta berbagai masalah penyakit pada lansia akan muncul. Dampak akhir dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup lansia. Solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah melalui penerapan aktivitas koqnitif sehingga lansia masih tetap mampu untuk sehat, mandiri, aktif dan produktif. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan adalah melakukan kunjungan rumah/ home visit pada 25 lansia untuk memberikan edukasi, pemeriksaan kesehatan, lansia membaca, senam, dan fasilitasi hobi lansia. Dari proses kegiatan ini lansia merasa senang mendapat kunjungan, menerapkan protokol kesehatan pencegahan Covid-19,memiliki kegiatan di waktu luang, dan menghasilkan karya. Kegiatan kunjungan rumah/home visit dapat menjadi pilihan kegiatan posyandu lansia selama pandemi.