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All Journal Lentera Pendidikan Jurnal Pendidikan Islam PSYMPATHIC EDUKASI: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Edueksos : Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Jurnal Tadris Kimiya Al-Fikri: Jurnal Studi dan Penelitian Pendidikan Islam AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Jurnal Pendidikan : Riset dan Konseptual Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Al-Hayat: Journal of Islamic Education Pendas : Jurnah Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar Jurnal Ilmiah AL-Jauhari Jurnal Studi Islam dan Interdisipliner Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam At-Ta'dib: Jurnal Ilmiah Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam JPPI | Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam Esteem Journal of English Study Programme Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Jurnal Basicedu Ta'dibuna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Jurnal Sains Sosio Humaniora Misykat: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Al-QurÆan, Hadist, Syariah dan Tarbiyah Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan JISIP: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan Murobbi: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling Ta'dib: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Buana Ilmu Genta Mulia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jurnal IKA PGSD : Ikatan Alumni PGSD UNARS Jurnal Educatio FKIP UNMA Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan) Asatiza: Jurnal Pendidikan Ar-Risalah: Media Keislaman, Pendidikan dan Hukum Islam Jurnal Syntax Imperatif : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education) Al-Mubin: Islamic Scientific Journal Jurnal Alwatzikhoebillah : Kajian Islam, Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Humaniora Tarbiatuna: Journal of Islamic Education Studies International Journal of Social Service and Research Bulletin of Science Education Waniambey: Journal of Islamic Education INOVATIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, Agama, dan Kebudayaan Edukasia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Jurnal Basicedu Cross-border Gunung Djati Conference Series Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Agama Islam Fastabiq: Jurnal Studi Islam Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (IJIIS) Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
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Ar-Risalah: Media Keislaman, Pendidikan dan Hukum Islam Vol 19 No 1 (2021): (April 2021)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Ibrahimy Genteng Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/arrisalah.v19i1.567


Religious education subjects in the national curriculum are included in the mandatory curriculum with an allocation of three hours of lessons per week. Graduate competency standards regarding graduate ability qualifications that include attitudes, knowledge and skills. Related to the competence of attitudes that must be possessed by learners in Islamic religious subjects is religious attitudes and social attitudes, where the demands of competence on the ability to live and practice the teachings of Islam in accordance with the demands of basic competencies, both in terms of religion and social side. To achieve this competency, schools that combine the national curriculum and religious excellence curriculum, such as Mutiara Bunda High School. SMA Mutiara Bunda develops islamic religious education content in a religious program. This program refers to the demands of naisonal curriculum, SKL and school visions. Religious programs at Mutiara Bunda High School are carried out in a variety of activities, with different times, such as daily, monthly, semester, yearly and PHBI activities. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The data description is obtained from the results of library studies, observations and interviews. The core of Islamic religious education subjects is the attitude concerning the faith of students, SMA Mutiara Bunda has facilitated it through religious programs.
Tantangan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di Perguruan Tinggi Umum: Kebijakan dan Implementasi Sudrajat, Tatang; Ruswandi, Uus; Arifin, Bambang Syamsul
Jurnal Pendidikan : Riset dan Konseptual Vol 5 No 2 (2021): Volume 5, Nomor 2, April 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (188.282 KB) | DOI: 10.28926/riset_konseptual.v5i2.333


Education plays an important role in shaping the character of the nation, especially religious education. Islamic religious education is part of general compulsory courses, including in non-religious universities. Its existence is regulated through laws and regulations at various levels of government. The implementation of the learning is faced with several challenges and problems. Through the data obtained by juridical normative, qualitative and literature methods, it is known that the challenges are related to the globalization era, students' perceptions of religious subjects, student educational background, the amount of SKS and learning time.
Spotlight and Criticism of Islamic Religious Education in Schools Fajrussalam, Hisny; Ruswandi, Uus; Arifin, Bambang Samsul
Bulletin of Science Education Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Bulletin of Science Education
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (789.386 KB)


Historically, Islamic religious education was an education developed by the colonial government. Over time, the government continues to issue policies to provide direction for national development and the development of Islamic Islamic Studies for Muslim communities in Indonesia. Meanwhile, schools are a means and a place to study for students, as well as a place to enrich and expand the knowledge of students, especially Islamic Education. However, PAI which is currently being taught in schools in Indonesia is not without problems. This research tries to find the problem. The research method used is literature study. The results showed that the obstacles faced by PAI in schools today are students, the learning environment, teacher competence and learning methods. Keywords: Islamic Religious Education, Criticism of Islamic Religious Education, Islamic Education
Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di Sekolah Dasar Aziz, Asep Abdul; Hidayatullah, Ajat Syarif; Ruswandi, Uus; Arifin, Bambang Samsul
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam Vol 9 No 1 (2021): Islamic Educational Studies
Publisher : Graduate Program, Darussalam Institut for Islamic Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36667/jppi.v9i1.542


This article aims to reveal the concept of Islamic religious education learning in elementary schools.In the development of primary school age children have their own characteristics, the ability to think of elementary school age children develop gradually. It needs to be understood wisely to be able to deliver successful educational goals. This research adopts a descriptive qualitative approach with library research methods. The results showed that Islamic religious education in elementary school is quite unique, if in the past the mind of the child is still imaginative and egocentric then at this time the child's mind develops towards concrete, rational and objective thinking. The scope of islamic religious education study is the Qur'an, religion, morals, fiqh /worship, and islamic cultural history. The method of education that can be applied refers to the Qurani method namely amstal method, qishah method, ibrah mauidzah method, hiwar jadali method, uswah hasanah method, and targhib tarhib method. Meanwhile, Islamic education can be carried out verbally or non verbally, writing or non-writing aimed at measuring intellectual komptensi, social competence, social competence and spiritual competence. Thus, Islamic religious education is expected to produce people who always strive to perfect faith, piety, and morality, and actively build Islamic civilization.
The Urgence And Reflection Of Multicultural Islamic Education, Democracy And Human Rights In Indonesia Agus Yosep Abduloh; Uus Ruswandi; Mohamad Erihadiana; Naeli Mutmainah; Hisam Ahyani
Jurnal Alwatzikhoebillah : Kajian Islam, Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Humaniora Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Alwatzikhoebillah : Kajian Islam, Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Humaniora
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/alwatzikhoebillah.v8i1.911


The complexity of the challenges posed by teaching staff who are not ready and do not understand multicultural education today has become a major obstacle, especially in the 4.0 era as it is today. In addition, materials and resources must be free from biases, such as social class, gender, ethnicity, religion, and urban bias. Thus, authors of sources, materials, need to use the perspective of multicultural education, democracy and human rights in Era 4.0 in terms of implementing Islamic education in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to determine the urgency and reflection of multicultural education, democracy and human rights in Indonesia, where Islamic education today continues to experience its own complexities of challenges. The results of the study show that multicultural education can be implemented for teachers, leaders, school members and campus communities who have a multicultural attitude and have the ability to properly organize Islamic education in the era 4.0 which is full of challenges. This will also be a challenge, because schools in general cannot be separated from stereotypes and prejudices that stem from a sense of primordialism, ethnicity, religion and social class. There is the Islamic concept of Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin as a solution, and also a method of paying attention to the situation in the delivery of subject matter without disturbing the students' souls.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 2, No 1 (2015): JURNAL PENDIDIKAN ISLAM
Publisher : The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training associated with PSPII

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jpi.v2i1.695


This study is based on two different phenomena among few of students. On one side, some students have excellent achievement that is gained through optimal training process from all parties. On the other hand, some students do several misbehaviour actions such as fighting, raping, murdering, robbery, pornography, drinking alcohol, selling drugs, and mysticism that can ruin aqidah. This study aims to explain the development of value education model based Ibad al-Rahman character especially its vision, mission, program, situation, process, support from society, parents, and students and evaluation in order to train to be akhlaqul karimah personality. This study reveals some findings that the development of value education based on ‘Ibad al-Rahman character can assist to achieve school‟s vision, mission, objective, situation and condition and make it easy to realize education obejctive of ‘Ibad al-Rahman. In short, education process through habituation and exemplary is the most exact method and sufficient support from internal and external sides to bear ‘Ibad al-Rahman character, and evaluation is done in the development of value education based on ‘Ibad al-Rahman character in school.
Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Moral Agama pada Pendidikan Taman Kanak-Kanak Tarsono Tarsono; Agus Salim Mansyur; Uus Ruswandi
Psympathic : Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Vol 7, No 1 (2020): PSYMPATHIC
Publisher : Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/psy.v7i1.7604


This study aims to identify, analyze, and develop a curriculum of religious moral education in kindergartens. The method used in this research is the R&D method (research and development) with the technique of taking data from the study of documentation, observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The results showed that: 1) the developed religious moral education curriculum was more focused on habituating positive behavior, instilling independence and discipline, and fostering faith and loyalty. These three developments applied to routine activities at school; 2) the implementation of curriculum development in religious moral education carried out in three stages, namely the preparation, development, and reporting stages; 3) the development of religious moral education curriculum has advantages, namely: the existence of a curriculum that leads to character education and self-development, the number of religious activities, professional educators, moral and religious education materials integrated with other aspects, facilities, and infrastructure that are complete and neatly arranged.
Problematika Dan Tantangan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Perguruan Tinggi Umum Nurti Budiyanti; Asep Bahria; Uus Ruswandi; Bambang Samsul Arifin Samsul Arifin
INOVATIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, Agama, dan Kebudayaan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): Februari 2021
Publisher : LPPM IAI Hasanuddin Pare-Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (274.198 KB)


This article aims to analyze the various problems and challenges of PAI learning in Public Universities. Higher Education is the highest level of education that has a very large role in realizing a noble Bachelor' s degree, but the reality is that there are still many students who have a person who is not commendable. It is necessary to implement appropriate strategies in dealing with the challenges of Islamic religious education in Public Universities. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach with library research method. The results showed that various problamatika of Islamic religious education is influenced by several challenges, namely challenges in the fields of politics, culture, science and technology, economics, society, and value systems. There needs to be efforts to improve the quality of Islamic education by reactivating every component in the world of education, various components that are important to be considered and improved together are (1) Curriculum Components, (2) Objective Components, (3) Material Components, (4) Strategic Components, (5) Media Components, and (6) Evaluation Components. Thus, these efforts can be made to improve the quality of Islamic education, namely by improving the components in the institution itself, in order to be able to answer the challenges that exist by not abandoning identity as an educational institution that integrates Islamic values.
Implementation of Multicultural Education in Education Practice at Indonesia Miftahul Huda; Tahir Nubatonis; Uus Ruswandi
EDUKASI : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (e-Journal) Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): Edukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Tarbiyah Departement collaboration with AMCA

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Indonesia has a population of more than 240 million people with hundreds of ethnic groups and all their substances, has the potential for inter-ethnic conflict, if each ethnic group does not have an attitude of tolerance between one another. To address this, the role of education in providing an understanding of tolerance is very much needed. This study aims to describe the implementation of multicultural education in educational practice. The method used in this study uses a qualitative approach to the literature study method. The results of the research are that multicultural education is a means of understanding the importance of tolerance through the design of cultural competencies in the form of: 1) individual competence to respect, 2) cultural competence and 3) cultural competence development by concocting 4 factors involved in the learning process, which are related to factors : 1) the character of the students, 2) the nature of the teacher, 3) the pedagogy and 4) the content of the curriculum.
Edueksos : Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial & Ekonomi Vol 9, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Tadris IPS FITK IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/edueksos.v9i1.6385


ABSTRAK Penelitian dilatabelakangi oleh keragaman etinik, suku bangsa, bahasa, warna kulit, agama, dan status sosial masyarakat di Jawa Barat yang berpotensi terjadinya konflik horizontal apabila tidak dibekali dengan pendidikan multikultural. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kepustaan dan teknik konten analisis. Data yang diperoleh dikompulasi, dianalisis dan disimpulkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pendidikan multikultural memiliki peran penting dalam rangka menumbuhkan sikap saling menghargai, tidak mudah curiga, dan membangkitkan semangat untuk menjaga keutuhan NKRI. Walaupun penelitian mengenai pendidikan multikultural sudah banyak dilakukan, namun kenyataannya model pendidikan seperti ini belum dapat direalisasikan secara utuh dalam jiwa masyarakat Jawa Barat. Oleh karenanya, diperlukan adanya strategi pengembangan pendidikan multikultural untuk menjaga keharmonisan masyarakat di Jawa Barat serta menumbuhkan sikap pluralisme dan menghargai perbedaan. Strategi pengembangan yang dapat dilakukan adalah brainstorming (tukar gagasan) dan  pelaksanaan kegiatan, baik yang bersifat wacana (seperti seminar, lokakarya, dan talk show), maupun yang bersifat praktis (seperti riset, penyusunan modul, penyusunan kurikulum baru, pembuatan buku, pelatihan-pelatihan, simulasi, kampanye media dan lainnya). Kata Kunci: Strategi, Pendidikan Multikultural, Pengembangan  ABSTRACT The research is motivated by the diversity of ethics, ethnicity, language, skin color, religion, and social status of the people in West Java which has the potential for horizontal conflicts if not equipped with multicultural education.This study uses a qualitative analysis with library research methods and content analysis techniques. The data obtained is compiled, analyzed and concluded. The results showed that multicultural education has an important role in the framework of fostering mutual support, not being suspicious, and encouraging the spirit to maintain the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Although research on multicultural education has been done a lot, supporting this educational model cannot be fully realized in the soul of the people of West Java. Therefore, there is a need for a multicultural education development strategy to demand harmony in the community in West Java and also foster pluralism and respect for differences. Development strategies that can be carried out are brainstorming (instead of leadership) and implementation of activities, both those that oppose discourse (such as seminars, training, and talk shows), and also practical ones (such as research, module settings, new curriculum connections, bookmaking, training, simulations, media campaigns, and others). Keywords: Development, Multicultural Education, Strategy
Co-Authors 2Ayub Ahmad FA Aan Hasanah Achmad Fauzi Fauzi Achmad Jaelani Ade Anang Aflah Azifa Alhak Agung Mardani Agus Ali Agus Nurdiana Agus Ruswandi Agus Salim Mansyur Agus Salim Mansyur Agus Yosep Abduloh Ahmad Hapidin Ahmad Husni Ahmad     Husni Hamim Aidil Akhyar Aisah, Heti Aji Saepurahman Aji Saepurahman Alawi, Dindin Alya Azzahra Furqon Amar Khatami Andewi Suhartini Andi Mappaenre Annisa Mayasari Anwar, Andi Saefulloh Ari Prayoga Arifin, Bambang Samsul Asep Andi Rahman Asep Bahria Asep Kurnia Asep Nursobah Asep Nursobah Asep Nursobah Asep Saepulmillah Asep Sopian Asep Supriyadi Atik Rosanti Aulia Salsabila Rachma Azhar Lujjatul Widad Aziz, Asep Abdul Bambang Syamsul Arifin Bambang Syamsul Arifin, Bambang Syamsul Budiyanti, Nurti Chaerul Rochman Cucu Zenab Subarkah Dandy Sobron Muhyiddin Deden Heri Deni Solahudin Deni Solehudin Deni Sopiansyah Dian Nursyamsidawati Dindin Alawi Dini Irawati Dion Dharmawan Dodo Suhada Eko Budi Prasetyo Ela Komala Elin Marliana Eri Hadiana Eri Herdiana Erihadiana, Muhamad Erwin Muslimin Fatimah, Ima Frima Ferianto Ferianto Fitri Handayani Fitri Meliani Hafidin Nurhadi Harkit Rahmawati Hasan Basri Hasan Basri Hasan Basri Hasbiyallah Hasbiyallah Hendri Juhana Herdian Kertayasa Heti Aisah Heti Aisah Hidayat Aji Permana Hidayatullah, Ajat Syarif Hisam Ahyani Hisam Ahyani Hisny Fajrussalam Hobir Asyari Iim Ibrohim Ima Siti Mukarromah Indah Wahyu Ningsih Indra Taupik Saleh Insan Nulyaman Iqbal Amar Muzaki Irawati, Dini Iwan Sanusi Juhana, Hendri Khoeriyah, Yayah Leo, Kardi M. Makbul Maman Maman Mamun Zahrudin Mamun Zahrudin Maspuroh Maspuroh Miftahul Huda Moh Yusuf Saepuloh Jamal Moh. Hifzul Muiz Mohamad Erihadiana Mohamad Erihadiana Mohamad Erihadiana Mohamad Erihadiana Mohamad Erihadiana Mohamad Erihadiana Mohamad Erihadiana, Mohamad Mohamad Yamin Mohammad Yamin, Mohammad Muaz Muaz Muaz, Muaz Muhamad Tisna Nugraha Muhamad Tisna Nugraha Muhammad Abdul Aziz Muhammad Hasan Basari Muhammad Maky Muhammad Ridwan Fauzi Muhammad Syauqi Mubarok Muhammad Taufik Muhammad, Giantomi Muhibbin Syah Muhidin Muhidin Naeli Mutmainah Naeli Mutmainah Najili, Hakin Ni’mawati Ni’mawati Oban Sobandi Palah Palahudin Palahudin R Rofiani Rida Nurfarida Rizzaldy Satria Wiwaha Sari Sari Shalahudin Ismail Shalahudin Ismail Shalahudin Ismail Ismail Siti Julaeha Siti Nurmela Sofia Ratna Awaliyah Fitri Suzana Suzana Tahir Nubatonis Tarsono Tarsono Tatang Sudrajat Taufik Mustofa Uwoh Saepuloh Winata, Koko Adya Yanti Nurdiyanti Yayat Hidayatulloh Yeni Nuraini Yeti Haryati Yeti Heryati Yuli Supriani Yulianti Zezen Futuhal Aripin