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Pelatihan pencatatan keuangan bisnis berbasis mobile pada anggota Koperasi pengusaha purbalingga Jeffri Prayitno Bangkit Saputra; Toni Anwar
JPMB : Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berkarakter Vol 2 No 2 (2019): Agustus-Desember
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Rekarta Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36765/jpmb.v2i2.13


Abstrak: Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberi bekal ilmu tentang keuangan bisnis yang dibantu dengan aplikasi mobile SI APIK dari Bank Indonesia. Metode dalam penyampaian materi terbagi menjadi 3(tiga) sesi yaitu pada sesi pertama yang penyampaian materi pengantar yang didalamnya menjelaskan tentang pentingnya melakukan pencatatan dan pembukuan, dasar perencanaan keuangan bisnis dengan diadakan diskusi didalamnya kemudian pada sesi kedua adalah materi teknis dalam pencatatan keuangan didalamnya menjelasan tentang istilah dalam laporan keuangan, Penentuan status untung dan rugi, Jenis-jenis laporan keuangan dan Cara membaca laporan keuangan. Sesi terakhir adalah Workshop penggunaan aplikasi mobile dengan SI APIK. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah ilmu dalam pengelolaan keuangan bisnis untuk Komunitas Pengusaha KOPERASI PENGUSAHA PURBALINGGA sehingga dapat mendukung berjalanya bisnis lebih sehat dari sisi keuangan.Abstarct: This training aims to provide knowledge about business finance which is assisted by the SI APIK mobile application from Bank Indonesia. Method in the delivery of material is divided into 3 (three) sessions, namely in the first session the delivery of introductory material which explains the importance of recording and bookkeeping, the basis for business financial planning with discussion held therein then in the second session is the technical material in financial recording in it explaining about terms in the financial statements, Determination of profit and loss status, Types of financial statements and How to read financial statements. The last session was a Workshop on the use of mobile applications with SI APIK, in which there were explanations and practices for using applications starting from the initial configuration of the application, the introduction of menus, how to input basic data, How to conduct transactions, and How to close the book, recap the report and print the report. The result of this dedication is knowledge in business financial management for the Entrepreneur Community of PURBALINGGA BUSINESS COOPERATIVES so that it can support a healthier business running from the financial side.
Data Mining Implementation with Algorithm C4.5 for Predicting Graduation Rate College Student Jeffri Prayitno Bangkit Saputra; Retno Waluyo
Journal of Applied Data Sciences Vol 2, No 3: SEPTEMBER 2021
Publisher : Bright Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47738/jads.v2i3.37


Academic evaluation and graduation of students are critical components of an academic information system's (AIS) effectiveness since they allow for the measurement of student learning progress. Additionally, the assessment stating whether the student passed or failed would benefit both the student and teacher by acting as a reference point for future performance suggestions and evaluations. Using Decision Tree C4.5, a comprehensive analysis of the student academic evaluation approach was conducted. Age, gender, public or private high school status, high school department, organization activity, age at high school admission, progress GPA (pGPA), and total GPA (tGPA) were all documented and evaluated from semester 1–4 utilizing three times the graduation criterion periods. The article's scope is confined to undergraduate programs. An accuracy algorithm (AC) with a performance accuracy of 79.60 percent, a true positive rate (TP) of 77.70 percent, and 91 percent quality training data achieved the highest performance accuracy value.
Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemanfaatan Aset Tanah Daerah Di Dinas Perumahan Dan Pemukiman Kabupaten Purbalingga Toni Anwar; Jeffri Prayitno Bangkit; Andri Laksono
MATRIK : Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik Informatika dan Rekayasa Komputer Vol 19 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bumigora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (693.617 KB) | DOI: 10.30812/matrik.v19i2.514


Pemerintah dapat meningkatkan efektivitas operasi administratif dengan bantuan TIK. E-Government dianggap memberikan cara bagi pemerintah untuk melakukan inovasi kegiatan operasional untuk melayani masyarakat dengan lebih kompeten. Kabupaten Purbalingga memiliki aset tanah yang diperbolehkan untuk dimanfaatkan oleh OPD (Organisasi Perangkat Daerah) dan masyarakat umum. Masyarakat umum banyak yang belum mengetahui bahwa asset tanah tersebut boleh di manfaatkan dan letak asset-aset tanah tersebut hanya bisa dilihat di Kantor Dinas Perumahan dan Pemukiman. Permasalahan selanjutnya adalah prosedur dalam pengajuan pemanfaatan tanah yang terdiri dari beberapa tahap pengajuan berkas dan waktu tunggu untuk verifikasi data yang lama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat Sistem Informasi Geografis (GIS) berbasia website dan android. Permasalahan prosedur pemanfaatan aset tanah yang mempunyai beberapa tingkatan merupakan kenadala yang umum di lingkungan pemerintahan. Framework yang diguanakan dalam pembuatan Scrum. Tahapan yang terdapat pada framework scrum adalah analisis situasi yang berlangsung di objek penelitian Tahap selanjutnya adalah pelaksaan pengembangan sistem informasi geografis yang terdiri dari, Analisis kebutuhan, Product Backlog dan proses Sprint sampai semua product backlog sudah selesai. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemanfaatan Aset Tanah Daerah yang dapat membantu pihak Dinas Perumahan dan Pemukiman dalam mensosialisasi, memfasilitasi dan mempermudah proses penyewaan aset tanah daerah.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (228.95 KB) | DOI: 10.51903/jtikp.v12i1.221


Karena Coronavirus, dunia kerja telah berubah dengan cepat. Untuk menghentikan penyebaran virus, karyawan sekarang dibatasi waktu bekerja di kantornya dan perusahaan harus memberlakukan kebijakan dari rumah. Hal ini telah menyebabkan perombakan besar bagi banyak bisnis. Namun, perusahaan dituntu harus terus beroperasi seperti biasa dengan menerapkan rencana keberlanjutan bisnis. Sebuah bisnis yang cerdas akan berpikir ke depan dan mengembangkan Business Continuity Plan (BCP) untuk situasi gangguan seperti ini. Namun, bagaimana kita dapat mengadaptasi BCP agar kebijakan bekerja dari rumah dapat diterapkan dengan baik tanpa menurunkan produktivitas. Ketika krisis saat ini berkembang, perencanaan keberlanjutan bisnis perusahaan dan manajemen risiko akan menyebabkan jutaan pengguna perusahaan bekerja secara penuh dari rumah. Hal ini berakibat Jumlah pengguna jarak jauh atau seluler aktif naik 75 persen sejak awal Januari, tumbuh dari sekitar 10.000 pengguna menjadi 17.500 pengguna. Penelitian ini akan membahas identifikasi faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi pertimbangan utama dalam mengembangkan BCP dalam bentuk Work From Home, karena dari rumah segala keterbatasan sumberdaya yang tadinya tidak ada menjadi muncul.
APLIKASI UNTUK ORDER JAHIT SECARA ONLINE Jeffri Prayitno Bangkit Saputra; Trias Bratakusuma; Zanuar Rifai
Naratif (Jurnal Nasional Riset, Aplikasi Dan Teknik Informatika) Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Naratif : Jurnal Nasional Riset Aplikasi dan Teknik Informatika
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (758.001 KB) | DOI: 10.53580/naratif.v3i01.115


Saat ini masih sangat menjanjikan, berwirausaha di bidang jasa menjahit pakaian, walaupun produksi pakaian jadi sudah ada di beberapa toko baik online maupun offline, dan mudah sekali di dapatkan. Tapi ada beberapa konsumen yang memiliki ukuran tubuh yang berbeda seperti yang disediakan oleh toko, misalnya terlalu kecil atau terlalu besar. Alasan lain mengapa jasa menjahit pakaian masih menjanjikan atau diminati karena ada beberapa model baju yang pas jika dijahitkan misalnya kebaya, jas, pakaian adat, dan model-model lain yang harus diukur pas dengan ukuran badan Platform jahitonline dibangun berdasarkan peluang bisnis e-commerce terutama bidang fashion di Indonesia yang mengalami pertumbuhan yang sangat siginifkan sebanyak 78% di tahun 2018 dan pengguna internet Indonesia mencapai 100 juta jiwa, dan juga dengan dukungan akses internet yang luas. Platform jahitonline fitur khusus order jahit online untuk mewujudkan baju yang memang pas untuk konsumen yang memungkinkan user dapat mengcustom baju mereka sendiri secara online tanpa harus bertemu langsung. Platform jahitonline merekut para penjahit lokal yang berpangalaman bertahun-tahun dibidang fashion. Selain bertujuan untuk bisnis platform jahitonline diharapkan dapat membantu para penjahit dan pemilik butik saling terhubung. Dengan adanya peluang tersebut, maka kami yakin bahwa platform sangat berpeluang untuk dikomersialisasikan pada beberapa fitur-fiturnya
The Naive Bayes Algorithm in Predicting the Spread of the Omicron Variant of Covid-19 in Indonesia: Implementation and Analysis Jeffri Prayitno Bangkit Saputra; Racidon P Bernarte
International Journal of Informatics and Information Systems Vol 5, No 2: March 2022
Publisher : International Journal of Informatics and Information Systems

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47738/ijiis.v5i2.131


Indonesia was struck by an epidemic of the corona virus in the start of March 2020, according to official reports (covid). Indonesia continues to see a rise in the number of cases of covid-19 spreading on a daily basis. The general people are urged to engage in social distancing in order to disrupt the development of COVID-19, which has spread across Indonesia's numerous areas. For this reason, this research was undertaken as a preemptive step against the Covid-19 pandemic by estimating the extent of the Omicron variety of Covid-19's spread around the world, with a particular emphasis on Indonesia. The research methodologies employed in this study were problem analysis and literature review, as well as data gathering and execution. The Naive Bayes technique is thought to be capable of estimating the degree of COVID-19 dissemination in Indonesia. The results of the Naive Bayes method classification study revealed that 16 data from 33 data tested for Covid-19 cases per province were correctly classified with an accuracy of 46.4252 percent, while 16 data from 33 data tested for Covid-19 cases per province were misclassified with an accuracy of 46.4252 percent.
The Impact of Servicescape Perception on Perceived E-Commerce Value and Client Loyalty Jeffri Prayitno Bangkit Saputra
International Journal of Informatics and Information Systems Vol 4, No 3: December 2021
Publisher : International Journal of Informatics and Information Systems

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47738/ijiis.v4i3.118


While previous research on e-servicescapes has focused on the ordinary Internet user, several studies show that heavy Internet users are the target audience. To maximize firm profitability, it is vital to understand the nature of heavy user consumption; hence, this study examines the primary components of e-servicescapes and their relationship to buy intent using moderated data from heavy and light Internet users. Three hundred and forty-two genuine internet users with online purchasing experience answered an online questionnaire, and discrepancies were determined using structural equation modeling. For ordinary users, aesthetic appeal and interaction are significant factors in purchase intention; for heavy users, interactivity is the most important attribute, followed by aesthetic appeal, layout, and functionality; and for light users, aesthetic appeal is the sole consideration. Additionally, our data show that financial stability does not help heavy, regular, or light users. We demonstrate how heavy and light Internet users evaluate e-servicescapes to signal quality attributes and contribute to their cognitive responses and purchase intentions based on their consumption traits by integrating purchase intentions with e-service quality and segmentation theory in e-servicescapes. It is advised that online merchants identify heavy and light users, rethink their current e-servicescapes, and apply more tailored marketing methods to attract and retain heavy and light users, as well as increase their purchase intent. While this study concentrated on the most salient characteristics of heavy users, more research is required to explicate additional critical mediators. This poll makes no mention of the three kinds of websites or product qualities. Finally, demographic and psychological variables such as gender and personal characteristics may act as significant mediators in the link between the e-servicescape and purchase intention, but their relevance requires more research.
Nusantara Hasana Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Nusantara Hasana Journal, June 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Nusantara Hasana Berdikari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59003/nhj.v3i1.858


A mother has a very strategic role in the family. Where most of the family shopping activities are controlled by the mother. Proper financial management can guarantee future financial plans, have protection from unexpected expenses and make financial life more organized. When talking about money, of course it must be open and transparent. With the discipline of making a household budget, communication between partners will run more smoothly. Members of the PKK in Purwosari Village have limitations in financial management. They tend to manage finances as is without any tools so that unexpected problems often occur in the family. Besides that, lack of time and lack of information are the main obstacles faced by mothers, the cell phones they have only focus on being a communication tool without using other fields. In this modern era, there are actually many financial regulatory applications that mothers can use, such as the My Family Finance Application, My Mother's Savings and My Financial-Personal Finance Assistant. The benefit of using this financial application is that it can record all incoming and outgoing cash flows within a certain period of time. So that it can make the family of PKK mothers become a family that is prosperous, independent and sakinah