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Modernization of Education Governance Based on Accelerative Paradigm Among Pesantren Communities in Madura, Indonesia Mohammad Thoha; Abd Hannan
Ulumuna Vol 26 No 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/ujis.v26i2.515


This study examines the modernization of education governance through an accelerated learning paradigm among pesantren in Madura. This mixed-method study gathered primary data through interview and observation, while the secondary data were gained from relevant literature sources. This study uncovered two significant findings using education management and social change theories. First, the dynamics of education system governance at several pesantren in Madura have undergone a transformation over the past decade. This transformation is highlighted by the emergence of an accelerated learning system at several pesantrens. Second, implementing an accelerated learning program in the pesantren is conducted by performing modernization on the education governance, entailing two aspects, curriculum and period of study. In the curriculum aspect, accelerated learning and modernization takes shape in the form of learning material implementation based on Takhassus (specialization) program, which uses summaries of several subjects compiled from various book references or sources of the same discipline. In addition, through the takhassus program, each learner can manage and complete their study period in a shorter time.
Mitigasi Covid-19 Melalui Kearifan Lokal Pesantren di Madura Abd Hannan; Heny Triyaningsih
Islamika Inside: Jurnal Keislaman dan Humaniora Vol 6 No 2 (2020): DESEMBER
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Humaniora (FUAH) UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (324.395 KB) | DOI: 10.35719/islamikainside.v6i2.87


Abstract: This study discusses strategies to strengthen the global pandemic COVID-19 mitigation in Madura through the utilization of the local wisdom values ​​of pesantren. There are three focus issues raised in this study, namely; COVID-19, the value of local wisdom, and finally pesantren. Using this type of qualitative research based on an analysis of sociological theory, this study found that the pesantren's social position as one of Madura's local wisdom values ​​could actually be used as a strategy to strengthen the COVID-19 transmission and transmission control activities in Madura. The strengths and advantages of pesantren in strengthening COVID-19 mitigation in Madura can be seen from two things; First, pesantren is a popular traditional Islamic institution that is synonymous with magical power and charismatic clerical figures. With this, pesantren can be used as instruments to educate the public about the importance of complying with the health protocol regulations issued by the government; Secondly, pesantren have large and broad social capital, where the social capital is centered on three networks of power such as the kyai, santri, and aumni. In this regard, both the kyai, santri, and alumni, all three can be used to strengthen the COVID-19 control agenda in Madura, specifically to target some areas which have not been adequately addressed by formal policies. The involvement of pesantren and all their social networks such as kyai, santri, and alumni, besides being able to strengthen the COVID-19 mitigation agenda, can also realize an integral role control model by combining two approaches at once, namely structural approaches and value-based approaches of local wisdom.
Penguatan Moderasi Beragama di Madura melalui Jejaring Sosial Keagamaan Pesantren Abd Hannan
Islamika Inside: Jurnal Keislaman dan Humaniora Vol 8 No 1 (2022): JUNI
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Humaniora (FUAH) UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (628.819 KB) | DOI: 10.35719/islamikainside.v8i1.175


Abstract: This study examines the strengthening of religious moderation in Madura through religious social networks of pesantren. There are two research questions discussed in this study, how are the dynamics of religious moderation in Madura? How to strengthen religious moderation in Madura through pesantren religious social networks? This study is a literature review that uses qualitative research. Sources and types of data in this study are secondary data, especially data from the literature. By analyzing based on the perspective of social networking theory from John Arundel Barnes, this study finds that in the culture of the Madurese community, pesantren is an institution of da'wah and religious education that has a major role and influence in shaping the religious reality of the community. The magnitude of the influence of the pesantren is clearly reflected in the Islamic patterns and behavior of the Madurese community who always make the pesantren a religious reference, both in thought and ritual. In terms of strengthening religious moderation in Madura, pesantren has a strategic role and function. Apart from having a high social position, Islamic boarding schools also have quite strong tools and social capital. The social capital is in their religious social network which is widespread throughout the Madura area. The concept of social networking here refers to the main elements in the religious structure of pesantren. The main elements include Kiai, santri, and finally Islamic organizations, in this case, the Nahdatul Ulama (NU) organization.
Covid-19 and the Disruption of Islamic Religiosity in Contemporary Indonesia; From Traditional Rituals to Virtual Rituals Abd Hannan
Islamic Studies Journal for Social Transformation ISJOUST Vol 5, No 2, 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (511.057 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/isjoust.v5i2.5146


This study examines the phenomenon of disruption of religious religiosity among Muslim communities in Indonesia, as well as their acceptance of digital platform-based religious facilities during the Covid-19 pandemic. By using qualitative research methods and analysis of studies based on postmodern sociological theory, this study obtained three findings; 1) During the Covid-19 pandemic, social activities in Indonesia experienced quite strict restrictions and tightening of crowds, including socio-religious activities. In this regard, sacred religious activities that were previously carried out openly in places of public worship such as mosques, prayer rooms, churches, were all carried out separately and separately, turning to virtual worship through the use of digital applications such as Zoom, Google meet, and the like; 2) In general, the emergence of these new rites is accepted by the majority of Indonesian Muslims, and has even become a new religiosity phenomenon that is often found in many religious activities. Mainstream Muslim organizations in Indonesia, Nahdhatul Ulama and Mumahammadiyah, support the policy of sterilizing public places of worship. However, for the virtualization of religion, within certain limits, both of them criticize and even refuse to virtualize religion in totality, except for religious rituals that are only celebrations or slametans such as tahlilan and istigasah; 3) In the context of the dynamics of Islamic rites in Indonesia, the shift in religiosity among the Muslim community can be found in a number of socio-religious activities such as virtual tahlil, virtual tarawih, virtual haul, virtual gatherings on holidays, even religious activities that have a mandatory law to be held regularly. congregation is like the Friday prayer at the mosque.
Propaganda Politik Pascakebenaran (Posttruth) Menjelang Pemilu 2024 dan Ancamannya terhadap Demokrasi di Indonesia Kontemporer Abd Hannan
Politea : Jurnal Politik Islam Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Agama, Negara dan Demokrasi
Publisher : UIN Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/politea.v6i1.7252


Di tengah memanasnya tensi politik dalam negeri menjelang pemilihan presiden (Pilpres) 2024, berbagai manuver dan diskursus politik mulai muncul ke permukaan publik, salah satunya adalah diskursus politik pascakebenaran (posttruth). Di Indonesia politik pascakebenaran diidentifikasi banyak kalangan sebagai intrik politik yang menitikberatkan manuvernya pada dpropaganda politik, terutama yang berocokol pada narasi kebohongan atas nama identitas. Studi ini fokus mengkaji fenomena propaganda politik pascakebeneran (posttruth) menjelang Pilres 2024 dan ancamannya terhadap bangunan demokrasi di Indonesia kontemporer. Terdapat dua pertanyaan penelitian yang diangkat dalam kajian ini, apa yang dimaksud dengan dengan politik pascakebenaran? Bagaimana pengaruh propaganda politik pascakebenaran terhadap dinamika demokrasi Indonesia menjelang perjelatan Pilpres 2024? Paper ini merupakan studi kualitatif dengan teknik kepustakaan. Sumber dan jenis data yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah data sekunder, khususnya data yang bersumber dari buku, jurnal, dan berbagai hasil penelitian sebelumnya. Setalah menggunakan analisa data lapangan berdasarkan perspektif teori sosiologi politik, studi ini mendapati temuan bahwasanya menjelang Pilpres 2024, propaganda politik posttruth mulai kembali ke ruang publik melalui berbagai propaganda politik yang dimunculkan dalam bentuk isu-isu agama dan identitas. Bercermin pada dinamika politik di Pemilu sebelumnya, 2014 dan 2019, penggunaan propaganda politik posttruth berptensi besar menimbulkan efek negatif. Bukan saja mengancam stabilitas masyarakat di level akar rumput, namun juga berpotensi besar merusak masa depan dan keberlangsungan demokrasi di Indonesia.
Tinjauan Sosiologi Terhadap Relasi Agama Dan Budaya Pada Tradisi Koloman Dalam Memperkuat Religiusitas Masyarakat Madura Abd Hannan; Khotibum Umam
RESIPROKAL: Jurnal Riset Sosiologi Progresif Aktual Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Prodi Sosiologi Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/resiprokal.v5i1.284


Studi ini fokus mengkaji relasi agama dan budaya pada tradisi Koloman, peran dan pengaruhnya dalam memperkuat religiusitas masyarakat Madura ditinjau dari perspektif sosiologi agama. Penelitian ini merupakan studi lapangan yang dikerjakan dengan mempergunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Adapun data yang digunakan berasal dari dua sumber, yakni data primer dan data sekunder. Dengan mempergunakan perspektif teori sosiologi agama studi ini mendapati tiga temuan penelitian; Pertama, Koloman dalam tradisi masyarakat Madura merupakan tradisi lokal yang memuat makna slametan, permohonan doa, medium penguat silaturahmi, dan penghormatan terhadap leluhur atau nenek moyang yang telah berjasa besar dalam mendirikan Madura; Kedua, meski Koloman pada awalnya dikenal masyarakat sebagai tradisi lokal, namun dalam perkembangan berikutnya Koloman mengalami proses akulturasi dengan nilai dan ajaran agama Islam. Relasi antara agama dan budaya dalam tradisi Koloman terbentuk melalui proses kontak dan konfirmasi. Pada relasi kontak, Koloman dan agama dinilai sebagai realitas berbeda, namun pada aspek tertentu dinilai memiliki kesamaan, kesamaan tersebut ada pada eksistensi keduanya yang sama-sama mengambil tempat dalam ruang sosial masyarakat. Adapun pada relasi konfirmatif, agama dan budaya dinilai sebagai realitas sosial yang saling melengkapi satu sama lain. Dalam kaitan ini, Koloman sebagai wujud tradisi dan kebudayaan menjadi medium penyebaran atau dakwah agama. Demikian sebaliknya, agama menjadi kontrol kebudayaan sehingga pelaksanaan Koloman menjadi lebih bermakna karena di dalamnya memuat dimensi spiritual dan keagamaan. Ditinjau dari perspektif sosiologi agama, dimensi spiritual dan keagamaan dalam tradisi Koloman tercermin dalam tiga nilai, yakni nilai keyakinan (i'tiqodiyah), nilai etik (khuluqiyah), dan terakhir adalah nilai sosial (amaliyah).
The High Rate of Judicial Divorce among Women of Lower Education in Madura-Indonesia: A Gender Perspective Abd Hannan; Zainuddin Syarif
PALASTREN: Jurnal Studi Gender Vol 16, No 1 (2023): PALASTREN
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/palastren.v16i1.15286


This study examines the high rate of judicial divorce among women of low education in Madura This research is a field study using a qualitative method. The data originated from primary data based on observation and interviews, and secondary data in the form of statistics. Using analysis based on sociology of gender theories, specifically the Women and Development (WaD) and Talcott Parson’s structural feminism theory, this study obtained three findings. First, the dynamics of divorce in Madura increased in the last three years  (2018-2020).   By type, divorces in Madura are mostly judicial than repudiatory,. The second finding is that there are two categories of factors underlying the rise of judicial divorce. The first is direct factors such as the economy, abandonment, and domestic violence. The second category is indirect factors, such as low education level,  while only 7% had higher education. From the perspective of Parson’s structural feminism theory, the study also found that the high number of women with low education levels involved in a judicial divorce in Madura negatively impacts their existence and experience. In numerous cases namely violence against women.
Sakinah Family Empowerment by Optimizing the Role of BP4 and Parents Mental Revolution Perspective Erie Hariyanto; Abd Hannan; Arif Wahyudi; Eka Susylawati; Bhismoadi Tri Wahyu Faizal
Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Islamic Family Law Department, Sharia and Law Faculty, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/sjhk.v5i2.10965


This study examines a sakinah family empowerment by optimizing the role of Badan Penasihat Pembinaan dan Pelestarian Perkawinan (Body for Marital Advisory Guidance and Maintenance (BMAGM)) and parents from a mental revolution perspective. There are three research questions: What is the so-called BMAGM? What and how is the correlation between the national revolution movement and sakinah family empowerment in Indonesia? What strategies are carried out in doing mental revolution in a family in order to have a sakinah family? This qualitative research collected both primary and secondary data. Three essential findings in this study are as follows. First, BMAGM is a legal social-religious organization whose particular duty is to cope with problems in a family. Second, there are three programs in the National Mental Revolution Movement (NMRM) as stated in the Presidential Instruction No. 12 of 2016 i.e. Indonesia in Order Movement (IOM) in point H/8; United Indonesia Movement (UIM) point J/10; Clean Indonesia Movement (CIM) point A/1. Third, in the perspective of the National Mental Revolution Movement (NMRM), parents’ role is essential. Therefore, parents are a strategic issue and should be prioritized in building sakinah family in Indonesia.
Contestation of Religious Discourse Among Muslim Dawah Activists in Contemporary Indonesia Achmad Muhlis; Abd Hannan
Islam Transformatif : Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 7, No 1: June 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30983/it.v7i1.6326


This study examines the phenomenon of religious contestation among Muslim preachers in contemporary Indonesia. This study is a qualitative research and uses the digital ethnography (netnography) approach. This study uses two sources of data, namely, primary data, in the form of text, visuals, videos, and images obtained from several social media platforms, and secondary data in the form of literature data from previous studies. This study finds that the contestation of religious discourse among Muslim preachers in Indonesia, in particular that which have taken place on social media, has revolved around four major issues, namely, the controversies of “rendang babi” (pork rendang), “pawang hujan” (the rain shaman), the regulation of sound amplifiers in mosques and prayer spaces, and the art of wayang (puppetry). The religious contestation among Muslim preachers in Indonesia follows two patterns. The first is the substantive-inclusive religious narrative pattern, which emphasizes the core and principles of a problem. Next is the exclusive legal-formalist narrative, which tends to be normative and rigid. This last narrative is typically associated with Muslims preachers who have conservative views. Keyword : Religious contestation, social media, religious figure, Muslim preacher. Studi ini bertujuan melakukan kajian terhadap media sosial dan fenomena kontestasi keagamaan di kalangan pendakwah Muslim di Indonesia kontemporer. Kajian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan etnografi digital (netnografi). Sumber data penelitian ini ada dua, data primer berupa teks, visual, video, dan gambar yang diperoleh dari sejumlah media sosial, serta data sekunder berupa data-data kepustakaan yang didapat dari hasil kajian sebelumnya. Berdasarkan analisa data lapangan, studi ini mendapati temuan bahwa kontestasi wacana keagamaan antarpendakwah muslim di Indonesia yang selama ini berlangsung di kanal media sosial, itu tergambar dalam empat isu besar, yakni isu rendang babi, pawang hujan, aturan terkait pengeras suara di masjid dan musala, dan terakhir adalah isu tentang seni wayang. Berdasarkan narasinya, kontestasi keagamaan di kalangan pendakwah Muslim di Indonesia memiliki dua pola, yakni narasi agama berpola subtantif-inklusif, lebih menekankan pada isi, inti, dan pokok suatu permasalahan. Berikutnya, yaitu eksklusif-legal formalis, narasi keagaman yang cenderung normatif dan kaku. Bentuk narasi ini lazimnya identik dengan aktor agama atau pendakwah muslim beraliran paham konservatif..Kata Kunci : Kontestasi Agama, Media Sosial, Aktor agama, Pendakwah Muslim.
Eksistensi Partai Politik Dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemilu Legislatif Di Indonesia Pasca Putusan Penerapan Sistem Proporsional Terbuka Abd Hannan
Publisher : Fakultas Syari'ah Universitas Islam Negeri Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/imr.v8i2.11642


Abstract: This study focuses on examining the existence of political parties in the implementation of legislative elections in Indonesia, especially the relationship between political parties and candidates or candidates, the relationship between political parties and the people (voters) after the decision of the constitutional court on the arrangement of an open proportional system in legislative elections in Indonesia. This study is a literature study conducted based on the type of qualitative research. The data used is secondary data in the form of literature sources that have a correlation with the main research problems. After analyzing field data using the perspective of political sociology and legal sociology theory, this study found findings that the decision of the Constitutional Court to maintain an open proportional election system did not bring much change to the existence of political parties. The position and status of political parties remain the same as in the previous legislative elections. Based on empirical experience, election arrangements with an open proportional system, despite a number of advantages and disadvantages, the potential for weakening the existence of political parties in future elections is still wide open. In particular, the weakening of party roles and functions such as the functions of political education, political recruitment, political communication, political socialization, and political participation. This is because in setting elections with an open system, the bargaining power and control of political parties is reduced because they no longer hold a vital position as a major player, but instead have shifted their role as merely a political vehicle.Abstrak: Studi ini fokus mengkaji eksistensi partai politik dalam penyelenggaraan pemilu legislatif di Indonesia, terkhusus hubungan antara partai politik dan kandidat atau calon, hubungan antara partai politik dan rakyat (pemilih) pasca-putusan mahkamah konstitusi terhadap pengaturan sistem proporsional terbuka dalam pemilu legislatif di Indonesia. Kajian ini merupakan studi kepustakaan yang dilakukan berdasarkan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa sumber literatur yang memiliki korelasi dengan permasalahan utama penelitian. Setelah melakukan analisa data lapangan dengan menggunakan perspektif teori sosiologi politik dan sosiologi hukum, studi ini mendapati temuan bahwa putusan lembaga Mahkamah Konstitusi mempertahankan pemilu sistem proporsional terbuka tidak membawa perubahan banyak bagi eksistensi partai politik. Posisi dan kedudukan partai politik tetap sama seperti halnya gelaran pemilu legislatif sebelumnya. Berdasarkan pengalaman empiris, pengaturan pemilu dengan sistem proporsional terbuka, terlepas dari sejumlah keunggulan dan kelebihannya, potensi melemahnya eksistensi partai politik dalam gelaran pemilu ke depan masih terbuka lebar. Khususnya pelemahan terhadap peran dan fungsi kepartaian semisal fungsi pendidikan politik, rekrutmen politik, komunikasi politik, sosialisasi politik, dan partisipasi politik. Demikian karena dalam pengaturan pemilu dengan sistem terbuka, daya tawar dan kontrol parpol berkurang karena dirinya tidak lagi memegang posisi vital sebagai pemain utama, melainkan telah beralih peran sebagai kendaraan politik semata.