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Kinerja Manajerial : Hasil Kerjasama Tim dan Perbaikan Berkesinambungan Hastuti, Sri; Wijayanti, Luky
Jurnal Riset Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 9, No 1 (2009): Jurnal Riset Ekonomi & Bisnis
Publisher : Veteran National Development University of East Java

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/jrebis.v9i1.37


The environment which dynamic and complex, PT. PLN ( Persero) of Distribution of East Java of APJ South Surabaya need the decision making which quickly, flexible approach, work base on knowledge and intensive process. The condition require the very high worker involvement in organization through the team forming. The description have an intention to know empirically is influence of team cooperation to managerial performance and continual repair influence to managerial performance at PT. PLN (Persero) of Distribution of East Java of APJ South Surabaya.The object which used is assistant of laboring and supervisor manager at PT. PLN (Persero) of Distribution of East Java of APJ South Surabaya. The proving the analysis used its analysis model that is multiple regression.The result of research and hypothesis examination obtained are the influence of team cooperation and continually repair to managerial performance.Keywords: Team Cooperation, Repair Continually, Managerial Performance
Partisipasi Penganggaran & Keadilan Prosedural Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja (Studi Di Pt. Karana Line Surabaya) Hastuti, Sri; Wahyuningsari, Hanita
Jurnal Riset Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 10, No 1 (2010): Jurnal Riset Ekonomi & bisnis
Publisher : Veteran National Development University of East Java

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/jrebis.v10i1.23


These days, growth of corporate world in Indonesia progressively rapidly grow and intercompany emulation become progressively tighten. At the time of taking decision, good manager is manager having organizational ability and exploit the resource which is available in effort to reach the company target. All manager need the appliance which can assist the planning, coordination and performance assessment, that is budget. This Research target is to test empirically is influence from participation of budgeting and justice prosedural to managerial performancePopulation is 16 related personal with the budget compilation that is from top until lower management PT. Karana of Line Surabaya. Technique sampel used by census method, where all population member made by as sampel, consisted of by 1 head branch, 4 superintendent, and 11 sub units head. This Research data use the primary data with the instrument kuesioner. Technics analyse used by a Multiple Linear Regression.Pursuant to examination result obtained by conclusion that budgeting participation have an effect  on to manajerial performance, justice prosedural have an effect on to manajerial performance.Keyword :  Budgeting Partisipation, Procedural Justice, Manajerial Performance
Organizational Commitment Memperkuat Budget Participation Dengan Budgetary Slack Hastuti, Sri; Yuliati, Anik
Jurnal Riset Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 7, No 2 (2007): Jurnal Riset Ekonomi & Bisnis
Publisher : Veteran National Development University of East Java

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/jrebis.v7i2.56


Budget is one of instrument of management control and as primary component of financial planning on the future. Budget have two important roles, that’s in planning and control process. In order that budget processing can bring out budget which can function as planning and control instrument, mean not happened budgetary slack, so the manager center of accountability must participate (budget participation) in the budget processing. Not only required their participation in budget processing but also is needed their commitment (organization commitment) in budget execution.Base on description above, this research purpose to test effect of budget participation to budgetary slack, and to test moderate effect of organizational commitment which ability to strengthen relation between budget participation with Budgetary slack. To fulfill this research purpose, primary data applied in this research. These data analyzed by multiple regression approach through SPSS application program. Population in this research are managers of PT. PLN (Persero) Area Pelayanan dan Jaringan Surabaya Selatan, cited 23 managers. 23 managers are entirely becomes sampel of research. Result of this research indicates that : a) there is negative impact of service quality on customer satisfaction, but not significant,  b) there is positive impact customer-perceived value on customer satisfaction, and c) there is positive impact customer satisfaction on customer loyalty. Detail discussion, implication and limitation of this research will be explained under consideration following. Keywords : Organizational Commitment, Budget Participation, Budgetary Slack