Rudiamon, Septika
Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar

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تأثير الطريقة المزدوجة على مهارة القراءة فى معهد الاستقامة المتكاملة الإسلامية بسيماوانج أومبيلين Rudiamon, Septika; Hanif, Akhyar; Amelia, Amelia
Lughawiyah: Journal of Arabic Education and Linguistics Vol 1, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : IAIN Batusangkar, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/lughawiyah.v1i2.1567


المشكلة الأساسية لهذا البحث هي هل يوجد تأثير الطريقة المزدوجة على مهارة القراءة عند التلاميذ في معهد الاستقامة المتكاملة الإسلامية بسيماوانج أومبيلين. وغرضه لمعرفة تأثير الطريقة المزدوجة على مهارة القراءة عند التلاميذ في هذا المعهد. قام الكاتب بمنهج تجريبي بتصميم كوّاسي التجريبي (quasi exsperimental design)، بنوع تصميم مجموعة الضابطة بغير المتوسط (non equivalent control group design). فهما نوع يضع بغير (R) Rondom ثم بعد ما وجد الكاتب البيانات فحلّلها تحليلا إحصائيا باستعمال الرمز t test. أما النتيجة التي وجدها الكاتب فهي نتيجة to = ٩٦،٦ ونتيجة tt في الدرجة ۱%=٨٢،٢. واتضح أن نتيجة to أكبر من نتيجة tt. ولأنّ نتيجة to أكبر من نتيجة tt فالفرضة العدمية مردودة والفرضة التبادلية مقبولة. فالخلاصة أن الطريقة المزدوجة تؤثر على مهارة القراءة عند التلاميذ تأثيرا إيجابيا في هذا المعهد.
Plotagon Application Development Learning Speaking Skills Adam Mudinillah; Nurfadilah; Septika Rudiamon
Al-Hijr: Journal of Adulearn World Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (407.29 KB) | DOI: 10.55849/alhijr.v1i1.5


The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the plotagon application in learning Arabic specifically speaking skills at MTs TI Canduang class VII. The object of this research is the seventh grade students of MTs TI Canduang. The research was conducted over several days with contributions from several educators at the school concerned. Of course, considering the development of technology as a form of world progress that still exists, the use of educational media is very necessary at this time. The Plotagon application, which can be used as a learning aid, proves that current technology not only has a negative impact on the world of education today, but also has a positive impact. The plotagon application is a program that is used online or designed, or it can also be called an editing application. For this reason, students can use the Plotagon application to help students learn Arabic, especially while learning to remember speaking skills. This application simplifies the work of educators, and researchers want students to be more enthusiastic about learning speaking skills. The results showed that the plotagon application was suitable for use as a medium for learning Arabic specifically for speaking skills.
Textological-Philological Study on Arabic Language Sciences in Minangkabau Manuscripts Akhyar Hanif; Septika Rudiamon
AJIS: Academic Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/ajis.v7i1.4322


This paper investigated the types of Arabic linguistics (or Ulûm al-Lughah al-Arabiya) contained in Minangkabau manuscripts and analyzed them according to the context in which the manuscript was found. In addition, this paper also presented text transliteration as a form of Philology work. Furthermore, the research method used was the philology research method by conducting an inventory of manuscripts, description, transliteration, and translation of manuscripts, and finally, analyzing the content of the manuscript and relating it to the social context of the community. This study found one manuscript related to the science of Arabic, namely ‘Ilm al-Nahw which was found in Minangkabau, precisely in the Lunang village, Pesisir Selatan. The manuscript was coded (08/LNG.II/nhw/2019), while the form of text editing was in the form of transliteration and translation. The reason why the manuscript of ‘Ilm al-Nahw was in Lunang Pesisir Selatan and was a collection of the Mande Rubiah museum, was because it was closely related to the main purpose of learning 'Ilm al-Nahw itself in the past in Nusantara, especially in Minangkabau. That was as a tool for teaching and learning, such as to help learning the religious sciences, such as the science of Fiqh, Tawhid, Tafsir, Hadith, and so on, which are indeed mostly written in Arabic. Therefore, to understand them properly requires the science of tools, namely 'ilm al-Nahw
تأثير الطريقة التركيبية على مهارة القراءة: بحث تجريبي في المدرسة الابتدائية الإسلامية الحكومية الواحدة تاناه داتار Septika Rudiamon; Yasmadi Yasmadi; Yufni Faisol
Lughawiyah: Journal of Arabic Education and Linguistics Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Batusangkar, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/lughawiyah.v2i2.2511


الغرض من هذا البحث لمعرفة تأثير الطريقة التركيبية على مهارة القراءة لدى التلاميذ في المدرسة الابتدائية الإسلامية الحكومية الواحدة تاناه داتار. استخدم الباحث منهج شبه تجريبي مع تصميم مجموعة ضابطة غير معادلة. وكان المجتمع 457 طالبًا ، بينما تكونت العينة من 50 طالبًا مقسمين إلى مجموعتين ، و 25 طالبًا في المجموعة التجريبية تم تدريسهم باستخدام طريقة تركيبية و 25 طالبًافي المجموعة الضابطة الذين تم تعليمهم باستخدام الطريقة السمعية الشفهية. تم جمع البيانات عن طريق إجراء الاختبارات. بعد ذلك ، تم تحليل البيانات باستخدام اختبار t.  وأظهرت النتائج أن نتيجة to = 7.14 كانت أعلى من نتيجةt فى الجدول عند درجة 1٪ = 2.80، فالفرضة العدمية مردودة والفرضة التبادلية مقبولة. فالخلاصة أن الطريقة التركيبية تؤثر على مهارة القراءة إيجابيا في هذه المدرسة.This study aims  to determine the effect of synthesis method on students’ Arabic reading proficiency at MIN 1 Tanah Datar. Researchers used a quasi-experimental method with a non-equivalent control group design.The population was 457 students, while the sample consisted of 50 students divided into two groups, 25 students were in the experimental group who were taught using synthesis method and 25 other students were in the control group who were taught using the audio-lingual method. Data were collected by giving tests. Then, the data were analyzed using t test. The results showed that the value of to = 7.14 was higher than the t table at the degree of 1% = 2.80, so the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. As conclusion, the synthesis method could positively affect students' Arabic reading proficiency in this school.
تأثير الطريقة المزدوجة على مهارة القراءة فى معهد الاستقامة المتكاملة الإسلامية بسيماوانج أومبيلين Septika Rudiamon; Akhyar Hanif; Amelia Amelia
Lughawiyah: Journal of Arabic Education and Linguistics Vol 1, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : IAIN Batusangkar, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/lughawiyah.v1i2.1567


المشكلة الأساسية لهذا البحث هي هل يوجد تأثير الطريقة المزدوجة على مهارة القراءة عند التلاميذ في معهد الاستقامة المتكاملة الإسلامية بسيماوانج أومبيلين. وغرضه لمعرفة تأثير الطريقة المزدوجة على مهارة القراءة عند التلاميذ في هذا المعهد. قام الكاتب بمنهج تجريبي بتصميم كوّاسي التجريبي (quasi exsperimental design)، بنوع تصميم مجموعة الضابطة بغير المتوسط (non equivalent control group design). فهما نوع يضع بغير (R) Rondom ثم بعد ما وجد الكاتب البيانات فحلّلها تحليلا إحصائيا باستعمال الرمز t test. أما النتيجة التي وجدها الكاتب فهي نتيجة to = ٩٦،٦ ونتيجة tt في الدرجة ۱%=٨٢،٢. واتضح أن نتيجة to أكبر من نتيجة tt. ولأنّ نتيجة to أكبر من نتيجة tt فالفرضة العدمية مردودة والفرضة التبادلية مقبولة. فالخلاصة أن الطريقة المزدوجة تؤثر على مهارة القراءة عند التلاميذ تأثيرا إيجابيا في هذا المعهد.The fundamental problem in this study is whether there is an effect of mixed method on the reading skills of Istiqomah Islamic Boarding School students or not. The aim is to determine the effect of mixed method on students' reading skills at this Islamic Borading school. This is an experimental study using a non equivalent control group quasi-experimental design. This type  uses a non randomized system. After the data are obtained, then analyzed using the t-test. The result of data analysis describes that to = 6.96 is higher than tt = 2.82 at the degree of 1%. It indicates that the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. It can be  concluded that mixed method has a positive effect on students' reading skills in this Islamic Boarding School.
Boarding school strategy in Learning Tahfidz Al-Qur'an in Generation 4.0 Era Huda M, Amril; Rudiamon, Septika; Firman, Firman; Maja, Gergely
Journal International Inspire Education Technology Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/jiiet.v2i3.246


Boarding school was born simultaneously with the birth of the Indonesian nation, which has a vital role in national leadership. Boarding schools are unique and have a maturity that can pass through time, so they have a dual role, namely acting as a spectator in the face of Islam that is polite, peaceful and serene. Boarding school has a uniqueness which is model in education in Indonesia. Boarding school is also an asset owned by the state and even the world today in the 4.0 generation era, especially in learning the tahfidzul Quran. The challenge facing boarding schools in Generation 4.0 is the t learn the tahfidzul Quran, a sophisticated information and communication technology that can cause various life changes. With that, boarding schools can only carelessly use conventional methods such as the reading method, and the strategies used in learning tahfidz al-Qur'an are minimal, with that there needs to be a solution made to improve the techniques used in learning tahfidz al-q -Qur'an -Qur'an in this 4.0 generation era. The results of this study indicate that the strategy used by boarding schools in the learning process of tahfidzul Qur'an in the 4.0 generation era is the strategy used in learning a research learning strategy when choosing the proper and effective method with the right intention to join the tahfiz program.
Plotagon Application Development Learning Speaking Skills Mudinillah, Adam; Nurfadilah, Nurfadilah; Rudiamon, Septika
Al-Hijr: Journal of Adulearn World Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/alhijr.v1i1.500


The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the plotagon application in learning Arabic specifically speaking skills at MTs TI Canduang class VII. The object of this research is the seventh grade students of MTs TI Canduang. The research was conducted over several days with contributions from several educators at the school concerned. Of course, considering the development of technology as a form of world progress that still exists, the use of educational media is very necessary at this time. The Plotagon application, which can be used as a learning aid, proves that current technology not only has a negative impact on the world of education today, but also has a positive impact. The plotagon application is a program that is used online or designed, or it can also be called an editing application. For this reason, students can use the Plotagon application to help students learn Arabic, especially while learning to remember speaking skills. This application simplifies the work of educators, and researchers want students to be more enthusiastic about learning speaking skills. The results showed that the plotagon application was suitable for use as a medium for learning Arabic specifically for speaking skills.