Maria Salestina Sekunda
Program Studi Keperawatan Ende, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Kupang

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Risk Factors of Physical Condition of House Against Malaria Occurrence in Ende East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia MARIA SALESTINA SEKUNDA; ANATOLIA KARMELITA DOONDORI
JURNAL KESEHATAN PRIMER Vol 2 No 2 (2017): JKP (Jurnal Kesehatan Primer)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

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Introduction: Malaria is a health problem in Eastern Indonesia, especially in the East Nusa Tenggara. In 2014 there was a mass distribution of insecticide-treated nets but the incidence of malaria is still high. This study identified the physical condition of the house against the malaria occurrences. Methods: A case-control study with 67 cases and 134 control subjects was conducted in the District Wewaria Ende in 2016. The data of the physical condition of the house includes conditions of the walls, floors windows, ventilation, ceiling and lighting were obtained through observation method and subjective measuring. The data were analyzed by multivariate logistic regression. Results: The cases and control groups were comparable in terms of gender (p = 1), age (p = 0.9), education level (p = 0.9) and occupation (p = 0.6). There are three independent variables were identified as risk factors for malaria is the gloomy of lighting (OR 3.64; 95%CI = 1.77 to 7.47), moist floors (OR 3.02; 95%CI = 1.24 to 7.34) and damaged ceilings (OR 2.41; 95%CI = 1.02 to 5.72). Conclusion: The physical condition of houses are risk factors of malaria occurrence.
Analysis of the Level of Larvae Aedes Aegypty with the Risk of Transmission of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Pius Kopong Tokan; Maria Salestina Sekunda
JURNAL KESEHATAN PRIMER Vol 4 No 2 (2019): JKP (Jurnal Kesehatan Primer)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/jkp.v4i2.344


Background: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) has caused health problems in Ende Regency, there were 121 DHF cases, 30 of them reside in the Ende City Health Center area. One of the suspected factors is the high population of Aedes aegypti larvae. Therefore it is necessary to analyze the level of Aedes aegypty larvae density to estimate the risk of dengue transmission in Ende City Health Center in 2018. Method: This type of research is a secondary data analysis, the population is data houses / buildings and clean water reservoirs declared positive Aedes larvae aegypti results of examination of Ende City Health Center in 2017 with saturated sampling method The research was conducted at the Ende City Health Center in August 2018. Result: Analysis of Aedes aegypty larvae level using House Index (H1) indicator 36% means that the house / building being examined is included in the high risk category because HI> 5% Contener Index (CI) 21% means that the water reservoir being examined is included in the risk category high because CI> 5%, Breteau Index (BI) 52% means positive water catchment sites of all houses / buildings being examined are included in the high risk category because BI> 50% These three indicators are then linked to the Density Figure (DF) indicator then the City Health Center is included in the area with larvae level is high because DF is 6. Conclusion: Ende City health center is an area with a high risk of transmission of dengue in 2018.
Response Time Nurses in Providing Services with Patient Satisfaction Installed Emergency Department Anatolia K. Doondori; Maria Sekunda; Sisilia Leny Cahyani; Theresia A. Kurnia
JURNAL KESEHATAN PRIMER Vol 4 No 2 (2019): JKP (Jurnal Kesehatan Primer)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/jkp.v4i2.345


Background: Patient satisfaction is determined by the service that one of nurse is a fast response time and precise handling. Respon time can reduce the extent of internal organ damage and also suppress the financing burden. The purpose of this research is to determine the correlationship between nursing response time in providing service and patient satisfaction in Emergency Department of Ende General Hospital. Methode: This is a correlational research conduct with cross sectional approach. The sample amount of 130 patients selected in accidental sampling. The instrument used in this research is the watch to calculate response time and a patient satisfaction questionnaire consisting of 21 statements on the desired patient/family expectations and the perceived patient/family statement after Get service at Emergency Department. Result: The results showed that the response time nurse of Ende Publich Hospitall in the fast category so that the patient is satisfied with the service at the IGD RSUD Ende. Analysis results showed there is a link between the response time of nurses in providing service with the satisfaction of patients with a value of P value 0.00. Conclusion: The sooner the time response nurse will provide satisfaction to the patient. Therefore, we need to improve the quality of human resources and facilities in the IGD space to maintain the quality of service.
Penerapan Format Baru Pendokumentasian Asuhan Keperawatan Di Poli Rawat Jalan Puskesmas Pius Kopong Tokan; Maria Salestina Sekunda
JURNAL KESEHATAN PRIMER Vol 5 No 1 (2020): JKP (Jurnal Kesehatan Primer)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31965/jkp.v5i1.459


Background: Average patient visits in outpatient polyclinics at Rukun lima Health Center in 2018 is & 80-100 people per day. However the process of nursing care documentation is not carried out. according to the provisions of efforts that have been made is to renew the format of God nursing base do local conditions In connection with that it need stobe done for know the description of the application of the new format in the process of documenting nursing care outpatient care clinic Rukun lima. Method: Survey research is descriptive, research variables in the formof documentation on the process with the study of diagnoses, interventions, implementation, andevacuation of nursing. The research was conducted in thepublic roli roomatthe Puskesmas Rukun Lima from July September 2019. Anticipate drop out. Data collected by observation and interview sheets. Descriptive data processing in the form of proportions and the subsequent average univariant analysis. Results: Documenting nursing assessment 5%. 21% nursing diagnoses, 12% nursing interventions, nursing implementation 26%. Conclusion: The application of the new format for documenting nursing care in outpatient care. The Rukun lima Community Health Center is classified as poor because it is incomplete 36 of the target of atleast 60%. At the nursing assessment stage only reaches 5% of diagnos nursing only reaches 21% nursing planning only reaches 12%, action nursing only reaches 26%. Where as nursing evaluation is not carried out because the patient's status is out patient. Latar belakang: Rata-rata kunjungan pasien di poli rawat jalan Puskesmas Rukunlima tahun 2018 adalah 80-100 orang per hari. Namun demikian proses pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatan tidak dilakukan sesuai ketentuan. Sehubungan dengan itu perlu dilakukan pengkajian untuk mengetahui gambaran penerapan format baru dalam proses pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatan di poli rawat jalan Puskesmas Rukunlima. Metode: penelitian survey bersifat deskriptif, variabel penelitian berupa dokumentasi pada proses pengkajian, diagnosa, intervensi, implementasi, dan evaluasi keperawatan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di ruang roli umum Puskesmas Rukun Lima dari bulan Juli - September 2019. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah berkas dokumen asuhan keperawatan dari bulan Januari-Juni 2019 dengan metoda sampling adalah estimasi proporsi ditambah 10% untuk antisipasi drop out. Data dikumpulkan dengan lembar observasi dan wawancara. Pengolahan data:secara deskriptif berupa proporsi dan rata-rata selanjutnya dilakukan analisis univariant. Hasil: Pendokumentasian pengkajian keperawatan 5%, diagnosa keperawatan 21%, intervensi keperawatan 12%, implementasi keperawatan 26%. Kesimpulan: Penerapan format baru untuk pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatan di poli rawat jalan Puskesmas Rukunlima dikategorikan kurang baik karena tidak lengkap dan jumlah rata-ratapengisian dokumen masih jauh dibawah nilai standar.
Efektifitas Pendidikan Kesehatan Metode Peer Group terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Perilaku SADARI Remaja Putri Khrispina Owa; Maria Salestina Sekunda; Irwan Budiana
JURNAL KESEHATAN PRIMER Vol 6 No 1 (2021): JKP (Jurnal Kesehatan Primer)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31965/jkp.v6i1.529


Abstract: Introduction: Independent breast examination is an effort to detect breast cancer early which is often recommended to every woman. The problem that is happening now is that people's knowledge about SADARI is still lacking. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the Peer Group Method Health Education towards breast cancer prevention in young women at SMAK St. Thomas Morus, Ende District. Methods: This study used a true experimental study with a pretest-posttest control group design. Respondents were determined by simple random sampling divided into two groups consisting of 30 people as the treatment group and 30 people as the control group. Results: There is a significant difference between the knowledge and behavior of young women before and after being given health education using the Peer Group method (T test: 0.000). Negative t value -3.548 means that the average knowledge and behavior before being given health education is lower than that after being given health education. Conclusion: the peer group method (peer educators) is considered very effective in providing health education to young women about BSE. So that peer educators are expected to be an alternative in health promotion that is more effective in delivering health messages, especially to adolescents. Abstrak: Pendahuluan: Pemeriksaan payudara secara mandiri merupakan upaya mendeteksi dini kanker payudara yang sering dianjurkan kepada setiap wanita. Permasalahan yang terjadi saat ini adalah pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai SaDaRi masih kurang. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui Efektifitas Pendidikan Kesehatan Metode Peer Group terhadap pencegahan kanker payudara pada Remaja Putri di SMAK St. Thomas Morus Kabupaten Ende. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan True eksperimental dengan Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Responden ditentukan dengan Simple Random Sampling dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yang terdiri dari 30 orang sebagai kelompok perlakuan dan 30 orang sebagai kelompok kontrol. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara pengetahuan dan perilaku remaja putri sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode Peer Group (T-test:0,000). Nilai t-hitung negatif - 13,548 artinya rata rata pengetahuan dan perilaku sebelum diberikan pendidikan kesehatan lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan sesudah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan. Kesimpulan: metode peer group (pendidik sebaya) dinilai sangat efektif untuk memberikan pendidikan kesehatan kepada remaja putri tentang SADARI. Sehingga pendidik sebaya diharapkan menjadi salah satu alternatif dalam promosi kesehatan yang lebih efektif dalam penyampaian pesan kesehatan khususnya pada remaja.
Hubungan Faktor Predisposisi dengan Kepatuhan Pengobatan bagi Penderita Hipertensi Maria S. Sekunda; Pius K. Tokan; Krispina Owa
JURNAL KESEHATAN PRIMER Vol 6 No 1 (2021): JKP (Jurnal Kesehatan Primer)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31965/jkp.v6i1.532


Abstract: Introduction: Hypertension is a condition where blood pressure increases above normal so that it needs to be treated immediately so that it does not cause death. The aim of this study was to analyze the predisposing factors that affected the regularity of treatment in hypertensive patients at the Rukun Lima Ende Health Center. Methods: The design used was quantitative with cross sectional method and was carried out on August 5-30 2019 using a structured interview questionnaire on 71 respondents who had met the inclusion criteria. Data analysis was performed using logistic regression test. Results: The results showed that most of the respondents were female 51%, aged between 55-60 years were 58%, 34% had junior high school education and 44% worked as IRT. The bivariate analysis showed that the variables related to patient compliance in carrying out treatment were behavior (p 0.024), long suffering from hypertension (p 0.002) and family support (p = 0.03). The results of multivariate analysis showed that the variables that significantly affected the regularity of treatment for hypertensive patients were the duration of hypertension with p = 0.03 and OR 2, 20; 95% CI = 1.07-4.54. Conclusion: There needs to be an increase in counseling and conscious movement of taking hypertension medication and monitoring the regularity of patients in seeking treatment and behaving in a healthy manner so that there is no increase in cases and complications of hypertension. Abstrak: Pendahuluan: Hipertensi adalah suatu keadaan peningkatan tekanan darah diatas normal sehingga perlu segera ditangani agar tidak menyebabkan kematian. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis faktor predisposisi yang mempengaruhi keteraturan pengobatan pada penderita hipertensi di Puskemas Rukun Lima Ende. Metode: Desain yang digunakan yaitu kuantitatif dengan metode cross sectional dan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 5-30 Agustus 2019 dengan menggunakan kuesioner wawancara terstruktur pada 71 responden yang telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Analisa data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji regresi logistik. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden berjenis kelamin perempuan 51%, berumur antara 55-60 tahun sebanyak 58%, berpendidikan SMP sebanyak 34% dan bekerja sebagai IRT sebanyak 44%. Analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan penderita dalam menjalankan pengobatan adalah perilaku (p 0,024), lama menderita hipertensi (p 0,002) dan dukungan keluarga (p= 0,03). Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan variabel yang sangat signifikan mempengaruhi keteraturan berobat penderita hipertensi adalah lama menderita hipertensi dengan nilai p= 0,03 dan nilai OR 2, 20; 95% CI = 1,07-4.54. Kesimpulan: Perlu adanya peningkatan penyuluhan dan gerakan sadar minum obat hipertensi dan pemantauan keteraturan penderita dalam berobat dan berperilaku sehat sehingga tidak terjadi peningkatan kasus dan komplikasi hipertensi.
Peer Group Education Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Dan Perilaku Sadari Remaja Putri SMAKN ST. Thomas Morus Ende Khrispina Owa; Maria Salestina Sekunda; Irwan Budiana
Ovary Midwifery Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2020): February 2020
Publisher : Akademi Kebidanan Aifa Husada Madura

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Breast cancer is a type of malignant neoplasm that attacks breast tissue by mutating from previously normal cells that have anti-social properties against normal cells of the body (Depkes, 2007). Breast cancer as one of the second highest causes of death in women in Indonesia. Doing breast self-examination (SaDaRi) is considered to be very effective in detecting early breast cancer events. The problem that is happening right now is that the public's knowledge about SaDaRi is still lacking. a peer education is one of the activities of youth care services which is often used to provide adolescent reproductive health information, but in its implementation the program is still not running optimally. One way to improve the reproductive health of young women is by providing education and stimulation on how to examine their own breasts (SaDaRi). The purpose of this study was to determine the Effectiveness of Peer Group Empowerment on Self-Breast Examination Behavior (SaDaRi) in Adolescent Girls at SMAK St. Thomas Morus Regency of Ende. The design / design used in this case study is True experimental using Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Researchers divided the group into two groups with different treatments, namely a control group of 30 people who were given health education through lectures from researchers and an experimental group of 30 people given a peer group model (peer group) with the Simple Random Sampling sampling technique. The results of this research is that there are significant differences in the level of knowledge of young women before and after health education with the Peer Group model on the behavior of breast self-examination (SaDaRi) between the experimental group and the control with p values ​​of 0.005 and 0.001. Based the results of the analysis above shows a significant increase in the level of knowledge of young women about Breast Self-Examination (SaDaRi) from before and after being given health education on the behavior of SaDaRi with the Peer Group model Keyword: Breast Cancer, Peer Group, Breast Self-Examination
The correlation between health beliefs and family support on the elderly’s participation in the Elderly Health Service (Posyandu Lansia) Wawomeo, Aris; Kurnia, Theresia Avila; Sekunda, Maria Salestina; Fredimento, Aurelius
Public Health of Indonesia Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): April - June
Publisher : YCAB Publisher & IAKMI SULTRA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36685/phi.v8i2.585


Background: Longer life expectancy in Indonesia is a sign for the government to intensively improve various programs for the elderly for better welfare and quality of life. Elderly Health Service (or Posyandu Lansia)  that is well-conducted will provide convenience for the elderly in accessing basic health services to maintain and optimize their quality of life. Objective: This research aimed to analyze the relationship between beliefs on health and family support toward the participation of the elderly in Posyandu Lansia. Methods: This correlational research was performed using a cross-sectional approach on 30 elderly selected purposively. The Health Belief Model (HBM) was used as a framework in this study. Data were collected using validated questionnaires and analyzed using univariate statistics, Chi-square, and logistic regression. Results: The results indicated the presence of a correlation between health beliefs, especially perceived vulnerability (p = 0.048) and perceived benefits (p = 0.030), and family support in the elderly’s participation in Posyandu Lansia. Conclusion: It is essential for the public health centers to monitor and approach the families of elderlies who rarely attend Posyandu Lansia to improve their health and quality of life.