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JMNS Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Edisi May 2019
Publisher : Akademi Kebidanan Tahirah Al Baeti Bulukumba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The background : Pain is a problem that is often found in a patient post sectio of caesarea. It was caused by the presence of a stretch the muscles of the uterus and the abdomen after insisional on the network effect anasetesi missing. Pain management non pharmacological can be done by means of guided imagery. Guided imagery is one method of controlling pain are part of cognitive-behavioral. The purpose of this technique that is to provide comfort, change the psychology to reduce the perception of pain and optimalitation bodily functions. The purpose of evaluate the effectiveness guided imagery therapy against intensity of pain to post section of caesarea. Carried out search of articles on pubmed and google scholar. The search was expanded by using a technique citation pearl growing.Study published in english and indonesian language in 2010-2020 being considered to be included in the reviewed. The data extracted by writers and summarized use of p extraction data from JBI (Joanna Briggs Institute). Obtained 3 study entering review criteria. The guided imagery: Therapy effective to reduce pain post sectio of caesarea. Engineering guided imagery can be given 1 first hour of sectio caesarea post in a patient manner invited to imagine a nice thing, therapy guided imagery can be collected during 15-20 minutes a guided imagery therapy than other techniques of relaxation as to excite optimistic; increase confidence and relaxation and rest in deprive cycle, fear, tension pain; increase endorphin natural; and reduce fatigue the guided imagery therapy also do not need any fees, easy, by respondents and caused no side effects.
Journal of Maternity Care and Reproductive Health Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Journal of Maternity Care and Reproductive Health
Publisher : Ikatan Perawat Maternitas Indonesia Provinsi Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36780/jmcrh.v4i1.174


Gynecological cancer is one of the most common reproductive health problems. The morbodity and mortality rates of women with gynecologic cancer were increasing. Women with gynecologic cancer have symptoms burden over time. Treatment are needed to support patients in the adaptation process and maintain a balance of well-being while symptoms occur. This article used a literature review with the narrative review method. The article searched were performed on databased PubMed and Google Scholar with the keywords symptoms burden AND management OR intervention. Studies published from 2010 to 2020 are considered for inclusion in this review and using Indonesian and English. Assessment of study quality is carried out in accordance with JBI's critical appraisal and grade recommendation analysis based on EBM. There were 6 articles that matched the criteria, one was a systematic review and the other five had an RCT research design. The results of this review suggest that the most article highlighted psychological symptoms burden. The intervention used to reduce the symptoms burden range from actions that provide a relaxing effect such as reflexology massage, progressive muscle relaxation, cognitive behavioral therapy, and mindfulness-based therapy. And there are interventions that focus on developing self-management in handling symptoms such as guided self-determination, psychoeducation and leadership and coaching for health. Thus, nursing care is recommended to be able to make these various intervention happen consistently and developed according to patient needs. 
GAMBARAN KUALITAS HIDUP PENDERITA KANKER SERVIKS: LITERATUR REVIEW Nunung Nurhayati; Sheilla Dwi Rahmadani; Dewi Marfuah; Astri Mutiar
Journal of Maternity Care and Reproductive Health Vol 3, No 3 (2020): Journal of Maternity Care and Reproductive Health
Publisher : Ikatan Perawat Maternitas Indonesia Provinsi Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36780/jmcrh.v3i3.141


Kanker serviks terjadi pada leher rahim. Kanker serviks disebabkan oleh Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Kanker serviks adalah salah satu kanker yang menyebabkan kematian utama pada permpuan termasuk di Indonesia. Kanker serviks terjadi permpuan usia produktif 25-54 tahun, terapi yang dilakukan membutuhkan waktu lama dan resiko menimbulkan berbagai efek samping yang mungkin mempengaruhi kualitas hidup pasien.  Literature review ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kualitas hidup penderita kanker serviks. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan literature review.  Kualitas artikel diukur menggunakan format dari JBI critical for cross sectional study. Pencarian artikel menggunakan databases: Google Scholar dan PubMed,  dengan kata kunci Quality of Life AND Cervical Cancer. Didapatkan 117 artikel dari Google Scholar, dan 315 artikel dari PubMed.  Kriteria inklusi  termasuk artikel yang di publish dari tahun 2015-2019. Hasil analisis artikel ditemukan gambaran kualitas hidup penderita kanker serviks sangat beragam. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu usia, tingkat pendidikan, pekerjaan dan stadium. Faktor lainnya adalah kesehatan fisik, lingkungan sosial dan keluarga, emosional, fungsi dan latar belakang budaya. Terjadi perubahan kualitas hidup pada setiap pasien yang menjalani pengobatan terapi. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan bagi institusi pendidikan, tenaga kesehatan dan bagi peneliti selanjutnya mengenai kualitas hidup penderita kanker serviks.
Durasi dan kualitas tidur hubungannya dengan obesitas pada anak sekolah dasar di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul Dewi Marfuah; Hamam Hadi; Emy Huriyati
Jurnal Gizi dan Dietetik Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics) VOLUME 1, NOMOR 2, MEI 2013
Publisher : Alma Ata University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (168.193 KB) | DOI: 10.21927/ijnd.2013.1(2).93-101


ABSTRACTBackground: The prevalence of obesity in Indonesia is expected to continue to increase each year. Many factors contribute to obesity, one of which is the duration and quality of sleep. Short sleep duration and poor sleep quality lead to increase energy intake and increase sedentary lifestyle that will have an impact on obesity in children.Objective: To examine the difference in duration and quality of sleep between obese and non-obese children, and to examine whether short sleep duration and poor sleep quality were risk factors of obesity in elementary school children in City of Yogyakarta and Bantul Regency.Methods: This was a case control study. A random sample of 244 obese and 244 grade-matched non-obese elementary school students were selected form a cross-sectional survey previously done in the City of Yogyakarta and Bantul Regency. Information of sleep quality was collected using sleep self report questionnaires, sleep duration using recall of physical activity during the last week, nutrient intakes using a food frequency questionnaires and socio-economicusing structured questionnaires. Results: There was a signifi cant relationship between sleep duration and obesity. The odds of being obese was 1.7 (OR=1,74, 95%CI: 1.06-2.84) times higher in children who slept <10 hours/day and those children who slept ≥10 hours/ day. Children with low quality of sleep was 1.9 (OR=1.88, 95% CI:0.95-3.71) times more likely to be obese than children with good quality of sleep. However, the association was not statistically signifi cant.Conclusion: Short sleep duration was associatied with increased odds of being obese in elementary school children. KEYWORDS: sleep duration, sleep quality, obesity, elementary school children.ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Prevalensi obesitas di Indonesia diperkirakan akan terus meningkat setiap tahunnya. Banyak faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap obesitas, salah satunya adalah durasi dan kualitas tidur. Durasi tidur yang pendek dan kualitas tidur yang buruk menyebabkan peningkatan asupan energi dan peningkatan gaya hidup yang akan berdampak pada obesitas pada anak-anak.Tujuan: Menguji perbedaan durasi dan kualitas tidur antara anak obesitas dan non obesitas, dan apakah durasi tidur yang pendek dan kualitas tidur yang buruk merupakan faktor risiko obesitas pada anak sekolah dasar di Yogyakarta.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kasus kontrol. Sampel diambil secara acak sebanyak 244 anak SD obes dan 244 anak SD non-obes yang sebelumnya telah dipilih menggunakan metode cross-sectional yang dilakukan di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul. Data kualitas tidur diperoleh menggunakan kuesioner catatan tidur, sedangkan durasi tidur dengan recall aktivitas fi sik selama satu minggu, asupan gizi dengan food frequency questionnaire, dan  sosial ekonomi dengan kuesioner terstruktur.Hasil: Terdapat hubungan yang signifi kan antara durasi tidur dengan obesitas. Anak yang tidur <10 jam/hari kemungkinan mengalami obesitas 1.7 (OR=1,74, 95% CI: 1.06-2.84) kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan yang tidur >10 jam/hari. Anak dengan kualitas tidur yang buruk kemungkinan mengalami obesitas 1.9 (OR=1.88, 95% CI: 0.95-3.71) kali dibandingkan dengan yang kualitas tidurnya baik, namun secara statistik tidak signifi kan.Kesimpulan: Durasi tidur yang pendek berhubungan dengan peningkatan kemungkinan untuk mengalami obesitas pada anak sekolah dasar.KATA KUNCI: durasi tidur, kualitas tidur, obesitas, anak SD
MUSKAR-T for Improving Mental Health and Cancer-Related Symptoms in Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Queasy Experimental Design Dian Anggraini; Dewi Marfuah; Susy Puspasari; Lia Juniarni
Jurnal Keperawatan Komprehensif (Comprehensive Nursing Journal) Vol. 8 No. Special Edition (2022): JURNAL KEPERAWATAN KOMPREHENSIF (COMPREHENSIVE NURSING JOURNAL)
Publisher : STIKep PPNI Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (264.669 KB)


Aims: Women diagnosed with breast cancer suffer from significant psychological distress, mainly depression and anxiety, fatigue, and sleep disturbance. The effects of music therapy and progressive muscle relaxation training on the quantity and quality of sleep, as well as on levels of anxiety and fatigue, in patients undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the effects of MUSKAR-T (combination of music therapy and progressive muscle relaxation training) on sleep quality, anxiety, and fatigue in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Methods: The study employed a two-group, pre- and post-test experimental design. Patients in the intervention group had two sessions of 30-minutes of music therapy and progressive muscular relaxation per day for five days prior to hospital discharge. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), State Trait Anxiety Index (STAI), and Cancer-related Fatigue Assessment (C-RAFA) were used to evaluate the results (CFS). Anxiety, tiredness, and sleep quality were measured and compared between groups using a univariate approach that also took into account the effects of group, time, and the interaction of group and time. Results: This study had 100 participants, 50 in the intervention group and 50 in the control group. The majority of respondents were married (70 percent), unemployed (24 percent), had completed at least middle school (68 percent), were not menopausal (76 percent), and had illness at stage III (46 percent ). The intervention group’s anxiety, fatigure, and sleep quality scores fell to 76.1112.42, 45.1214.76, and 4.363.36 on the day preceding hospital discharge. Conclusions: The culturally-based music therapy and progressive muscle relaxation effective for reducing anxiety, fatigue, and enhancing the quality of sleep in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Jurnal Keperawatan Komprehensif (Comprehensive Nursing Journal) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2017): JURNAL KEPERAWATAN KOMPREHENSIF (COMPEREHENSIVE NURSING JOURNAL)
Publisher : STIKep PPNI Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.669 KB) | DOI: 10.33755/jkk.v3i2.86


Masa remaja merupakan masa peralihan dari masa kanak-kanak ke masa dewasa. Pada remaja wanita akan terjadi pematangan seksual yang ditandai dengan datangnya menstruasi. Menjelang datangnya menstruasi seorang wanita akan mengalami premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Gejala yang ditimbulkan PMS meliputi gejala afektif dan gejala somatik. Gejala tersebut akan berdampak pada kualitas hidup remaja, karena bila tidak ditangani dengan baik tentunya dapat mengganggu aktifitas remaja baik itu dirumah maupun di sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengalaman hidup remaja yang mengalami PMS di SMK Moch Toha Cimahi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan desain fenomenologi deskriptif, data diperoleh dari hasil wawancara. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah lima orang. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa hasil rekaman wawancara dan catatan lapangan yang dianalisis dengan teknik Collaizi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan lima tema yaitu: Berbagai perubahan fisik, Psikologis dan perilaku dialami remaja saat PMS, PMS dirasakan mengganggu hubungan interpersonal dan aktivitas sosial, Penanganan non farmakologi lebih banyak dilakukan remaja saat mengalami PMS, Faktor eksternal dan internal menjadi alasan remaja saat melakukan penanganan, Gejala dirasakan berkurang setelah dilakukan beberapa penanganan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan gambaran kepada remaja mengenai pengalaman remaja dalam menghadapi PMS. Disarankan bagi tenaga kesehatan khususnya perawat untuk memberikan pendidikan kesehatan kepada remaja mengenai menstruasi dan gangguannya, khususnya premenstrual syndrome.
GAMBARAN INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP PADA PEREMPUAN DENGAN PERMASALAHAN GINEKOLOGI: Intimate Relationship among Women with Gynecological Problem: A Descriptive Study Nunung Nurhayati; Astri Mutiar; Dewi Srinatania; Dewi Marfuah; Risna Yuntami Seftianti
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan (Scientific Journal of Nursing) Vol. 8 No. 3 (2022): JIKep | Edisi Khusus 2022
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Pemkab Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (282.778 KB) | DOI: 10.33023/jikep.v8i3.1219


Pendahuluan: Kesehatan reproduksi merupakan keadaan sehat secara fisik, mental, dan sosial secara utuh, tidak semata-mata bebas dari penyakit atau kecacatan yang berkaitan dengan sistem, fungsi dan proses reproduksi. Kepuasan pernikahan dan seksual pada penderita permasalahan ginekologi mengalami perubahan secara fisik, psikologis, dukungan social, perubahan intimacy dan seksualitas, ekonomi keluarga, serta masalah kesetiaan dan kepercayaan pada pasangan. Tujuan: penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran intimate relationship pada perempuan dengan permasalahan ginekologi. Metode: penelitian ini mengunakan desain deskriptif crossectional dilakukan pada bulan juni 2019 dengan subjek penelitian 116 responden. Dan dianalisa mengunakan distribusi frekuensi. Hasil: Pada hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa hubungan relationship pada pasien dengan permasalahan ginekologi terdapat hubungan relationship yang baik. Sedangkan pada intimate mengalami disfungsi sexual pada pasien ginekologi. Kesimpulan: pada penderita permasalahan ginekologi di dapatkan permasalahan fungsi sexual hal ini berkaitan dengan permasalahan adanya ganguan yang dialami oleh penderita masalah ginekologi, maka hal tersebut sebagai seorang perawat harus bisa menberikan dedikasi dan motivasi tentang permasalahan yang dialami oleh penderita permasalahan ginekologi
Journal Of Midwifery And Nursing Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Edisi May 2019
Publisher : Akademi Kebidanan Tahirah Al Baeti Bulukumba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.445 KB)


The background : Pain is a problem that is often found in a patient post sectio of caesarea. It was caused by the presence of a stretch the muscles of the uterus and the abdomen after insisional on the network effect anasetesi missing. Pain management non pharmacological can be done by means of guided imagery. Guided imagery is one method of controlling pain are part of cognitive-behavioral. The purpose of this technique that is to provide comfort, change the psychology to reduce the perception of pain and optimalitation bodily functions. The purpose of evaluate the effectiveness guided imagery therapy against intensity of pain to post section of caesarea. Carried out search of articles on pubmed and google scholar. The search was expanded by using a technique citation pearl growing.Study published in english and indonesian language in 2010-2020 being considered to be included in the reviewed. The data extracted by writers and summarized use of p extraction data from JBI (Joanna Briggs Institute). Obtained 3 study entering review criteria. The guided imagery: Therapy effective to reduce pain post sectio of caesarea. Engineering guided imagery can be given 1 first hour of sectio caesarea post in a patient manner invited to imagine a nice thing, therapy guided imagery can be collected during 15-20 minutes a guided imagery therapy than other techniques of relaxation as to excite optimistic; increase confidence and relaxation and rest in deprive cycle, fear, tension pain; increase endorphin natural; and reduce fatigue the guided imagery therapy also do not need any fees, easy, by respondents and caused no side effects.
Hubungan Asupan Protein Dan Vitamin C Dengan Kadar Hemoglobin Remaja Putri Di Desa Donohudan Kabupaten Boyolali Dewi Pertiwi Dyah Kusudaryati; Dewi Marfuah; Puput Andriyani
Profesi (Profesional Islam) : Media Publikasi Penelitian Vol. 20 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal PROFESI (Profesional Islam): Media Publikasi Penelitian
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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Latar Belakang : Kekurangan zat besi menyebabkan kadar hemoglobin di dalam darah lebih rendah. Protein berperan penting dalam transportasi zat besi sedangkan vitamin C membantu penyerapan zat besi. Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan asupan protein dan vitamin C pada remaja putri di Desa Donohudan Kabupaten Boyolali. Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional.. Sampel diambil secara purposive sampling dan didapatkan 36 sampel. Kadar hemoglobin diperoleh dengan pengambilan darah sedangkan asupan protein dan vitamin C diperoleh dengan wawancara menggunakan formulir food recall 24 jam. Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji Pearson Product Moment. Hasil : Penelitian menunjukkan rerata asupan protein, asupan vitamin C dan kadar hemoglobin secara berturut-turut 45,1±7,31 g, 50,4±17,23 mg, dan 12,3±0,33 g/dl. Uji hubungan asupan protein dengan kadar hemoglobin (p=0,709) dan uji hubungan asupan vitamin C dengan kadar hemoglobin (p=0,025). Kesimpulan : Tidak ada hubungan asupan protein dengan kadar hemoglobin tetapi ada hubungan asupan vitamin C dengan kadar hemoglobin.
Knowledge-related Human Papillomavirus Vaccination: A Study of Indonesian Women Astri Mutiar; Tiara Wulandari; Nunung Nurhayati; Dewi Marfuah; Suci Noor Hayati
Jurnal Keperawatan Komprehensif (Comprehensive Nursing Journal) Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL KEPERAWATAN KOMPREHENSIF (COMPREHENSIVE NURSING JOURNAL)
Publisher : STIKep PPNI Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33755/jkk.v9i1.465


Aims: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted virus that can lead to various diseases, most known as cervical cancer’s etiology. HPV vaccination is one of the primary prevention strategies to reduce HPV transmission. To increase vaccination rates, it is essential that women have a good knowledge of receiving the HPV vaccine. The purpose of the study was to explore the knowledge of HPV vaccination among Indonesian women. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 462 Indonesian women recruited by convenience sampling on March to May 2022.  The adapted questionnaire of knowledge with 28 items was used with Cronbach's Alpha score estimated at 0.838. Women who are 15 to 49 years old, able to understand and speak the Indonesian language, and have a gadget were included in this study. Women who already get HPV vaccination are excluded.  Univariate statistics were used to describe Indonesian women’s knowledge of HPV Vaccination. Results: The research shown that the mean age of the respondents is 23.17± 5.065. Half of the respondent level of education is college as many as 245 people (53%). Half of the respondents are employed as many as 239 people (51.7%). The average knowledge is 16.02 with a standard deviation (SD) of 6.43, the knowledge value indicates less knowledge of HPV vaccination among women. In the item analysis, found that most respondents answer incorrectly to the question “HPV testing is done to show whether the HPV vaccine is needed?" (4.3%). Most of the respondents shown did not know answered the question "HPV vaccine requires three doses" (59.3%). Most of the reasons for refusing to be vaccinated answered that the price of the vaccine was not affordable (45.5%). Conclusion: Women’s knowledge of the HPV vaccine was nearly low in this study. The campaign and effort to spread the information related to HPV vaccination are needed.  Innovative media might be the best option to spread awareness. Studies with a large sample and broad range of area are preferable.