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Analysis of the local energy potential connection with power plants based on archimedes turbine 10 kW Apriani, Yosi; Saleh, Zulkiffli; Dillah, Riyan Kurnia; Sofian, Ian Mochamad
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 1, No 5 (2020): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jrc.1533


Research on the availability of water potential for the development of power plants with various scales and types of power plants has been done. Since most existing water sources have small discharges and low heads, this study aimed at designing a micro-hydropower center as one of the ways the electrical energy crisis could be avoided, with one of the renewable energy potentials, namely the potential energy of water in Micro Hydro Power Plant. Further studies were related to water resources to Micro Hydro Power Plants (MHPP) construction, especially Archimedes screw turbines guide parameters that corresponded to flow velocity, channel cross-section, and flow volume. It aimed to connect the local energy potential to the output power of the Archimedes screw turbine. The methods used for this study were 1. Observation 2. Data collection, and 3. Data Analysis. The study was carried out using an observation method that adopted field data collection techniques assisted by measuring equipment to collect data coverage that refers to related parameters. The power available on the channel resulted was 946 kW, and the power generated in the turbine was 5.9 kW.
Analysis of Performance of Permanent Magnet Generator Fluks Axial 1 Phasa with Variation Load Saleh, Zulkiffli; Apriani, Yosi; Karim, Khoirul; Aldiansyah, Aldiansyah
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 2, No 2 (2021): March (Forthcoming Issue)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


With the potential of low water head energy and relatively small water discharge then it takes a low round generator to be applied to the potential of existing energy. The development of Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG), being an alternative considering the pole construction of the rotor is relatively simple compared to conventional generators, so it is technically required a more number of rotor poles in the effort to lower the speed The nominal dial generator. The purpose of this research is to analyze the 1-phase axial generator performance with varied resistive loads and inductive loads. This research has 4 stages of research: 1). Study literature.  2). Carried out testing tools. 3). Measurement of data retrieval.  4). Data analysis. From this research obtained results from the tools and measurements of the data retrieval of the performance of axial generator 1 phase with inductive and resistive load Vaiasi. Load mounted 15 watts, voltage 35.10, current 0.80, RPM 2550 when load 75 Waat, Voltage 11.50, current 1.54, RPM 2220. From these results can be concluded axial generator 1 phase currents also get bigger but voltage and rpm decreases.
Automatic Voltage Regulator as a Voltage Control in 1 Phase Axial Generator System Apriani, Yosi; Saleh, Zulkiffli; Suppermen, Suppermen; Sofian, Ian Mochamad
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 2, No 5 (2021): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jrc.25118


A constant output voltage on a generator is very important to produce the expected power supply. Changes in the output voltage of a generator are influenced by various disturbing factors, one of which is load and Rotations Per Minute (RPM) which are not always constant. Therefore we need a special regulator equipment to keep the generator output voltage constant. The problem of voltage instability during load changes must be overcome to keep the voltage constant, so that equipment is needed that can control the voltage stability. This tool is the Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR). The purpose of this study is to design a voltage control device in a single phase axial generator system. The research method used consists of 3 stages, namely: 1). Design and design of tools, 2). Stages of making tools, 3). Stages of testing the tool. The results of the research were obtained when an axial generator with an inner air gap of 0.4 cm, outer 0.5 cm and rpm 2589. The output voltage of the generator began to decrease significantly until it reached -70 volts and rpm also decreased to -200. In contrast, when the generator is operated using the AVR, the reduction only reaches -30 volts. However, when the generator is operated with AVR, the decrease in rpm is greater until it reaches -220.