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Desain Iterasi Dudukan Pelat Pengukur Gaya Pada RIG Alat Uji Jatuh Bebas Menggunakan Optimasi Topology Maulana, Ilham; A. Sitompul, Sahril; Rabeta, Bismil; Fitriansyah, Rizky; Nurrohmad, Abian
Jurnal Teknologi Kedirgantaraan Vol 7 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Teknologi Kedirgantaraan
Publisher : FTK UNSURYA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35894/jtk.v7i2.56


Abstract -. This research was conducted based on data obtained during testing at LAPAN (Lembaga Antariksa dan Penerbangan Nasional), where there was a case that became a concern. The test is about the free fall test, which results in a deflection that is considered too large. From these results it was decided to investigate further. This free fall test uses impact testing where a material is measured for its shock load resistance. Impact testing simulates the operating conditions of a material where the loading that occurs is not only in static conditions but also occurs in dynamic conditions. In the free fall test, a test was carried out to measure and see the resistance of the landing gear and crash box in receiving dynamic loads, when the aircraft landed. The main purpose of simulating this tool is for research and development of the free fall test equipment itself, as well as the design of the landing gear of the LSU (Lapan Survaillance UAV) drone in the future. The impact platform on the free fall test equipment plays an important role in impact testing, where the deformation of the plate holder will be converted by the load cell, into a signal received by the acquisition system. So it is designed to fit the existing needs. In this test equipment, the test object is given a load (50 kg and 200 kg), height (4.72 m and 1,204 m), so that it reaches a velocity (9,623 m/s and 4,861 m/s) with impactor crash box geometry and main landing gear as well as plate holder design based tools in the field. Based from testing, impact, and analysis using the finite element method in this study, it was found that the deflection value was 1.771 mm which reduced 94.61% for the crash box case and the deflection value was 2.696 mm with a reduction value of 87.85 % for the main landing gear case from the existing initial design. Keywords: Free fall test equipment, impact platform, landing gear, plate mount, main landing gear, crash box, finite element method, LSU.
Optimization of Double Hole Composite Plate on the Floater Compartment of Amphibious Aircraft Using Taguchi Method Nurrohmad, Abian; Antares, Quincy; Nuranto, Awang Rahmadi; Nugroho, Afid
WARTA ARDHIA Vol 49, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Badan Kebijakan Transportasi, Kementerian Perhubungan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25104/wa.v49i2.520.87-95


A floater or pontoon is one of the most important components of amphibious aircraft to assist the take-off and landing operation. The inner structure of the floater consists of compartments to carry some payload and to reinforce the structural strength due to water and aerodynamic load that occurred during the aircraft operation. The composite material is chosen instead of metal to reduce the weight of the floater. One of the problems on the composite panel is the existence of some holes due to joint with another part or also to minimize its weight. In this study, the optimization of the composite plate with the existence of a double hole is done using the Taguchi Method. The objective of this optimization is to minimize the stress that happens due to the tensile load. The Finite Element Method is used to calculate the maximum stress and stress distribution on the plate. Tsai-Hill failure criterion is used to make sure that the optimum design does not fail. This optimization considers open hole configuration, the ratio between diameter, and hole distance, as well as the fiber orientation as the control factors. The Taguchi L9 Orthogonal Array is used to make 9 design variations from 3 control factors and 3 levels. This process also considers the thickness of the lamina and material strength as noise factors. The optimization process results in the optimum composite design as follows: 1st double hole configuration (in line with the load direction), the ratio between diameter and hole distance is 0.5, and the fiber direction is [0/90/45/-45]s. The maximum in-plane stress of the optimum design is 39.56 MPa with the Tsai-Hill value is 0.23, so the design does not fail. This optimum configuration of the composite plate can be used to make design considerations for an amphibious aircraft floater compartment.