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Perbedaan Penyembuhan Luka Bakar Derajat II antara Pemberian Topikal Ekstrak Sel Punca Mesenkimal Wharton’s Jelly Tali Pusat Manusia dan Moist Exposed Burn Oitment (MEBO) pada Tikus Putih Jantan (Rattus Norvegicus) Galur Sparague Dawley Eka Lestari; Evi Kurniawati; Fitria Saftarina
Medula Vol 10 No 3 (2020): Medula
Publisher : CV. Jasa Sukses Abadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53089/medula.v10i3.88


Abstract Moist Exposed Burn Ointment (MEBO) is an ointment which can accelerate burn healing. Wharton's jelly mesenchymal stem cell (WJMSc) extract in human umbilical cord has the ability to potentially assist the burns healing process. This research was a laboratory experimental study with the use of 27 white rat induced with second degree burns and was divided into a control group (K1), Moist Exposed Burn Ointment (MEBO) group (P1) and WJMSc (P2) group. Observation of burn healing rate used healing time and burn diameter was conducted for 28 days. Data were analyzed using One way ANOVA and Kruskal wallis statistic test with 5% of α value. Average burn healing rate of K1 group: 26,78 days, P1: 24,56 days, P2: 19,67 days with the result of burn healing rate data analyzed test is p:0,005. Differences in burn diameter occurred on day 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 on the ploriferation and remodeling stage with the result of burn diameter data analyzed test is p<0,05. Conclusion: There was a significant difference on the speed of burn healing and burn diameter between treatment group with p: 0,001. WJMSc is the fastest therapy and the largest diameter cutback.
Obstruksi Saluran Nafas Atas grade III ec Kassabach Merrit Syndrome + Bronchopneumonia+DIC Intanri Kurniati; Risti Graharti; Agustyas Tjiptaningrum; Evi Kurniawati
Medula Vol 12 No 3 (2022): Medula
Publisher : CV. Jasa Sukses Abadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53089/medula.v12i3.346


Upper airway obstruction is a blockage in the larynx caused by inflammation, foreign bodies, trauma, tumors so that ventilation is disrupted. One of the causes is hemangioma, which is the most common soft tissue tumor in newborns. In the state of hemangiomas, sometimes also found a syndrome in the form of Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome. As many as 20% of patients with KMS exhibit unusual symptoms compared to cutaneous hemangiomas. Clinical symptoms that can occur in upper respiratory tract obstruction include hoarseness, dysphony to aphony, shortness of breath (dyspnea), stridor (breath sounds) inspiration, suprasternal, epigastric, supraclavicular and intercostal retractions on inspiration. Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome is rare because the diagnosis is often delayed. KMS is more common in boys than girls. Ultrasound examination, Computer Tomography (CT) Scan, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) can help to determine the nature and extent of the lesion and identify the involvement of organs in the body. Extensive bleeding in KMS can cause consumptive coagulopathy that occurs due to excessive use of coagulation factors such as fibrinogen. Coagulopathy will progress to Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) and even death. From this condition, the patient also experienced bronkopneumonia which is an acute infection of the lungs affecting the lung lobules starting from the lung parenchyma which can be caused by various etiologies such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and foreign bodies. This is because patients have a susceptibility to infection due to their condition.
Sikap Ibu Hamil Terhadap Upaya Pencegahan Infeksi Covid-19 Selama Kehamilan di Puskesmas Meuraxa Kota Banda Aceh Evi Kurniawati; Roza Aryani; Afriana Afriana
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v8i2.2336


Indonesia merupakan negara yang terjangkit pandemi COVID-19 yang menyerang kelompok ibu hamil. Kehamilan disertai kecemasan akan menurunkan daya tahan tubuh sehingga rentan terinfeksi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui sikap ibu hamil terhadap upaya pencegahan infeksi Covid-19 selama kehamilan di Puskesmas Meuraxa Kota Banda Aceh. Jenis penelitian analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional, Pengambilan sampel dengan metode accidental sampling, berjumlah 30 orang. Data diolah menggunakan uji Chi Square. Hasil penelitian P value = 0,011, maka ada hubungan antara sikap dengan upaya pencegahan infeksi COVID-19. Diharapkan ibu hamil melakukan upaya pencegahan COVID -19 dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan yang baik dan benar.Kata Kunci : Sikap, Upaya Pencegahan COVID-19, Kehamilan Indonesia is a country affected by the COVID-19 pandemic that attacks groups of pregnant women. Pregnancy accompanied by anxiety will reduce the body's resistance so that it is susceptible to infection. The purpose of the study was to determine the attitude of pregnant women towards efforts to prevent Covid-19 infection during pregnancy at the Meuraxa Health Center, Banda Aceh City. This type of analytic research with a cross sectional approach, sampling by accidental sampling method, totaling 30 people. The data was processed using the Chi Square test. The results of the study P value = 0.011, then there is a relationship between attitude and efforts to prevent COVID-19 infection. It is hoped that pregnant women will make efforts to prevent COVID-19 by implementing good and correct health protocols.Keywords: Attitude, COVID-19 Prevention Efforts, Pregnancy
Hubungan Motivasi dalam Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan Selama Pandemi Covid-19 di SMA Negeri 6 Kota Banda Aceh Evi Kurniawati; Periskila Dina Kali Kulla
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v9i1.2868


Remaja merupakan kelompok yang rentan mengalami gangguan kesehatan khususnya Covid- 19 karena remaja merupakan kelompok yang sering mengadakan perkumpulan. Keberhasilan penanganan pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia sangat bergantung pada perilaku masyarakat dalam menerapkan protokol kesehatan, meliputi menggunakan masker, mencuci tangan dengan sabun dan air mengalir, menjaga jarak, menjauhi kerumunan, membatasi mobilisasi dan interaksi serta menjaga pola makan sehat dan istirahat cukup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan motivasi siswa dalam menerapkan protokol kesehatan selama pandemi Covid-19 di SMA Negeri 6 Kota Banda Aceh tahun 2021. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara Random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 61 remaja. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 6 Kota Banda Aceh pada tanggal 30 Agustus sampai 2 September 2021. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara motivasi dengan penerapan protokol kesehatan pada remaja dengan ρ value 0,010. Penelitian ini diharapkan kepada pihak sekolah untuk meningkatkan dalam pelaksanaan protokol kesehatan di sekolah dan melakukan kebijakan dengan melakukan kerjasama lintas sectoral yaitu dengan Dinas Kesehatan dan Puskesmas untuk memberikan penyuluhan kesehatan kepada siswa dan siswi tentang Covid-19.Kata Kunci : Motivasi, Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan, RemajaTeenagers are a group that is vulnerable to experiencing health problems, especially Covid-19 because teenagers are a group that often holds gatherings. The success of handling the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia is very dependent on people's behavior in implementing health protocols, including using masks, washing hands with soap and running water, maintaining distance, staying away from crowds, limiting mobilization and interaction and maintaining a healthy diet and adequate rest. This study aims to determine the relationship between students' motivation in implementing health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic at SMA Negeri 6 Banda Aceh City in 2021. The research design used was an analytical study with a cross sectional approach. Sampling was done by random sampling with a sample of 61 teenagers. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 6 Banda Aceh City from 30 August to 2 September 2021. The results of the study indicate that there is a significant relationship between motivation and the application of health protocols in adolescents with a value of 0.010. This research is expected for schools to improve the implementation of health protocols in schools and carry out policies by conducting cross-sectoral collaboration, namely with the Health Office and Puskesmas to provide health education to students about Covid-19.Keywords : Motivation, Implementation of Health Protocols, Youth