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Gerakan Dakwah Siber di tengah Benturan Ideologi Komunitas Keagamaan Minan Jauhari
Al-Ulum Vol. 21 No. 1 (2021): Al-Ulum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1244.163 KB) | DOI: 10.30603/au.v21i1.2198


This article analyzes the da'wah movement that is expressed in cyber media, as well as the challenges of implementing da'wah that must be carried out amid the clash of ideologies of religious communities. This study uses a qualitative method with an ethnomethodological approach, focusing on the analysis of digital conversations that are centered on the analysis of traces of interactions and conversations in response to da'wah narratives that have been uploaded openly through cyber community media. By using the concept of cyberspace and the concept of da'wah in understanding this cyber religious reality, this study can show that da'wah movements and activities that are displayed through cyber community media are a religious phenomenon along with the development of information and communication technology. This study also looks at the importance of humanist cyber da'wah by considering the da'wah process displayed in this cyber media in addition to calling for goodness and preventing evil, it also tends to describe the occurrence of ideological disputes and clashes between religious communities, marked by the many pro and con responses that appear in each da'wah message that uploaded through cyber religious community media.
Dialektika Khilafah dan Politik Kebangsaan dalam Media Publik Siber Minan Jauhari; Yayan Sakti Suryandaru; Rachma Sugihartati
Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama dan Lintas Budaya Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (512.776 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/rjsalb.v5i2.11343


The current article discusses the dialectic of Khilafah (caliphate) and the national political system expressed through two cyber media of two religious communities as the new public spaces, namely the da'wah media of Islam Kaffah community and NU community. The current debate/discourse explains Khilafah (Caliphate), which is an Islamic teaching that must be applied to Muslims. On the other hand, it is understood as a historical fact because it contrasts with the Indonesian national political system. This study is qualitative research with an ethnomethodological method focusing on digital conversation to be analyzed. Such analysis is conducted by displaying texts which show a conversational activity in conveying arguments and ideas about the Khilafah (caliphate) and national political system as the data analysis. The aim is to answer the research question about how the dialectic of Khilafah (caliphate) and national political system is portrayed through the new public spaces (cyber media), whether the dialectic processes that occur produce consensus or instead of trigger conflicts. Furthermore, by using a social perspective that uses the term "Public Space", the current study can illustrate that the dialectical processes displayed through the cyber media of the religious communities contain prolonged clashes and debates about the idea of Khilafah (caliphate). In the two community media studied,  the media of Islam Kaffah Community and the media of NU community, the dialectical process tends to create consensus. This is because the narrative of Khilafah (caliphate) and the national political system becomes the subject of conversations, so that it triggers conflicts between religious communities in the virtual space.
Strategi Komunikasi Puskesmas Sempu dalam Menekan Angka Kematian Ibu Hamil di Kecamatan Sempu Kabupaten Banyuwangi Lutfiana Ningrum Wardaniati; Minan Jauhari
Meyarsa: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi dan Dakwah Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : IAIN Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/meyarsa.v2i1.4462


Kompleksnya problem kesehatan yang terjadi di Kecamatan Sempu meliputi akses transportasi yang sulit, rendahnya pendidikan kesehatan, dan tingginya angka pernikahan dini dan mengakibatkan kehamilan beresiko tinggi kian memprihatinkan. Sejumlah persolan tersebut memicu Puskemas Sempu menggagas program inovasi pelayanan SAKINA. Program ini khusus diperuntukkan pada ibu hamil dan bayi dengan memberikan pendampingan ekslusif pada ibu hamil sejak kehamilannya hingga persalinan. Program inovasi SAKINA melibatkan berbagai elemen seperti Ketua PKK Kecamatan, Puskesmas Sempu, Bidan, Dokter PONED, Kepala KUA, Analis Kesehatan, dan juga Laskar SAKINA. Dalam hal ini, Laskar Sakina turut dibantu oleh pemburu bumilristi di mana tugasnya menggali data ibu hamil dan memantau perkembangan kehamilan ibu hamil beresiko tinggi. Selanjutnya, data tersebut diserahkan kepada Laskar Sakina untuk ditindaklanjuti keluhan kesehatannya. Penelitian ini berfokus pada 1) Bagaimana strategi komunikasi Puskesmas Sempu dalam menggali data ibu hamil di Kecamatan Sempu Kabupaten Banyuwangi? 2) Bagaimana efektivitas komunikasi pemburu bumilristi dalam menggali data ibu hamil di Kecamatan Sempu Kabupaten Banyuwangi? Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui proses strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan Puskesmas Sempu dalam menggali data ibu hamil dan memahami efektivitas komunikasi yang dilakukan pemburu bumilristi dalam menggali data ibu hamil. Metode penelitian ini memakai metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian lapangan (field research). Selanjutnya keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi data. Objek pada penelitian ini adalah strategi komunikasi Puskesmas Sempu sehingga dalam pencarian data ibu hamil melalui pemburu bumilristi dapat berjalan dan diterima dengan baik oleh masyarakat. Sedangkan subjek penelitian ini adalah pemburu bumilristi yang menggali data ibu hamil berisiko tinggi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pertama, strategi komunikasi yang digunakan Puskesmas Sempu dalam menggali data ibu hamil dengan memanfaatkan pedagang sayur keliling (mlijo) dan inovasi ini dikenal dengan pemburu bumilristi, kedua, memanfaatkan pemburu bumilristi selain dengan berdagang sayuran keliling mereka menggali data ibu hamil hingga ke pelosok daerah yang sering dikunjungi mereka saat berdagang sayur. Adapun dari berjalannya pemburu bumilristi ini mampu menekan angka kematian ibu hingga nol (zero).
Aktivisme Dakwah Siber Di Tengah Konvergensi Media Digital Minan Jauhari
Dakwatuna: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam Vol 7 No 2 (2021): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Syarifuddin Lumajang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54471/dakwatuna.v7i2.1138


This article discusses da'wah activism which is expressed in the midst of the convergence of digital media as a religious phenomenon. Da'wah activism is part of a religious activity that is an obligation for a Muslim, however, the display of da'wah messages expressed in the midst of the convergence of digital media does not only show it as a religious activity, but in appearance it also has the opportunity as a tool for political and ideological interests. In fact, Islam wants the da'wah to be carried out in the context of calling for goodness and preventing evil as the teachings of Islam. The method used in this study is to use a virtual ethnographic approach that focuses on artifacts, and digital traces related to da'wah messages displayed through cyber media. Furthermore, in order to understand religious phenomena that are expressed in the digital space, this study uses the concept of da'wah and cyber media as a choice of perspective, the aim is to be able to answer the question of how cyber da'wah activism is carried out by religious communities in the midst of digital media convergence. So it can be concluded that cyber da'wah activism, in addition to calling for good and preventing evil, turns out to be in its display of da'wah also depicts other interests such as political and ideological interests hidden behind da'wah messages displayed through digital media.Keywords : Da'wah Activism, Convergence, Digital Media
Cyber Public Relations dalam Pembentukan Branding “Desa Wisata” di Sidomulyo Kabupaten Jember Minan Jauhari
Jurnal Al-Hikmah Vol 20 No 2 (2022): Ilmu Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/alhikmah.v20i2.119


This article places cyber public relations as a perspective in understanding organizational communication activities carried out by the Sidomulyo village government, by utilizing internet technology tools and cyber media as a new space in the context of establishing the "tourism village" branding. In practice, this cyber-based organizational communication displays a lot of content describing the potential of the Sidomulyo rural area as an offer of communication content, and is considered attractive for boosting village tourism. This digital-based communication activity also explores many other potentials, both potential in the economic, social and cultural fields. As a public relations function, this digital communication activity is believed to accelerate efforts to build a brand, maintain trust, understanding, and the image of Sidomulyo Village to the public/wide audience. This article with a virtual ethnographic approach aims to be able to explore the phenomenon of organizational communication that is being carried out by the Sidomulyo village government. So it can be understood that village communication activities carried out using cyber media devices are part of cyber public relations in an effort to establish branding as a "tourist village". While branding as a tourism village is needed by the Sidomulyo village government, it should also be in order to maintain trust, understanding, and the image of Sidomulyo village to the public/wide audience.
Aktivisme Cyber Public Relation Pesantren di Tengah Terpaan Arus Pemberitaan Isu Perundungan Santri Minan Jauhari
Al-Ulum Vol. 22 No. 2 (2022): Al-Ulum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30603/au.v22i2.2978


This article understands the reporting of bullying of students as an issue that affects Islamic educational institutions, especially Islamic boarding schools. Bearing in mind, the issue of bullying in this virtual space has the potential to create a crisis of public confidence. Moreover, the swift flow of news about bullying is not immediately responded to quickly, it will build a negative perception of the islamic boarding school environment. This is because islamic boarding schools, as part of Islamic educational institutions, have so far gained public trust, namely as centers of Islamic studies, especially in the formation of the character of students. This article intends to place cyber public relations activities as a strategic step for Islamic boarding schools, in dealing with the issue of student bullying. Using a virtual ethnographic approach, this study seeks to explore the reality of bullying reporting as a potential crisis, while also exploring cyber public relations activities that are carried out by utilizing internet technology tools and cyber media, so as to suppress potential crises and instill public trust in Islamic boarding schools.
Anti-Radicalism Mosque: Preaching in Jember Regency Supriyanto Supriyanto; Sofyan Hadi; Minan Jauhari
Jurnal Syntax Admiration Vol. 4 No. 9 (2023): Jurnal Syntax Admiration
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/jsa.v4i9.710


The radicalism that has started to develop in Jember Regency has received a unique response from the Government, as it is considered to have the potential to threaten the unity of the country and disrupt the democratic process, which has its own specific response. Therefore, the Government is striving to find preventive solutions to minimize such understanding. In addition, the mosques in Jember provide a moderate religious understanding so that worshippers are not influenced by extremist religious ideologies. This article aims to provide an understanding to the public that mosques are at the forefront in anticipating the entry of radical ideologies.
Al'Adalah Vol. 20 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Jember (now UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember)

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This article provides affirmation or perhaps just an option in understanding the development of society today, some people call it a society of the era now that is identified with the informative society. It was acknowledged that the development of communication technology led to the use of social media that was quite massive, so that this technology was able to bring about the development of positive community actions and could accelerate the development of changes. However, some people understand that the development of this technology actually also brought the public to use social media to be alienated to him. No wonder the political style, social style, culture, and even various patterns show a more contemporary style. On this basis, this article provides an alternative to understanding critically the development of society nowadays which is identified as an information society. Is Jean Baudrillard, a post-structuralism thinker who first mentioned the existence of virtual possibilities in social media. So that the thoughts about Simulacra and Simulation that have been presented, are intended to be able to parse critically about the development of today's society.
Al'Adalah Vol. 18 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Jember (now UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember)

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Journalism pesantren could be an alternative movements and cultural that appears in various media to strengthen civil society besides becoming chan-nel activity to spreading ideas and progam-progam pesantren. So can strengthen that alternative media can emerge as answer of maistream culture domination that a bore which is that long considered to have been dictating criteria of culture, moral, and value in society. Media messages from among santri this not only function as voice of ideology his movement, but also invited by readers to act. Although on the other hand the media always perceived as the implement is powerfuland there are the dominant ideology in it. As was supported by Gramsci that hegemony is an effort power lasting done by the group in power. In this case, institutions media give a function hegemony that is continuous producing a cohesive that ideology. Writing it tries to can parse about pesantren journalism as a alternatives medium is a form of resistance people santri to hegemony of the contents of mass media.