Yuniaswan, Anggun Putri
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Laporan Kasus : KOINFEKSI MORBUS HANSEN MULTIBASILER DAN TUBERKULOSIS PARU Hidayah, Noor; Yuniaswan, Anggun Putri; Murlistyarini, Sinta
Majalah Kesehatan FKUB Vol 8, No 1 (2021): Majalah Kesehatan
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.majalahkesehatan.2021.008.01.6


Koinfeksi lepra dan tuberkulosis (TB) paru pada satu individu jarang terjadi, tercatat 2-6 per 100.000 penduduk per tahun di dunia. Koinfeksi dapat terjadi akibat kondisi imunokompromais. Seorang perempuan berusia 51 tahun datang dengan keluhan benjolan kemerahan yang nyeri di seluruh tubuh, hilang timbul sejak 1 tahun. Pasien minum metilprednisolon 2 kali sehari selama setahun. Pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan nodul dan plak eritem multipel di seluruh tubuh, konjungtiva hiperemis dan penebalan saraf common perineus kiri. Tidak didapatkan bercak mati rasa dan slit skin smear negatif. Biopsi kulit tampak gambaran infiltrat limfosit dan neutrofil di dermis, foam cells, grenz zone dan pannuculitis lobular yang sesuai dengan lepromatous leprosy dan eritema nodosum leprosum. Radiologi thorak tampak fibroinfiltrat dan konsolidasi, dicurigai TB paru. Pemeriksaan sputum Tes Cepat Molekuler menunjukkan very low detected untuk kuman tuberkulosis yang sensitif rifampisin. Pasien mendapatkan multidrug therapy untuk Morbus Hansen Multibasiler, metilprednisolon serta Obat Anti Tuberkulosis kategori 1 dan memperlihatkan perbaikan klinis. Koinfeksi lepra dan TB jarang terjadi, diduga karena adanya kekebalan silang. Biasanya infeksi lepra mendahului TB, karena periode inkubasi lepra lebih lama. Mekanisme koinfeksi pada kasus diduga akibat penggunaan kortikosteroid jangka panjang. Terapi koinfeksi TB paru dan lepra dilakukan secara bersamaan dengan dosis rifampisin mengikuti dosis terapi tuberkulosis. 
Multisystem Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in high-risk group: A case series of two infants Yuniaswan, Anggun Putri; Safitri, Putri Rachma; Retnani, Diah Prabawati
Journal of General - Procedural Dermatology & Venereology Indonesia Vol. 5, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Background: Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) has diverse manifestations, from asymptomatic to aggressive, which involves many organs. Histopathological examination playsa crucialrole as a basic diagnostic standard for LCH. Writing Group of the Histiocyte Society proposes a guideline for diagnosing LCH, divided into presumptive, designated, and definitive diagnosis. Case Illustration: Two cases of a 14 month-old girl and an 18 month-old girl presented similar clinical manifestation and multi-organ involvement. Dermatological examination revealed red papules and plaques covered by brownish scales and crusts on the scalp and body, erosion in some folds of the body. Histopathological examination of the first case revealed an early purpuric phase. S100 immunostaining just revealed hyperplasia of Langerhans cell but still could not support the diagnosis of LCH. Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy of the enlarged submandibular lymph node after two months ofobservation suggested LCH. In the second case, histopathological examination revealed proliferation of round-oval nucleated cells, pleomorphic, some reniform nuclei, with amphophilic cytoplasm. S100 and CD1a immunostaining revealed a positive reaction in the proliferative cells. Discussion: Patients aged 14 and 18 monthsoldindicatedalmost similar clinical manifestations leading to LCH diagnosis, with different histopathological pictures. The first patient was presumptively diagnosedas high-risk multisystem LCH, but theinitial histopathology results did not support LCH diagnosis. On the other hand, the second patient was definitively diagnosed with high-risk multisystem LCH. Conclusion: Patientswith clinically suspected LCH without histopathological confirmation should be observed at least six months to reassess the necessity of a follow-up biopsy.
Effects of 5% astaxanthin gel on angiogenesis and granulation tissue in second-degree burn animal model Rofiq, Aunur; Yuniaswan, Anggun Putri; Nugraha, Rizki Hapsari
Journal of General - Procedural Dermatology & Venereology Indonesia Vol. 7, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Background: Burn injuries generate more free radicals and lead to complex immune dysfunction, which can delay wound healing compared to other wound types. Angiogenesis, essential for wound healing, requires granulation tissue as a marker for successful wound healing. Low concentrations of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are necessary to initiate this process. Astaxanthin is a potent antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties, known to activate angiogenesis and modulate ROS signaling during wound healing. Methods: This experimental study aimed to evaluate 5% astaxanthin gel on second-degree burns using 30 male Wistar rats. Simple random sampling was utilized. A total of 6 groups were divided according to the time the lesions were evaluated i.e., I. Normal saline, day 2 (n=5); II. Normal saline, day 5 (n=5); III. Normal saline, day 7 (n=5); IV. 5% astaxanthin gel, day 2(n=5); V. 5% astaxanthin gel, day 5 (n=5); VI. 5% astaxanthin gel, day 7 (n=5). Histological assessment of angiogenesis and granulation tissue was based on the number of blood vessels and the extent of the wound to the dermis, respectively. Result: The mean of angiogenesis in 5% astaxanthin gel group was higher than the control group on day 5 (p-value < 0.05). The positive correlation between angiogenesis and granulation tissue was observed on day 5 (p-value < 0.05). Conclusion: The primary effect of 5% astaxanthin gel is during the proliferative phase of wound healing in second-degree burns.