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HUBUNGAN HUKUM DAN KEADILAN DI TINJAU DARI FILSAFAT HUKUM Hutabarat, Dany Try Hutama; Hidayat, Yunia Amanda; Amida, Nur; Yusuf, Muhammad; Hazali, Hazali; Rawi, Miftahul Khoiroh; Julianto, April; Sirait, M.Munawir; Julianto, Lafirsto Yogkismun; Affandi, Ikhwan; Nazunda, Nazunda; Aldina, Cindy
Nusantara Hasana Journal Vol. 1 No. 10 (2022): Nusantara Hasana Journal, March 2022
Publisher : Nusantara Hasana Berdikari

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The law appears as the implication of an essence that offers a resolution to the collectivity of feuds in society, therefore an ideal law is needed to resolve conflicts and disputes. can involve individuals or groups. Basically it is not allowed to deviate from arbitrary actions, justice is the last joint as a legal goal because actually law is moral, meaning that laws and legal norms must be in accordance with moral norms, every law that is implemented there is a demand for justice then law without justice will be in vain so that law is no longer valuable in front of society, combining law and justice is not easy but no matter how difficult it must be done for the sake of the authority of the state and the judiciary because the basic rights of law are rights that belong to the I justice.
KAJIAN HUKUM DAN KEBENARAN Hutabarat, Dany Try Hutama; Rosdiana, Rosdiana; Sitorus, Dinda Mayarni; Yolanda, Betrik; Sajali, Eka; Aisyah, Nur; Panjaitan, Annisa Octaviani; Abimanyu, Aditya P.; Siregar, Sahmul; Denisa, Denisa; Adlina, Desri; Siregar, Fani Ustazah; Ramadhani, M. Risky
Nusantara Hasana Journal Vol. 1 No. 10 (2022): Nusantara Hasana Journal, March 2022
Publisher : Nusantara Hasana Berdikari

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To examine a legal truth from a philosophical point of view, one must first understand the meaning of the law itself. Talking about the law in general, namely the whole collection of rules or rules in a common life, in another sense the whole rules of behavior that apply in a common life, which can be enforced with a sanction. There are several theories of truth, namely the theory of coherence or consistency, the theory of correspondence truth, the theory of pragmatism of truth, the theory of truth based on meaning, the theory of syntactic truth, the theory of non-discretionary truth, and the theory of logical truth. A person's belief in the truth of the law depends on the theory he adheres.
TINJAUAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP TINDAK PIDANA KORUPSI DALAM MASYARAKAT (Review of Criminal Law on Corruption in Society) Hutabarat, Dany Try Hutama; Napitupulu, Celly Naumi Sarah Br.; Adila, Lica; Siagian, Angela Ekklesia; Manik, Susih Gajah; Malau, Rado; Sirait, Deviana Dewi; Mangunsong, Juliana; Harmika, Zuwairiah; Sahera, Miri
Nusantara Hasana Journal Vol. 1 No. 10 (2022): Nusantara Hasana Journal, March 2022
Publisher : Nusantara Hasana Berdikari

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This mini research is the result of normative research that aims to answer the formulation of the problem regarding the review of criminal law against corruption in society. The research method used is a method with a normative approach, namely an approach based on the main legal material by examining theories, concepts, legal principles and legislation related to this research. Corruption is like something that has been ingrained in our society. Corruption is not only detrimental to state money, but also robs the state of rights and the state's economy. In this case the relevant agencies must play an active and creative role in handling this case and also involve the community in it.
SANKSI DALAM KETERLAMBATAN PEMBAYARAN PAJAK (REKLAME, KENDARAAN, RESTORAN) Hutabarat, Dany Try Hutama; Simanjuntak, Angelina Deasyta; Putra, Aulia; Paramitha, Jihan; Panjaitan, Khairunnisak; Stefany, Nandika Tiara Puteri; Surbakti, Febby Andriana; Diana, Sri; Akmal, Nurul
Nusantara Hasana Journal Vol. 1 No. 10 (2022): Nusantara Hasana Journal, March 2022
Publisher : Nusantara Hasana Berdikari

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In the context of financing development, the role and potential of the taxation sector is very large, especially to support the success of regional development and national development. Sources of state financing include taxes and natural resources. The purpose of this study is to determine the sanctions for late payments as well as affecting the Regional Original Income (PAD) in vehicle taxes, restaurant taxes or advertisement taxes. Techniques in research using qualitative methods and literature study. The results of this study indicate that every increase in the imposition of tax sanctions will reduce taxpayer compliance in paying taxes and taxpayer awareness, service quality, tax audits and positive tax taxes on taxpayer compliance.
ORANG TUA SEBAGAI MOTIVASI TUMBUH DAN BERKEMBANGNYA ANAK DALAM PEMBENTUK SIKAP DAN KARAKTER Hutabarat, Dany Try Hutama; Sinambela, Nur Isnaini; Lubis, Lili Khairani Azhari; Siagian, Zairul Abdi; Alkarim, Fazri; Ananta, Aulia; Azura, Putri; Siregar, Sahmul Ruhum; Rizki, Muhammad Muhajir; Maimunah, Intan
Nusantara Hasana Journal Vol. 1 No. 10 (2022): Nusantara Hasana Journal, March 2022
Publisher : Nusantara Hasana Berdikari

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Based on the development of a good thought from a child, it must start with parental support, there are also other supporting factors such as the environment, relatives, friends, and teachers. parents and children in order to reduce disputes about child crimes, delinquency of a child and take a step further to encourage them to form good attitudes and character for the children of the Indonesian nation. children will make children better in terms of interacting, learning, free without pressure. There are many children who do not know the identity and genealogy of their families whose children do inappropriate things such as stealing, begging, and do other things that can disturb other audiences.
PERUBAHAN-PERUBAHAN SOSIAL DAN KEBUDAYAAN YANG TERJADI DI MASYARAKAT PADA MASA SEKARANG Hutabarat, Dany Try Hutama; Deri, Afif; Indraswary, Apriola Dwi; Salsabila, Jihan; Pasaribu, Liza Umami; Mhd. Irvansyah; Syapiq, Mirza; Saifana, Naila; Pujawati, Sri Anisa; Str, Akmal Satria Alfin
Nusantara Hasana Journal Vol. 1 No. 10 (2022): Nusantara Hasana Journal, March 2022
Publisher : Nusantara Hasana Berdikari

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In the modern era like now, people cannot be separated from what is called digital access, often digital access has a major influence on social changes that occur either positively or negatively. Social change is a shift in the structure of society that involves the mindset, attitude and order of social life. Social change is also based on several factors, such as technological advances, intercultural contact, heterogeneous society and many other factors. Social change will always occur in any layer of society so that in responding to the changes that occur we must accept these changes in a positive form and put aside the negative in prder to advance the thoughts of a more open society. This study aims to tell what things affect social change, and what are the positive and negative forms of social change.
SOSIAL DALAM KEHIDUPAN MASYARAKAT Hutabarat, Dany Try Hutama; Darmawan, Khairunnisa; Hassymi, Aldi Prayoga; Juwita, Nadila Rahma; Putri, Julia Rahma; Nasution, Adenisya; Siregar, Mia Audina; Fawzan, Rudu; Dewi, Yulia; Hidayat, Riyan Fikqri
Nusantara Hasana Journal Vol. 1 No. 10 (2022): Nusantara Hasana Journal, March 2022
Publisher : Nusantara Hasana Berdikari

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A social group is a collection of people who share a common sense of membership and interact with each other. Social groups are created by community members for the community itself with various types or types according to the goals or needs of the group itself. Where social groups play a role in shaping the personality and influencing the behavior of its members.
PERKAWINAN ANTAR NEGARA DI INDONESIA BERDASARKAN HUKUM PERDATA INTERNASIONAL DAN HUKUM PERKAWINAN DI KOTA TANJUNGBALAI Hutabarat, Dany Try Hutama; Tarigan, Elisa Br; Manurung, Agave; Tarigan, Nurma Anggita Putri; Samosir, Putri Humaiza; Sitorus, Herman; Fafaruq, Lintang Al; Azmi, Fahri; Poliansyah, Dimas; Zahra, Pelangi Aulia; Manalu, Fernaldo; Marpaung, Aldo Rizky Bahari; Leo Ronaldi Simbolon
Nusantara Hasana Journal Vol. 1 No. 10 (2022): Nusantara Hasana Journal, March 2022
Publisher : Nusantara Hasana Berdikari

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Marriage is a legal event if the marriage is a legal marriage. The rapid development of science and technology has an influence on the ease of relations between human beings, between ethnic groups, and between countries in all aspects of life. One of the effects is the occurrence of mixed marriages between spouses of different nationalities, including Indonesian workers and workers from other countries. Marriages of different nationalities often cause problems, especially with regard to the process of registering a marriage that will take place, whether in the country of origin of the prospective husband or in the country of origin of the prospective wife. The procedure for marriage between countries according to international civil law explains that the marriage rules for couples of different nationalities, returned to each partner will use the law of the country of the prospective husband, or use the law of the country of the prospective wife. Problems that arise in the procedure for mixed marriages of different nationalities are at the stage of preparing a certificate from the marriage registrar and at the stage of preparing letters or other documents. The solution to the problems that arise in the mixed marriage procedure that has been prepared by the government is to provide clear information and provide a website for couples who are getting married. Those who are naughty must be given strict sanctions.
HUKUM DAN KEADILAN Hutabarat, Dany Try Hutama; Mustafa, Suci Irbatia; Ranti, Delfi; Samosir, Riski Hamsyah; Juwita, Salsadila; Lingga, Robi; Marpaung, Maysaroh; Nasution, Ika Bina Prasanti; Riski, Fajar; Syah, Perdana; Azzahro, Wan; Mariza, Rahma
Nusantara Hasana Journal Vol. 1 No. 10 (2022): Nusantara Hasana Journal, March 2022
Publisher : Nusantara Hasana Berdikari

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Law is rule in the from of norms and sactions made with the intention to regulate all human behavior, maintain public order, for justice and to prevent chaos in all levels of society. Law is very important for humans, esepecially for regulating human life it self in an ordely and peaceful manner as well as directed and ordely in accordance with the function of law. Justice and law are closely related because the creation of law must be able to provide the value of justice in the law. In enforcing a law, the law must also uphold justice according the needs and portions of each. The real ideals of law are legal certainty, legal benefits, and legal justice. Justice is actually an element of the law created to regulate all human behavior anf human thought patterns.
Citra Justicia : Majalah Hukum dan Dinamika Masyarakat Vol 23, No 1 (2022): Februari 2022
Publisher : Universitas Asahan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36294/cj.v23i1.2471


Co-Authors Aan Fauzan Abimanyu, Aditya P. Ade Hastina Putri Ade Irwansyah Ade Wahyuni Adila, Lica Adlina, Desri Affandi, Ikhwan Agung Gumelar Agung Hidayat Agus Budi Agus Salam Ahmad Fajar Mukti Ahmad Helmisyam Silitonga Ahmad Zuwandana Ajeng Alda Sari Akmal Satria Alvin Sitorus Al Madina Aldina, Cindy Alfathi Rizki Alkarim, Fazri Amida, Nur Ananta, Aulia Anggi Khoiriyah Anggun Wella Anisyah Annisya Raya Tanjung Anzas Elfindra Ari Ardiansyah Arief Wardana Azmi, Fahri Azura, Putri Azzahro, Wan Bayu Ansori Bunga Cyntia Lutfianur Cecep Sujati Chairanda Al Azmi Chandra Ridho Wijaya Chintia Meylandini Sihombing Cindy Indah Yani Cindy Pratiwi Darmawan, Khairunnisa Darnita Dea Resti Piranda Dela Amalia Vada Denisa, Denisa Deri, Afif Dessy Zulfianti Sinaga Dewi Syamsiah Dewi, Yulia Dicky Arya Dina Puspita Sari Dinda Ayu Mahvira Dinda Julita Pardede Dini Anggraini Diski Setiawan Donni Bascara Duwi Anggun Amsari Egi Delardi Eka Widya Lestari Eko Anuary Sitorus Eliana Saputri Emmi Rahmiwita Nasution Eny Ayu Ambarwati Erga Eka Putri Erra Ayu Erwina Rosita Eva Mizkat Evi Yulyantika Fadillah Asmuni MPR Fafaruq, Lintang Al Faisal Tanjung Fakhrul Azmi Faras Musyarih MHD Fauziah Ritonga Fawzan, Rudu Febby Andriana Subakti Fikri Ersa Firma Nduru Firman Febrian Lubis Ghani Akbar Gilang Opri Gusthi Sulistio Alfah Handayani Harmika, Zuwairiah Hassymi, Aldi Prayoga Hazali, Hazali Heri Syahputra Herman Herman Herman Silaban Hidayat, Riyan Fikqri Hidayat, Yunia Amanda Hikma Rotun Hikmah Ramadhani Ibnu Anhar Ibnu Tawaf Ibrahim Sinambela Ilham Arya Inderawan Pangestu Indraswary, Apriola Dwi Iqbal Irawan Ira Tania Irma Sulistia Irvi Nadila Juheri Amri Juliana Mangunsong Julianto, April Julianto, Lafirsto Yogkismun Julio Calvin Dheo Pasaribu Junita Mutiara Sari Ltubing Juwita, Nadila Rahma Juwita, Salsadila Kartika Khairida Khairida Khairul Azhar Khairunnisa Nasution Komis Simanjuntak Laila Siti Nurhaliza Leo Ronaldi Simbolon Lili Kahirina Azhari Lubis Lingga, Robi Lubis, Lili Khairani Azhari M. Fauzan Hakim Maimunah, Intan Malahayati Malau, Rado Manalu, Fernaldo Mangihut Tua Simamora Mangunsong, Juliana Manik, Susih Gajah Manurung, Agave Mariza, Rahma Marpaung, Aldo Rizky Bahari Marpaung, Maysaroh Mega Purnama Sari Sianipar Melinawaty Kristina Nainggolan Mhd. Irvansyah Mimi Arimbi Muhammad Abiyyu Raihandi Muhammad Afrizal Yuda Muhammad Aldi Prayuda Sitorus Muhammad Azhari Efendi Muhammad Bintang Muhammad Fatwa Str Muhammad Nasir Muhammad Reza Marpaung Muhammad Sakha Sinaga Muhammad Tuah Muhammad Yusuf Muliati Hasibuan Mustafa, Suci Irbatia Mutiara Nanda Pratama Nanda Prayoga Nandra Astuti Sikumbang Napitupulu, Celly Naumi Sarah Br. Nasution, Adenisya Nasution, Ika Bina Prasanti Nazunda, Nazunda Nur Aisyah Nur Aulia Dwiva Nur Fadhila Nurainul Mardiah Nurcahaya Nurcahaya Nurhaliza Rambe Nuria Sinta Nurul Padila Pandu Andrian Panjaitan, Annisa Octaviani Panjaitan, Khairunnisak Paramitha, Jihan Pasaribu, Liza Umami Patar Andreas Sitorus Patria Sahdan Poliansyah, Dimas Prety Sapahira Pujawati, Sri Anisa Putra, Aulia Putri, Julia Rahma Rado Maruli Malau Rafly Aulia Lubis Rahmaniah Rahmaniah Ramadhani, M. Risky Rani Tanjung Ranti, Delfi Rawi, Miftahul Khoiroh Regen Silaban Ridho Azhari Rika Aufara Rika Rahayu Rini Andriani Sitorus Rinia Salsabilla Riri Aflita Riski Adila Manja Riski, Fajar Rizka Efrianti Nasution Rizki Adrian Rizki, Muhammad Muhajir Rizky Iswandi Rizky Sinaga Robby Ramadani Robiatul Adawiyah Roffi Rivaldo Arya Sutta Rosdiana Rosdiana Rusti Zebua Sahera, Miri Saifana, Naila Sajali, Eka Salsabila Almas Salsabila, Jihan Samdoni Jarwal Sinaga Samosir, Putri Humaiza Samosir, Riski Hamsyah Santi Angriany Simbolon Sazri Febrian Sekar Nawang Sari Septian Rizky Dalimunthe Shafira Septiningrum Shamil Basayef Siagian, Angela Ekklesia Siagian, Zairul Abdi Simanjuntak, Angelina Deasyta Sinambela, Nur Isnaini Sirait, Deviana Dewi Sirait, M.Munawir Siregar, Fani Ustazah Siregar, Mia Audina Siregar, Sahmul Siregar, Sahmul Ruhum Siti Hamizah Siti Miftha Khairani Siti Rahmadani Sitorus, Dinda Mayarni Sitorus, Herman Sri Diana Sri Indah Lestari Sri Kinanti Sri Rizki Sri Wahyuni Stefany, Nandika Tiara Puteri Str, Akmal Satria Alfin Surbakti, Febby Andriana Suriani Suriani Suryadi Sustika Winda Anggraini Syah, Perdana Syahrunsyah Syahrunsyah Syapiq, Mirza Tarigan, Elisa Br Tarigan, Nurma Anggita Putri Tiara Divani Sary Tiara Kamil Tri Nia Alfathni Umi Khulsum Vivi Melvita Sari Wahyu Habib Wardana Wulan Suci Ramadhan Yogi Pratama Yolanda, Betrik Yundari, Yundari Yuni Widia Astuti Yusri Zahari Yusril Chandra Zahra Nur Fadila Zahra, Pelangi Aulia Zenny Fransisca