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SAKLAR SUARA MENGGUNAKAN ARDUINO BERBASIS ANDROID Rusli H; Sulaeman; Juniarti Iryani; muhammad awal nur
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputer (JSIKOM) Vol. 2 No. 01 (2021): JSIKOM

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The research aims to: (1) produce a tool that can control the lighting of the lights at home using Android through human voice. (2) Implement a sound switch using an Android-basedArduino.The research method we use in making sound switch tool using Android-based Arduino is Action research method (Action Research) that attempts to try to get ideas into Prektik to fix or change something for real impact. As for Action research measures (Action Research): (1) plan; (2) Action; (3) Observation; (4) reflection;. The Technical data collection (1) observation; (2) interviews; (3) Library study.The results showed that (1) This tool can be turned on/off when user gives command via Android "turn on lamp/delete lamp"; (2) The sound switch using this Android-based Arduino uses the Arduino as a brain that will process the input data of the android connected through the Bluetooth module HC 05; (3) This tool is made to provide ease for people who are sick or have a physical defect to turn on and extinguish the lights remotely using Android.
Peranan Metode Pemberian Tugas Terstruktur Terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika Peserta Didik Kelas X SMA Negeri 10 Makassar Juniarti Iryani
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Vol 5, No 2 (2017): PENDIDIKAN FISIKA
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (658.683 KB) | DOI: 10.26618/jpf.v5i2.681


Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen kuasi yang bertujuan untuk; (1) memperoleh informasi mengenai hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelas X SMA Negeri 10 Makassar yang diajar dengan metode pemberian tugas terstruktur tahun ajaran 2012/2013, (2) memperoleh informasi mengenai hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelas X SMA Negeri 10 Makassar yang diajar dengan metode ceramah bervariasi tahun ajaran 2012/2013, (3) mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar fisika antara peserta didik kelas X SMA Negeri 10 Makassar yang diajar dengan metode pemberian tugas terstruktur dan yang diajar dengan metode ceramah bervariasi tahun ajaran 2012/2013.  Subjek populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas X SMA Negeri 10 Makassar tahun ajaran 2012/2013 sebanyak 360 peserta didik dengan sampel sebanyak 76 peserta didik yang masing-masing 38 peserta didik pada kelas yang diajar dengan metode pemberian tugas terstruktur dan 38 peserta didik pada kelas yang diajar dengan metode ceramah bervariasi. Hipotesis penelitian adalah terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar fisika antara peserta didik yang diajar dengan menggunakan metode pemberian tugas terstruktur dan  yang diajar dengan metode ceramah bervariasi pada peserta didik kelas X SMA Negeri 10 Makassar tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes hasil belajar fisika yang memenuhi kriteria valid dengan realibilitas 0,870 sebanyak 22 item. Berdasarkan analisis deskriptif didapatkan bahwa skor rata-rata hasil belajar peserta didik yang diajar dengan metode pemberian tugas terstruktur adalah 15,76 dan standar deviasinya 3,46 sedangkan skor rata-rata hasil belajar peserta didik yang diajar dengan metode ceramah bervariasi adalah 13,00 dan standar deviasinya 3,03. Hasil analisis inferansial menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar fisika antara peserta didik kelas X SMA Negeri 10 Makassar yang diajar dengan metode pemberian tugas terstruktur dan yang diajar dengan metode ceramah bervariasi tahun ajaran 2012/2013 pada tarafnya α = 0,05Kata kunci: Penelitian eksperimen kuasi, metode pemberian tugas terstruktur, hasil belajar, statistik deskriptif, dan statistik inferensial.This research is quasi research experiments that have aims: (1) To get information about the results of physics study  of student in X grade SMAN 10 Makassar with given the structured task in 2012/2013 academic years. (2) To get information about the results of physics study  of student in X grade SMAN 10 Makassar which teach with variated lecture method in 2012/2013 academic years. (3) To knowing the difference between results of physics study  of student in X grade SMAN 10 Makassar with given the structured task and  the results of physics study  of student in X grade SMAN 10 Makassar which teach with variated lecture method in 2012/2013 academic years. Population subject in this research is all of students in X grade SMAN 10 Makassar in 2012/2013 academic yearsas much 360 students with 76 sample students that each part was separate 38 students for experiment class and 38 students for control class. The research hypothesis is  have the significant diffirentiated in the results of physics study of student in X grade SMAN 10 Makassar which was teach through the given structured task with teach variated lecture method in 2012/2013 academic years. The research instrument that used is result test of physics study that fulfills valid criteria with 0,870 questions realibilities as much 22 items. Based on the descriptive analysis that gotten on the average score students for experiments class is 15,76 and the deviation standard is 3,46 where asa on the average score students for control class is 13,00 and the debiation standard is 3,03. The inferential result analysis have difference between results of physics study  of student in X grade SMAN 10 Makassar with given the structured task and  the results of physics study  of student in X grade SMAN 10 Makassar which teach with variated lecture method in 2012/2013 academic years at real α = 0,05Key words: The quasi research, given the structured tasks, physics result, descriptive statistics, and inferential statistic.
Prototype Kacamata Sensorik Untuk Tunanetra Berbasis Mikrokontroler Dedy Hendryadi; Juniarti Iryani; M Azran
Jurnal Teknoif Teknik Informatika Institut Teknologi Padang Vol 10 No 1 (2022): TEKNOIF APRIL 2022
Publisher : ITP Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (322.035 KB) | DOI: 10.21063/jtif.2022.V10.1.25-28


Technological developments have changed people's lives who have physical limitations, including blind people. Braille's discovery makes them possible to read and operate a computer. However, they still need a stick and the closest person to guide them to carry out daily activities. Thus, to overcome this problem, this research produces object detection glasses for the visually impaired based on a microcontroller. These glasses are used to detect objects in front of the visually impaired when walking. These glasses are prototypes that can be worn by blind people and work by detecting objects in front and below using three ultrasonic sensors based on a predetermined distance of a minimum of 50 cm and a maximum of 100 cm, where the ultrasonic sensor is the reference point. This tool works by giving a warning to the patient via the microcontroller to the buzzer. This study concludes that these sensory glasses can provide a warning in the form of sound to the user when they find an object in front of them at a predetermined distance.