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All Journal Hemera Zoa Jurnal Saintika Medika Farmasains : Jurnal Farmasi dan Ilmu Kesehatan COPING (Community of Publishing in Nursing) Jurnal Akademika Biologi Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Agri-Informatika Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Hukum Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Journal of Agromedicine and Medical Sciences I-ECONOMICS: A Research Journal on Islamic Economics AlphaMath: Journal of Mathematics Education JURNAL PENDIDIKAN TEMATIK DIKDAS Al-Mustashfa Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan Indonesia Argipa (Arsip gizi dan Pangan) BASIS (BAHASA DAN SASTRA INGGRIS) INSPIRAMATIKA Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Ekonomi Kehutanan Al-Madrasah: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan (Scientific Journal of Nursing) PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PROGRAM PASCASARJANA PARAMUROBI Faletehan Health Journal Bioscientia Medicina : Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research de Fermat : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Abdimas Universal Keberlanjutan : Jurnal Manajemen dan Jurnal Akuntansi Jurnal Ilmiah Permas: Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Kendal Jurnal METAEDUKASI Journal of Classroom Action Research Tahdzib Al-Akhlaq: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Indonesian Journal of Sociology, Education and Development (IJSED) Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Edulead : Journal of Education Management Bioscientia Medicina : Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research JCA (Jurnal Cendekia Akuntansi) Proceeding of Mulawarman Pharmaceuticals Conferences Jurnal Penyuluhan Agama Obstretika Scientia Pontianak Nutrition Journal (PNJ) Journal of Educational Engineering and Environment
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ARGIPA (Arsip Gizi dan Pangan) Vol 1 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : UHAMKA PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (208.003 KB)


ABSTRACTNutrition and food is not only necessary for the growth, the development of physical,mental and health, but is also necessary for fertility or fertility in order to get a descent. The stateof maternal nutrition prior to conception influence on fertilization, fetal health, and maternalhealth. Fetal growth and birth weight of children is strongly influenced by the nutritional statusof pregnant women, both before and during pregnancy. Mothers with poor nutrition statushas deposits of nutrients is not enough to support the growth and development of the fetusand the mother’s health, as a result of fetal growth retardation, birth defects, miscarriage and low birth weight (LBW). The low nutritional status is affected by the lack of knowledge aboutnutritious food. An action based on knowledge will be better than the deed that is not basedon knowledge. Domain knowledge is very important for the formation of a person’s actions.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of nutrition education on knowledgeabout balanced nutrition changes on the bride and groom in Pekanbaru. This study was aPre-experimental research design with pre-post test with a total sample of 51 people taken byaccidental sampling. The variables studied were knowledge bride. Data were analyzed usingpaired t test technique with SPSS for Windows version 21. The results showed that there was asignifcant difference (p-value = 0,000) about the average percentage of nutritional knowledgeof respondents between before and after education, the average knowledge before being educated45.9 ± 13.211% increased to 62.37 ± 15.916%.Keywords: education, knowledge balanced nutrition
The Efficacy of Seluang Fish Oil (Rasbora agrotynea) Related Body Weight, Lipid Profile, Adiponectin and Leptin in Wistar Rats-Induced High Fat Diet Fatmawati Karim; Rachmat Hidayat; Erizka Rivani; Husnul Khotimah; Ester G Pansserga
Bioscientia Medicina : Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): Bioscientia Medicina: Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research
Publisher : HM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32539/bsm.v2i2.41


Background Rasbora agrotynea (local name : Seluang ) is a fish native to Sumatera, Malaya and Borneo. This fish has a potential as a local wisdom for supplementation of omega 3 and omega 6. In Sumatera, Seluang fish was used as traditional food. Aim of Study Aim of this study to explore the efficacy of seluang fish oil in body weight, lipid profile, adiponectin and leptin level in Wistar Rats-Induced High Fat Diet Methods This study was an experimental study , pre-post test with control group design. The sample in this study was 30 male rats, 8 weeks old, weight 150-200 gram. Rats were given high fat diet and seluang fish oil at dose of 0,1 , 0,2 and 0,4 mL/200 gr BW/day for 2 weeks. Seluang fish oil was extracted by distilation methods. The results of this study were assayed by SPSS 18. Results Seluang fish oil 0,4 mL/200 gr BW was more potent to reduce body weight gain, triglyseride level, leptin and increase adiponectin level than seluang fish oil 0,1 mL/200 gr BW, 0,2 mL/200 gr BW, negative control and positive control. Conclusion Seluang fish oil had a potention to reduce body weight, triglyceride, leptin and increase adiponectin level. Keywords: Seluang fish Oil – body weight- triglyserida – leptin - adiponectin
BASIS (Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris) Vol 7 No 2 (2020): JURNAL BASIS UPB
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33884/basisupb.v7i2.2479


Every human being has a different personality type. Personality is what makes humans look unique and not the same. There are many ways to analyze a person's personality, one of which is a psychological approach. The psychological theory of Carl Gustav Jung and Sigmund Freud is a way to analyze a person's personality types. The research method used in this study is a qualitative approach. Sources of research data is “A Caribbean Mystery” and the research data include: The Psychological types and Factor that influence the psychology of the main characters. Data collection techniques using library techniques, namely documents. Data analysis techniques using the techniques of reading, marking, coding and analysing. The result of this research can be formulated that on "A Caribbean Mystery" there are six personality types (Introversion-Thinking, Extroversion-Thinking, Introversion-Feeling, Extroversion-Feeling, Introversion-Sensing and Extroversion-Intuition), about the influencing factors of the psychological types is dominated by personal factors (Motive of Curiosity, Motive of Competence, Motive of Love, Motive of Self and The Need to Find Identity, Motive of Value, Motive of Self-fulfillment Needs, Attitudes, and Emotion.
INSPIRAMATIKA Vol 4 No 2 (2018): Inspiramatika, December 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika FKIP Universitas Islam Darul Ulum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (774.464 KB) | DOI: 10.52166/inspiramatika.v4i2.1236


The aims of this study are to examine students’ mathematical critical and creative thinking ability achievement in experiment and control group based on Project-Based Inquiry Learning (PIL). This study is quasi-experimental research with non-equivalent control group design. The whole students of eight grader in one of Public Junior High School in Balikpapan, Academic year 2018/2019 were selected as population. The sample for this study, two classes are taken as experiment class who get Project-Based Inquiry Learning (PIL) and control class who get conventional learning by using purposive sampling technique. The data of mathematical critical and creative thinking ability were analyzed by Mann Whitney non parametric test. The results of this study show that: (1) the ability of students’ mathematical critical thinking on Project-Based Inquiry Learning (PIL) classroom is not better than the conventional class; (2) the ability of students’ mathematical creative thinking on Project-Based Inquiry Learning (PIL) classroom is better than the conventional class
Peran Kegiatan Ekstrakulikuler dalam Mengembangkan Minat dan Bakat Peserta Didik di SDN 2 Cipeujeuh Kulon Bambang Firmansyah; Husnul Khotimah; Iis Iis; Iis Trisnawati; Khoirus Sachiyah; Nurul Badriyah Haqiqiyah; Shanti Meris Dwi Astuti; Siti Durrotul Mukarromah
Edulead : Journal of Education Management Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Edulead : Journal of Education Management
Publisher : LPPM Bunga Bangsa Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47453/edulead.v4i1.804


Primary School is a formal level of education that requires extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities are activities outside study hours to develop talents and ask learners. Extracurricular implementation refers to Permendikbud no. 62 of 2014 on extracurricular activities in Primary and Secondary Education. The purpose of this study is to determine the interests and talents of students who are channeled through extracurricular activities. This research uses a qualitative approach with Case Study Method. Data collection techniques conducted in this study consist of observation, interview, and documentation. Extracurricular activities include compulsory extracurricular activities, namely scouts, while extracurricular activities of choice consist of calistung (reading, writing, and counting), poetry, and piano. The extracurricular activities that are most in demand are poetry, because students feel happy in expressing feelings through a work. The results of this study show that the role of extracurricular activities as a place to develop the interests and talents of students and have a positive impact in strengthening character education. Abstrak Sekolah Dasar merupakan jenjang pendidikan formal yang mewajibkan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan di luar jam belajar untuk mengembangkan bakat dan minta peserta didik. Pelaksanaan ekstraskurikuler mengacu kepada Permendikbud No. 62 Tahun 2014 Tentang Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler pada Pendidikan Dasar dan Pendidikan Menengah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui minat dan bakat peserta didik yang disalurkan melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari Observasi, Wawancara, dan Dokumentasi. Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang dilaksanakan meliputi kegiatan ekstrakurikuler wajib yaitu pramuka, sedangkan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler pilihan terdiri dari calistung (membaca, menulis, dan berhitung), puisi, dan pianika. Adapun kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang paling banyak diminati yaitu puisi, karena peserta didik merasa senang dalam mengekspresikan perasaan melalui sebuah karya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa peran kegiatan ekstrakurikuler sebagai wadah pengembangan minat dan bakat peserta didik serta berdampak positif dalam penguatan pendidikan karakter.
Pengaruh Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Daun Miana (Coleus atropurpureus L. Benth) Husnul Khotimah; Risna Agustina; Mirhansyah Ardana
Proceeding of Mulawarman Pharmaceuticals Conferences Vol. 8 (2018): Proceeding of Mulawarman Pharmaceuticals Conferences
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (470.781 KB) | DOI: 10.25026/mpc.v8i1.295


Daun miana (Coleus atropurpureus L. Benth.) merupakan tumbuhan yang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan alami.Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama penyimpanan terhadap aktivitas antioksidan dan flavonoid totalekstrak daun Miana (Coleus atropurpureus L. Benth.) pada penyimpanan suhu sejuk. Dilakukan pengujian flavonoid total serta uji aktivitas antioksidanmenggunakan metode DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil) dan diukur dengan spektrofotometer UV-Vis, kemudian dihitung nilai IC50. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas antioksidan pada ekstrak daun miana yang disimpan pada suhu sejuk mengalami peningkatan aktivitas dan setelah dua minggu penyimpanan aktivitas antioksidan mulai mengalami penurunan,hal ini tidak sejalan dengan kadar flavonoid total yang mengalami penurunan pada hari ketiga setelah penyimpanan. Oleh karena itu diduga terdapat senyawa lain yang juga berperan memberikan aktivitas antioksidan seperti tanin yang positif terkandung dalam daun miana pada hasil pengujian metabolit sekunder dan tanin merupakan salah satu senyawa yang dapat mendukung aktivitas antioksidan dari ekstrak. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah aktivitas antioksidan daun miana mengalami peningkatan selama seminggu penyimpanan pada suhu sejuk dan mulai menurun setelah dua minggu penyimpanan.
Jurnal Ilmiah Permas: Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Kendal Vol 9 No 4 (2019): Oktober

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Motivasi kinerja Penanggungjawab Upaya Kesehatan Masyakarat yang baik akan mempengaruhi Penilaian kinerja Puskesmas. Dengan menggunakan Maslow’s model pada kinerja mempengaruhi motivasi penanggungjawab program ditinjau dari Kebutuhan FisiologisKebutuhan Keamanan dan Keselamatan, Kebutuhan Sosial, Kebutuhan Penghargaan, Kebutuhan Aktualisasi Diri. Desain penelitian study corelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di Puskesmas Tlogosari pada bulan April sampai dengan Mei 2019 dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 30 responden yang diambil secara Total Sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah kuesioner, dan dilakukan uji Analisa Spearman Rho dengan derajat kemaknaan p ≤ 0,05. Didapatkan p value 0,000, p < 0,05, ada Hubungan Motivasi Kinerja Penanggungjawab Upaya Kesehatan Masyakarat Berdasarkan Maslow’s Model. Kebutuhan berdasarkan Maslow’s Model dapat mempengaruhi Motivasi Kinerja Penanggungjawab Upaya Kesehatan Masyakarat sehingga dapat membantu ketercapaian Penilaian Kinerja Puskesmas menjadi lebih baik. Kata kunci : motivasi kerja, hirarki maslow’s, kinerja, program upaya kesehatan masyarakat ABSTRACT Motivation of the performance of the Responsible Community Health Efforts will influence the performance evaluation of the health center. Using Maslow's model on performance affects the motivation of program managers in terms of Physiological Needs, Security and Safety Needs, Social Needs, Award Needs, Self Actualization Needs. Correlational study design with a cross-sectional approach. The study was conducted at the Tlogosari Health Center in April until May 2019 with a total sample of 30 respondents taken in total sampling. The measuring instrument used was a questionnaire, and the Spearman Rho Analysis test was carried out with a significance level of p < 0.05. Obtained p-value 0,000, p <0,05, there is a correlation between the Motivation of Performance of Responsible Health Efforts Based on Maslow's Model. The needs-based on Maslow's Model can influence the Motivation of the Performance of Responsible Community Health Efforts so that they can help achieve the Performance Assessment of health center to be better. Keywords: work motivation, hierarchy maslow, performance, public health efforts program
Analisis Pernikahan Usia Dini pada Wanita Usia Subur (Data SKAP BKKBN Provinsi Banten 2019) Husnul Khotimah; Refi Lindawati
Faletehan Health Journal Vol 9 No 02 (2022): Faletehan Health Journal, July 2022
Publisher : Universitas Faletehan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33746/fhj.v9i02.329


Early marriage is a phenomenon that occurs at the national and international levels, one of which is in Indonesia, according to the results of the Banten Province BKKBN Youth SKAP data in 2019 there are still many people who marry under the age of 18. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between education, place of residence, and ethnicity with early marriage in women of childbearing age in Banten Province in 2019. This research was quantitative analytic with a cross-sectional approach. Independent variable; education, place of residence, and ethnicity. The dependent variable is early marriage. Respondents were all data on women of childbearing age contained in the 2019 Banten Province BKKBN SKAP data, which amounted to 1709 people. Data collection uses data from the 2019 Banten Province BKKBN SKAP which is already available. Bivariate data analysis using chi-square. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between education (P: 0.000), place of residence (P: 0.000), and ethnicity (P: 0.000) with early marriage. Education can influence a woman to delay the age of marriage. The longer a woman attends formal education, the higher the age at first marriage, and women who live in rural areas have a higher tendency to marry young than women who live in urban areas and certain ethnic groups have a very close relationship with the occurrence of early marriage.
Terapi Non-Farmakologi untuk Mengatasi Nyeri Dismenore pada Remaja Husnul Khotimah; Santi Sundary Lintang
Faletehan Health Journal Vol 9 No 03 (2022): Faletehan Health Journal, November 2022
Publisher : Universitas Faletehan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33746/fhj.v9i3.499


One of the complaints during menstruation is dysmenorrhea. Non-pharmacological therapy becomes the main alternative to overcome dysmenorrhea. However, few studies discuss it. The purpose of this study was to analyze various non-pharmacological therapies (aromatherapy, warm compresses, deep breathing relaxation, music therapy, and physical exercise) to treat dysmenorrhea pain in adolescents. This study used a pre experimental pretest-posttest design. Of the 114 total population, the sample was taken by using a quota sampling technique and amounted to 65. The research data analysis used Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The results showed that the 5 non-pharmacological therapies could treat dysmenorrhea pain in adolescents with P value 0.001 for aromatherapy, P value 0.001 for warm compresses, P value 0.004 for deep breath relaxation, P value 0.001 for music therapy, and P value 0.001 for physical exercise. Adolescents can do their favorite things as a non-pharmacological therapy to divert pain due to dysmenorrhea; thus, their daily activities are not disturbed and can be more productive.
Analisis Kesalahan Dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Turunan Fungsi Aljabar Ditinjau Dari Jenis Kelamin Husnul Khotimah; Amrullah; Ratna Yulis Tyaningsih; Nyoman Sridana
Journal of Classroom Action Research Vol. 4 No. 4 (2022): November
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA, Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jcar.v4i4.2272


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesalahan peserta didik kelas XII MIPA SMAN 1 Selong dalam menyelesaikan masalah Turunan Fungsi Aljabar ditinjau dari perbedaan jenis kelamin. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan dataobservasi, tes, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakanyaitu reduksi data, penyajiandan verifikasi data. Uji keabasahan data menggunakan uji kredibilitas, dependability, transferability dan konfirmability. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkanrata-rata skor kesalahan peserta didik laki-laki sebesar 56 dengan persentase 45% sedangkan rata-rata skor kesalahan peserta didik perempuan sebesar 128 dengan persentase 42%.Penyebab peserta didik perempuan melakukan lebih banyak kesalahan adalah besarnya keraguan yang dimiliki dalam memilih metode untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang ada. Setelah menentukan metode penyelesaian, sering kali peserta didik perempuan kemudian melakukan kecerobohan dalam proses perhitungan karena tidak teliti dan terburu-buru. Sedangkan, rata-rata kesalahan penyelesaian masalah peserta didik laki-laki cenderung lebih rendah karena peserta didik lebih dapat meyakini metode atau penyelesaian yang telah dipilih meskipun belum teruji kebenarannya. Setelah melakukan analisis hasil tes kesalahan penyelesaian masalah turunan fungsi aljabar berdasarkan kategori kesalahan Newman, pada peserta didik laki-laki diperoleh persentase kesalahan tertinggi yaitu pada kategori kesalahan penulisan jawaban akhir (Encoding errors/E)dengan persentase 63% dan kesalahan terendahpada kategori kesalahan membaca (Reading errors/R) dengan persentase sebesar 27%. Sementara itu, setelah melakukan analisis hasil tes kesalahan penyelesaian masalah turunan fungsi aljabar berdasarkan kategori kesalahan Newman untuk skor kesalahan peserta didik perempuan diperoleh data bahwa kategori kesalahan tertinggi yaitu kesalahan penulisan jawaban akhir (Encoding errors/E)dengan persentase sebesar 72% sedangkan kesalahan paling rendah diperoleh pada kategori kesalahan membaca (Reading errors/R)dengan persentase sebesar 14%.
Co-Authors A. Otong Busthomi Abdul Hamid Wahid Ahmad Kholid Fauzi Amrullah Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara Anas Muhktar Andita Wahyuningtyas Anggaunita Kiranantika Anna Muawanah Aswati Aswati Ayuni Arfina Bagus Supriyadi Bakti Tamba Bambang Firmansyah Bambang Yulianto Dedi Ansori Desi Apriani Dhani Yuniati Duwi Lismawati Dwi Adi Nugroho Eka Yuli Astuti Elisa Nurul Laili Erizka Rivani Ester G Pansserga Evin Andriani Fatmawati Ferawati Ferawati Fitnaningsih Endang Cahyawati Fitriani Fitriani Gatut Rubiono Habibur Rahman Hadiyanto Harianto Budi Rahardjo Hary Soedarto Harjono Hasanuddin " HESTI ATASASIH I Ketut Karya Wisana Iin Sumarto Iis Iis Iis Trisnawati Ima Mulyawati Imas Sukaesih Sitanggang Indah Nur Chomsy Indhra Musthofa Irma Yeny Irman Hermadi Juju Jumena Kadar Kuswandi Khoirus Sachiyah Kholisotin, Kholisotin Kirnantoro Kirnantoro M. Saifur Rohman Mifetika Lukitasari Mirhansyah Ardana Moch Sasmito Djati MUHAMMAD AGIL Mukhlis R Nadiyah Khairiyah Aziz Nanda Wahyu Anandita Nur Amin Nur Samsu Nurul Badriyah Haqiqiyah Nyoman Sridana RACHMAT HIDAYAT Rahayu Sri Waskitoningtyas Rahman, Handono Fatkhur Ratna Yulis Tyaningsih Refi Lindawati Rejeki Siti Ferniah Ririn Maghfirah Risna Agustina Rizky Hafifatul Umam Roziana Roziana Santi Sundary Lintang Shanti Meris Dwi Astuti SITI AISAH Siti Durrotul Mukarromah Siti Nur Jannah Sri Astutik Andayani SRI UTAMI SUBAGIO Suci Yuniarti Sulfiati Ira Wijayanti Susy Katarina Sianturi Sutrisnak Sutrisnak Teguh Wahyono Tingga Sari Novi Prakaswati Tri Hariyati Nur Indah Sari Tuty L Yusuf Widhi Kurniawan Yani Nurhadryani YESSI ALZA Yuliono Trika Nur Hasan Zahrotul Wathoniyah,