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Jurnal Ilmiah Desain & Konstruksi Vol 9, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

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Proyek perencanaan jalan di lokasi Bayah, Provinsi Banten, terdapat perbedaanelevasi muka tanah pada sisi kanan-kiri jalan. Sehingga, ruas jalan yang melaluidaerah tersebut perlu dilakukan analisa kemantapan dan penanggulangan longsoranterhadap lereng tersebut secara tepat.Pada penulisan ini dalam melakukan analisaterlebih dahulu menentukan geometri lereng yang tepat, dalam perencanaan inidilakukan dengan metode penanggaan (Benching), karena dapat menambah gayapenahan dan mengurangi gaya dorongan dibandingkan dengan metode pelandaianbiasa. Prinsip dasar penaggulangan longsor mengurangi gaya dorong dan menambahgaya penahan.Dalam perhitungan kestabilan lereng di penulisan ini dilakukan dengan2 metode analisis, yaitu metode Fennelius dan Bishop. Metode Bishop dianalisissecara trial and error dalam menentukan nilai safety factor, sedangkan metodeFennelius dianalisis berdasarkan kondisi lapangan. Selain dengan cara perhitunganmanual dapat pula dilakukan dengan menggunakan program bantu Slope/w, dimanahasil nilai safety factornya tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang jauh.Adapun dilakukankonstruksi penahan tanah pada kaki lereng, yaitu digunakan dinding penahan tanahtipe kantilever. Dimana tinggi maximum 8 meter. Dinding penahan tanah kantileverdisebut juga ”T” walls sebab bentuknya seperti huruf T terbalik. Tekanan tanah lateraldihitung dengan metode Rankine, karenan lebih sesuai dengan jenis tanah yang didapatPT. Geomarindex.Dari hasil yang dilakukan pada perencanaan penanggulanganlongsoran, diSTA 2 + 920 (kiri) kontur lereng dengan metode penanggaan, stabilitaslerengNilai Safety factor 1,33 (metode Fennelius) dan metode Bishop nilai safetyfactor1,36. Kondisi tersebut aman karena FS>1. Hasil selisih perhitunganStabilitas Lereng dengan metode Fennelius dan Bishop antara manual dan programbantu slope/w memiliki selisih sekitar 0,09 % s.d 4.39 %. Pada Perencanaan dindingpenahan tanah didapat Safety Factor terhadap gulingan sebesar 2,63 dan terhadapgulingan sebesar 1,597 lebih besar dari 1,5 (faktor yang diijinkan).
KEAMANAN BASIS DATA PADA PERANCANGAN SISTEM KEPAKARAN PRESTASI SMAN DIKOTA SURAKARTA Robi Wariyanto Abdullah; Sri Wulandari; Muqorobin Muqorobin; Fendy Prasetyo Nugroho; Wahyu Wijaya Widiyanto
CCIT Journal Vol 12 No 1 (2019): CCIT JOURNAL
Publisher : Universitas Raharja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1089.937 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/ccit.v12i1.596


State high schools in Surakarta City have different achievements. To see these achievements, it is necessary to have an expert system that provides information about the achievements of the school to the community, both student achievement and the achievements of teachers or educators. In designing the expertise system of school achievement, it is also necessary to design the database system. Often developers don't pay attention to data security in the database when designing a system. System design is made into the concept of data mapping, Context Diagrams, and Table Relations. This research will also discuss restrictions on database access rights in MySQL which is useful to restrict users from accessing the database. Based on the design, the writer presents a web-based school achievement expertise design system as a means of information on the achievements of public high schools in the city of Surakarta. The method in this study covers literature review, data collection, designing achievement expertise systems, and designing and security procedures for the expert system database at Surakarta Senior High School. The results of this study are the system of school achievement expertise in Surakarta Senior High School based on the categories of achievement, level of achievement, and year of achievement as well as the design database of the school achievement system with regard to database security
Diglossia Vol 4, No 1 (2012): September
Publisher : Unipdu Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26594/diglossia.v4i1.229


Sri Wulandari Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum Jombang mikyoonrizu@gmail.com Abstrak Artikel ini merupakan contoh kritik sastra yang mengupas jenis penindasan yang dialami oleh perempuan dalam novel ‘A Thousand Splendid Suns’ karya Khaled Hosseini dan bagaimana cara mereka menghadapi penindasan. Dengan menggunakan teori penindasan oleh Iris muda, penelitian ini mencoba untuk menggambarkan penindasan yang dialami oleh Mariam dan Laila di dalam novel A Thousand Splendid Suns. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya lima jenis penindasan, diantaranya eksploitasi, marginalisasi, ketidakberdayaan, imperialisme budaya, dan kekerasan yang dialami oleh dua tokoh wanita tersebut. Kelima penindasan ini berasal dari suami dan masyarakat di mana mereka tinggal. Mariam cenderung untuk bertahan atas penindasan yang dialami, sementara Laila cenderung untuk melawan. Tapi pada akhirnya, baik Mariam dan Laila melawan penindasan untuk menentukan kehidupan mereka masing- masing. Kata Kunci: penindasan, penindasan perempuan Abstract This article is a literary criticism which studies the types of oppression experienced by women in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns and the way they deal with the oppression. Using  the theory of oppression by Iris Young , this study tries to describe Mariam’s and Laila’s oppression in A Thousand Splendid Suns. Through this study, it is found that Five Faces of Oppression, namely exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, cultural imperialism, and violence happen to the women in A Thousand Splendid Suns. Those types oppression above come from their husband and the society where they live. The effort they make to deal with the oppression is different according to their personalities and family background. Mariam tends to defend and endure, meanwhile Laila is apt to defend and resist. But in the end, both Mariam and Laila fight the oppression to determine their own lives. Key Words : types of oppression, women oppression  
Decision Support System Recommendations of Half and Full Subsidized KPR Houses rizalul akram; Novianda Novianda; Sri Wulandari
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jite.v4i1.3891


The house is a primary need for humans because as a place to stay and carry on life. Having a house is certainly not an easy matter because it requires a very large cost for it. This large amount of capital has made the community take a short and practical path by choosing half or full subsidized housing loans. Only with a capital of 20 million housing mortgages can be placed. However, the case of the house also considers the size, area, model, size of the remaining land, and location to be crucial in the selection. At present the types of KPR houses consist of types 36, 45, and 54. All three types have subsidies from the government so that they are affordable by many communities. However, from the results of field observations many people felt that it was not appropriate to choose the type of house. Let's say someone wants a type 45 house but ends up choosing type 36 with an estimated objection to paying monthly installments, even though they are capable. And vice versa who take type 45 then object to paying the monthly installments. Based on these problems, the authors try to help the community through the bank with the application of a decision support system (SPK). With this system, people who have filled out the registration form on the system will get a recommendation for the type of house. This system was built using the simple addative weight (SAW) method.Keywords: House, KPR, Type, SPK, SAW.
Jurnal Spektrum Hukum PMIH UNTAG Semarang Vol 18, No 1 (2021): SPEKTRUM HUKUM
Publisher : PMIH Untag Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (254.776 KB) | DOI: 10.35973/sh.v18i1.2388


Jurnal Spektrum Hukum PMIH UNTAG Semarang Vol 14, No 1 (2017): Jurnal SPEKTRUM HUKUM
Publisher : PMIH Untag Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (257.052 KB) | DOI: 10.35973/sh.v14i1.1103


JURNAL ILMIAH HUKUM DAN DINAMIKA MASYARAKAT Vol 9, No 2 (2012): Hukum dan Dinamika Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas 17 Agustus (UNTAG) Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (509.472 KB) | DOI: 10.56444/hdm.v9i2.303


Correctional system is a series of law enforcement that aims to make prisoners aware of his mistake, realize yourself and do not repeat his mistakes and be accepted back in society and play an active role in development, more equitable as good citizens and responsible. The imposition of imprisonment for the convicted person's right to freedom means the seized of concerning human dignity. Therefore for achieving the goals of sentencing, motivation and characteristics of correctional officers and the community were necessary in a sustainable and integrated either at the time prisoners in the Penitentiary (intra-mural) or outside Correctional Institution (extra mural). The lack of attention Prison officers and community participation inmates in the prison system of criminal justice may be possible kriminogen and become ineffective.
JURNAL ILMIAH HUKUM DAN DINAMIKA MASYARAKAT Vol 12, No 1 (2014): Hukum dan Dinamika Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas 17 Agustus (UNTAG) Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (110.969 KB) | DOI: 10.56444/hdm.v12i1.342


One of the most fundamental rights of human life is the right to justice. Justice is the most noble of human interest in the criminal justice process because often violations of human rights that takes the role of lawyers in providing legal assistance to a suspect / defendant as the provisions of Law No. 8 of 1981 (Criminal Code) and Law No. 18, 2003 (Advocate). The job of an advocate is to serve the purposes of the law of his client / applicant for justice, the rule of law to perform well and do not let one in applicability. As the performance wujut responsibility placed on an anvil "Professional Ethics / Code of Ethics" Advocate.
The Acupuncture Effect of Zusanli point (ST36) to Decrease the Number of Leukocytes in Mice (Mus musculus) Model of Sepsis Due to Exposure of Cecal Inoculum Esty Jayanti; Balgis .; Sri Wulandari
Nexus Biomedika Vol 4, No 2 (2015): Nexus Biomedika
Publisher : Nexus Biomedika

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Background:The incidence of sepsis in the Dr. Moewardi Hospital at the end 2007 showed a mortality rate of 50.2 % (115 deaths from 229 patient with sepsis). Associated with the sepsis treatment therapy, the use of low-dose corticosteroids in the early stages of sepsis is still debated. WHO suggests that acupuncture can stimulate corticosteroid. The aim of this study was to know the acupuncture effect of Zusanli point ( ST36 ) to decrease the number of leukocytes in mice (Mus musculus) model of sepsis caused by the exposure of cecal inoculum. Methods:This study was an experimental laboratory research with posttest only control group designs. The samples were 28 male mice, divided by simple random sampling into a control group (KK), Sepsis Group 1 (KS1), Sepsis Group 2 (KS2), and Sepsis Group 3 (KS3). Sepsis groups were made by giving cecal inoculum exposure at a dose of 0.1 mg/mouse/day injected intraperitoneally for 7 days. During the 10 days after exposure, no treatment was given to KS1, while KS2 was treated with corticosteroid therapy, and KS3 was given acupuncture therapy. The low dose corticosteroid used was Methyl prednisolone at a dose of 0.05 mg/mice that was injected intraperitoneally 2 times daily. The acupuncture was given at the Zusanli point (ST36) with a duration of 15 minutes. Blood samples were taken at day 24th. The leukocyte count data were analyzed with One Way ANOVA test (p<0.05) and the Bonferroni post hoc test (p>0.005). Results:Sepsis group were successfully made by exposure of cecal inoculum with significance level (p) of 0.000 (p>0.005). Acupuncture of zusanli point (ST36) could reduce leucocyte count in mice (Mus musculus) model of sepsis caused by exposure to cecal inokulum as same as corticosteroid group with significance level (p) 0.000 (p>0.005). Conclusion:Acupuncture of Zusanli point (ST36) can reduce leukocyte count in mice (Mus musculus) model of sepsis caused by exposure to cecal inoculum. Keywords: Acupuncture, Zusanli point (ST36), leukocyte count, Sepsis.
Boeravinone F, Withanolide D, and Chitranone are a Potential Antagonist of Angiotensin Receptor 1 Insilico for Hypertension Treatment Febri Ningtyas; Sri Wulandari; Balqis .
Nexus Kedokteran Translasional Vol 6, No 1 (2017): Nexus Kedokteran Translasional
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

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Introduction: Hypertension is a silent killer which can cause complications such as heart diseases, stroke, and chronic kidney diseases. Olmesartan is a one of the Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBs) for an alternative treatment of hypertension. However, this drug has low bioavailability, short duration, and partial agonist against angiotensin 1 receptor (AT1). Indonesia has more than 6.000 phytochemicals which are derived from various herbal plants but their therapeutic effects are unknown. Molecular docking is an initial step to find new drug candidates that have shorter time and lower cost. Therefore, this study aimed to identify phytochemicals as an AT1 antagonist through molecular docking for hypertension treatment. Methods: This was a bioinformatics study. Research samples were all phytochemicals registered in HerbalDB, had 3 dimention structure, and met criteria of Lipinski's rule of five. Olmesartan was used as a standard ligand and obtained from PubChem. AT1 receptor was downloaded from Protein Data Bank. Validation of receptor-standard ligand binding complexes was done by using Autodock Vina 1.1.2 five times. Docking results were visualized using Pymol 1.7 and Chimera 1.10. Data were analyzed using docking scores, binding sites, molecular conformation, and criteria of Lipinski's rule of five.Results: Olmesartan had -9.9 Kcal/mol docking score and interacted with the AT1 receptor at Tyr35, Trp84, dan Arg167 residues. Boeravinone F (-10,2 Kcal/mol), Chitranone (-10,5 Kcal/mol), and Withanolide D (-10,8 Kcal/mol) had lower docking score than olmesartan. These phytochemicals had binding sites as same as olmesartan except Chitranone with an additional binding site at Asp281 residue. The phytochemicals had different conformation from olmesartan but had similarity of chemical properties with olmesartan. Conclusions: Boeravinone F, Chitranone, and Withanolide D can be potential as an AT1 receptor inhibitor insilico for hypertension treatment. Keywords: hypertension, AT1 receptor, olmesartan, phytochemicals, molecular docking.
Co-Authors A Sidik Mulyana Abigail Vania Dela Rosa Agus Adam Dwi Rahmanto Ade Diana Kharisma Aditya Rakhmawan Agustina Supoyo Agustyarum Pradiska Budi Alawiyah Alawiyah Andria Andria Andria Andria Anis Fajar Sajati Anugrah Tifanny Aries Widiyoko Arnentis &#039; Arnold Kabangnga Astrid Riauda Putriana Atiqatul Dzakirah Balgis . Balqis . Bayu Seto Wibowo Buana Basir Budi Syahputra Rio Chrisdayanti Br Simanjuntak Daeng Ayub Damayanti Damayanti Darmawati Darmawati Dedy Purnomo Delfi Trisnawati Desak Made Malini Devia Devia Eka Permatasari DEVIANA DEVIANA Dewi Fatmasari Dheska Arthyka Palifiana Dian Kurnia Sari Dian Munawarah Dinda Ambar Aprilla Riska Dinda Dwi Inggar Pratiwi Octavirani Edri Yandi Elfridei Br Purba Elisa Indah Mayang Sari Elya Febrita Emay Maulani Esty Jayanti Evi Suryawati Fadilla Rizky Nurhidayat Faisyal Rani Faizul Faizul Fajri Cahyadi Febri Ningtyas Feiby Ismail Fendy Prasetyo Nugroho Fina Amalia Firdaus L.N &#039; Firdaus LN Firdaus LN &#039; Firdaus LN Firdaus LN Firma Fika Rahmawati Gandys Gandys Vasha Pradana Giska Dwi Mulyeni Gita Fajrin Jafar Heru Pramono Hikmatul Mujahadah Imam Mahadi Indah Maya Istanti Irda Sayuti Irfan Andi Gafur Irma Oktamadila Tsaniyah Jawiana Saokani JHELANG ANNOVASHO Kartini Desyani Tindaon Kartini Kartini Khoirun Nisa’ Kristanti Yuntoro Putri Kusman Ibrahim L.N. Firdaus L.N. Firdaus Lilik Noviawati LN Firdaus &#039; M. Irsyad Fauzi Mailisa Susanti Mardaya Mariani Natalina. L Maulidah Maulidah Maya Nurmasari Mesalina Tri Hidayani Mida Wulandari Miratussholeha Miratussholeha MMSI Irfan ,S. Kom Moh Sutarjo Monalysa Monalysa Mubassyirah Bakri Muchid " Mufti Rizky Ponny Muh. Rizal S Muhammad Annaba Alwi Tholib Mukarto Siswoyo Muqorobin Muqorobin Nabila Yudia Tamara Nahdhah Amaliyah Nailatun Nadrah Nana Aldriana Nila Fitri Dewi Nining Ratningsih Nita Farida Ni’matul Maula Nonik Ayu Wantini Novia Lori Afni Nababan Novianda Novianda Nur Ayudita Lestari Nur Safitri Nurhayati Nurhayati Nursal " Nursal &#039; Nurwahida Open Darnius Pargito Pargito Puji Purdiyah Putri Nurmala Rahmad Jumadi Rara Annisa Diniyah Ratna Agustin Rayshatico Perdana Putra Ridho Safna Rifka Pratiwi Hutapea Rika Efrianti Rika Handayani Risma Niswaty Riswanti Rini Rizalul Akram Robi Wariyanto Abdullah Said Suhil Achmad Septian Andriyani, Septian Shara Aljogja Sandra Shintia Oktaviani Silvi Eka Pratiwi Sirajuddin Saleh Siti Asih Priyati Siti Sacharisa Ade Sami Sowiyah Sowiyah SRI RAHAYU Sugeng Widodo Sukatmi &#039; Suratni " Susanto Susanto Sutarman Sutarman Suwondo &#039; suwondo suwondo Syafitri Hasanah Syafrizal Ulum Syarifudin Firmansyah Sylvia Dwi Wahyuni Titis Maria Yusuf Triharini, Mira Umi Salfia Wahyu Ratri Sukmaningsih Wahyu Wijaya Widiyanto Wahyu Wijaya Widiyanto Wan Safii Wan Syafii Wan Syafi’i Widhi Ariyo Bimo Widie Kemala Hapsari Wira Wahyu Wulan Sari Yara Andita Anastasya Yendi Aditya R Yossilia &#039; Yuli Triani Yuslim Fauziah Yusnida Bey Yustina Yustina Zam Afuw Imama Sugiman