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Analisis Linear Statik Pada Vertical Tail dengan Variasi Defleksi Rudder Rabeta, Bismil; Arifin, Mufti; Fairuza, Syarifah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1200.688 KB) | DOI: 10.35894/jtk.v2i2.11


Desain ekor vertikal pada pesawat sangat beragam bentuknya, bergantung pada karakteristik dan fungsinya. Pada ekor vertikal tersambung rudder yang merupakan control surface pada sumbu vertikal dengan gerakan menggeleng (yaw). Penulisan tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa beban aerodinamis pada ekor vertikal dengan defleksi rudder yang berbeda. Material yang digunakan pada pemodelan adalah aluminium alloy 7075-T6, merupakan paduan dari zinc dan copper. Pemodelan ekor vertikal dan analisa perhitungan dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan elemen hingga dengan bantuan software solidworks 2016. Dengan menggunakan menu flow simulation dan simulation pada solidworks, dapat diketahui output berupa stress, strain, displacement, dan safety factor. Dari hasil yang didapat distribusi stress dan strain memiliki nilai maksimal pada daerah hinge dan  nilai minimal  terjadi pada root leading edge dari ekor vertikal. Nilai stress maksimal pada pemodelan semakin meningkat seiring bertambah besarnya defleksi rudder yang diberikan, tetapi tidak melebihi yield strength dari material yang digunakan.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1101.347 KB) | DOI: 10.35894/jtk.v4i2.310


Aside from being a manufacturer of lift force, a wing is functioning hold the load that occurs in the structure of the aircraft, such as the shear load, twist and bending. Of all the load the load bending is the greatest burden are received by the wings. Setting the load bending is one of the major factors in reducing the burden experienced by the wing. However, the optimal value indicated opposite between on land and in the air, to take advantage of the situation to use fuel system transfers the load alleviation. Fuel transfer load alleviation is a system that automatically move the fuel more in the tank at the time in part on land and are on the outside of the tank at the time in the air so that the effect of the load bending bending loads can be reduced, which generated as the result of addition between the weight distribution and the distribution of lift that occurs on the wings so as to calculate the bending data needed weight distribution and the distribution of lift on the wing. This research aims to know the weight distribution occurs on the wings of the Boeing 737-500. The value of the weight distribution and distribution of lift yield optimization moment on two States namely, on land and in the air with three variations of the fuel transfer that is, constant with a value of 40134.53 N, linear with a value of 48059.53 N, and the maximum value of 172386.50 N.
JTK: JURNAL TEKNOLOGI KEDIRGANTARAAN Vol 5, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Teknologi Kedirgantaraan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (423.501 KB) | DOI: 10.35894/jtk.v5i1.418


ICAO Annex 19 tentang Safety Management mensyaratkan pengukuran safety menggunakan Safety Performance Indicator (SPI). Parameter SPI ditetapkan oleh operator. Salah satu contoh adalah parameter maintenance (pemeliharaan) yang terkait accident atau incident. SPI maintenance terdiri dari Pilot Report, Dispatch Reliability, Deferred Maintenance (DMI), Service Difficulty Report, Air Turn Back, Rejected Take Off, dan Repeated Defect. Beberapa parameter SPI memiliki korelasi satu sama lain. Simulasi telah dilakukan menggunakan reliability mapping dengan berbagai skenario pemeliharaan untuk melihat hubungan antara parameter Deferred Maintenance Item, Repeated Defect, dan Technical Interruption yang digunakan pada perhitungan Dispatch Reliability. Analisis kinerja pemeliharaan juga disimulasikan dengan metode ini. Hasil simulasi memperlihatkan hubungan sebab akibat dua arah dan satu arah diantara ketiga parameter SPI. Kinerja pemeliharaan dapat diperkirakan dari reliability mapping terutama waktu yang diperlukan untuk penyelesaian defect dan kejadian berulang baik defect, DMI, atau technical interruption.
Rancang Bangun Perangkat Lunak Database Dent and Buckle Chart Pada Pesawat Boeing 737-800 fahmins; muftiarifin; endahyuniarti
Jurnal Teknologi Kedirgantaraan Vol 6 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Teknologi Kedirgantaraan
Publisher : FTK UNSURYA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2064.384 KB) | DOI: 10.35894/jtk.v6i1.28


Pemeliharaan pada pesawat terbang harus tercatat rapi dan lengkap menurut CASR Part 145, dimana salah satu pencatatan pemeliharaan yaitu catatan pada setiap komponen yang mengalami kerusakan dan perbaikan. Semua dicatat berdasarkan lokasi komponen, tanggal ditemukan dan dokumen yang berkaitan dengan kerusakan dan perbaikan tersebut. Contoh catatan pemeliharaan adalah dent and buckle chart (DBC). Dent and buckle chart yaitu catatan kerusakan dan perbaikan yang telah dilakukan pada struktur pesawat terbang. Fungsi dari DBC ini yaitu untuk memudahkan dalam pencarian riwayat kerusakan dan perbaikan pada pesawat terbang. Penelitian ini berupa rancang bangun perangkat lunak database DBC, tujuannya memudahkan pencatatan DBC, dan penggunaannya dapat diakses di semua device seperti PC (Personal Computer) dan smartphone. Perangkat lunak ini berupa website yang diberi nama “Sysdnb” dan telah dibuat untuk mencatat kerusakan dan perbaikan yang ada pada pesawat tipe B737-800. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pertama mengumpulkan data catatan perbaikan dan kerusakan B737-800, kemudian membuat Sysdnb dan input data catatan ke database. Setelah selesai membuat Sysdnb dan data sudah ter-input adalah trial Sysdnb. Hasil trial menunjukkan pencatatan kerusakan dan perbaikan pada pesawat B737-800. Sysdnb ini berhasil dibuat untuk memudahkan personil lapangan dalam melakukan pencarian riwayat kerusakan dan perbaikan pada pesawat B737-800 dan keterbatasan dari sysdnb ini yaitu tetap harus membuka dokumen SRM secara manual. Abstract - Maintenance on an aircraft must be neatly and completely recorded according to CASR Part 145, where one of the maintenance records is a record of each component that is damaged and repaired. All are recorded based on the location of the component, date found and documents relating to the damage and repair. Examples of maintenance records are the dent and buckle chart (DBC). Dent and buckle chart is a record of damage and repairs that have been made to aircraft structures. The function of this DBC is to facilitate the search for a history of damage and repairs to aircraft. This research is in the form of DBC database software design, its purpose is to make it easier to record DBC, and its use can be accessed on all devices such as PCs (Personal Computers) and smartphones. This software is in the form of a website called "Sysdnb" and has been made to record the damage and repairs that exist on the type B737-800 aircraft. The method used in this study is to first collect the B737-800 repair and damage log data, then create a Sysdnb and input the log data to the database. After completing Sysdnb and the data has been input is a trial Sysdnb. The trial results show the recording of damage and repairs on the B737-800 aircraft. This system was successfully created to facilitate field personnel in searching for a history of damage and repairs on the B737-800 aircraft and the limitation of this system is that it still has to open SRM documents manually.
Estimasi Gaya Dorong Dari Motor Brushless Dengan Variasi Propeller Untuk Pesawat Model X-UAV Mini Talon Dengan Menggunakan Pengukur Massa Ananda Rafi Rijalul Awwal; Mufti Arifin; Endah Yuniarti
Jurnal Teknologi Kedirgantaraan Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Teknologi Kedirgantaraan
Publisher : FTK UNSURYA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (370.591 KB) | DOI: 10.35894/jtk.v5i2.16


One that affects aircraft performance is the thrust. The thrust is determined according to the requirements of the aircraft itself. This study uses a thrust test stand that uses a mass gauge as a thrust gauge, using two brushless motors and five propellers to determine the optimal thrust for X-UAV Mini Talon aircraft flying missions. The thrust required by the X-UAV Mini Talon aircraft - is known to be 0.6755 N for cruise flights and 4.979 N for take-off aircraft. After testing, the smallest thrust is produced by the configuration of the DYS 2826-13 brushless motor with a 5x3 inch propeller, while the biggest thrust by the RacerStar BR2212 brushless motor with a 10x6 inch propeller. Compared to calculations with propeller static thrust equation, the difference in thrust in testing with propeller static thrust ranges from 15% to 25%. Therefore, the optimal configuration for flying cruising is the DYS 2826-13 brushless motor with a 5x3 inch propeller, which produces a thrust of 0.988 N. Then, for the optimal configuration take-off is the Brushless DYS 2826-13 with a 9x5 inch propeller, which results in a thrust of 6,151. The configuration above was chosen because it is more efficient, with smaller current requirements compared to other configurations with more or less equivalent thrust.
Simulasi Pendistribusian Spare Part Oxygen Crew Pesawat Airbus Milik Maskapai X Di Bandara Pattimura Ambon Israq Mifan Junaidi; Mufti Arifin; Endah Yuniarti
Jurnal Teknologi Kedirgantaraan Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Teknologi Kedirgantaraan
Publisher : FTK UNSURYA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (556.536 KB) | DOI: 10.35894/jtk.v6i2.38


Berdasarkan observasi lapangan, ditemukan adanya indikasi kebocoran oxygen crew pada saat pesawat terbang dari Bandara Soekarno Hatta menuju Bandara Pattimura Ambon. Sesuai dengan FCOM (Flight Crew Operating Manual) untuk pesawat airbus jika ada 2 crew dalam cockpit maka minimum tekanan oksigen darurat untuk flight crew adalah 540 PSI. Sehubungan dengan itu, maka diperlukan analisis pengaruh distribusi spare part oxygen crew pesawat airbus milik maskapai X di Bandara Patimura, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pendistribusian komponen pada setiap station yang saling berhubungan, mengetahui pengaruh ketersediaan spare part oxygen crew bagi pesawat yang akan beroperasi, dan mengetahui lokasi penyimpanan dan kebutuhan spare part. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode riset operasi yang terdiri dari metode VAM (Vogel Approximation Methode), metode inspeksi (Least Cost) dan metode NWC (North West Corner). Setelah dilakukan perhitungan menggunakan 3 metode tersebut, diperoleh metode yang tepat untuk proses pendistribusian spare part oxygen crew adalah metode VAM (Vogel Approximation Methode) dengan biaya US$ 141 untuk memenuhi seluruh kebutuhan station.
Analisis Kerusakan Trim Air Pressure Regulating and Shutoff Valve Pada Pesawat Boeing 737-800 Menggunakan Metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) Rizwan Maulana; Freddy Franciscus; Mufti Arifin
Jurnal Teknologi Kedirgantaraan Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Teknologi Kedirgantaraan
Publisher : FTK UNSURYA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35894/jtk.v7i1.48


Air Conditioning (AC) is the one of system in aircraft to make a passanger and all cabin crew comfortable. Trim Air Pressure Regulating and Shutoff Valve or also known as Trim Air PRSOV is a component on the Boeing 737-800 aircraft to regulate flow of hot air constantly before entering the aircraft cabin. Refering to the data for the last 6 years, the replacement of the component belonging to one of the Indonesian national flight carrier using Boeing 737-800 aircraft was the occurance of 84 times the cooling system failure which caused the light indiacator in the cockpit to light up. Among them happened 70 times unscheduled maintenance and 14 times scheduled maintenance. Thus, this essay was made to analyze the causes of the damage that occurred to the Trim Air PRSOV. The method used in this research is Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is the technique used to find, identify and eliminate failures or damage to a system or process. The first step is to analyze using a Pareto diagram and then continue with the FMEA method so that an analysis of the damage that often occurs is damage to the diaphragm with 42% damage with an RPN value of 389.1, erosion on the ring seal with 22% damage with an RPN value of 376 and shaft seal damaged with 12% damage with an RPN value of 295.1 for it requires aggressive treatment. Therefore, repairs with a long TAT of 14 days are expected to increase the reliability of the PRSOV Trim Pressure component. For this reason, repairs are carried out with a long TAT of 14 days, it is hoped that there will be an increase in the reliability of the PRSOV Trim Pressure componen. 
Jurnal Teknologi Kedirgantaraan Vol 8 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi Kedirgantaraan
Publisher : FTK UNSURYA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35894/jtk.v8i1.70


Noise is an unwanted sound, including sound that as a result of side effects from activities such as industrial and transportation activities. The greatest intensity of noise in the aircraft maintenance hangar environment is produced by the operation of the aircraft engine when it is ground or what is often called the Aircraft Ground Run Test. An This study was conducted by taking samples using CASA 212-200 aircraft equipped with a turboprop engine type. The measurement of noise generated by aircraft activity is measured using a tool such as the AS804 Sound Level Meter. This study aims to determine the intensity of aircraft noise when conducting a ground run test which is measured based on variations in the angle of measurement location to the source with a distance of 30 m based on an angular reference of 0o in front of the aircraft nose and 180o is behind the aircraft with a clockwise rotation. The measurement of noise levels is based on three references, namely LAmax, LAmin and LAeq. At idle the variation in the direction of the noise receiver which has the potential to produce the largest LAmax value at an angle (30o) of 97 dB. The lowest LAmin at an angle (180o) and (210o) of 84.6 dB. The largest LAeq at an angle (330o) of 95.3 dB. At the time of max power the variation in the direction of the noise receiver which has the largest potential LAmax value at an angle (45o) of 99.1 dB, the lowest LAmin at an angle (135o) of 94.8 dB. The highest LAeq at an angle (45o) of 97.8 dB.
Publisher : Universitas Dirgantara Marsekal Suryadarma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35968/jtin.v12i1.1057


Pengiriman kargo oleh jasa ekspedisi selain melalui jalur darat juga melalui transportasi udara yang menggunakan ruang belly cargo dari pesawat angkut penumpang berjadwal. Variasi tipe pesawat angkut yang digunakan oleh berbagai maskapai menghasilkan variasi kapasitas belly cargo. Perbedaan kapasitas tersebut mempengaruhi proses pengiriman kargo apabila terdapat rute dengan transit dan ganti tipe pesawat. Penelitian ini melakukan perhitungan kapasitas maksimum dengan simulasi pada pengiriman kargo dengan rute Jakarta (CGK) ke Banjarmasin (BDJ). Kapasitas maksimum dihitung meggunakan metode maximum flow. Perhitungan diawali dengan mengumpulkan data semua rute yang menghubungkan CGK dan BDJ dan tipe pesawat yang digunakan, menghitung kapasitas kargo setiap tipe pesawat yang digunakan, dan menghitung kapasitas maksimum dengan metode maximum flow. Hasil metode maximum flow untuk semua rute penerbangan yang menghubungkan CGK menuju BDJ menghasilkan kapasitas kargo maksimum sebesar 225,8 m3 . Rute CGK-UPG-BDJ menyisakan kapasitas kargo sebesar 55,1 m3 dan rute CGK-BPN-BDJ menyisakan kapasitas kargo sebesar 55,6 m3 dikarenakan adanya perbedaan jenis pesawat. Kata Kunci: Belly Cargo, Maximum Flow, Jakarta-Banjarmasin
Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar Siswa SMK Tentang Aeronautics Science Melalui Metode Demonstrasi Mini Wind Tunnel di SMK Angkasa 01 Halim Perdanakusuma Endah Yuniarti; Mufti Arifin; Amat Chaeroni; Syaiful Rifki
JURNAL Comunità Servizio : Jurnal Terkait Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, terkhusus bidang Teknologi, Kewirausahaan dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): OKTOBER
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), Univesitas Kristen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/cs.v5i2.4700


In the Aviation Vocational High School curriculum, especially in the Physics Subject there is the basic science of Aeronautics, namely Fluid Dynamics. One of the obstacles in studying fluid dynamics is the difficult depiction and the rare props. One of the props that are appropriate and used in the aviation is a wind tunnel. Community service activities in the form of demonstrations and assistance in making mini wind tunnels that have been carried out can be a solution to the problem of misconceptions about fluid dynamics in students of SMK Angkasa 01 Halim Perdanakusuma. The activity was carried out using a survey method regarding the profile of misconceptions about fluid dynamics, demonstration of the Bernoulli principle, and assistance in making a mini wind tunnel. The activity was attended by students of class X and XI which was held from 14 to 20 June 2022 which was divided into 2 (two) sessions, namely a wind tunnel demonstration and assistance in making a mini wind tunnel. Measurement of the level of understanding of Aeronautics Science was carried out 3 (three) times, namely before and after the demonstration and after assisting in the construction of a mini wind tunnel. The result of the first questionnaire is that most of the students have not studied Fluid Dynamics. The results of the second questionnaire were quite significant, where Aeronautics Science knowledge increased after participating in PKM activities. The results of the third questionnaire concluded that there had been a change in the level of Aeronautics Science knowledge of students who took part in making a mini wind tunnel. Keywords: Aeronautics science; Fluid Dynamic; mini wind tunnel;