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The decreasing activity of white tea and green tea on smokers lipids profile Kushargina, Rosyanne; Rimbawan, Rimbawan; Setiawan, Budi; Rohdiana, Dadan
Jurnal Penelitian Teh dan Kina Vol 18, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Research Institute for Tea and Cinchona

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (240.889 KB) | DOI: 10.22302/pptk.jur.jptk.v18i1.68


Smoking habit have many negative effect, including increased lipids profile. Researching on the effects of tea on lipids profile on smokers has been carried out using green tea. Research using white tea has been limited, therefore, this study aimed to analyze the effect of white tea than green tea on lipids profile in smokers, using paired sample of clinical trials design. The subjects were medium smokers (11-21 cigarettes/day) aged 30-45 years and have milddyslipidemia. Each subject was asked to drink tea in two times. Firstly, all subjects were asked to drink 3 x 200 ml white tea/day for 28 days. Secondly, treatment will be start after two weeks washout period, and they were asked to drink 3 x 200 ml of green tea/day for 28 days. Lipids profile (trigliserida (TG); cholesterol total (TC); low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C)) of blood serum has been measured four times, at pre-post intervention of white tea and at pre-post intervention of green tea. The lipids profile were significantly decreased after white tea intervention (paired sample t-test, p<0,05). After green tea intervention,the lipids profile were decreased but significant (paired sample t-test, p<0,05) only for LDL-C. The independent sample t-test analysis showed that white tea has higher effect in decreasing the lipids profile greater than green tea, however not significantly different (p>0,05). This study was proved that white tea is more potential than green tea to decreasing lipids profile of smokers.
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 32, No 1 (2009): Maret 2009

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36457/gizindo.v32i1.62


EFFECT OF THE VITAMIN C SUPLEMENTATION TOWARD MULTI VITAMIN-MINERAL ON THE STATUS OF NUTRITIONAL ANTIOXIDANT IN WOMAN WORKERSMicronutrients, both vitamins and minerals are needed by the body in limited quantities, but their roleis essential to the body. To fulfill vitamin and mineral requirements, consumption of variant andbalanced diet is needed because most vitamins and minerals are not produced by our body. Foodsupplements can be a good alternative in providing sufficient amount of micronutrient if intake fromdietary sources are not enough. This research was intended to analyse the effect of multi vitaminmineral (MVM) supplementationcompared to a single nutrient supplementation (Vit C 1000 mg) ondietary antioxidant status. It was conducted on Februari 2008and thedesign of this research was adouble blind randomized controlled trial. There were 92 samples aged 20-45 years old, healthy(physically and clinically), did not consume alcohol, did not smoke and were willing to partipate in theresearch. Multi vitamin-mineral supplementation increased serum concentration of vitamin E andsuperoxide dismutase (SOD) significantly(p0.05), while single supplementation of vitamin C 1000 mgimproved only vitamin C status. Suplementation of multi vitamin-mineral reduced free radicals byimproving superoxide dismutase (SOD) status. Keywords: multi vitamin-mineral supplementation, superdioxide dismutase status, vitamin Estatus, viin C status.
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 32, No 1 (2009): Maret 2009

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THE EFFECT OF MULTIVITAMIN MINERAL SUPPLEMENTATION ON NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND HEALTHUse of multivitamin mineral (MVM) supplement has grown rapidly over the past several decades.According to several studies, supplement users tend to have higher micronutrient intakes from theirdiet than nonusers. Consequently, they have an increased intake but are also more likely to exceedthe upper level. The study was aimed to analyze the effect of MVM supplementation on renal functionthrough the double blind randomized controlled trial. Subjects were 93 of the female workers in PTRicky Putra Globalindo Tbk, Citeureup, Bogor who were randomly allocated to three treatments. Thefirst received only placebo (without vitamin C and MVM); the second received 1000 mg vitamin C; andthe third received MVM supplement that contains 1000 mg vitamin C, 45 mg vitamin E, 700 µg vitaminA, 6,5 mg vitamin B6, 400 µg folic acid, 9,6 µg vitamin B12, 10 µg vitamin D, 10 mg Zn, 110 µg Se, 0,9mg Cu, and 5 mg Fe. The supplements were distributed and consumed daily during 10 weeks. Themean change before and after study were tested with t paired test. The results showed the BMI,systolic and diastolic blood pressure, urea and creatinine blood serum were not significantly differentbefore and after study (p>0,05). The distribution of female workers based on BMI showed that morethan half of them have normal nutritional status (BMI 18,5-24,9 kg/m2). The distribution based onsystolic and diastolic blood pressure showed that most of them were not hypertension (systolic <140mmHg, diastolic <90 mmHg); and the distribution based on urea and creatinine showed that most ofthem have normal status (urea 8,0-25,0 mg/dl; creatinine 0,6-1,5 mg/dl).Keywords: food supplement, BMI, blood pressure, urea, creatinine.
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 32, No 1 (2009): Maret 2009

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EFFECT OF THE VITAMIN C SUPLEMENTATION TOWARD MULTI VITAMIN-MINERAL ON THE STATUS OF NUTRITIONAL ANTIOXIDANT IN WOMAN WORKERSMicronutrients, both vitamins and minerals are needed by the body in limited quantities, but their roleis essential to the body. To fulfill vitamin and mineral requirements, consumption of variant andbalanced diet is needed because most vitamins and minerals are not produced by our body. Foodsupplements can be a good alternative in providing sufficient amount of micronutrient if intake fromdietary sources are not enough. This research was intended to analyse the effect of multi vitaminmineral (MVM) supplementationcompared to a single nutrient supplementation (Vit C 1000 mg) ondietary antioxidant status. It was conducted on Februari 2008and thedesign of this research was adouble blind randomized controlled trial. There were 92 samples aged 20-45 years old, healthy(physically and clinically), did not consume alcohol, did not smoke and were willing to partipate in theresearch. Multi vitamin-mineral supplementation increased serum concentration of vitamin E andsuperoxide dismutase (SOD) significantly(p<0.05), while single supplementation of vitamin C 1000 mgimproved only vitamin C status. Suplementation of multi vitamin-mineral reduced free radicals byimproving superoxide dismutase (SOD) status. Keywords: multi vitamin-mineral supplementation, superdioxide dismutase status, vitamin Estatus, viin C status.
JURNAL PANGAN Vol 16, No 1 (2007): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (491.17 KB) | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v16i1.276


Sebagai sumber energi utama bagi sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia peran karbohidrat yang berasal dari beras selain zat gizi yang lain dapat dikaji dari indeks glisemiknya mengingat beragamnya proses pengolahan beras. Tulisan ini diharapkan dapat menjelaskan tentang fungsi beras sebagai bahan pangan yang berpeluang besar untuk dapat dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai kondisi gizi masyarakat. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa diantara beberapa faktor yang menentukan indeks glisemik, kandungan amilosa dan amilopektin beras, serta teknologi pengolahan beras merupakan hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan agar dihasilkan produk dengan IG (Indeks Glisemik) yang diharapkan. Peningkatan kadar amilosa dan teknologi pengolahan yang meningkatkan kadar "resistant starch" akan menurunkan indeks glikemik.
Pengaruh Pemberian Suplemen Selenium dan Iodium terhadap Status Gizi, Skor IQ dan Jumlah Tanda Khas Kretin pada Anak Sekolah Dasar Hanim, Diffah; Rimbawan, Rimbawan; Khomsan, Ali; Martianto, Drajat
Jurnal Kedokteran YARSI Vol 16, No 1 (2008): JANUARI - APRIL 2008
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (380.375 KB) | DOI: 10.33476/jky.v16i1.225


Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) and Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) is still a public health problem in school-aged children living in endemic area. This study was aimed to investigate some biochemical parameters, nutritional status and IQ score in children in endemic area of Boyolali Regency, Central Java. Before and after quasi experimental study design was implemented. A number of 115 school-aged children (9-12 years) with iodine deficiency, PEM problem and attributed to 6-10 sign of cretinism were selected as study sample. Sampling was conducted by using random sampling procedure. The Group of treatment were selenium supplement (n=34), iodine supplement (n=35), selenium and iodine (n=18) and placebo (n=28). The study found that selenium, iodine, selenium and iodine supplement intervention were significantly reduce the stunted (p=0.04, r=0.587) and underweight (p=0.01, r=0.87). Selenium and iodine were able to improved IQ score of those who were deficient with IQ score under 20 (14.8% student) to IQ score 20-35. The children with very severe deficiency of iodine and selenium (17.4%) and IQ score under 20 could be corrected by iodine supplement and IQ score increased to 20-35. A reduction of the cretinism attributes were found among the children after intervention (from 6-11 sign to 5-10 sign). Anomaly of erythrocytes and leucocytes were found to be associated with severity of stunted and underweight, number of attributes and deficiency level of selenium and iodine.
Green Tea Daily Consume Reduced Free Radicals on Moderate Smokers Kushargina, Rosyanne; Rimbawan, Rimbawan; Setiawan, Budi
Nutri-Sains: Jurnal Gizi, Pangan dan Aplikasinya Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ns.2018.2.2.3249


Smoking can enhance free radicals on blood plasma. Many previous studies proved that tea is a source of antioxidants which might reduce free radicals. Green tea is known to have the higher antioxidant capacity compared to black tea. This study aims to analyze the effect of green tea on reduction of free radicals on moderate smokers, using a pre-post experimental design. Green tea infusions were prepared with commercially available dried tea leaves (Green Tea Gamboeng Series) from the Research Centers of Tea and Cinchona Gambung, West Java. Nine moderate smokers (11-21 cig/day) aged 30-45 years were instructed to drink 200 ml green tea three times a day for four weeks. Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) of blood serum was measured at baseline and after four weeks intervention period. The level of TAC significantly increased from 1.18 m mol/L to 1.34 m mol/L after four weeks intervention (P=0.000). These results prove that drinking 200 ml of green tea three times a day for four weeks has a significant benefit reducing free radicals of moderate smokers. Moderate smokers are advised to consume green tea continuously to sustain these positive effects.
Pengaruh pemberian nano daun kelor (moringa oleifera) terhadap kadar mineral serum dan tulang pada tikus sprague dawley jantan tumbuh Syahrial, Syahrial; Rimbawan, Rimbawan; Damayanthi, Evy; Astuti, Dewi Apri; Suptijah, Pipih
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 7, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (275.823 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.7.2.114-120


Background: One of the important minerals for growth is calcium to build new bone. Moringa oleifera has been known as high nutritional content and bioactive compound tree that could act as antioxidant and improved several diseases like diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular. Phytochemical analyses have shown that Moringa oleifera contain of high macro minerals like calcium, potasium, magnesium, and phosphor. Several previous studies have shown that mineral nanoparticle have higher bioavailability than natural compounds.. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of moringa oleifera nanoparticle leaf on mineral serum and bone at growth stage of Sprague Dawley male rats. Methods: In this study, the pre and post controlled group design and complete random design was used. The subjects were 27 growing male Sprague dawley rats aged 2 month were devided into three group which received standard feed contain CaCO3 (control group), intervention feed contained 450nm and 750nm nano Moringa oleifera for 60 days. The data of the experiment was analyzed by paired T-test and Duncan test at 95% confidence level.Results: The result showed that there was no significance different for both of intervention group for mineral serum and fermur bone. While for the tibia bone, the result showed that the calcium, phosphor and magnesium were significantly increase (p<0.05). The intervention group received 450nm showed more effective improvement of magnesium level (p<0.05) than intervention group received 750nm.Conclusion: The intervention of moringa oleifera nanoparticle leaf had a positive effect in decreasing serum and bone mineral levels in male rats. There were significant increased at magnesium level measured in tibia bones after intervention, with higher increasing at group received 450nm nanoparticle.
Pemberian Minuman dan Cookies Galohgor Terhadap Kadar Blood Urea Nitrogen (Bun) dan Kreatinin Plasma Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 nur hasanah, laeli; Roosita, Katrin; Rimbawan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35473/jgk.v12i1.75


The aim of this research was to analyze the effect of drinks and cookies contained Galohgor extract on Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine plasma in type 2 diabetic subjects. This study used single blind Randomized Control Trial (RCT) with cross-over design applied on 11 type 2 diabetic subjects in Cikarawang, Babakan and Balumbang Jaya Village-Dramaga, Bogor District, West Java. Each subject received powdered drinks and cookies contained Galohgor extract 2 grams/day (1 gram of Galohgor extract in the form of drink 8 grams and 1 gram of Galohgor extract in the form of cookies 24 grams) and without Galohgor extract (control) for 38 days treatment with four wash-out period between treatment periods. BUN and creatinine levels were conducted by plasma blood sample at pre and post intervention. The result showed that the different levels of BUN between post and pre intervention for Galohgor group compared to control group were -4,9±11,2 mg/dL and -9,6±12,5 mg/dL (p>0,05). The different levels of creatinine between post and pre intervention for Galohgor group compared to control group were -0,1±0,2 mg/dL and -0,1±0,2 mg/dL (p>0,05). Therefore, drinks and cookies contained Galohgor extract 2 gram/day does not affect the BUN and creatinine level of type 2 diabetic subjects. Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh minuman dan cookies Galohgor terhadap kadar Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) dan kadar kreatinin plasma penderita DM tipe 2. Jenis penelitian ini adalah single blind Randomized Control Trial (RCT) dengan desain cross-over pada 11 subjek DM tipe 2 yang dilakukan di desa Cikarawang, Babakan dan Balumbang Jaya, Kecamatan Dramaga, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat. Masing-masing subjek mendapatkan minuman dan cookies yang mengandung ekstrak Galohgor sebesar 2 gram/hari (1 gram ekstrak Galohgor dalam bentuk 8 gram minuman serbuk dan 1 gram ekstrak Galohgor dalam bentuk 24 gram cookies) dan minuman serbuk dan cookies tanpa ekstrak Galohgor (kontrol) selama 38 hari dengan empat bulan periode wash-out antar perlakuan. Kadar BUN dan kreatinin dikumpulkan dari sampel plasma darah pada sebelum dan setelah intervensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata selisih kadar BUN pada kelompok Galohgor dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol yaitu -4,9±11,2 mg/dL dan -9,6±12,5 mg/dL (p>0,05). Kadar kreatinin pada kelompok Galohgor dibandingkan dengan kelompok Galohgor yaitu -0,1±0,2 mg/dL dan -0,1±0,2 mg/dL (p>0,05). Oleh karena itu, pemberian minuman dan cookies yang mengandung ekstrak Galohgor 2 gram/hari tidak berpengaruh terhadap kadar ureum dan kreatinin penderita DM tipe 2.
Risk Factors of Carbohydrate Consumption among Adult Women In Indonesia Daus, Firdaus Firdaus; Rimbawan, Rimbawan; Briawan, Dodik
Jurnal Nutrire Diaita (Ilmu Gizi) Vol 12, No 01 (2020): NUTRIRE DIAITA
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan Unversitas Esa Unggul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47007/nut.v12i01.3121


The aims of study were to analyze risk factors of carbohydrate consumption among adult women aged 19-49 years in Indonesia such as Body Mass Indexs (BMI), ages, education level, tipe of occupation, house hold income and urban-rural settlement. The study used data of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2010 of the Health Reseach and Development Agency of the Ministry of Helath, which was designed as a cross sectional survey. Total sample woman age 19-49 years was 52044 were selected for analysis. A multiple logistic regression model was applied to analyze the risk factors. The prevalence of consumption carbohidrate below 60% of energy adequancy from carbohydrate among woman was 31,6%. The results showed that the significant risk factor of carbohydrate consumption among adult woman were education level (OR for low education= 0.830, CI: 0.776-0.887), household income (OR for low income= 0.905, CI: 0.870-0.942) and urban-rural settlement (OR for rural= 0.564, CI: 0.542-0.587). Normal BMI, high education level, woman with occupation, high household income and urban settlement are protective factors for carbohydrate consumption. 
Co-Authors Adi Teruna Efendi Adi Teruna Effendi Adi Teruna Effendi Adi Winarto Agustino Agustino Ahmad Sulaeman Ainia Herminiati Ainia Herminiati Akifa Laila Rusyda Ali Khomsan Angga Hardiansyah Angga Rizqiawan Anna Vipta Resti Mauludyani Anna Vipta Resti Mauludyani Aprinia Dian Nurhayati Ascobat, Purwantyastuti Aslis Wirda Hayati Astrid Noviana Astuti Lamid Bambang P. Priosoeryanto Bambang Pontjo Priosoeryanto Betty Yosephin Simanjuntak Bibi Ahmad Chahyanto Budi Setiawan Budi Setiawan Budi Setiawan Budi Setiawan Cassandra Permata Nusa Cesilia M Dwiriani Clara Meliyanti Kusharto Clara Meliyanti Kusharto Clara Meliyanti Kusharto Dadan Rohdiana Dadang Sukandar Daus, Firdaus Firdaus Deddy Muchtadi Deddy Muchtadi Deni Elnovriza DEWI APRI ASTUTI Dewi Kusumawati Dewi Kusumawati Dewi Rahmayani Rahman Diah M. Utari Diffah Hanim Dodik Briawan Drajat Martianto Ekowati Handharyani Elnovriza, Deni Emma S Wirakusumah Ennita Fahriza Evi Damayanthi Evy Damayanthi Faisal Anwar Febrina Sulistiawati Firdaus Firdaus Firdaus Firdaus Fitrah Ernawati Fitrah Ernawati Fivi Melva Diana Gifari, Nazhif Hadi Riyadi Hardinsyah . Hardinsyah Hardinsyah Harianti, Rini Hidayat Syarief Hidayat Syarief I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana I.Wayan T.Wibawan, I.Wayan Ika Heri Kustanti Ikeu Ekayanti Ikeu Tanziha Ikue Ekayanti Ilmi Dewi Astuti Ilmi, Ibnu Malkan Bakhrul Iswahyudi Iswahyudi Katrin Roosita Katrin Roosita Katrin Roosita Katrin Roosita Khaerul Fadly Kharisma Tamimi Kharisma Tamimi Laeli Nur Hasanah Latifah Darusman Latifah K Darusman Latifah K. Darusman Leily Amalia Leily Amalia Furqon Lidwina Lidwina Lilik Kustiyah Linar Zalinar Udin M. Rizal Martua Damanik MADE ASTAWAN Maria Bintang Mira Dewi Mohamad Rafi Muhammad Aries Muhilal ., Muhilal Muhilal Muhilal Muhilal Muhilal Muhilal Muhilal Mury Kuswari Muti'ah Mustaqimatusy Syahadah Nasution, Zuraidah Naufal Muharam Nurdin Ni Ketut Sutiari Ni&#039;ma Hilyatin Nur Indrawaty Lipoeto Nuri Andarwulan Picauly, Intje Pipih Suptijah Purwantyastuti Ascobat Purwantyastuti Purwantyastuti Puspo Edi Giriwono Putri Puncak Anjani Rakhmawati FKR Ratu Diah Koerniawati Resita Nurbayani Restu Pertiwi Rinda Damayanti Rosyanne Kushargina Siti Madanijah Sri Anna Marliyati Sri Hartati R. Suradijono Sri Nur Amalia Sri Purwaningsih Sri Sumarmi Sri Wahyu Angga Dewi Subangkit, Mawar Sudjana Sibarani Susi Desminarti Susi Nurohmi SYAHRIAL SYAHRIAL Syartiwidya Syartiwidya TATI NURHAYATI Trini Suryowati Tunggul Waloya V Prihananto Vetnizah Juniantito Wiwin Winarsih Yusra Egayanti Zakiudin Munasir Zakiudin Munasir Zuraidah Nasution