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JURNAL TURBULEN Vol.1 No.2 (Des 2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tridinanti Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (18.922 KB)


Water supply is a basic need for life. Water management that requires a large amount of cost and energy is needed alternative solutions to produce a cheap process. Research on the distillation process was carried out to find solutions to these problems. The research was carried out by a experiment method to produce a distillation process for water purification. The experiment use an effective fresnel lens of 0.785 m2 and the receiver volume was 200 mLThe results of the study explained that using a fresnel lens concentrator was able to generate steam. The steam can be condensed to produce fresh water. Data from calculation obtained average direct solar radiation is 531.98 Watts/m2 and the power received by the receiver is 346.61 Watt. The average normal solar radiation in tests is 515,7 W/m2. The average temperature of the focus point on the cone receiver is 520,4OC . The wet steam generation process is obtained when the water temperature in the receiver shows 95OC. Experiments of distillation for 200mL sea water needed 10 minutes to reach 4 bar of pressure. Steam is flowed into the condenser so that distilled water is obtained 150 ml.
APLIKASI HOME SOLAR SYSTEM SEBAGAI PENERANGAN UNTUK TPQ AL-MURTADHO DI KOTA MALANG Asrori, Asrori; Harijono, Agus; Faizin, Akhmad; Dani, Agus; Kriswitono, Kriswitono
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UNSIQ Vol 8 No 1 (2021): Januari
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Penerbitan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP3M) UNSIQ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32699/ppkm.v8i1.1499


Lokasi TPQ-Al Murtadho terletak di RW 01, Wonokoyo, Kedungkandang, Kota Malang. Bangunan semi permanen ini didirikan secara swadaya oleh warga setempat. Selain berfungsi sebagai taman pendidikan Al-Quran (TPQ), bangunan ini juga dimanfaatkan untuk tempat musyawarah warga. Sistem penerangan yang murah dan mudah sangat relevan untuk diterapkan pada bangunan tersebut. Oleh karena itu dalam PkM ini dilakukan pelatihan singkat dan pemasangan sistem penerangan bertenaga surya (home solar system). Kegiatan yang dilakukan bersama pemuda karang taruna ini berlangsung selama dua hari. Pelatihan berupa presentasi mengenai listrik tenagasurya, yang dilanjutkan dengan perakitan dan pemasangan instalasi panel surya di TPQ Al-Murtadho. Hasil PkM adalah paket listrik tenaga surya yang terdiri dari : 1 unit panel surya; 1 unit solar charger controller; 1 unit baterai; 3 lampu LED dan peralatan aksesoris. Panel surya yang digunakan adalah 100 WP (Watt Peak) artinya daya maksimum yang mampu dibangkitkan oleh panel surya dalam 1 jam adalah 100 Watt. Jika sinar matahari dalam kondisi normal (cerah) diasumsikan 5 jam, maka panel surya mampu menghasilkan listrik sebesar 500 Wattjam. Sehingga dengan energi tersebut akan mampu untuk menyalakan lampu dengan daya 9 Watt pada 3 titik selama 9-10 jam.
Pembuatan Papan Nama Jalan Untuk RT 05 RW 16 Desa Ngenep, Kec. Karangploso, Kab. Malang Nurhadi -; Fathur Rohman; Sugeng Hadi; Asrori -
Publisher : Badan Penerbitan Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/js.v3i2.1445


Papan Nama Jalan/Wilayah sangat penting untuk menunjukkan alamat di suatu wilayah, sebagai papan informasi penunjukan alamat rumah warga, nama jalan, dan sebagai identitas sebuah wilayah tempat tinggal. Tidak adanya Papan Nama Jalan di lingkungan RT 05 RW 16 Desa Ngenep menyebabkan sulitnya menemukan alamat tertentu. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini bertujuan untuk mendesain, membuat dan memasang Papan Nama Jalan di Desa Ngenep, Kecamatan Karangploso, Kabupaten Malang. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di RT 05 RW 16 Perumahan Tirtasani cluster Park Royal, mulai tanggal 04 Maret sampai 30 Oktober 2020. Metode PkM yaitu mendesain, membuat dan memasang Papan Nama Jalan.  Konstruksi Papan Nama Jalan terdiri dari tiang, papan nama dan tulisan. Tiang didesain terbuat dari besi profil kotak 3x3 cm setinggi 1,5 meter. Papan nama didesain berukuran p x l x tebal = 30 x 20 cm x 1,2 mm, terbuat dari besi plat, sedangkan tulisan didesain dengan software komputer dan dibuat dengan metode cutting sticker. Tiang besi dan landasan papan plat dilas menjadi satu bagian menyerupai huruf T. Pengerjaan Papan Nama Jalan meliputi pemotongan, pengelasan, penggerindaan, pengeboran, dan pengecatan besi dan pelat. Tulisan Papan Nama Jalan terdiri dari nama blok dengan huruf kapital berukuran besar pada bagian atas, diikuti nomer rumah berupa huruf kapital berukuran lebih kecil pada bagian bawahnya Kedua jenis huruf tersebut dipisahkan dengan garis horizontal. Tulisan cutting sticker selanjutnya direkatkan pada plat papan nama yang telah dicat. Plat papan nama jalan dirakit pada tiangnya menggunakan mur baut. Papan nama jalan selanjutnya dipasang di setiap depan gang/jalan di wilayah RT 05 RW 16, ditanam sedalam 30-50 cm dan dicor semen. Hasil PkM menunjukkan bahwa pembuatan papan nama jalan sangat bermanfaat bagiwarga RT 05 RW 16 Desa Ngenep, dimana warga merasa puas karena memiliki infrastruktur lingkungan yang baik dan lebih mudah untuk menemukan alamat di wilayah tersebut.
Perencanaan Turbin Air Kapasitas 2 x 1 MW di PLTM Cianten 1 Kabupaten Bogor Asrori .; Eko Yudiyanto
Jurnal Energi dan Teknologi Manufaktur Vol 1 No 01 (2018)
Publisher : Polinema Press, Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jetm.v1i01.4


Minihidro Cianten 1 Power Plant (PLTM C-1) capacity 2 x 1 MW, located in Cianten river, Cibunian village, Pamijahan district, Bogor district. Preliminary planning data is with design head (Hd) = 27.7 m, design discharge per unit (Qd) = 4.0 m3 / s, power house elevation = +529,0 m. Turbine planning includes calculation of rated power output, type selection and number of turbines, specific speed velocity and runaway speed, runner diameter, turbine elevation setting, spiral casing and draft tube dimensions and pre-powerhouse design. Turbine performance and stability including pressure rise, speed rise and weighted average efficiency are also planned. Planning is based on calculations from international standard hydro powerplant planning guidance. The results of the calculations are verified by software and catalog of turbine manufacturers. The turbine specification results are as follows: 2 horizontal francis units, rated output power / unit (Pr) = 1000 kW (1 MW), turbine spin (n) = 600 rpm, turbine efficiency (T) = 0.92, (ns) = 298.6 rpm (M-kW), runaway speed = 1219 rpm, runner diameter = 0.769 m, runner weight (WR) = 294.05 kg, total turbine weight (WT) = 3060,37 kg. The stability of turbine operation is declared safe where the value of speed rise and pressure rise are 44.39% and 19.39% respectively. While the performance as a warranty from turbine manufacturers expressed with the value of weighted average efficiency of 88.67%.
Pengujian Rasio Kinerja Instalasi Panel Surya Tipe Silikon–Kristal pada Kondisi Cuaca Kota Malang Asrori Asrori; Imam Mashudi; Suyanta Suyanta
Jurnal Energi dan Teknologi Manufaktur Vol 2 No 02 (2019)
Publisher : Polinema Press, Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jetm.v2i02.41


Indonesia has the potential of global solar radiation reaching 4.5 to 5.5 kWh /m2/day. Due to this fact, the utilization of solar energy using solar panel technology is an alternative to use energy from renewable resources. In the present study, the performance of crystalline silicon solar panels (mono and polycrystalline) under malang city climate (7,944o S ;112,613o E) were experimentally compared. The solar radiation, ambient temperature, current and voltage output, were monitored to determine normalized power output efficiency and the performance ratio of the two different solar panels. The obtained results indicate that the performance of solar panel is influenced by solar radiation, weather condition (cloudy and clear day), wind velocity and type of solar panel installation. Finaly, the normalized power output efficiency of the mono and polycrystalline by 70.79% and 66.33%, respectively. In addition, the performance ratio of mono and polycrystalline by 0.63 and 0.61, respectively. Its showed that, the performance of mon
INFO-TEKNIK Vol 21, No 2 (2020): INFOTEKNIK VOL. 21 NO. 2 DESEMBER 2020
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/infotek.v21i2.10050


The condition of electric energy at Gemah beach on the south coast of Tulungagung has not been fully supplied by PLN, so it is necessary to take advantage of renewable energy. This study aims to calculate the need for electrical energy at Gemah beach and calculate the number of solar panels and the required generating capacity. From the calculation results obtained: Total load energy per day 17392 Wh, Total load Ah requirement per day = 362 Ah, and need battery with capacity = 1358 Ah, capacity of selected battery in Amp-hour is 800 Ah, batteries in parallel is 2, Number of batteries in series = 24, Total number of batteries = 48, capacity of total battery is 1600 Ah, Total kilowatt-hour capacity of battery = 76.8 kWh. Meanwhile, for the purposes of generation required: The number of solar modules to meet the load requirements = 28 modules. Generating capacity = 5.6 kWp, rounded off to 6 kWp
INFO-TEKNIK Vol 19, No 1 (2018): INFOTEKNIK Vol. 19 No. 1 Juli 2018
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/infotek.v19i1.5141


Steel has good mechanical properties compared with the other materials, that is strength, hardness, rigidity, etc. Specially the steel hardness can be increased by heat treatment (Hardening). The purpose of this research is to obtain information about hardness of S45C steel after hardening by variation of cooling media. This research were used Ø 25 mm x 10 mm S45C steel, Hardened by variation of cooling media and then they were tested by Rockwell Harness Test. The result showed that the hardness of S45C steel after hardening increased from about 15 HRC (before hardening) to 71.89 HRC (Brane quenching), 68.22 HRC (Water quenching), 64.67 HRC (Water + Soluble oil quenching) and 56.89 HRC (Oil quenching), but for the range were opposite to 3.84 HRC (Brane quenching), 4.24 HRC ( Water quenching), 4.22 HRC (Water + Soluble oil quenching) and 5.65 HRC (Oil quenching)
Kajian Karakteristik Temperatur Permukaan Panel terhadap Performansi Instalasi Panel Surya Tipe Mono dan Polikristal Asrori Asrori; Eko Yudiyanto
FLYWHEEL : Jurnal Teknik Mesin Untirta Volume V Nomor 2, Oktober 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/fwl.v1i1.7134


Indonesia mempunyai potensi rata-rata energi radiasi matahari global mencapai 4,5 hingga 5,5 kWh/m2/hari. Sehingga pemanfaat energi matahari dengan teknologi panel surya menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk mengatasi krisis energi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa pengaruh radiasi matahari dan temperatur panel terhadap performansi tipe panel surya mono dan polikristal kapasitas 100 Wp. Pengujian dilakukan selama dua hari di atas gedung Jurusan Teknik Mesin Politeknik Negeri Malang (7,944oLS ; 112,613oBT). Pengukuran data radiasi matahari, temperatur lingkungan, temperatur panel, tegangan dan arus keluaran panel dilakukan untuk mengetahui daya keluaran, efisiensi daya konversi panel dan Performance Ratio (PR) dari kedua panel tersebut. Hasilnya diketahui bahwa kenaikan temperatur permukaan panel surya berdampak pada penurunan daya keluaran panel. Untuk rata-rata radiasi matahari diatas 1000 W/m2 dengan rata-rata temperatur lingkungan 33 oC, maka untuk permukaan panel surya monokristal temperaturnya sekitar 30,6 oC terjadi kehilangan daya sebesar 2,3 %. Sedangkan pada panel polikristal, ketika temperatur permukaannya 47,5 oC terjadi kehilangan daya sekitar 10,12 %. Efisiensi konversi daya dari tipe monokristal adalah 11,90 %, dan tipe polikristal adalah 9,18 %. Sedangkan PR monokristal dan polikristal masing-masing adalah 0,63 dan 0,61. Sehingga untuk instalasi panel surya dalam penelitian ini performansi tipe monokristal lebih bagus daripada polikristal.
Jurnal Turbulen Vol 1 No 2 (Dec 2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tridinanti Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1355.081 KB) | DOI: 10.36767/turbulen.v1i2.353


Water supply is a basic need for life. Water management that requires a large amount of cost and energy is needed alternative solutions to produce a cheap process. Research on the distillation process was carried out to find solutions to these problems. The research was carried out by a experiment method to produce a distillation process for water purification.The experiment use an effective fresnel lens of 0.785 m2 and the receiver volume was 200 mL The results of the study explained that using a fresnel lens concentrator was able to generate steam. The steam can be condensed to produce fresh water. Data from calculation obtained average direct solar radiation is 531.98 Watts/m2 and the power received by the receiver is 346.61 Watt. The average normal solar radiation in tests is 515,7 W/m. The average temperature of the focus point on the cone receiver is 520,4OC.The wet steam generation process is obtained when the water temperature in the receiver shows 95OC. Experiments of distillation for 200mL sea water needed 10 minutes to reach 4 bar of pressure. Steam is flowed into the condenser so that distilled water is obtained 150 ml. Keywords:  fresnel lens, solar destilation, drinking water
Automatic Mirror Folding Design Arduino-Based Mira Esculenta Martawati; Sugeng Hadi Susilo; Asrori A; Lulut W
Logic : Jurnal Rancang Bangun dan Teknologi Vol 21 No 2 (2021): July
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31940/logic.v21i2.2503


Abstract. The rear-view mirror is one of the main devices found in cars. A mirror is a mirror used to see the traffic of a vehicle behind when it is about to veer, stop or change lanes. The purpose of this study was to design a pre-crash performance test of the rearview mirror. That is a system that will automatically perform mirror folding automatically based on the distance of the object in front of it. The system will reduce the risk of broken or scratched due to driver negligence. The research method at a time when the barrier is 30cm (±20cm) away from the front or back of the rearview mirror will read that distance which will then transmit to the Arduino. Arduino will process the data and send data for the speed reduction process by warning that there is an object in front or behind the rearview mirror and when the distance is <30cm from the barrier object, then the Arduino will order to fold the rearview mirror automatically, by activating the servo motor to fold the rear and rearview mirrors. The result of this study was to find out the performance of the GP2Y0A21 distance sensor reading and the performance of the rearview mirror pre-crash system. In this study, the bound variable was the distance measurement of the sensor's reading. The free variable used is the sensor reading metering distance displayed on the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display).