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Inovasi Sambungan Mekanis Menggunakan Clamp Baja Untuk Tulangan Beton Parmo, Parmo; Tavio, Tavio
EMARA Indonesian Journal of Architecture Vol 1, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Science and Technology State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (548.037 KB)


Pertumbuhan perkotaan di Indonesia beberapa waktu terkakhir cenderung lebih mengarah pada overground space. Hal ini disebabkan karena populasi penduduk perkotaan mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dan tidak sebanding dengan lahan yang tersedia. Banyaknya bangunan tinggi dan gedung pencakar langit juga menandai fenomena tersebut. Namun, bangunan tinggi dan gedung pencakar langit memiliki potensi terhadap bahaya gempa bumi, lebih lagi Indonesia adalah termasuk wilayah yang rawan terjadi gempa bumi. Dalam perencanaan bangunan tahan gempa dua hal pokok yang perlu diperhatikan adalah kekuatan dan daktilitas. Kemampuan berdeformasi dan kekuatan pada sambungan antar tulangan menjadi pertimbangan dalam desain struktur tahan gempa. Dari hasil pengujian tarik clamp baja untuk sambungan mekanik tulangan D13 diperoleh yield strength 270.69 Mpa, ultimate tensile strength 351.45 Mpa dan beban maksimum 4757 kg serta elongation 40%. Sedangkan untuk sambungan mekanik tulangan D16 diperoleh yield strength 217.80 Mpa, ultimate tensile strength 327.605 Mpa dan beban maksimum 6717 kg serta elongation 32%. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 2 (dua) buah clamp baja. Namun, untuk memeperoleh hasil yang lebih baik perlu penambahan jumlah clamp dan peningkatan kualitas material clamp baja.
The Effect of Styrofoam Artificial Lightweight Aggregate (ALWA) on Compressive Strength of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) Darayani, Dhiafah Hera; Tavio, Tavio; Raka, I G. P.; Puryanto, Puryanto
Civil Engineering Journal Vol 4, No 9 (2018): September
Publisher : Salehan Institute of Higher Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (964.225 KB) | DOI: 10.28991/cej-03091143


Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is a fresh concrete that is able to flow and fill up the formwork by itself without the need of a vibrator to compact it. One of the reasons that causes the damage of a building structure during an earthquake is the heavy weight of its structural members which are from the high density of the material used such concrete material. Lightweight aggregate is one of the solutions to reduce the weight of the structure. Therefore, the SCC using the artificial lightweight aggregate (ALWA) is one of the solutions to reduce the self-weight (dead load) of a structure. This research was conducted to investigate the impact of the use of ALWA in conventional concrete and SCC in terms of its compressive strength and modulus of elasticity. To study the impact of the use of ALWA in SCC, several variation of percentage of ALWA as a substitution to the natural coarse aggregate was examined. The proportions of ALWA as a replacement to the coarse aggregate were 0%, 15%, 50%, and 100%. The test specimens were the cylindrical concrete of 200 mm in height and 100 mm in diameter for both compressive strength and modulus of elasticity tests. The results of the compressive strength test indicated that the higher the percentage of ALWA used in SCC, the lower the compressive strength of the concrete. The addition of ALWA as a substitution to the natural coarse aggregate to conventional concrete and SCC was found optimum at 15% replacement with the compressive strength of conventional concrete and SCC of 21.13 and 28.33 MPa, respectively. Whereas, the modulus of elasticity of the conventional concrete and SCC were found to be 20,843.99 and 23,717.77 MPa, respectively.
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 12, No 2 (2014): Agustus
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1119.182 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v12i2.2286


METODE EKSPERIMENTAL PERKUATAN KOLOM BETON BERTULANG MENGGUNAKAN FRP Experimental Method Of Strengthening Concrete Columns Using FRPKarmila Achmad1, Agoes SMD2, Tavio31Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik ? Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan2Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik ? Universitas Brawijaya Malang3Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik ? Institut Sepulun Nopember SurabayaAlamat korespondensi: Jl Soekarno Hatta Km. 08, Balikpapane-mail: 1) column is an important structure element because the failure of column will have direct impact to other structure components, so that the ruin of structural column is an important thing to be observed.  The research use experimental method. The aim of this research is to get improving of strength and ductility in column specimen which is given the FRP strengthener (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) compared with original column. There are 3 specimens used. They are C-1 (original column), C-1G (column with GFRP strengthener 1 layer) and C-1C (column with CFRP strengthener 1 layer). From the research got the increasing Pmax toward original column is 33,52% and 54,97%, the increasing of dmax is 6,65% and 81,18%, also the increasing of Mmax is 32,41% and 55,36% each for C-1G and C-1C. Ductility indexes taken on three positions are plastic hinge zone, a half high of column effective and as high as column effective. From analyze result got the increasing of displacement ductility toward C-1 for C-1G is -34,20%, -28,46% and -12,74% and C-1C is 64,48%, 108,74% and 118,68%, each for plastic hinge zone, a half high of column effective and as high as column effective. In column C-1G happened the decreasing of ductility value because there has been destruction in column head when the test was running. Key words : Experimental method, FRP, RC, Strengthener columnAbstrakKolom merupakan elemen struktur penting karena kegagalan kolom akan berpengaruh langsung terhadap komponen struktur lainnya , sehingga kehancuran kolom struktural merupakan hal yang penting untuk dicermati . Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen . Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan meningkatkan kekuatan dan daktilitas dalam spesimen kolom yang diberi FRP penguat ( Fiber Reinforced Polymer ) dibandingkan dengan kolom awal . Ada 3 spesimen yang digunakan . Mereka adalah C - 1 ( kolom asli) , C - 1G ( kolom dengan GFRP penguat 1 lapisan ) dan C - 1C ( kolom dengan CFRP penguat 1 lapisan ) . Dari penelitian mendapat peningkatan Pmax menuju kolom awal adalah 33,52 % dan 54,97 % , peningkatan dmax adalah 6,65 % dan 81,18 % , juga meningkatnya Mmax adalah 32,41 % dan 55 , 36 % masing-masing untuk C - 1G dan C - 1C . Indeks daktilitas diambil pada tiga posisi yang zona sendi plastis , setengah tinggi kolom yang efektif dan setinggi kolom yang efektif . Dari hasil analisis mendapat peningkatan daktilitas terhadap - C 1 untuk C - 1G adalah -34,20 % , -28,46 % dan -12,74 % dan C - 1C adalah 64,48 % , 108,74 % dan 118,68 % , masing-masing untuk zona sendi plastis , setengah tinggi kolom yang efektif dan setinggi kolom yang efektif . Dalam kolom C - 1G terjadi penurunan nilai daktilitas karena sudah ada kerusakan di kepala kolom saat tes berjalan .Kata kunci : metode eksperimental , FRP , RC , kolom Strengthener
Stress-Strain Relation and Nonlinear Behavior of Circular Confined Reinforced Concrete Columns Tavio, Tavio; Tata, Arbain
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (593.172 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v16i3.3699


This paper presents a nonlinear finite element modeling and analysis of circular normal-strength reinforced concrete columns confined with transverse steel under axial compressive loading. In this study, the columns were modeled as discrete elements using ANSYS nonlinear finite element software. Concrete was modeled with 8-noded SOLID65 elements that can translate either in the x-, y-, or z-axis directions from ANSYS element library. Longitudinal and transverse steels were modeled as discrete elements using 3D-LINK8 bar elements available in the ANSYS element library. The nonlinear constitutive law of each material was also implemented in the model. The results indicate that the stress-strain relationships obtained from the analytical model using ANSYS are in good agreement with the experimental data. This has been confirmed with the insignificant difference between the analytical and experimental, i.e. 1.011 and 1.306 percent for the peak stress and the strain at the peak stress, respectively. The comparison shows that the ANSYS nonlinear finite element program is capable of modeling and predicting the actual nonlinear behavior of confined concrete column under axial loading. The actual stress-strain relationship, the strength gain and ductility improvement have also been confirmed to be satisfactorily. Keywords: ANSYS, confinement, ductility, stress-strain relationship, nonlinear finite element analysis, nonlinear behavior, reinforced concrete columns, strength ABSTRAK Makalah ini menyajikan pemodelan dan analisis elemen hingga nonlinier kolom bulat beton normal bertulang yang dikekang dengan baja transversal dibawah pembebanan aksial tekan. Dalam studi ini, kolom dimodelkan sebagai elemen diskrit menggunakan perangkat lunak elemen hingga nonlinier ANSYS. Beton dimodelkan dengan elemen SOLID65 8-titik yang dapat bertranslasi baik dalam arah sumbu-x-, -y, or -z dari pustaka elemen ANSYS. Baja longitudinal dan transversal dimodelkan sebagai elemen diskrit menggunakan elemen batang LINK8-3D yang tersedia dalam pustaka elemen ANSYS. Hukum konstitutif nonlinier setiap material juga diterapkan dalam model. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa hubungan tegangan-regangan yang diperoleh dari model analisis menggunakan ANSYS sangat sesuai dengan data eksperimental. Hal ini telah dikonfirmasi dengan perbedaan yang tidak signifikan antara hasil analisis dan eksperimental, yaitu 1,011 and 1,306 persen masing-masing untuk tegangan puncak dan regangan saat tegangan puncak. Perbandingan menunjukkan bahwa program elemen hingga nonlinier ANSYS mampu memodelkan dan memprediksi perilaku nonlinier aktual kolom beton terkekang dibawah pembebanan aksial. Hubungan tegangan-regangan aktual, peningkatan kekuatan dan perbaikan daktilitas juga telah dikonfirmasi memuaskan.Kata kunci: Analisis elemen hingga nonlinier, ANSYS, daktilitas, hubungan tegangan-regangan, kekuatan kolom beton bertulang, pengekangan, perilaku nonlinierPermalink:[How to cite: Tavio dan Tata, A. (2008), Stress-Strain Relation and Nonlinear Behavior of Circular Confined Reinforced Concrete Columns, Jurnal Media Komunikasi Teknik Sipil, Tahun 16, Nomor 3, pp. 255-268]
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 10, No 2 (2012): Agustus
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v10i2.1789


Karmila Achmad1, Agoes SMD2 & Tavio31Mahasiswa Program Magister Teknik Sipil Struktur Universitas Brawijaya, Malang dan Dosen Politeknik NegeriBalikpapan2 Guru Besar Teknik Sipil Struktur Universitas Brawijaya, Malang3Dosen Teknik Sipil Struktur-FTSP Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, SurabayaEmail : aim of this research is to get improving of strength and ductility in column specimen giventhe GFRP strengthener (Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer) toward with original column, by using thecyclic load as the fix representative of quake load. There are two specimens full scale used. Theyare C-1 (original column) and C-1G (column with GFRP strengthener 1 layer). From the researchgot Pmax sequentially is 278,9 kN and 372.4 kN, and dmax is 53.24 mm and 56.78 mm, each for C-1and C-1G. For C-1 column, the concrete gets damage in plastic hinge zone at drift ratio 3.5%indicated by bending of longitudinal steel bar and spalling of cover concrete. The test for C-1G endsin third cycle at drift ratio 5% and gets damage in fracture of GFRP in plastic hinge zone. Thedamage is the changing of resin color the circumferential direction in three spots. They are as longas 10, 11 and 18 cm. Ductility index taken on three positions are plastic hinge zone, column with ahalf high effective and as high as effective column. From the analyze result got ductility index C-1on the three positions are 1.65; 1.70; 1,97 and ductility index C-1G are 1,44; 1,44 and 1,38 each forplastic hinge zone, a half high effective and as high as effective columnKey words : ductility, GFRP, strength, external confinement, cyclic
Analysis of Retrofit Building Behavior with Base Isolation System Using Nonlinear Time History Analysis Septiarsilia, Yanisfa; Tavio, Tavio; Raka, I Gusti Putu
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 1 (2017): The 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering Research (ICCER) 2016
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j23546026.y2017i1.2204


        Now,  procedures of design for the earthquake resistance of buildings and non-building structures SNI 1726: 2012 has been approved the procedures for seismic design for buildings SNI 1726-2002.  SNI 1726: 2012 refers to the development  of  modern seismic regulations are due to changes in tectonic plates located on the active track on the path of circum-Pacific and the Indian track - the Himalayas. With the enactment of the new  SNI earthquake,  namely SNI 1726: 2012, then all existing buildings and designed with old  SNI earthquake, that  is SNI - 1726-2002 should be evaluated against for the new regulations. Handling scheme for existing buildings should be made to determine and improve safety. Analysis and solutions are required to improve the safety of buildings. Retrofitting Seismic Isolation is one of  the effective and practical methode to increase safety of buildings against earthquakes, because  this methode can reduce the earthquake acceleration response. Retrofitting seismic isolation can not only improve the safety and functionality seismic, but also to maintain the original design. Without the need to demolish and rebuild the building, the building will remain intact. So that historic buildings and cultural heritage can still be preserved. The concept of base isolation is to decouple the upper structure from its foundation and inserting isolator which has a small horizontal stiffness. This techniques can reducing the seismic impact from the soil vibration which could be from seismic motion. This study will compare the ratio building safety for old structural design that uses SNI-1726-2002 (old) vs SNI 1726: 2012 (new). The results shows that retrofitting seismic isolation building have better performance in terms of ductility demand, natural period, and lower internal forces due to earthquake.
Study of Confinement Index of High-Strength Concrete Columns Reinforced with High-Strength Steel Bars Agustiar, Agustiar; Tavio, Tavio; Putu Raka, I Gusti
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 6 (2017): The 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering Research (ICCER) 2017
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j23546026.y2017i6.3311


Nowadays, the need of mega structures such high-rise buildings and long-span bridges due to the rapid growth of population is becoming increasingly urgent. The bigger the structures the higher the load should be carried by their structural members. To resist higher load, it normally requires larger size members. In reinforced concrete members, the capacity enhancement can be attained by either increasing the element size, the grade of materials used (concrete and steel bars), or the number or size of the steel bars used. However, higher-strength materials such as concrete and steel typically have more brittle properties. To improve the ductility of the concrete, it can be achieved by providing confining steel through transverse reinforcement. For higher-strength steel bars, a chemical based research has been conducted in recent years to come up with the high strength yet ductile steel material. This paper focuses on the analysis of various strengths of concrete columns 30 MPa and to 60 MPa reinforced and confined with high-strength reinforcing steel bars 550 MPa (Grade 80) with variety cross section of columns. From the study, it can be concluded that the confinement index decreases significantly with the increase of concrete strength. The use of higher-strength transverse steel increases the confinement index. The greater strengths of concrete used, the confinement ratio will be smaller at the same spacing.
Experimental Investigation on Size Effect in Shear of High-Strength Concrete Beams Tavio, Tavio
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science Vol 20, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : IPTEK, LPPM, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j20882033.v20i1.131


In this paper, an experimental program on the size effect in high-strength reinforced concrete beams is described. A total of 18 deep and slender specimens with effective depth d ranging from 200 to 700 mm and shear span a ranging from 400 to 2450 mm were tested to failure under two-point symmetric top loading. Test variables were shear span to effective depth ratio a/d, web reinforcement percentage and the effective depth d. The compressive cylinder strengths f1 c of the beams vary from 75 to 104 MPa. The beams had the main steel ratio of 3.98 percent. Test results reveal that the ultimate shear stress is size dependent. Besides the shear span to effective depth ratio a/d, the effective depth d also has a significant influence on the failure mode and the ultimate shear stress; larger deep beams are more brittle in comparison with smaller ones. The 18 test results are then compared with predictions from the current ACI Code, Zsutty’s equation, Bazant’s method, and Strutand- Tie model. Comparison study shows that while the safety of the ACI Code and Zsutty’s equation reduces for larger concrete beams, Bazant’s equation predicts well the trend on the influence of effective depth d in highstrength concrete beams. The Strut-and-Tie model can predict the trend on the influence of effective depth in high-strength concrete deep beams, but overestimates the shear capacities of the beams.
Metode Eksperimental Struktur Kolom Beton Bertulang Tahan Gempa Menggunakan CFRP Sebagai Eksternal Confinement Karmila Achmad; Agoes SMD; Tavio Tavio
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol 1, No 1 (2013): JTT ( Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu )
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jtt.v1i1.14


AbstractThis paper analyzes about the increasing of the strength by seismic load in RC square column structure which has been given CFRP external confinement. There are two specimens will be compared. They are C-1and C-1C. C-1 is control column and C-1C is column with CFRP external confinement. Analysis experimental result got that collapse C-1 column at plastic hinge zone and collapse C-1C column until the end of the test the demage of column surface from all of plastic hinge zone. They are effected by the concrete demage and colour of the resin CFRP changing and the increasing displacement 77% from the plan. From 3 strength parameters, show that C-1C increases its strength for P max increase 54,97%, .max is 81,18% and M max is 55,36% for C-1.Keywords- Seismic load, CFRP, RC column, Experimental method, External confinement,AbstrakMakalah ini meneliti mengenai peningkatan kekuatan dengan adanya beban gempa yang bekerja pada elemen struktur kolom beton bertulang pada bangunan tinggi yang telah diberi pengekangan eksternal CFRP. Ada dua benda uji yang akan dibandingkan yaitu C-1 sebagai kolom control dan C-1C sebagai kolom dengan pengekangan CFRP. Dari hasil eksperimental kegagalan kolom C-1 terjadi pada zona sendi plastis dan C-1C sampai akhir pengujian permukaan kolom pada zona sendi plastis secara keseluruhan sudah tidak rata akibat rusak beton dibagian dalam dan perubahan warna resin CFRP serta terjadi peningkatan displacement 77% dari displacement rencana. Dari 3 parameter kekuatan menunjukan bahwa C-1C memiliki kekuatan meningkat dengan rincian P max meningkat 54,97%, .max meningkat 81,18% dan M max meningkat 55,36%.Kata Kunci- Beban gempa, CFRP, Kolom beton bertulang, Metode eksperimental, Pengekangan eksternal
Media Teknik Sipil Vol. 10 No. 2 (2012): Agustus
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v10i2.1789


Karmila Achmad1, Agoes SMD2 & Tavio31Mahasiswa Program Magister Teknik Sipil Struktur Universitas Brawijaya, Malang dan Dosen Politeknik NegeriBalikpapan2 Guru Besar Teknik Sipil Struktur Universitas Brawijaya, Malang3Dosen Teknik Sipil Struktur-FTSP Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, SurabayaEmail : aim of this research is to get improving of strength and ductility in column specimen giventhe GFRP strengthener (Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer) toward with original column, by using thecyclic load as the fix representative of quake load. There are two specimens full scale used. Theyare C-1 (original column) and C-1G (column with GFRP strengthener 1 layer). From the researchgot Pmax sequentially is 278,9 kN and 372.4 kN, and dmax is 53.24 mm and 56.78 mm, each for C-1and C-1G. For C-1 column, the concrete gets damage in plastic hinge zone at drift ratio 3.5%indicated by bending of longitudinal steel bar and spalling of cover concrete. The test for C-1G endsin third cycle at drift ratio 5% and gets damage in fracture of GFRP in plastic hinge zone. Thedamage is the changing of resin color the circumferential direction in three spots. They are as longas 10, 11 and 18 cm. Ductility index taken on three positions are plastic hinge zone, column with ahalf high effective and as high as effective column. From the analyze result got ductility index C-1on the three positions are 1.65; 1.70; 1,97 and ductility index C-1G are 1,44; 1,44 and 1,38 each forplastic hinge zone, a half high effective and as high as effective columnKey words : ductility, GFRP, strength, external confinement, cyclic