S.Pd. M.Pd. Ni LP. Eka Sulistia Dewi .
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Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris undiksha Vol 1, No 1 (2013): May
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jpbi.v1i1.3278


This study aimed at developing a character-based English textbook for grade VIII of junior high school based on the curriculum 2013. It is categorized as a research and development study in which the product of the study was developed based on the modified instructional design of Dick, Carey, and Carey (2001), consisting of identifying the instructional goal, conducting instructional analysis, analyzing learners and context, writing performance objectives and indicators, developing judgment instrument, developing design of the textbook, developing content of the textbook, conducting formative evaluation, revising the textbook, limited field trial, and the final product. This research involved 32 students of class VIII.B6 of SMP N 6 Singaraja as the subjects and 2 experts as judges, i.e. a lecturer who is expert in materials development and an English teacher. The result of this study shows that the character values are accommodated in terms of content and presentation. The total mean score of the textbook’s content and presentation is 4.74 (Excellent) and the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient reliability is 0.880 (Good). Besides, the result of the questionnaire after the limited field trial indicates that the students were interested and happy in using the developed textbook. In addition, based on the curriculum 2013, due to the implementation of scientific approach, the approach is presented in terms of the presentation of the textbook. Thus, the textbook developed in this research is very feasible to be used in teaching English for grade VIII of junior high school based on the curriculum 2013.keyword : English textbook, curriculum, curriculum 2013, character-based instruction
A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF CODE MIXING USED BY PRO 1 AND PRO 2 BROADCASTERS IN RRI RADIO STATIONS ., I Wayan Astu Werdistira; ., Prof. Dr.I Nyoman Adi Jaya Putra, MA; ., Ni LP. Eka Sulistia Dewi, S.Pd. M.Pd.
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris undiksha Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jpbi.v1i1.3463


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis jenis campur kode yang digunakan oleh penyiar radio. (2) menganalisis perbedaan dalam hal campur kode yang digunakan oleh penyiar PRO 1 dan PRO 2 di stasiun radio RRI. (3) menganalisis alasan mengapa penyiar radio menggunakan campur kode dalam percakapannya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di RRI Singaraja, khususnya dalam program 'Goyang Dangdut' di PRO 1 dan program Request Gala 'di PRO 2 RRI Singaraja. Subyek penelitian ini adalah penyiar radio PRO 1 dan PRO 2 RRI Singaraja. Instrumen utama adalah peneliti sendiri, dan kemudian dalam pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan alat perekam, lembar observasi, dan pedoman wawancara. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini seperti merekam, mewawancara dan mencatat. Ada empat langkah yang dilakukan dalam menganalisis data: menyalin data, mengidentifikasi data, komputasi data, dan penyimpulan data. Hasil analisis menemukan bahwa semua jenis campur kode digunakan oleh penyiar radio PRO 1 dan PRO 2 RRI Singaraja berdasarkan Jendra (2007). Seperti: (1) kode percampuran kedalam terjadi 34.6% pada 'Goyang Dangdut' dan 3.3% terjadi pada 'Request Gala', (2) kode percampuran keluar terjadi 62.1% pada 'Goyang Dangdut' sedangkan 94.9% terjadi pada 'Gala Request ', dan (3) kode percampuran hybrid terjadi 3.2% di' Goyang Dangdut 'dan 1.6% terjadi di' Request Gala '. Ada satu alasan mengapa penyiar RRI PRO 1 menggunakan campur kode: (1) untuk mengungkapkan solidaritas dengan suatu kelompok pada khususnya. Selain itu ada dua alasan mengapa penyiar RRI PRO 2 menggunakan campur kode: (1) untuk membuat pendengar bisa memahami kondisi yang terjadi dan apa yang kita bicarakan, (2) untuk menyampaikan sikap seseorang dengan memvariasikan dalam hal formalitas dalam percakapan mereka.Kata Kunci : Kata kunci: Campur Kode, Penyiar, RRI Singaraja This research aimed at (1) analyzing the type of code mixing used by radio broadcasters. (2) analyzing the difference in terms of code mixing used by PRO 1 and PRO 2 broadcasters in RRI radio station. (3) analyzing the reasons of why radio broadcasters used code mixing in his or her sentences. This study was conducted at RRI Singaraja, particularly in ‘Goyang Dangdut’ program at PRO 1 and ‘Gala Request’ program at PRO 2 RRI Singaraja. The subjects of this study were radio broadcasters of PRO 1 and PRO 2 RRI Singaraja. The main instrument was the researcher himself, and then in gathering data the researcher used tape recorder, observation sheet, and interview guide. The methods used in this research were recording, interviewing and taking note. There were four steps done in analyzing the data: transcribing the data, identifying the data, computing the data, and concluding data. The results of analysis found that all types of code mixing used by radio broadcasters of PRO 1 and PRO 2 RRI Singaraja based on Jendra (2007). Those are: (1) inner code mixing with 34.6% occurred in ‘Goyang Dangdut’ and 3.3% occurred in ‘Gala Request’, (2) outer code mixing with 62.1% occurred in ‘Goyang Dangdut’ whereas 94.9% occurred in ‘Gala Request’, and (3) hybrid code mixing with 3.2% ensued in ‘Goyang Dangdut’ and 1.6% ensued in ‘Gala Request’. There was one reason why RRI PRO 1 broadcasters used code mixing: (1) to express solidarity with a particularly group. Furthermore there were two reasons why RRI PRO 2 broadcasters used code mixing: (1) to make the listener could understand the condition happened and what we are talked about, (2) to convey his/her attitude by means of variation in the level of formality in their speech.keyword : Keywords: Code Mixing, Broadcasters, RRI Singaraja
The Use of Code Switching by the English Teacher at the Seventh Grade of SMP Negeri 3 Singaraja in the Academic Year 2014/ 2015 ., Komang Laksmi Pratiwi; ., Prof. Dr. Anak Agung Istri Ngr. Marha; ., Ni LP. Eka Sulistia Dewi, S.Pd. M.Pd.
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris undiksha Vol 1, No 1 (2013): May
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jpbi.v1i1.6318


Penelitian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alih kode yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris di SMP Negeri 3 Singaraja. Penelitian ini difokuskan untuk mengetahui jenis, fungsi, dan alasan guru menggunakan alih kode selama proses belajar dan mengajar. Satu guru dan tiga kelas terdiri dari 33 siswa dari SMP Negeri 3 Singaraja pada tahun akademik 2014/2015 dipilih sebagai subyek penelitian. Sebagai alat pengumpul data, peneliti menggunakan perekam video, tabulasi data, dan lembar wawancara. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat perekam, wawancara, dan observasi untuk memecahkan masalah. Penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menyalin data, mengidentifikasi, dan mengklasifikasi data. Dari data yang tercatat, 184 ucapan dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai alih kode. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga jenis alih kode terjadi: tag code switching, inter-sentential code switching, dan intra-sentential code switching. Ada beberapa fungsi alih kode yang digunakan oleh guru, yaitu: menjelaskan, menekankan informasi tertentu, meminta informasi lebih lanjut, mengklarifikasi, memberikan perintah, dan menunjukkan keluhan. Alasan yang mendasari guru menggunakan alih kode adalah: mempermudah komunikasi, membangun kenyamanan suasana di kelas, membantu guru untuk menarik perhatian siswa, mengalihkan topik pembicaraan, sebagai bentuk ekspresi solidaritas, dan membantu guru untuk memberikan instruksi yang jelas.Kata Kunci : alih kode, jenis alih kode, fungsi alih kode, alasan menggunakan alih kode This qualitative research aimed at finding the code switching that is used by the English teacher at SMP Negeri 3 Singaraja. The study focused on finding out the types, functions, and teacher’s reasons of using code switching during the teaching and learning process. One teacher and three classes consists of 33 students of SMP Negeri 3 Singaraja in the academic year 2014/ 2015 were selected as the subject of the study. As a means of collecting data, the researcher used video recorder, tabulation sheet, and interview guide. The study was analyzed by transcribing the data, identifying, and classifying the data. From the recorded data, 184 utterances could be classified as code switching. The result of the analysis showed that there are three types of code switching occured in the data: tag code switching, inter-sentential code switching, and intra-sentential code switching. There are some functions of code switching used by the teacher: explaining, emphasizing certain info, asking for further information, clarifying, giving commands, and showing complaint. The reasons that underlying the switching used such as: ease of communication, establishing a comfort atmosphere in the classroom, draw the students attention, topic switch, expression of solidarity, and helping the teacher to give clear instruction.keyword : code switching, types of code switching, functions of code switching, reasons of using code switching
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris undiksha Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jpbi.v1i1.3366


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Metode Menulis Sosial Interaktif terhadap kemampuan menulis siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan Randomized Posttest-Only Control Group Design yang terdiri dari 56 siswa. Instrumen dianalisis secara deskriptif dan inferential. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa siswa yang diajarkan menggunakan Metode Menulis Sosial Interaktif lebih baik daripada siswa yang diajarkan menggunakan metode konvesional. Hal ini terbukti, nila rata-rata (X ̅) dari kelompok eksperimental yaitu 87.64 sedangkan kelompok kontrol yaitu 67.92. Dari hasil analisis menggunakan statistik inferensial, telah ditemukan bahwa nilai observasi (tob) adalah 12.012. Nilai ini lebih tinggi dari nilai kritis (tcv) yaitu 1.64 (ɑ = .05). Hal ini jelas terlihat jika nilai observasi (tob) lebih besar dari dari nilai kritis (tcv) setelah dibandingkan nilai observasi (tob) dengan nilai kritis (tcv). Kesimpulannya, hipotesis alternatif diterima. Oleh karena itu, pengaplikasian Metode Menulis Sosial Interaktif telah memberikan efek yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan menulis siswa. Kata Kunci : Metode Menulis Sosial Interaktif, Kemampuan Menulis This study aimed at investigating the effect of Social Interactive Writing Method on the students’ writing competency. Randomized Posttest-Only Control Group Design was applied in this study which consists of 56 students. The instruments were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The result of the analysis shows that the students who were taught by using Social Interactive Writing Method better than the students who were taught by using Conventional Method. It had been proven from the mean score was 87.64 while the control group was 67.92. Furthermore, from the analysis by using inferential statistic, it was found that the value of t observed (tob) was 12.012. It was higher than t critical value (tcv) which was 1.64 (ɑ = .05). After comparing t observed and t critical value, it was clear that t observed (tob) exceeded t critical value (tcv). In conclusion, the alternative hypothesis was accepted. Therefore, it could be confirmed that the application of Social Interactive Writing Method gave significant effect toward students’ writing competency. keyword : Social Interactive Writing Method, Writing competency
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris undiksha Vol 1, No 1 (2013): May
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jpbi.v1i1.3272


ABSTRACT This research aimed at developing a character based English language textbook for grade IX of junior high school based on the curriculum 2013. This study was designed by modifying the research and development model proposed by Dick, Carey and Carey (2001). There were 11 stages involved in this research, namely 1)identifying instructional goal, 2)conducting instructional analysis, 3)analyzing learner and context, 4)writing performance objectives and indicators, 5)developing judgment rubric, 6)developing design of the textbook, 7)developing content of the textbook, 8)conducting formative evaluation, 9)revising the textbook, 10)limited field trial, 11)final product. This study involved 30 students of SMP Laboratorium Undiksha class IX-1 as the research subjects and an English teacher as well as a lecturer who masters material development as expert judges in assessing the textbook quality. The result of the study shows that the character building was inserted in terms of content and presentation in the textbook. By following the curriculum 2013, the stages of scientific approach were inserted in the presentation of the textbook. Based on the result of the experts’ judgment, it is found that value of Cronbach’s Alpha is 0.850 which indicates good reliability. Moreover, the textbook feasibility is convinced by the mean score from the expert judgment that showed result of 4.55 which categorized as excellent. Besides that, the results of post-questionnaire shows that 90% students are happy in using the textbook. Thus, the character based English language textbook is feasible to be used for grade IX of junior high school based on curriculum 2013. keyword : English textbook, character-based instruction, curriculum, curriculum 2013
THE DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURE-BASED E-MEDIA FOR THE FIRST SEMESTER OF GRADE X OF SMK PARIWISATA IN BALI ., Gusti Ngurah Arya Pramana Putra; ., Dra.Ni Made Ratminingsih, MA; ., Ni LP. Eka Sulistia Dewi, S.Pd. M.Pd.
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris undiksha Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jpbi.v1i1.2550


Penelitian Desain dan Pengembangan (Design and Development) ini bertujuan untuk mendesain dan mengembangan sebuah e-media berbasis budaya lokal yang sesuai untuk kelas X semester pertama di SMK Pariwisata di Bali. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah 2 ahli di bidang Bahasa Inggris yang mengevaluasi dan menilai produk penelitian ini. Sementara, sumber data diambil dari silabus oleh Koyan et al (2012), penelitian terkait dengan desain dan pengembangan e-media berbasis budaya lokal dan hasil dari penilaian ahli. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Terdapat 2 bagian dalam proses mendesain: (1) Hasil analisis silabus dan (2) Hasil analisis sumber belajar. Terdapat 6 langkah yang dapat digunakan dalam proses mengembangkan e-media: (1) Mengembangkan rancangan e-media (story board), (2) Mengembangkan materi: gambar, audio, video dan animasi, (3) Membangun sistem dan layout, (4) Mengintegrasikan elemen pada komponen e-media, (5) Pengecekan final dan (6) Mempublikasikan e-media. Terdapat 12 elemen yang harus dimasukkan kedalam sebuah e-media berbasis budaya local ini: (1) Home, (2) Menu, (3) Lagu, (4) Game, (5) Video, (6) Penamaan karakter menggunakan sistem Bali, (7) Gambar, (8) Kegiatan mendengarkan (listening activities), (9) Kegiatan membaca (reading activities), (10) Kegiatan menulis (writing activities), (11) Kegiatan berbicara (speaking activities) dan (12) Informasi tentang e-media yang menyediakan tentang kunci jawaban, spesifikasi flash dan silabus tentang e-media. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian dari 2 ahli menunjukkan skor 4,54, dalam rentang nilai 4,1>5,0, yang mengindikasikan bahwa e-media dapat dikategorikan sangat baik dan dapat digunakan dalam proses pengajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk siswa kelas X semester pertama di SMK Pariwisata di Bali. Kata Kunci : Berbasis budaya, Desain dan Pengembangan, E-Media This Design and Development study was aimed at designing and developing a suitable Culture-based E-Media for the first semester of grade X of SMK Pariwisata in Bali. The respondents of this study were the two experts of English who evaluated the product of the study. Meanwhile, the sources of the data were taken from Koyan, et al. (2012) syllabus, related literatures on designing and developing culture-based e-media and the result of expert judgment. The data was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. In designing phase there are two parts namely: (1) The Result of Syllabus Analysis and (2) The Result of Learning Sources Analysis. There are six steps can be used in development phase namely: (1) Developing the story board, (2) Developing the material: images, audios, video and animations, (3) Constructing system and lay out, (4) Integrating component’s elements, (5) Final check and (6) Publishing the e-media. There are 12 elements that should be inserted in this culture-based e-media: (1) Home, (2) Menu, (3) Songs, (4) Games, (5) Videos, (6) Character Naming and Balinese Naming System, (7) Images, (8) Various Listening Activities, (9) Various Reading Activities, (10) Various Writing Activities, (11) Various Speaking Activities and (12) Information about E-Media which provides Key answers, Flash System Requirements and the Syllabus of the e-media. Based on the two experts judgment, it shows the score product is 4.54, range of 4.1 > 5.0, that indicates the product is categorized very good and it can be used in English teaching learning process for students of First Semester of Grade X of SMK Pariwisata in Bali.keyword : Culture-Based, Design and Development, E-Media,
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris undiksha Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jpbi.v1i1.3273


This study aimed at developing a character-based English textbook for grade VII of junior high school based on the curriculum 2013. The product of this study was developed based on modified instructional design proposed by Dick, Carey, & Carey (2001). The instructional design consists of identifying instructional goal, conducting instructional analysis, analyzing learners and context, writing performance objectives and indicators, developing judgment instrument, developing design of the textbook, developing content of the textbook, conducting formative evaluation, revising the textbook, limited field trial, and the final product. The subjects of this study were 29 students of class VII.A7 of SMP Negeri 1 Singaraja. There were two experts involved in evaluating the textbook, i.e. a lecturer who expert in material development and an English teacher. From the experts judgment, it is obtained the value of Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient is 0.938 (excellent). In addition, the total mean score of experts’ judgment is 4.35, which is categorized as excellent. The result shows that the character values of the textbook presented in the content and presentation of the textbook. It term of presentation, the textbook followed the steps of scientific approach, namely observing, questioning, exploring, associating, and communicating. Further, from the limited field trial, 24.1% students give rating 4 (happy) toward the textbook implementation and 75.9% give rating 5 (very happy). It means that all students give positive response upon the textbook. Thus, the textbook which developed in this research is feasible to be used for grade VII based on the curriculum 2013.keyword : English textbook, curriculum, curriculum 2013, character-based instruction
AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ ATTITUDE TOWARD FEEDBACK STRATEGIES USED BY THE LECTURER IN WRITING I CLASS IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2013/2014 ., Anak Agung Gede Bawa Mehendra; ., Prof. Dr. Anak Agung Istri Ngr. Marha; ., Ni LP. Eka Sulistia Dewi, S.Pd. M.Pd.
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris undiksha Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jpbi.v1i1.3690


Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ( 1 ) jenis-jenis strategi umpan balik yang diberikan pada tulisan siswa di kelas Writing I tahun akademik 2013/2014, dan ( 2 ) sikap siswa terhadap strategi umpan balik yang diberikan pada tulisan siswa di kelas Writing I tahun akademik 2013/2014. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah siswa Jurusan Pendidikan bahasa Inggris di kelas 2D dan 2H yang mengambil mata kuliah Writing I tahun akademik 2013/2014 yang berjumlah 56 siswa. Objek dari penelitian ini adalah sikap siswa terhadap strategi umpan balik yang digunakan oleh dosen di kelas Writing I. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, angket/kuesioner, wawancara, dan data yang yang sudah dikumpulkan dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, (1) jenis-jenis strategi umpan balik yang digunakan di kelas Writing I adalah Conferencing and Teacher’s Comment; (2) siswa menunjukkan sikap positif terhadap strategi umpan balik di kelas Writing I. Ini dibuktikan dengan tingginya skor skiap siswa terhadap strategi umpan balik.Kata Kunci : sikap, strategi umpan balik, menulis This Descriptive Qualitative research aims to find out (1) the kinds of feedback strategy given on the students’ writing in Writing I Class in the academic year of 2013/2014, and (2) the students’ attitude towards the feedback strategy given on students’ writing in Writing I Class in the academic year of 2013/2014. The subject of this study were the students of English Education Department in class 2D and 2H who study Writing I in academic year 2013/2014 which are 56 students in total. The object of this research was the students’ attitudes toward the feedback strategies used by the Lecturer in Writing I class. The data collection methods used in this study were observation, questionnaires, interview, and the data collected were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that, (1) the kinds of feedback strategies which were used in Writing I class were conferencing and teacher’s comment; (2) the students showed positive attitudes toward the feedback strategies in Writing I class. It was proven from the high score of students’ attitude toward the feedback strategy.keyword : attitude, feedback strategy, writing
Instructional and assessment Strategies Used by the English Teachers in English Language Teaching at Aura Sukma Insani Kindergarten School in Academic Year 2013/2014 ., Desak Putu Ayu Arsarianti; ., Prof. Dr. Anak Agung Istri Ngr. Marha; ., Ni LP. Eka Sulistia Dewi, S.Pd. M.Pd.
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris undiksha Vol 1, No 1 (2013): May
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jpbi.v1i1.3332


Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis strategi pembelajaran dan strategi evaluasi yang digunakan oleh guru Bahasa Inggris dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di TK Aura Sukma Insani pada tahun ajaran 2013/2014. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis mengobservasi proses belajar mengajar yang dilakukan oleh guru Bahasa Inggris di empat kelas yang berbeda, yaitu A1, A2, B1, dan B2. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan check list observasi dan wawancara yang dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga belas jenis strategi pembelajaran yang diaplikasikan oleh guru Bahasa Inggris anatara lain, TPR, TPR songs and finger-plays, syllable clapping, minimal pairs, drill, dialogue, sticking picture, look and say, connecting vocabulary to young learners’ lives through personalization, what’s missing?, bingo, guessing game, dan song. Sedangkan untuk strategi evaluasi, ada satu jenis yang muncul. Strategi itu adalah nonverbal responses.Kata Kunci : pengajaran Bahasa Inggris, strategi evaluasi, strategi pembelajaran. This study is descriptive qualitative study which aims at finding out kinds of instructional and assessment strategies used by the English teachers in English language teaching at Aura Sukma Insani Kindergarten School in the academic year 2013/2014. In this study, the researcher observed teaching learning process done by the English teachers in four different classes, such as A1, A2, B1, and B2. The data were obtained using observation check list and interview guide and were analyzed descriptively. The result of this study showed that there were thirteen instructional strategies conducted by the teachers, such as TPR, TPR songs and finger-plays, syllable clapping, minimal pairs, drill, dialogue, sticking picture, look and say, connecting vocabulary to young learners’ lives through personalization, what’s missing?, bingo, guessing game, and song. Meanwhile for assessment strategy, there was one strategy which was observable. That strategy was nonverbal responses.keyword : assessment strategy, English language teaching, instructional strategy.
THE ANALYSIS OF GRAMMATICAL COHESIVE DEVICES IN THE EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS’ WRITING OF SMP N 1 SINGARAJA ., I Komang Oka Agustiyana; ., Prof. Dr. Anak Agung Istri Ngr. Marha; ., Ni LP. Eka Sulistia Dewi, S.Pd. M.Pd.
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris undiksha Vol 1, No 1 (2013): May
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jpbi.v1i1.3368


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tipe-tipe Grammatical Cohesive Devices dan Error yang ditemukan dalam karangan Recount siswa kelas delapan SMP N 1 Singaraja. Karangan siswa dianalisa menggunakan teori Halliday dan Hasan (1976). dalam jumlah terbatas, sejumlah enam belas karangan Recount siswa dianalisis dalam penggunaan grammatical cohesive devices. Terdapat 339 penggunaan grammatical cohesive devices dalam karangan siswa. Siswa sebagian besar menggunakan Conjunction (Kata Pennghubung) dalam karangan recount untuk membuat karangan yang cohesive. Penggunaan kata penghubung merupakan yang terbayak. Sebesar 49.85%, dengan penggunaan sebanyak 169 penggunaan. Penggunaan Reference (Kata Acuan) sebesar 41.30% atau 140 temuan penggunaan. Penggunaan Ellipsis (Elipsis) sebesar 8.85%, atau 30 kali penggunaan. Namun demikian, penggunaan Substitution (Substitusi) tidak ditemukan penggunaannya dalam karangan siswa. Hasil temuan menunjukkan dari 339 penggunaan, 94.40% atau 320 penggunaan grammatical cohesive devices digunakan dengan tepat. Sedangkan 5.60% atau 19 error ditemukan dalam karangan Recount siswa. Error yang ditulis oleh siswa berupa penggunaan Reference 47.37%, atau sebanyak 9 penggunaan. Error dalam penggunaan Ellipsis dan Conjunction masing-masing 5 penggunaan yang sebanding dengan 52.63%.Kata Kunci : reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, grammatical cohesive devices The purposes of the study were to identify kinds of grammatical cohesive devices and errors found in the eighth grade students’ recount writing of SMP N 1Singaraja. The analysis was based on Halliday and Hasan’s theory (1976). There were sixteen students’ recount writings analyzed restrictively on the grammatical cohesive devices use. There were 339 grammatical cohesive devices occurrences found in the students’ writing. The students used Conjunction dominantly in Recount to create cohesion in their writing. The use of conjunction was the biggest one. It was 49.85%, with 169 occurrences. The use of reference was 41.30%, or 140 occurrences. The use of ellipsis was found 8.85%, or 30 occurrences. However, the use of Substitution was not found in the students’ writing. The results of the findings show from the 339 occurrences, the appropriately used grammatical cohesive devices are 94.40% or 320 occurrences. Meanwhile, there are 5.60% or 19 errors appeared on the students’ recount writing. The errors are produced in the use of Reference 47.37%, or equal to 9 occurrences. The error use of Ellipsis and Conjunction contribute 5 errors each which are equal to 52.63%.keyword : reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, grammatical cohesive devices