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International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies Proceedings of the International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (SIS) 2021
Publisher : International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies

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This study aims to reveal archaeological objects and sustainable traditions at the tomb of Sheikh Muhammad Ja'far Siddiq in Cibiuk Garut. Sheikh Ja'far was a muslim religious leader who spread Islam in the late 17th and early 18th centuries in Garut. The research method used is the archaeological research method. The technique of collecting data in the field is through observation to determine the existence of objects, situations, contexts, and their meanings. The data obtained for this paper was obtained through a researchconducted in 2021 at the tomb site complex of Sheikh Ja'far Shiddiq in the Cibiuk Garut area. In addition toobservation, archaeological and historical data were obtained through literature studies and interviews. Thisstudy uses an anthropological religion and folklore. The traces of Sheikh Muhammad Ja'far Shiddiq are notonly in the form of tombs and mosques, but also collective memories of the spread of Islam in Garut andstories about one of the popular intangible cultural heritage in Priangan West Java, namely "sambal cibiuk" (cibiuk chili). The collective memory of the "sambal cibiuk" culinary tradition is attached to the scholarly figure of Sheikh Ja'far Shiddiq who internalized the sufistic tradition and spread the Syattariyah order. It istold that Sheikh Ja'far Shiddiq provided food for the ulama and the ummah with “sambal cibiuk”. The tomb of Mbah Wali, as Sheikh Ja'far Siddiq is called, is the main center of pilgrimage tourism in the North Garutregion. The tomb complex of Sheikh Ja'far Siddiq has become a spiritual orientation for the culinarypractitioners of “sambal cibiuk”, which has spread to various regions in Indonesia and abroad. Today“sambal cibiuk” as a “little tradition” can penetrate the modern market (great tradition). The entrepreneurialspirit is driven by the values ​​of local wisdom (etnopreneruship) and Islamic spirituality.
Perkebunan Lada dan Masyarakat di Kawasan Lampung Timur pada Masa Kesultanan Banten Nanang Saptono; Endang Widyastuti; Lia Nuralia; Bayu Aryanto
PURBAWIDYA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi Vol. 10 No. 2 (2021): Vol.10 (2) November 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24164/pw.v10i2.407


Pepper is a world commodity that has long been traded. One of the pepper producers is Lampung. Since the classical period, the Lampung pepper trade has filled world trade activities through the Sunda Kingdom. During the Islamic period, Lampung was under the control of Banten. Banten in meeting the need for pepper utilizes the Lampung area. This study aims to reveal how to zoning between villages and umbul for pepper cultivation in East Lampung. It also reveals how the condition of the people of Lampung at that time, and how the pepper cultivation management system was. The research method to uncover the problem was carried out through exploratory and descriptive methods. The results showed that the fields as the location for pepper cultivation were in the vicinity of the village. Most of the people at that time had embraced Islam but there were still those who practiced the megalithic tradition. The management of pepper cultivation is entirely by Banten through local authorities who are appointed as retainers as representatives of Banten in Lampung.
JURNAL PANALUNGTIK Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): Vol. 2(1) 2019
Publisher : Kemendikbud

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24164/pnk.v2i1.27


The plantation industry building has an important value in the development of history and architecture in Indonesia, so it is necessary to do research and documentation. One of them is the Pasir Junghuhn Hospital in Purbasari Plantation, which has begun to forget its history and appear physically damaged, so it is feared that it will experience more serious damage and eliminate its historical traces. Archaeological research methods with data collection techniques: surface survey, oral history interviews, literary studies, and colonial archives, provide an explanation of the history and architecture of buildings and the important values contained therein. The results obtained are the building of Pasir Junghuhn Hospital which has historical value, local wisdom, and knowledge of modern western technology and the architectural style of the Hindia Baru typical of the plantation buildings of its era.
Geologi Situs Benteng Saksi Dan Kuripan Saka, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Wahyul Falah; Prasetyaningsih; Nanang Saptono; Endang Widyastuti; Rusyanti; Lia Nuralia; Siswanto
JURNAL PANALUNGTIK Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Vol. 4(1) 2021
Publisher : Kemendikbud

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24164/pnk.v4i1.47


The sites of Benteng Saksi and Kuripan Saka are the center of settlement or the capital of Keratuan Darah Putih. The research was conducted in Kuripan Village, Penengahan District, South Lampung Regency. The research objective was to determine the factors causing the sites of Benteng Saksi and Kuripan Saka suitable for settlements. The method used is a field survey and interpretation of geological map data. The results of field observations and mapping showed that the areas of the sites of Benteng Saksi and Kuripan Saka were included in the morphological unit of undulating plains with an average height of 50 m above sea level consisting of tertiary-quaternary and alluvial volcanoclastic deposits. The rock lithology found was Breccia Rocks from the eruption of Rajabasa Volcano and Tufan Sandstones. Based on the analysis of basic physical aspects of the area such as the physical characteristics of the rocks, morphological conditions, availability of water sources, and disaster factors in the area of Benteng Saksi and Kuripan Saka sites, it does not indicate any problems in terms of the basic physical aspects of the area.
Struktur Sosial pada Rumah Pejabat Tinggi Perkebunan Zaman Hindia Belanda di Jawa Bagian Barat Lia Nuralia
Kapata Arkeologi Vol. 13 No. 1, Juli 2017
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/kapata.v13i1.374


This paper aims to reveal the social structure on the high officials of plantation residence in west part of Java. This paper is based on research reports using archaeological research methods, explaining about the architecture, layout, materials, and technology used to determine the symbolic meaning behind the physical form of the building. Structure concept and non-verbal communication concept can explain that the high officials of plantation residence is a central building in the plantation emplacement. The residence as a symbol of great power, especially in the plantation environment that still exist until now.Tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkap struktur sosial pada rumah pejabat tinggi perkebunan peninggalan zaman Hindia Belanda di Jawa bagian barat. Tulisan ini berdasarkan laporan hasil penelitian yang menggunakan metode penelitian arkeologi, menjelaskan tentang arsitektur, tata letak, bahan, dan teknologi yang digunakan untuk mengetahui makna simbolik dibalik wujud fisik bangunan. Structure concept dan non-verbal communication concept dapat menjelaskan bahwa rumah pejabat tinggi perkebunan merupakan bangunan sentral dalam emplasemen perkebunan. Rumah tersebut sebagai simbol kuasa besar, terutama di lingkungan perkebunan yang masih eksis sampai sekarang.
Traces of the History of South Cisarua Plantation: Archives and Inscription of the Dutch Tomb in Kebon Jahe Cisarua-Bogor, Jawa Barat Lia Nuralia
Kapata Arkeologi Vol. 14 Iss. 1, July 2018
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/kapata.v14i1.481


Makam Belanda (kerkhof) dengan inkripsi (prasasti) di Kebon Jahe merupakan sumber data arkeologis, menjadi petunjuk awal untuk penelusuran arsip kolonial sebagi sumber data sejarah. Sumber data sejarah dan arkeologis menjadi satu kolaborasi data yang saling melengkapi, yang dapat menjelaskan keberadaan perkebunan zaman Belanda yang sekarang sudah tidak ada. Apa dan bagaimana kedua sumber data tersebut menjadi bukti penting tentang keberadaan Perkebunan Cisarua Selatan di masa lalu, menjadi permasalahan dalam tulisan ini. Dengan demikian, tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkap jejak sejarah Perkebunan Cisarua Selatan berdasarkan arsip kolonial dan prasasti makam Belanda. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian arkeologi dengan pendekatan sejarah dan symbolic meaning, yang menerangkan tentang keberadaan Perkebunan Cisarua Selatan di masa lalu, melalui arti inskripsi dan ragam hias makam, serta identitas orang yang dimakamkan melalui sumber arsip Belanda. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah kepastian tentang keberadaan Perkebunan Cisarua Selatan di daerah Cisarua Bogor, dengan bukti fisik berupa tujuh Makam Belanda di Kampung Kebon Jahe, serta dokumen tertulis (rekaman sejarah) dalam Arsip Kolonial Indische Navorsher 1934 dan Staatsblad van Nederlandsch-Indie 1920 No. 72.The Dutch tomb (kerkhof) with the inscription in Kebon Jahe is the source of archaeological data, becoming the initial guidance for searching colonial archives as a source of historical data. The source of historical and archaeological data becomes a collaboration of complementary data, which could explain the existence of a now-defunct Dutch plantation. What and how these two sources of data become important evidence of the existence of South Cisarua Plantation in the past, is a problem in this paper. Thus, this paper aims to reveal traces of the history of South Cisarua Plantation based on colonial archives and inscription of the Dutch tomb. The method used archaeological research with historical approach and symbolic meaning, which explains about the existence of South Cisarua Plantation in the past, through the meaning of inscriptions and decorative graves of the tomb, as well as the identity of people buried through the source of the Dutch archives. The results obtained certainty about the existence of South Cisarua Plantation in Cisarua Bogor area, with physical evidence in the form of seven Dutch Tombs in Kampung Kebon Jahe, as well as written documents as historical record in Colonial Archive of Indische Navorsher 1934 and Staatsblad van Nederlandsch-Indie 1920 No. 72.
KALPATARU Vol. 27 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/kpt.v27i1.553


 Abstract. Old plantation building which is considered as a cultural heritage building and archaeological resource, belongs to the public and ought to be preserved. These old buildings are vulnerable to constant vandalism and destruction. The introduction and socialization about the importance of these old buildings have been continuously done that will lead to protection efforts. This article aims to learn about the implementation of public archeology on the industrial plantation buildings of Dutch heritage in West Java. A desk research method is used by analysing on research reports, books, journal articles, and other similar literatures. The result of the discussion gives four introduction strategies as the first step of protection and conservation efforts: (1) museum and nature laboratory, (2) agro tourism and tourism destination, (3) publication and socialization of archeology researches. These introduction strategies have been implemented and provided benefits to the community, which subesequently lead to the protection and preservation efforts of the cultural heritage buildings.  Keywords: Plantation industry building, public archeology  Abstrak. Bangunan industri perkebunan diduga sebagai bangunan cagar budaya (BCB) dan merupakan sumber daya arkeologi yang menjadi milik publik dan perlu dilestarikan. Pada kenyataannya, bangunan lama tersebut rentan terhadap perusakan dan penghancuran secara terus menerus. Bagaimana mengatasi masalah tersebut? Salah satu cara yang dapat ditempuh adalah melakukan upaya pengenalan yang berlanjut ke upaya pelindungan. Tulisan ini bertujuan mengkaji arkeologi publik terhadap bangunan industri perkebunan warisan zaman Belanda di Jawa Barat. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian desk research terhadap laporan hasil penelitian, buku, artikel jurnal, dan lain sebagainya. Hasil pembahasan melahirkan tiga strategi pengenalan benda cagar budaya sebagai langkah awal upaya pelindungan dan pelestariannya, yaitu (1) museum dan laboratorium alam, (2) agrowisata dan destinasi wisata, (3) publikasi dan sosialisasi hasil penelitian arkeologi. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah seluruh strategi pengenalan tersebut sudah terlaksana dan memberi manfaat bagi masyarakat luas, sekaligus dapat mewujudkan upaya pelindungan dan pelestarian. Kata kunci: Bangunan industri perkebunan, arkeologi publik
Patanjala: Journal of Historical and Cultural Research Vol 12, No 2 (2020): PATANJALA VOL. 12 NO. 2 Oktober 2020
Publisher : Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30959/patanjala.v12i2.641


Perkebunan Sedep di Bandung Jawa Barat masih mempertahankan bangunan lama dan artefak perkebunan zaman Belanda, yaitu Rumah Administratur, bekas Rumah Bilyar, Prasasti dan Meja Bilyar. Artefak perkebunan tersebut menjadi simbol kuasa yang memiliki nilai-nilai budaya. Apa dan bagaimana simbol kuasa dan nilai-nilai budaya tersebut, menjadi permasalahan pokok, yang dikaji menggunakan metode desk research dengan pendekatan simbol kuasa Pierre F. Bourdieu. Simbol kuasa Bourdieu terdiri dari field, habbitus, dan capital. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah simbol kuasa Rumah ADM ditunjukan dalam bahasa nonverbal berupa tata letak bangunan dan tata ruang dalam (field); status sosial penghuni rumah serta bentuk dan arsitektur rumah (habitus); serta pemilik dan pengelola perusahaan perkebunan (capital). Simbol kuasa Prasasti ditunjukkan oleh inskripsi (habitus), bentuk dan bahan (capital), serta ruang (field). Makna simbolik artefak perkebunan mencerminkan nilai-nilai budaya kolonial perkebunan, seperti nilai kemanusiaan, kerja keras, dan disiplin berdasarkan konsep habitus Bourdieu (kelas sosial, jenis kelamin, dan kelompok usia). 
Patanjala: Journal of Historical and Cultural Research Vol 9, No 1 (2017): PATANJALA Vol. 9 No. 1 MARCH 2017
Publisher : Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1272.109 KB) | DOI: 10.30959/patanjala.v9i1.347


Tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkap sejarah dan budaya masyarakat adat Kampung Tua di Lampung. Sumber tulisan merupakan hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan metode survey, dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur, observasi langsung, dan wawancara. Kajian dilakukan dengan menerapkan konsep-konsep ilmu sosial, yaitu konsep akulturasi budaya dan sistem ekonomi dualistis (tradisional dan modern), menghasilkan sistem nilai yang unik dan menjadi pedoman dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat Kampung Tua. Akulturasi budaya tampak pada gaya bangunan rumah tinggal dan dua sistem adat lama (pepadun dan sebatin), beserta benda-benda upacara adat Begawi, sedangkan sistem ekonomi dualistis dengan keberadaan umbulan dan kuwayan. Tata nilai yang berlangsung mengalami perubahan dalam berbagai segi kehidupan, tetapi tetap berpedoman pada nilai-nilai kehidupan lama yang masih bertahan sampai sekarang. Perekonomian tradisional di wilayah umbulan dan kuwayan tergantikan dengan masuknya perekonomian modern. This paper aims to reveal the history and culture of indigenous people in Kampung Tua of Lampung. The writing source is the result of research by using survey method, and the data is collected through the study of literature, direct observation, and interviews. The study is conducted by applying the concepts of social sciences, acculturation, and dualistic economic systems (traditional and modern), it produces a unique value system and guide people's daily lives of Kampung Tua. Acculturation can be seen from the style of houses and two old custom system (pepadun and sebatin), along with the customary ceremonial objects of Begawi. Meanwhile, the dualistic economic system can be seen from the existence of umbulan and kuwayan. The lasting value changes in various aspects of life, but remain guided by the values of the old life until now. Traditional economy in the region of kuwayan and umbulan is replaced by the entry of modern economy.
Patanjala: Journal of Historical and Cultural Research Vol 11, No 1 (2019): PATANJALA Vol. 11 No. 1, MARCH 2019
Publisher : Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (829.428 KB) | DOI: 10.30959/patanjala.v11i1.427


Pertemuan antara dua budaya berbeda (Eropa dan Asia) memunculkan satu kebudayaan campuran atau kebudayaan hibrid. Salah satunya lahir di dalam masyarakat Perkebunan Batu Lawang Banjar, yang telah berdiri sejak zaman Belanda. Apa dan bagaimana kebudayaan hibrid tersebut, akan menjadi satu permasalahan pokok, sehingga tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkap kebudayaan hibrid di Perkebunan Batu Lawang Banjar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian survey dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur, wawancara sejarah lisan, dan arsip kolonial. Hasil yang diperoleh, dengan menggunakan konsep komunikasi nonverbal, bahwa kebudayaan hibrid di perkebunan peninggalan zaman Belanda, menunjukkan adanya klasifikasi sosial ekonomi yang hierarkis dan rasis. Masyarakat perkebunan khususnya terbagi ke dalam golongan Eropa dan pribumi Indonesia, yang berimbas terhadap status pekerjaan. Golongan Eropa menduduki posisi penting sebagai kelas atas (pejabat tinggi perkebunan), sedangkan golongan pribumi menjadi buruh atau karyawan perkebunan sebagai kelas bawah. Pencampuran antara kedua golongan atau kelas sosial tersebut, melahirkan kebudayaan hibrid. Pada masa sekarang kebudayaan hibrid warisan kolonial di perkebunan, dapat ditemukan bukti fisiknya berupa artefak perkebunan dan keberadaan golongan peranakan Indo-Eropa sebagai anak dari hasil perkawinan campuran, serta informasi lisan dari pelaku.  The meeting between two different cultures (Europe and Asia) raises a mixed culture or hybrid culture. One of them was born in the community of Banjar Batu Lawang plantation, which had been established since the Dutch era. What and how the hybrid culture, will become the main problem, so this paper aims to reveal hybrid culture at the Banjar Batu Lawang Plantation. The research method used is the survey research method with data collection techniques through literature studies, oral history interviews, and colonial archives. The results obtained, using the concept of nonverbal communication, that hybrid culture in plantations inherited from the Dutch era, indicate a hierarchical and racist socio-economic classification. Plantation communities in particular are divided into European and indigenous Indonesian groups, which impact on employment status. The European group occupies an important position as the upper class (high-ranking plantation officials), while the indigenous group becomes laborers or plantation workers as the lower class. Mixing between the two groups or social classes gave birth to a hybrid culture. At present the colonial heritage of hybrid culture on plantations can be found in physical evidence in the form of plantation artifacts and the existence of Indo-European breeders as children of mixed marriages, as well as verbal information from the perpetrators.