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Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society Volume 18 Number 1 (April 2012)
Publisher : IndoMS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22342/jims.


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GIZI INDONESIA Vol 31, No 2 (2008): September 2008

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THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN FREE THYROXINE AND VEGETABLES COOKING AND SERUM CHOLINESTERASE OF CHILD BEARING AGE WOMEN IN ENDEMIC GOITRE AREAPesticides, a goitrogenic pollutant, strongly bind iodine to make a complex substance which iodinecan not optimally be utilized and leads to impair thyroxine hormone production. Farmers in Pakissub district of Magelang district often put pesticides of organophosphate and carbamate groups toincrease vegetables yield. The retained pesticides in the foods can be minimized by cooking. Todetermine the association between free thyroxine sera and vegetable cooking and cholinesterasesera. A cross-sectional study design was applied to 205 of child bearing age women (CBAW) of 17– 45 years of age in Pakis sub district of Magelang District, Central Java. Vegetable in whichpesticide may persist were cooked in two ways, namely were boiled and tumis (stir fried). Bloodspicement were drawn for fT4 and cholinesterase axamination. It was indicated that serum FT4 of68,3 % of CBAW were normal, while 31,7 % of them were low and 5.1% of CBAW with low serumCHE. There was a significant association between the way of cooking , status of serum CHE andcontraceptive use of family planning with to status of serum FT4. The child bearing age womenthat consume vegetables cooked by “tumis” (cooking stir fried) having higher risk of low serum freethyroxin status, 2,5 times than that of by boiling. CBAW with low cholinesterase enzyme (CHE)having lower risk of low serum free thyroxin hormone status (FT4), 10 times than that of withnormal CHE. CBAW with hormonal contraception having higher risk of low serum FT4, 0,50times than that usage non hormonal contraception. In order to minimize pesticide residuesretained in vegetables, it should be cooked by boilingKey words:iodine status,pesticide, cholinesterase, cooking stir fried, child bearing age women,thyroxine status,endemic goiter
Jurnal Ilmiah Pena: Sains dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 8, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Ilmiah Pena Volume 8 Nomor 1 November 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Pena: Sains dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Kajian Ekonomi Tentang Faktor Penyebab Kemiskinan di Desa Mojong Kabupaten Sidrap. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dan pembahasan yang telah diuraikan mengenai faktor penyebab kemiskinan di desa Mojong Kabupaten Sidrap seperti yang telah dibahas dalam bab sebelumnya. Dapat ditarik kesimpulan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya sebagai berikut Jumlah anggota keluarga yang bekerja masih perlu di beri latihan dan pengetahuan yang memadai sehingga dapat menanggulangi jumlah keluarga yang ditanggung, disamping itu pelayanan dari pihak yang terkait (Pemerintah) sangat dibutuhkan terutama pemenuhan sarana kesehatan, pendidikan dan kesempatan bekerja bagi warga di desa tersebut. Dari berbagai indikator penyebab kemiskinan adiharapkan bantuan pemerintah untuk mengurangi jumlah rakyat miskin yang ada dapat tertanggulangi sedikit demi sedikit. Beberapa langkah teknis yang digalakkan pemerintah terutama pada penjagaan stabilitas harga bahan kebutuhan pokok, Mendorong pertumbuhan yang berpihak pada rakyat miskin, Menyempurnakan dan memperluas cakupan program pembangunan berbasis masyarakat. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan sinergi dan optimalisasi pemberdayaan masyarakat di kawasan perdesaan dan perkotaan serta memperkuat penyediaan dukungan pengembangan kesempatan berusaha bagi penduduk miskin yang ada di Desea Mojong Kebupaten Sidrap
MEKTEK Vol 12, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : MEKTEK

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Dry and wetting cycle in tropical area are usual cycle with high intensity. Those usually affect soils to beshrinkage at drying condition. It can be determine by the decrease of soil moisture content. In other hand,swelling process will occur in wetting side that actually cause the increase of volume of soils due to watercontent. This phenomena should be can caused by several factors such as soils mineral, climate (intensity ofrain), humidity and gravitation. This study aims to explore the change of volume and shear strength of soilsdue to dry and wetting cycle.Shrinkage limits test shows that shrinkage limit of soils more than 12%, it can be conclude that the typesoils at Kalukubula regency have slightly swelling potential. At 2 days until 10 days in drying process, theshrinkage limit was 21.37% to 47.87% with soil’s volume change from 18.06% decrease to 6.06%. while inwetting process, the shrinkage limit of soils was 46.70% to 26.06% with soil’s volume change from 0.18%increase to 10.17%. Swelling test shows that the swelling potential of soils was lower that 0.5% to average(0.5%- 1.5%). Shear test results in drying condition had the value of cohesion (c) and soil friction angle (ø)higher than in wetting condition
Morfologi, Sifat Fisik dan Kimia Tanah Inceptisols dari Bahan Lakustrin Paguyaman- Gorontalo Kaitannya dengan Pengelolaan Tanah ., Nurdin
Jurnal Agroteknotropika Vol 1, No 1, 2012
Publisher : Jurnal Agroteknotropika

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The Inceptisols has potential for upland agroculture, but it has problems in the field. Identification and soil characterization was need for mismanagements. Research aimed to indentify the Inceptisols characteristic derived from lakustrine as based of soil managements. Two pedons from Paguyaman of Gorontalo Province were studied both in field and in the laboratory. Twelve soil samples were analyzed for physical and chemical properties. The result of this research showed that the soil morfology of Paguyaman Inceptisols has horizon of arrangement was Ap-Bw and Ap-Bw-Br with different soil depts. Soil matrix color of two pedons dominantly of brown that indicated of B cambic horizon has formed but has not argillic horison. All pedon finded of ocrich epipedons, therefore the soil classify as Typic Eutrudept, fine loamy, smectitic, isohypertermic (PLKS) and Typic Eutrudept, fine, smectitic, isohypertermic (PLKM). Inceptisol was forming way of pedoturbation and lessivage process where done clay and C-organic movements, ground water finded in 100 cm soil depts to half time in a years and base saturation ? 60%. This Inceptisol has loamy of textures, acid until alkalis of soil pH, moderately of nutrient stock and cation exchange capacity moderate until high value. These carracteristics indicated that this soil has potential for food crop cultivations. Therefore, the pedon PLKM more potential than pedon PLKS
Serapan Hara N, P dan K Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays L.) di Dutohe Kabupaten Bone Bolango Mayang, Hariyanto; ., Nurdin; Jamin, Fitriah S.
Jurnal Agroteknotropika VOL 01, NO 02, 2012
Publisher : Jurnal Agroteknotropika

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This study aimed to determine the N, P, and K nutrients uptakes of maize crops in Dutohe of Bone Bolango regency. Te research was carried out in Dutohe Village of Kabila Distric of Bone Bolango regency for about 6 months. The experimental design was following randomized block design that consist of 4 treatments (P+K, N+P, N+K) with 3 replications, so there are 12 plot units. Dosages of each treatment were 160 kg Urea, 54 kg TSP, and 90 kg KCl. The result from the experiment showed that minus one test has not significant effect to N and P uptakes, but has significant effect to K uptake.
Uji Kurang Satu Pupuk N, P, dan K terhadap Pertumbuhan Jagung di Dutohe Kabupaten Bone Bolango ., Hermanuddin; ., Nurdin; Jamin, Fitriah S.
Jurnal Agroteknotropika VOL 01, NO 02, 2012
Publisher : Jurnal Agroteknotropika

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The aim of this study was to determine (1) the effect of N, P, and K fertilizers on the maize growth and (2) the best treatment combinations on the maize growth. The fertilizers method using minus one test in randomized block design pattern with four treatments and three replications. Dosages of each treatment were 160 kg Urea, 54 kg TSP, and 90 kg KCl. The results of this research showing that the minus one test of N, P, and K fertilizers has significant effect to plant high on 14 days after planting (DAP), 42 DAP, and 56 DAP, but has not significant effect on 28 DAP. This pattern was the same with leaf color parameters. , for leaf numbers has significant effect on 28 DAP only. The best treatment combination was N+K treatment or minus P.
Hasil Tanaman Jagung yang Dipupuk N, P, dan K di Dutohe Kabupaten Bone Bolango Aluwi, Febrian F. R.; ., Nurdin; Jamin, Fitriah S.
Jurnal Agroteknotropika VOL 01, NO 02, 2012
Publisher : Jurnal Agroteknotropika

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The objective of this research was to study the respons of N, P, and K fertilizers and the best combination of it on the maize yields. The experimental design was following random block design that consist of 4 treatments with 3 replications, so there are 12 plot units. Dosages of each treatment were 160 kg Urea, 54 kg TSP, and 90 kg KCl. The result of this research showing that minus one test has significant effect to stem length, stem diameters, and all dry weigh, for 100 gain weigh has not significant effects. The best treatment combination was N+K treatment or minus P.
Laju Infiltrasi dan Permeabilitas Tanah pada Areal Kampus I Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Pomalingo, Nelson; ., Nurdin
Jurnal Agroteknotropika VOL 01, NO 02, 2012
Publisher : Jurnal Agroteknotropika

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Land utility for physic buildings on Gorontalo State University campus I has shown rasing significant trends. Whereas, the land was originally rice field productively and water catchments area. Consequently, its function is reduced due to the infiltration of water hampered. This study aimed to (a) determine the amount of soil infiltration rate, and (b) determine the amount of soil permeability. The study was conducted on six months in the campus 1 Gorontalo State University areas. The equipment consists of Guelph permeameter, rol meter, water bag, stop watch, soil bor and raffia. s, the materials consist of water and soil samples. Infiltration measurements carried out in a transect from the south to the north lines. Measurements will be performed at every five meters with two measurements (0-10 cm and 10-20 cm). On existing lines any building or standing crop, the measurement will be carried out on one side to detect the effect of distance and the soil variability. Parameters observed include water infiltration, and soil permeability. The result of this research shown that infiltration rate (i) and soil permeability (Ks) at campus 1 Gorontalo State University areas classified as very rapid. s, the highest of infiltration rate and soil permeability values was to 140 m distance or point 28 and the lowest was to 170 m distance or point 34.
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Vol. 13 No. 3 (2012)
Publisher : Center for Environmental Technology - Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (392.752 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jtl.v13i3.1393


Lahan kering merupakan salah satu lahan yang potensial untuk pengembangan jagung, tetapi umumnya petani jagung menggunakannya tanpa menerapkan teknik konservasi tanah, sehingga erosi tanah sukar dikendalikan dan produktifitasnya menurun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kombinasi teknik konservasi tanah yang dapat menekan erosi tanah dan meningkatkan hasil jagung. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Sub DAS Biyonga Kabupaten Gorontalo. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial dengan dua factor, yaitu faktor pertama penanaman menurut kontur dan faktor kedua penanaman dalam strip yang masing-masing factor terdiri dari lima perlakuan pupuk kandang dan mulsa serta masing-masing tiga ulangan. Pengukuran erosi tanah menggunakan petak erosi beserta drum penampung sedimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penanaman menurut kontur meningkatkan hasil jagung sebanyak ±1,24 kali lebih banyak dibanding penanaman dalam strip, tetapi erosi tanah sebanyak ±1,20 kali lebih banyak dibanding penanaman dalam strip. Hasil jagung tertinggi sebanyak 5,82 ton ha-1 dan erosi tanah sebanyak 1,34 ton ha-1 tahun-1. Sementara, erosi tanah pada penanaman dalam strip hanya 1,08 ton ha-1 tahun-1 dengan hasil jagung sebanyak 4,80 ton ha-1. Dosis pupuk kandang terbaikadalah 10 ton ha-1, sementara untuk mulsa adalah 12 ton ha-1. Kata Kunci: erosi, strip, pertanaman, lahan kering, jagung AbstractUpland is one of land potentials for maize development, but most farmers were using upland without soil conservation, so the soil erosion is difficult controlling and productivity is decreasing. This research was aimed to find of soil conservation technique combinations which can minimize soil erosion and rising of maize yields. This research was carried out in Biyonga Sub-Watershed of Gorontalo Regency. Experimental was conducted in afactorial random block design with2 main factors, where first factor was contour cultivation and the second was strip cropping which each factors consisted of 5 treatments for manure and mulching with 3 replicates. Erosion box and their soil collector were used to measure of soil erosion. Results showed that contour cultivation is ±1.24 higher than strip cropping toincrease maize yields, but soil erosion was ±1.20 higher than strip cropping. The highest of maize yield was 5.82 ha-1 tahun-1 and their soil erosion was 1.34 ton ha-1 tahun-1. Soil erosion on the strip cropping was only 1.08 tonha-1 tahun-1 although maize yields were only 4.80 ton ha-1. The best dosage for manure and mulching were 10 ton ha-1 and 12 ton ha-1. Keywords: erosion, strip, cropping, upland, maize