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Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 4, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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Personal trainer is a professional workforce who has knowledge and expertise in the field of fitness exercises (fitness). To be a good personal trainer especially in the city of Pekanbaru, no doubt personal trainers run a different role with their daily life when not a personal trainer. They try to control themselves, able to manage impression management such as appearance, physical condition, actual behavior and movement, so that their behavior as a personal trainer can be said good and successfully cover their behavior that is not in accordance with the profession personal trainer, which can damage the name Either as a personal trainer. The purpose of the research is to know the life of Front Stage (a front step) of a gym personal trainer in Pekanbaru city and to know the life of the backstage backstage of a personal gym trainer in Pekanbaru city.This research uses qualitative method with phenomenology approach with in-depth interview data collecting technique and observation and validity technique of elongation data of participation and triangulation. Informants in this study amounted to 3 (three) people who work as personal trainers. To test the validity of the data writer used the method of extension of participation and triangulation.The results revealed that the lives of informants as personal trainers on the front stage require them to communicate firmly but friendly and understand the science of fitness and run a healthy lifestyle. They are also demanded to look perfect like a personal trainer. While the life of the informant as a personal trainer on the stage behind the informants more freely show themselves and show the other side of him that is not bound by rules such as smoking, clubbing and steroid use. The self-presentation of the informant as a personal trainer shows the results of the differences between each informant in managing the message and the impression that they want to present rather than presenting themselves on the backside that has a smaller scopeKey words : Personal trainer, Gym, Fitness, Sterodi, Suplement
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol. 5: Edisi II Juli - Desember 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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World Glamor or Dugem for teenagers became a phenomenon that became a trend in the past. The perpetrators Dugem many from various circles, especially the yatiu students. Until now dugem trend is so growing with ditandainya the increasing number of nightspots in Pekanbaru City which was established from the center of the city to the remote areas. The glittering world, of course, is very close to alcohol and drugs so they get negative awareness by the people. This study aims to determine the motives, meaning and experience of student communication in Pekanbaru Pekanbaru dugem.This study uses a qualitative study method with a phenomenological approach. Informant investigation consisted of six students dugem players in the city of Pekanbaru selected using snowball technique. Techniques of data collection methods of attention, in-depth interviews, and investigation documentation. To achieve the validity of the data in this study, investigators use continued triangulation participation, and the adequacy of referrals.The result of the study shows that first, the dugem motive for the students of the dugem in Pekanbaru City consists of the motive because of the hobby of music, the trend of dugem, the influence of the friend, and the job networking, while the motive for (in order to motive) ie stop to do dugem, became a life experience and changed the negative outlook on the dugem. Second, the meaning of dugem yes by Student actors dugem iaitu dugem as life experience, dugem as a place to add relations, and dugem as a breakout problem and relieving stress. Third, the communication experience of dugem actors are categorized into two namely verbal pleasant communication experience in the form of support of parents to their children to follow dugem and the invitation and support from friends and friends to do dugem, and not verbalnya in the form of entertaining friends dugem there in clubs with rocking, and the presence of symbols and sign language to pick up dugem. uncomfortable communication experience verbal in the form of blasphemy from the surrounding environment against the perpetrators of dugem and in the form of a loud reprimand with the words of the parents and punishment of the perpetrators dugem, and not verbnya in the form of rape in the club because the drunken clubbers.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol. 6: Edisi I Januari - Juni 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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Down syndrome is one of the diseases caused by genetic disorders that have an impact on physical and mental retardation so that it takes a special action so that they can be independent. Independence is one of the attitudes that must be possessed by Down syndrome children and can be obtained through special institutions or foundations, one of which is the Fajar Amanah Extraordinary School (SLB) in Tualang District. In the process, the therapist uses several special methods to restore the child's physical and behavioral conditions. In the therapeutic process, it is known that the therapist uses therapeutic communication. The purpose of this paper is to look at the phases of therapeutic communication applied at the Fajar Amanah SLB in Tualang District, Siak Regency. This study uses qualitative writing methods. The research was conducted at the Fajar Amanah Extraordinary School (SLB) on Jl. Wakaf KM 6.5 Tualang. The selection of informants is done by purposive technique. The informants from this study were a doctor, two therapists, and three parents. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and documentation. While the validity of the data used in this study is an extension of participation and triangulation. The results showed that the therapist in the process of carrying out therapeutic communication to children with Down syndrome in the Fajar Amanah SLB in Tualang District, Siak Regency was carried out through several stages. In the pre-interaction phase, it is known that therapists design ways to build interpersonal communication with parents and use several methods such as identification, assessment / assessment, and briefings in gathering all information related to the child's physical condition. In the orientation phase, the therapist provides a safe and comfortable situation for the child by applying three basic features of therapeutic communication. In the working phase, the therapist begins to carry out the therapeutic process using special methods and is accompanied by several therapeutic communication techniques to increase the independence of children with Down syndrome. In the termination phase, the therapist only gives advice or advice to parents about how to care for children at home.Keywords: Therapeutic Communication, Down Syndrome, Independence
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 2, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2015
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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The development of communication technology has brought many changes, one which is a mobile phone with the label smart phone (smartphone). Android is one of the types of smartphones are widely used by people at this time Android has many advantages that make many people are interested in using it, one of which is among the students. The use of Android as a communication media among students bring a variety of meanings related to the use of Android itself by them. This study aims to determine the motive, knowledge and understanding of Android applications and communications experience Android users among students of the University of Riau communication.This research method is using a qualitative research method with phenomenological approach. Informants in this study were 10 students of Communication Studies, University of Riau who use Android smartphone selected using purposive technique. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation and conclusion and verification.These results indicate that the motive of communication science students use the Android smartphone as a media communication because they consist of motifs (Because motive) the sense of dissatisfaction, the influence of friends, the look and features of interest, and also because of the need, while the motive for (in order to motives) that facilitate communication, facilitate communication and for existence itself. Knowledge and understanding of Android apps for students of Communication consists of Android as a communication media, Android as media information, and Android as a media presentation of self. Communication experience of communication science students for using Android smartphone consists of exciting experiences (positive experience) and an unpleasant experience (experience negate). An interesting experience for students of science communication using Android are, getting a lot of new friends, to be reunited with old friends as well as the experience of communicating that seemed real. While not a pleasant experience for students of science communication using the Android, Android battery run out quickly, which isnot a good communication network, communication is often misdirected, scams online shop and difficulty in arranging Android device.Keywords: Android, Construction Meaning, Phenomenology.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 4, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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Ruqyah alternative treatment as a phenomenon becomes a very interesting study to be studied. Doing alternative treatment Ruqyah is not an easy thing, considering that alternative treatment Ruqyah is still classified as rare treatment when compared with medical treatment. Ruqyah in Peknbaru city is one of the favored treatment by pekanbaru society. But still many contradictions against alternative treatment Ruqyah in the city of Pekanbaru also affect the patient alternative medicine in interpreting the treatment that live. This study aims to determine the motives of alternative medical patinets in Pekanbaru city to do Ruqyah, knowing the meaning of Ruqyah that their live as well as their communication experience.This research uses qualitative research method with phenomenology approach. The subjects consisted of seven patients of Ruqyah alternative treatment in Pekanbaru City who were selected by using snowball technique. Data collection is done through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. To test the validity of the data writer used the method of extension of participation and triangulation.The results of this study indicate the motive of alternative medical patients in Pekanbaru City Ruqyah consists of the motive of the past (because motive) and the motive of the future (in order to motive). The motive of the patient's past alternative treatment Pekanbaru doing Ruqyah is (1) obsessive motive (2) financial motive and (3) the background motive of the disease, while the future motive of patient of alternative medicine in Pekanbaru City doing Ruqyah is (1) (2) evaluation motives and (3) motive paradigm. Alternative medicine patients interpret the Ruqyah they live as (1) syariat in Islamic religion, (2) self-cleaning process and (3) solution for non-physical pain. The communication experience of alternative treatment patients in doing Ruqyah is divided into experience while undergoing treatment and experience after treatment. Based on the motives, meanings, and experiences of the patients on Ruqyah based on the frequency of recovery he gave birth to the types of alternative ruqyah treatment patients in pekanbaru city, namely the type of Ruqyah taqwa patient and Ruqyah future patient type.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol. 6: Edisi I Januari - Juni 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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The occurrence of natural disasters that occur at this time in Indonesia has become awareness and attention for the community to help, the impact that has had an effect on the continuation of the lives of people in the location of the natural disaster. Awareness and sensitivity to social issues can build a person's character about ways of thinking and behaving that help others to live and work together in building a better life (Chrisiana, 2005). Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) Regional Riau is present as a place for distributing aid that makes it easy for the community to donate and be trusted as well as trust. ACT has a disaster emergency program, which handles problems related to events to natural disasters that occur. In the implementation of the program, persuasive communication is carried out so that the people who become the goals can act as expected. The purpose of this study was to determine the credibility of persuaders, persuasive messages, and communication media in the ACT-funded relief activities for victims of natural disasters that occurred in Indonesia.This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method. The technique of determining research informants using purposive sampling techniques. The informants in this study were ACT Riau Regionalh leader, four ACT Riau administrators, two permanent donors, and one non-permanent donator from ACT Riau. Data collection techniques carried out were interviews, observation, documentation. The validity of the data in this study the author uses an extension of participation and triangulation.The results of the study show that ACT Riau has credibility as a persuader formed from aspects of expertise through experience and mastery of information delivered based on the facts of natural disaster conditions. The persuasive message delivered consists of verbal messages including simple message clarity, message misunderstanding that is easily remembered by the community, and the accuracy of the message objectives in providing information regarding natural disasters that hit a region. Whereas nonverbal messages are seen from facial expressions, intonation, ethics, to the use of attributes as ACT identities. The selection of media consists of Instagram social media, Facebook and print media in the form of banners, billboards, and flayer which are placed in locations where many people pass through.Key Words: Persuasive Communication, Aksi Cepat Tanggap, Persuasive Communication Model of Applebeum & Anatol.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 3, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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The trend in mobile phone use excessive negative impact on the individual who called syndrome No Mobile Phone Phobia (Nomophobia). Syndrome is one of the triggers rift in interpersonal relationships within friendship groups. This study aims to determine the patient interpersonal communication contact nomophobia on stage, stage of involvement, familiarity stage, the stage of decline, recovery and termination phase.This study uses a qualitative method. The collection of data obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The informants were 10 people consisting of 5 Top informant Namely those patients Nomophobia and 5 informants supporters of the companions of people with Nomophobia. were selected using purposive technique. This study uses data analysis techniques Miles and Huberman interactive. Mechanical data validity checking is done through the extension of participation and triangulation.The results showed that in interpersonal communication that occurs in patients nomophobia the friendship group is known at this stage of the contact, the communication process begins because of similarities in the nature, interest in the attitude, accident and needs of the partner or other person. At this stage of the engagement process takes place in the form of interpersonal communication did penchant together, and began to increase the frequency of meetings. At this stage of intimacy, communication process that takes indicated by own openness to one another and begin to tell you things that are both in the privacy of mobile phone or something beyond that. At this stage of deterioration, because the cause of the patient nomophobia not able to manage well the attitude of dependence so influential in friendship relationships. At this stage of improvement, here are clearly visible efforts made in order to maintain friendly relations, the effort can be a satire and a warning to patients nomophobia besides the efforts made also in the form of a mutual understanding of each other. The last stage which is the stage of termination, the study found no friendship is dismissed because they prefer to maintain and improve the relationship.Keywords: Interpersonal Communication, Patients of Nomophobia, Friendship
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol. 6: Edisi II Juli - Desember 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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Stand up comedy has become a new interest in the world of art, especially comedy in Indonesia. Stand up comedy gives freedom to the person to talk about and do anything, so that a comic has his own way to make the audience interested and entertained. This study aims to determine the front stage, middle stage, and back stage comic in Pekanbaru city. This study uses qualitative research methods using dramaturgy studies. The informant of the study consisted of six people, consisting of three main informants and three supporting informants. Data collection techniques are conducted by interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques use the Miles and Huberman interactive models in the form of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study indicate that the appearance of a comic when on stage is the result of managing an impression that is designed in such a way as to the demands of the profession being pursued. Front stage is a display full of settings. An ideal concept that someone wants to display in accordance with the expectations of society. As a stand up comedian, the comic look for a "persona" as their identity when on stage and at the same time as a differentiator from other comic. The middle stage is the transition area of the comic from the back stage to the front stage. On this middle stage, comic conducts various kinds of activities to prepare everything that can support her appearance while on the front stage. Starting from the preparation of material consisting of writing, combud, open mic, and rewrite until build a mood before appearing as comic. On back stage they can show their original status without having to cover it up. There is nothing on this stage that they cover up and act like an ordinary person who has normal, emotional, and not always makes others laugh.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 5, No 1: WISUDA APRIL 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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Vespa extreme is a symbol of freedom in modification and creation art which combined things that useless with vespaso that become anunique phenomena. This vespa extreme rider known because their appearance look dingy, seedy, and their unique life style. This appearance make people afraid and have a negative perspective to them. This research purpose to know motive of vespa extreme user included meaning of vespa, symbols and so things in vespa extreme and about its rider communication experience in use vespa extreme.This research is using qualitative with phenomenology approach by Alfred Schutz and interaction symbolic theory George . H. Mead. This research have 7 people as informant. Sampling technique using snowball technique.Data collection with participant observation, documentation, and deep interview. Data analysis is interactive technique included 3 phase, data collection, data interpretation, and conclucion.The results showing that motive of vespa extreme riders join this community is the past motive like modification hobby and using scooter that have been long exist in their self, element of art, unique and space of freedom in creation. And future motive include solidarity, looking for friends and expand brotherhood as media for freedom in creation. The meaning of vespa extreme for its user is media to express their self freely, self identity, and vespa extreme as media communication to deliver message and satire. Besides, the meaning of things in that like flag and plastic is use as sign in the road. Bottles,spare tire, and many more for additional tools is the variation modification. Communication experience that they gained is expand brotherhood, become famous, and also some not fun experience like thought as criminal, homeless, useless, get caught by the police, be treated unreasonable, and often gets shout also thrown by other pedestrians.
Makna Perjalanan Wisata Bagi Backpacker (Studi Fenomenologi Pada Backpacker Yang Melakukan Perjalanan Wisata Ke Sumatera Barat) Alfath Fortunately; Nova Yohana
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol. 5: Edisi II Juli - Desember 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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Backpacker as a unique and independent trip style with minimal cost, the benefits for backpackers are not just for activities, but more than that, they want to know firsthand and the culture of the places they sail, Backpacker becomes a very trip phenomenon unique. This study aims to reveal the motives Backpacker to travel, the meaning of trip for Backpacker and communication experienced by Backpacker in trip.This study uses qualitative methods with the Phenomenology Alfred Schutz’s Theory and George H Mead Symbolic Interaction theory. Informants were chosen based on Snowball technique is 7 (seven) informants. Data collection techniques were conducted with participant caraguna, in-depth interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques use interactive data analysis techniques consisting of data, presentation data and deduction of conclusions.The results showed that the first, motive Backpacker in trip, among others; past motives of various media, economic factors and family summary, and motives of the future will come with a sense of satisfaction after traveling, occupational factors, acquiring new knowledge, gaining connections, digging memories, religious goals and introducing Indonesia, West Sumatra specifically The outside world. Second, Travel for Backpacker is a search for identity which is a place to find experience, self-actualization, and travel is a life-saving activity and establish a connection for Backapcker. Third, Backpacker's experience of traveling backpacking is a fun experience of receiving acceptance and support from family, expanding friendship, and gaining popularity while unpleasant experiences are considered expensive hobbies, getting unpleasant treatments such as fraud and illegal levies as well as having difficulty obtaining localized language information different.Keyword : Phenomenology, Interaction symbolic, backpacker