Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui langkah-langkah pengembangan tes matematika, kisi-kisi tes matematika, validitas isi, validitas butir dengan teknik part-whole , reliabilitas butir, taraf kesukaran butir, daya beda, dan efektifitas pengecoh butir tes matematika berdasarkan SK-KD SD kelas IV . Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Gianyar. Sebanyak 500 siswa kelas IV dipilih sebagai sampel. Data Penelitian dikumpulkan dan diolah dengan menggunakan program excel. Penelitian ini mendapatkan hasil sebagai berikut. (1) Tes matematika yang dikembangkan berdasarkan SK-KD sudah mengacu pada langkah-langkah pengembangan tes, (2) Kisi-kisi tes matematika yang dikembangkan sudah berdasarkan SK-KD. (3) Hasil validitas isi termasuk kategori validitas isi sangat tinggi (dengan formula Gregory diperoleh validitas isi 0.925), (4) Hasil analisis validitas butir pada 40 butir tes penelitian ini diperoleh hasil 99% valid (hanya 1 butir soal yang tidak valid yaitu no.23), (5) Hasil analisis reliabilitas menurut kriteria Guilford termasuk derajat reliabilitas tinggi (dihitung dengan rumus KR-20 diperoleh hasil sebesar 0.64), (6) Taraf kesukaran butir tes diperoleh hasil yaitu kategori sedang 62,5%, kategori sukar 7,5%, dan kategori mudah 30%, (7) Daya beda butir tes matematika penelitian ini yaitu kategori sedang 42,5%, kategori jelek 45%, kategori baik 12,5%, (8) Efektifitas pengecoh penelitian ini memperoleh hasil kategori semua pengecoh baik sebanyak 7.5%. Kata kunci: teknik part-whole, hasil belajar matematika, pengembangan tes. Abstrac This study was aimed at finding out the steps in developing mathematics test, the specification table of mathematics test, the content validty, the validty of the mathematics test with part-whole technique, the reliability of the mathematics test, the level of difficulty of the mathematics test, the index of discrimination, the effectiveness of distractors of the mathematics test based on SCs-BCs for the fourth grade student. This study was conducted in  Gianyar district. A total of 500 fourth grade students selected as samples. The data were collected and processed by using Excel program. The result of this study showed the following findings. (1) The mathematics test developed based on the SCs-BCs had followed the steps in a test development. (2) The grid of the mathematics test developed had been based on the SCs-BCs. (3). The results of the content validity content validity categorized as very high (with Gregory formula obtained content validity 0.925 ), (4) The result of analysis of the items validity of the 40 items showed that 99% of the items were valid (the only item that is not valid is item no. 23). (5) Based on Guilfordâs criteria, the result of the analysis of reliability was highly reliable (the computation by using KR-20 formula yields a reliability coefficient of 0.64). (6) Sixty two point five percent of the items were fairly difficult, 7.5% were difficult, and 30% were easy. (7) Forty two point five percent of the mathematics test items were fairly difficult, 45% were bad, and 12.5% were good; (8) In terms of the effectiveness of the distractors,80% of the distractors were good, 12.5% were fairly good and 7.5% were bad.  Key Word: part-whole technique, mathematic  learning achievement test, test development