Turtiantoro Turtiantoro
Jurusan Ilmu Pemerintahan, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

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JURNAL ILMU SOSIAL Volume 14, Issue 1, Year 2015
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (738.645 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jis.14.1.2015.39-46


Research entitle "PDI-Struggle Strategy in Central Java in General Election of President and Vice President in 2014" is a qualitative research that momentum Presidential Election 2014. This study begins from the observation of the PDI-P in Central Java province in Pilgub in 2013 who  take a decision to nominate candidates for the pair of internal party, namely Ganjar Pranowo and Heru Sudjatmoko. The success of the PDI-P in the year 2013 was also continued with victory in the legislative elections held in april 2014, PDI-P Central Java Province scooped 27 seats, up four seats compared to the 2009 election. Two such events have a strong attraction for study because in 2014 there was also a general election for president and vice president. On the one hand the PDI-Struggle Central Java two wins in the race for political office, on the other hand suffered two defeats in the presidential and vice presidential elections in 2004 and 2009. For this reason this study was conducted to determine the strategy chosen in the elections until the end proved to victory.
FORUM Vol 36, No 1 (2008) : Memahami Tayangan Kekerasan Di Televisi
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Diponegoro University

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History of Indonesian nation up to now notes various grieves, misery and social difference, which caused by unjust behavior and discrimination on the basis of ethnic , race, skin colour, culture, language, religion, faction, gender, and other social status. Unjust behavior and discrimination is human right collision.
Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Administrasi Pertanahan di Kecamatan Banyumanik Kota Semarang A'yun, Arifha Qurrata; ., Turtiantoro
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 9, No 01 (2020): Periode Wisuda Januari 2020
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Semua orang berlomba-lomba ingin menguasai baik itu ilmu pendidikan atau ilmu kesehatan atau dapat pula berupa ilmu sosial dan ilmu politik. Maka jika dikenalkan berbagai macam ilmu, banyak dari masyarakat atau orang-orang yang akan memperebutkan hal-hal itu. Lalu masyarakat mengenal suatu bidang ilmu mengenai administrasi kependudukan atau jika dieratkan dengan ilmu politik sangatlah berkaitan erat. Maka dalam skripsi saya, saya akan menulis tentang suatu ilmu yang mempelajari lebih dalam tentang bidang pelayanan yang ada di sebuah instansi resmi negara yaitu bidang ilmu yang tersimpan di sebuah Kecamatan Banyumanik yang ilmunya berkenaan tentang ilmu pencatatan yang sangatlah mengurusi atau melayani urusan tentang kewarganegaraan setiap masyarakat yang hidup di wilayah Banyumanik. Tahapan-tahapan yang dapat dilakukan  dalam mengurus Administrasi Pertanahan dimulai dari Surat Keterangan Hak Waris (SKHW), yang tinggal menuju Pemerintah Kota setempat untuk mendapatkan Fatwa Waris yang dikeluarkan dan disahkan oleh Bagian Pemerintahan atau dinas yang berwenang. Lalu tahapan mengurus Surat Hibah,Surat Jual Beli Pemindahan Hak Atas Tanah/Bangunan dan yang terakhir Surat Keterangan Tidak Sengketa yang Sesudah terdaftar dan berkas diperiksa kelengkapannya, akan ada peninjauan lokasi dan pengukuran tanah oleh pegawai kantor itu. Kantor pertanahan kemudian akan menerbitkan gambar dan surat ukur tanah untuk disahkan.Proses Pelaksanaan Administrasi Pertanahan Kantor Kecamatan Banyumanik Kota Semarang masih dapat  dikatakan  berhasil dalam  hal  adanya  proses pendaftaran  tanah  yang sesuai atau  selaras  dengan  Undang-Undang No 5 Tahun 1960 (UUPA)  serta  peraturan pelaksana lainnya.Hambatan   Administrasi Pertanahan disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor  yang sangat mempengaruhi  yakni Faktor  Anggapan  Masyarakat  Diperlukan  Biaya  yang  Mahal  Untuk  Melaksanakan Pendaftaran Tanah, menjadi  salah satu  kendala bagi  masyarakat  khususnya masyarakat di daerah Kecamatan Banyumanik Kota Semarang. Key Words   : Administrasi Kependudukan, Administrasi Pertanahan, Pendaftaran Tanah
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 5, No 04 (2016): Periode Wisuda Oktober 2016
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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ANALYSISAbstractThe Analysis of conflict between regional head and Regional People'sRepresentatives Assembly (DPRD) in determining regional government budget(APBD) 2015 shows of relationship between Regional Head and RegionalPeople's Representatives Assembly in terms of regional government functions.Implementation of regional government functions will perform optimally ifimplementation of government affairs are followed by sufficient distribution ofrevenue sources to regional head. All financial resources related to any regionalgovernment matters are recognized as regional finance. Management of regionalfinance itself can’t be separated from budget that is better known as regionalgovernment budget (APBD). Regional government budget is an instrument thatwill ensure the creation of decision making process. Regional government budgetis one of the Regional People's Representatives Assembly (DPRD) decisionmaking duties. Regional government budget is a regional annual plan that arediscussed and agreed upon by regional government and Regional People'sRepresentatives Assembly (DPRD) and set by local regulations.Regional Government Budget (APBD) is prepared and implemented bylocal governments . All the activities carried out by local governments are basedon the development design and allocations which require the approval of DPRD.Regional People's Representatives Assembly (DPRD) function includesestablishing regulations, budgeting and oversights. One is to supervise theimplementation of the Regional Budget (APBD) to avoid any deviation. Thiscould be viewed as accountability instrument for regents, governor or mayor inregards to DPRD. However, in practice it is not uncommon to be a potentialsource of conflict between Regent, Governor, or Mayor and DPRD.Keywords: Conflict, Regional Government, Regional Head, DPRD, RegionalFinance, APBD
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat : Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) sebagai Motor Penggerak Pariwisata di Daerah Tujuan Wisata (DTW) Guci Kabupaten Tega Trisnoasih, Triana Mukti; ., Turtiantoro
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 8, No 02 (2019): Periode Wisuda April 2019
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Tourism conscious Group have a fungtion as a driving force for tourism, so empowerment is needed to increase the strength or power of the community. Pokdarwis Guci has not carried out the role as itu should be. So this study aims to describe community empowerment in the tourism sector, to know the role of Pokdarwis so far, and to analyze the factors of obstacles ang opportunities for community empowerment and the movement of Pokdarwis Guci. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of observations, in-depth interviews and documents. Then analyzed using data source triangulation. The results of the study explained that empowerment was carried out by various parties. For tourism, especially in strengthening human resources, strengthening institutions, from the government to conduct networking and guidance for traders and provide other support. Pokdarwis experienced complexity in its existence, social capital that was not strong became the main factor so that the current Pokdarwis trip to death did not work as it should. Barries to empowerment and the Pokdarwis movement, namely weak Pokdarwis institutions, backwardness of the community of jars, lack of community participation, orientation of the old paradigm of empowerment, attention from the village government is not optimal, and education to the community in lacking. And there are opportunities namely optimism for Pokarwis, development of DTW Guci, development plans for Guci village.Key Words : Community Empowerment, Pokdarwis, DTW Guci
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 7, No 3 (2018): Periode Wisuda Agustus 2018
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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ABSTRACTThe policy of tourism development since Indonesian independence in 1945 until now has changed along with the changing socio-political and economic conditions in Indonesia and the world. Community-based tourism or CBT is a concept of tourism management by prioritizing the participation of the local community with the purpose to provide welfare for them while maintaining the quality of the environment and protecting social and cultural life.Desa Wisata Wiskuno is an example of a tourism destination that implements the concept of CBT in the tourism development model. Desa Wisata Wiskuno was established on 26 September 2016 managed by Pokdarwis Sumbermadu that located in Maduretno Village, Kebumen Distict. Over the course of 2 years, Pokdarwis Sumbermadu succeeded in mobilizing community participation and received several awards in District and Province level which enabled them to gain the Government's attention to help the Pokdarwis’s program in mobilizing people's participation in tourism development.The researcher used qualitative descriptive method and applied interview and documentation study in collecting data in Maduretno Village, development location of Desa Wisata Wiskuno conducted by the local community and Pokdarwis Sumbermadu.The result of this research is “How Pokdarwis Sumbermadu to achieve success in applying the concept of CBT at Maduretno Village by established Desa Wisata Wiskuno”.Recommendations that can be given is Pokdarwis Sumbermadu is expected to make more varied programs according with tourism development, and increasing its role to apply Sapta Pesona values to the local community. The local government of Kebumen District can continue to provide coaching support, and tourism-related training on Pokdarwis Sumbermadu.Keywords: Tourism, Tourism Development, Community Based Tourism, Desa Wisata, Kelompok Sadar Wisata
Studi Orientasi Ideologi Marhaenisme Dewan Pimpinan Daerah Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (DPD PDI-P) Provinsi Jawa Tengah Kurniasih, Wiwin; ., Turtiantoro
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 8, No 01 (2019): Periode Wisuda Januari 2019
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Penelitian ini membahas tentang studi orientasi ideologi marhaenisme DPD PDI-P Jawa Tengah. Kajian mengenai hal tersebut dilakukan karena ideologi seringkali tidak dijadikan pedoman dalam pembuatan kebijakan, ideologi masih dipandang sebagai sesuatu yang sifatnya abstrak. Akibatnya kebijakan internal maupun eksternal sering bersifat normatif dan bukan penurunan dari nilai-nilai ideologi tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan instrumen wawancara dan telaah dokumen dalam pengumpulan data. Temuan penelitian yang diperoleh adalah ideologi sebagai dasar perjuangan terbukti diterapkan dalam konsep kerja organisasi di DPD PDI-P Jawa Tengah. Namun orientasi kognitif yang dimiliki kader dan anggota DPD PDI-P Jawa Tengah menyajikan realitas bahwa pemahaman marhaenisme sebagai dasar perjuangan hanya dalam tataran informatif belum pada pelibatan perasaan dan kombinasi nilai dalam tindakan. Akibatnya hambatan datang dari kurangnya pemahaman secara konseptual dan praksis tentang marhaenisme sehingga materialisasi nilai ideologis yang telah terkonsep dalam kerja organisasi di DPD PDI-P Jawa Tengah tidak berjalan.
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 6, No 04 (2017): Periode Wisuda Oktober 2017
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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The purpose of this study is to determine the contribution of Hotel Tax to Local Revenue and obstacles in the tax collection of hotels in Semarang City Government and the efforts made by the Office of Management of Finance and Regional Assets Semarang City to increase the acceptance of Hotel Tax.This research method used descriptive qualitative research method with library data collection and field study which consist of observation, documentation and interview. The research object used is Hotel Tax and Local Taxes obtained from the Office of Financial Management and Regional Assets Semarang City Government in 2011 to 2015. In this study researchers used secondary data and primary data. Primary data is data obtained in the form of words and actions from the results of interviews with informants. Informants from this research are employees of the Office of Financial Management and Regional Assets Semarang City. While secondary data is data obtained from literature books, documents, statistical data or archives from the Office of Financial Management and Regional Assets Semarang City.Based on the results of the research note that the development of hotel taxes in 2011 up to 2015 continues to increase with the average rate of hotel tax growth per year 15.6% although income from Hotel Tax always increase every year but its contribution to the Original Regional Revenue shows results in category is very less with an average of 4.98% from 2011-2015. The obstacles encountered are lack of human resources and still low awareness in paying taxes.Keywords : Contributions, Hotel Tax and Local Own Revenue
Kondisi dan Prospek Pengembangan Eksisting Ruang terbuka Hijau (RTH) Publik Kota Surakarta Mastuti, Arum; ., Turtiantoro; Setiyono, Budi
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 6, No 03 (2017): Periode Wisuda Agustus 2017
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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ABSTRACTThe existence of green open space continues to decrease as a result of development. Reduction in the quantity of green open space which is very significant in urban areas, causes in lower quality of urban public green open space as a consequence of the development of the city that needs a lot of land. Though the existence of public green open space is needed as one of the important elements of the urban.This research was conducted with the aim to know how the existing condition, external and internal environment aspects in the management of green open spaces by the government that affect the prospect of development of existing green open space in the future in Surakarta. The results showed that there is a big gap between the percentages of obligations (20%) with a percentage of the existing condition of public green open space that exists (9.17%). The problem of green space in the city is related with the poor distribution and maintaining of green space, ineffective implementation of the regulation, budget and land limitation for the development.The recommendation could be made to the Government of Surakarta by arranging law enforcement related to the environment, good physical planning, and standardization of for human resources recommendation in the institutions which is responsible to manages of green spaces, direct the activities of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for public green open spaces. In addition, look for alternative fulfillment of public green space area with the acquisition of private land, the revitalization of green space that has undergone over the function, or through the development of green space in the special functions.Keywords: Condition, Prospect, Existing, Public Green Open Space Development
Rencana dan Pelaksanaan Dana Desa Di Desa Gandu Kecamatan Comal Kabupaten Pemalang Tahun 2015 - 2017 Lestari, Dwi; ., Turtiantoro
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 8, No 01 (2019): Periode Wisuda Januari 2019
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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The purpose of this study was to analyze the process of planning and implementing village funds in the village of Gandu and identifying inhibiting factors in the process of planning and implementing village funds in the village of Gandu, Comal District, Pemalang Regency, 2015-2017. The theory used in this study is the first Planning theory which includes the stages of the planning process, type of planning, the characteristics of planning effectiveness and the benefits of planning. Second, the implementation theory which contains the implementation concept, and the things that affect the success and failure of implementation. The research method used is qualitative research with an analytical descriptive approach, where in obtaining research data carried out through interviews with speakers who are directly related to the object of research. In this study the speakers were taken from the Village Government and the Gandu Village Community.The results of the study showed that the management of village funds in the village of Gandu was carried out based on Permendagri No. 113 of 2014 concerning Management of Village Finance and Permendagri No. 114 of 2014 concerning Village Development Guidelines. In determining development priorities in the village of Gandu it was conducted by deliberation which began from the hamlet level to the village level, but in terms of community participation in the planning process in Gandu village it was still low because both the hamlet and village consultations did not fully involve the community, only certain people. The implementation of Village Fund development activities in the village of Gandu is carried out with self-management for development that is not difficultwhile for development that is difficult to do by cooperating with third parties, namely by using contractor services.The village government in terms of accountability related to the use of village funds to the community has not yet had wide openness, as evidenced by many people who did not know about the existence of village funds in village development, the government also did not make information boards regarding the details of funds used in development. Inhibiting factors in the Village Fund planning process in the village of Gandu, namely frequent planned budget mismatches and their implementation. While the obstacles in the implementation, namely the lack of labor when it coincides with the rice planting season and weather factors are also obstacles when the rainy season.
Co-Authors A'yun, Arifha Qurrata Achmad Taufiq Adam Harindra P Adi Arbi Susanto Afia - Azkia Agung - Prasetyo Agustin Aviana Agustin Maharani Fatmawati Ahmad Hasyemi Multizami Ahmad Syarif Hardiansyah Aisyah Ariandini Aldini Novana Putri Alvi - Sinthya Amalia Purwatiningrum Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani Anggi E Zamora Anggit Henggar Jati anggun ari akbari Anindya Liani Anisa Utami Annisa Fitri Nur Endah Ardik Ardiansyah Artha Silvia Nababan Arya Sidhi Permana Aulia - Adriansyah Bagus Daru Hari Respati Bestyaning Sekti Widodo Budi Setiyono Budi setiyono Cristania Aprilinda Nainggolan Dewi - Erowati Dhamar Sosa Wibisono dhimas danti rinandyta Diah Noval Lestari Dimas Septian Adi Perdana Dimas Yogi Nor Wicaksono Dinanti Putri Pradina Dini Noviani Dwi Islami Estri Anggani Dwi Lestari Dwiki Adnan Fuadi dyah ayu dewanti Dyah Uswatun Khasanah Dzunuwanus Ghulam Manar Edi Santoso Edy Kuncoro Edy Kuncoro, Edy Efa Sulistyani Emil Rifqi Eva Nurlaily Rohmah Fakhri Muhammad Faris Nurrahman Firdania Rarastiti Arisadewi Fitriyah . Fitriyani, Dwi Nur Ganang Surya Sarifudin Gilang Aldila Daniar Hanifia Yunastiti Hapsari Sih Nawangwulan Helena Harin Nindya Rani Hendra Try Ardianto Herati Puri Hikmia Rahadini Pradipta Himmatulala, Muhammad I Gusti Agung Komang Diafari Djuni Hartawan Illen La - Reartha Ira Ratna Wulan Issha Oddie Tatontos Izzatul - Isma jacobus william tengkar Jose Arga Sianipar Kadis Pujo I Kevyn Wahyu Kelana Hia Khaira Rusmantika Koeshandajani . . Kuncoro - Puspito Kurniasih, Wiwin Kurniawan Handoko Budi Satriyo Kushandajani . Labib Iza Ahmad Laila Alfirdaus Laila Kholid Alfirdaus Lailiya Nuriya Ulfa Laras Ayu Andini Latif Adin Raharya Levi Wiliantoro . Lusia A Lusia Astrika Margareta Ega Rindu Suryaningtyas Martinus Ananta Resie Mastuti, Arum Mazidatur - Rohmaniyah Muhammad - Adnan Muhammad - Jindan Muhammad Adnan Muhammad Faiz Ilham Muhammad Firman Lazuardi Nadia Ajeng Triyanti Nahda Naila Ranti Neny - Marlina Nia Elfiani Purba Nindy Ajeng Maharani Nindya Prillianti Nisma Okidah Nunik Retno H., Nunik Retno Nunik Retno Herawat Nunik Retno Herawati Nunik Retno Herawati Nunik Retno Herawati Nunik Retno Herawati Nunik Retno R Nur Hidayat Sardini PRAMUSISKA GUMILAR Priyatno Harindra H Priyatno Harsasto Priyatno Harsasto Priyatno Harsato Puji - Astuti Puji Astuti Puspaningtyas Dyah Pramesthi Rachmad Hendriyanto Rashida Indira Prasanti Rendra Miswandaru Reni Rachmawati Reviansyah Ramadhan Rhidan Muhammad Khaidar Rifky Issac Prasadana Rina Maritini Rina Martini Risna sugesti Rizqy Arief Wisdiawan Ryan Fadhillah Irawan Ryansani - Oktavian Said H Putra Salasati Dinas Mudi septidina arsanti nugraheni Sulistyowati . Sulistyowati . Sulityowati . Supratiwi . Susilo Utomo Susilo Utomo Syarifah Nirda Azilla, Syarifah Nirda Syifana Awan Ardhini Triana Mukti Trisnoasih Trisnoasih, Triana Mukti Vina Dian Pratiwi virna apriliani Wahid Abdulrahman Wahid Abdurrahman Wahyu Savitri Warsito . Warsito . . Wibiseno Udiaji Wilistia Dwi Putri, Wilistia Dwi Wiwik Widayati Wiwik Widayati Yanthuridi . Yessica . Yudha Ganang Permana yuwanto - - Yuwanto . Yuwanto . . Zahranum Ramadhayanti Zulhuda, Farikh