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Analisis Psikologi terhadap Adab-adab Guru dalam Kitab Adab al-Alim wa al-Muta’allim Munawwir, Muhtar Tajuddin; Abdul Muhid
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Indonesia Vol 5 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Ibrahimy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35316/jpii.v5i1.233


This study aims to analyze the teachers' manners contained in the book of Adab al-Alim wa al-Muta’allim by K.H.M. Hasyim Asya'ari from a psychological perspective. This study was a qualitative study with a literature review approach. These manners had been classified into several categories and then were analyzed with a psychological perspective. The results showed that, first, the teachers' manners could be classified into 6 categories. They are manners related to inner behavior, prayer and practical deed, exemplary, scientific competence, good relationship, and teaching techniques. Second, After had been analyzed from a psychological perspective, the results showed that manners being related to inner behavior, prayer, and practical deed were relevant with al-Quran dan al-Hadits; manners being related to exemplary and scientific competence were associated with Bandura's social cognitive theory; manners being related to a good relationship and teaching techniques were linked with the theory of cognitivism and humanism.
Hubungan Antara Kebutuhan Berprestasi, Harga Diri, Lokus Kendali, Kebiasaan Belajar, dan Lingkungan Belajar Dengan Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa abdul Muhid
AL-WIJDÁN: Journal of Islamic Education Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 (2018): Juni 2018

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (604.214 KB) | DOI: 10.33379/alwijdn.v3i1.119


Abstract This study wants to look at the factors of personality characteristics and external factor such as the learning environment which has a correlation with academic achievement of the students granted “Bidik Misi” scholarship of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.There are three things that want to be known in this study; (1) identify propensity of need for achievement, self-esteem, locus of control, learning habit and environment, and the propensity of the students granted “Bidik Misi” scholarship; (2) the correlation and contribution between need for achievement, self-esteem, locus of control, learning habit and environment (either individually or jointly) and academic achievement of the students granted “Bidik Misi” scholarship; and (3) which factors are the most efficient of the five factors (need for achievement, self-esteem, locus of control, and learning habit and environment) toward academic achievement of the students granted “Bidik Misi” scholarship. This study found the average propensity of academic achievement of the students granted “Bidik Misi” scholarship is as high as the average GPA of 3.53; propensity of achievement needs of the students granted ‘Bidik Misi’ scholarship is very high; the propensity of self-esteem of the students granted “Bidik Misi” scholarship is very high; the propensity of locus of control of the students granted “Bidik Misi” scholarship is very high; the propensity of learning habit of the students granted “Bidik Misi” scholarship is very high;and the propensity of perception of the students granted “Bidik Misi” scholarship to the learning environment is very positive.This study also prove that there is a significant correlation between the need for achievement, self-esteem, locus of control, learning habit and environment and academic achievement of the students granted “Bidik Misi” scholarship. There is a significant positive correlation between the need for achievement and academic achievement of the students granted “Bidik Misi” scholarship.There is no significant correlation between self-esteem and academic achievement of the students granted “Bidik Misi” scholarship.There is no significant correlation between locus of control and academic achievement of ‘the students granted “Bidik Misi” scholarship.There is no significant correlation between learning habit and academic achievement of the students granted “Bidik Misi” scholarship.There is no significant correlation between learning environment and academic achievement of the students granted “Bidik Misi” scholarship.While the most efficient factor of the five factors (need for achievement, self-esteem, locus of control, learning habit and environment) toward academic achievement of the students granted “Bidik Misi” scholarship is achievement need factor.It was proved that the effective contribution (SE) of achievement needs variable significantly higher than the effective contribution (SE) of other variables such as self-esteem, locus of control, learning habit and environment. Keywords: need for achievement, self-esteem, locus of control, learning habit and environment, academic achievement, and the students granted “Bidik Misi” scholarship.
Jurnal Al-Bayan: Media Kajian dan Pengembangan Ilmu Dakwah Vol 26, No 2 (2020): JURNAL AL-BAYAN: MEDIA KAJIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN ILMU DAKWAH
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/albayan.v26i2.7134


This article discusses preaching communication through senior nasyid / qasidah music at Sunan Drajat Lamongan Islamic Boarding School. Religion and culture in Indonesia, when viewed from the context of Islam that is developing and living in the archipelago has become a symbiotic relationship. In order for people to understand religion, methods are needed that can be used by religion that can be easily resolved by the community. Da'wah that is done in a contemporary style will be more easily accepted, one of them with music that contains lyrics of advice or propaganda. Music is used as a means of delivering da'wah in the pantura area (north coast) specifically and Indonesian society in general because Prof. Dr. KH. Abdul Ghofur takes care of the Sunan Drajat Islamic Boarding School there needs to be new innovations in preaching in this modern era, as well as launching Mbah Kanjeng Sunan Drajat's footsteps using senior music as a means of spreading Islam in the north last year. Islam throughout the developing world cannot be separated from the culture of society.Keywords: Da'wah communication, Nasyid Music, Sunan Drajat Islamic Boarding School. 
Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Meraih Prestasi Belajar Prespektif Psikologi Dan Islam Lailiyatul Maulidah; Abdul Muhid
TARBAWI : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol 6, No 01 (2021): TARBAWI: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26618/jtw.v6i01.3535


Prestasi belajar merupakan suatu yang ingin diraih setiap pesrta didik, guru akan merasa sangat bangga sekali melihat prestasi yang mampu diraih oleh peserta didiknya. Kurikulum Nasional yang saat ini digunakan pendidikan di Indonesia penilaian dalam menentukan prestasi belajar dapat diraih dengan banyak hal diantaranya menguasai cara belajar, trampil membagi waktu, mengerjakan tugas, menjaga kesehatan, berkarakter baik serta berdoa dan meminta restu oarang tua. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang pentingnya meraih prestasi belajar serta menelaah proses penanaman pendidikan karakter dalam prespektif psikologi dan Islam. Karena dalam prespektif psikologi dan islam saling berkesinambungan untuk membentuk nilai-nilai karakter. Hasil temuan pada artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam meraih prestasi belajar dapat ditempuh dengan menerapkan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter. Dengan menerapkan nilai-nilai dalam pendidikan karakter religius, jujur, toleransi, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, mandiri, demolratis, ingin tahu, semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, menghargai prestasi, komunikatif, cinta damai, gemar membaca, peduli lingkungan, sosial serta bertanggung jawab prestasi belajar mampu diraih oleh peserta didik.
Peranan Filsafat Ilmu Terhadap Pendidikan Abdul Muhid
DEDIKASI : Jurnal Ilmiah Sosial, Hukum, Budaya Vol 35, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (187.857 KB) | DOI: 10.31293/ddk.v35i2.2302


The aim of this research is to know the Philosophy Science and Education. The kind of the research is Library one in Samarinda. The human and philosophy have correlation with a life closely. The human has mind and many needs to fulfill the want which bears the philosophy thinking. The results of the research are (1). The philosophy is not only the play of the mindset but also has a function in the human living. (2). Philosophy is the matter scientiarium which has born may. The suggestions are To face many phenomenas the human is claimed to be sensitive to the development of the era so he or she have to have intellectual towards them.
Efektivitas permainan tradisional congklak untuk meningkatkan kemampuan matematika siswa: literature review Andik Matulessy; ismawati ismawati; Abdul Muhid
AKSIOMA : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Vol 13, No 1 (2022): AKSIOMA: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/aks.v13i1.8834


Matematika adalah disiplin ilmu yang dibutuhkan dalam berbagai lini kehidupan, namun faktanya matematika menjadi momok menakutkan bagi kebanyakan siswa sehingga tak jarang mereka merasa takut, bosan, dan enggan untuk belajar sehingga mereka kesulitan dalam mengerjakan tugas, maka tugas guru sebagai Pembina dalam kemampuan siswa harus berinovasi dan aktif, melibatkan siswa, mendesain agar belajar matematika menjadi lebih menyenangkan. Congklak dianggap sebagai salah satu sarana efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan matematika siswa, sehingga permainan ini bisa di jadikan refrensi metode ajar dalam matematika. Cogklak adalah salah satu permainan tradisional yang melibatkan kemampuan matematis pemainnya baik dalam penjumlahan, pengurangan maupun perkalian. Dengan bermain suasana belajar terasa lebih menyenangkan. Selain itu juga dengan permainan congklak ini juga mengajarkan dan mengenalkan budaya Indonesia kepada siswa mengingat permianan tradisonal sekarang mulai tersingkirkan dengan game online. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode literature review.
Peran Pemberian Psychological Empowerment Terhadap Kepercayaan Atasan Pada Bawahan: Literature Review Fitri Nafiatus Saidah; Abdul Muhid
Kompetensi (Competence : Journal of Management Studies) Vol 15, No 2 (2021): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/kompetensi.v15i2.12514


Alasan yang memicu saya menulis paragraph pada literature review ini untuk membahas tentang bagaimana pemberian pemberdayaan psikologi (Psychological Emporwerment) kepada kepercayaan pemimpin terhadap bawahan. Untuk bisa maju, sebuah perusahaan membutuhkan tenaga kerja yg berkualitas di dalamnya. Karyawan didorong untuk menggunakan kapasitas yg dimilikinya agar dapat bekerja dengan optimal. Dengan demikian, apabila tenaga kerja memiliki kualitas yg baik, maka perusahaan semakin mudah untuk mencapai tujuannya. Dalam penelitian ini, proses perolehan data menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan literatur review dengan menggunakan daftar Pustaka baik dari jurnal, artikel atau buku. Gagasan utama atau permasalahan yang akan bahas dalam menulis paragraph pada literature review ini adalah pemberian psychological empowerment terhadap kepercayaan atasan pada bawahan. Psychological empowerment, Kepercayaan, serta posisi atasan dan bawahan. Yang dimana fungsi Psychological empowermen atau Pemberdayaan psikologis diartikan sebagai motivasi intrinsik yg di golongkan menjadi 4 bagian kognisi, yakni meaning (bermakna), competence (kompetensi), self determination (penentuan nasib sendiri), dan impact (dampak)terhadap timbulnya suatu kepercayaan antara pegawai maupun atasan.  Karena kepercayaan merupakan elemen yang mendasar dalam kepemimpinan terutama dalam organisasi / perusahaan, maka ada hubungan yg kuat antara kepemimpinan dan kepercayaan. Salah satu faktor yg mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan adalah kepercayaan. Jika karyawan memiliki rasa kepercayaan kepada pimpinannya, maka budaya organisasi dapat diwujudkan secara optimal oleh pimpinan perusahaan. Perilaku pemimpin seperti kognisi dan toleransi yg dimilikinya salah satu kunci yang dapat menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan yang diterapkan di perusahaan itu menjadi berjalan dengan benar. Jika pemimpin perusahaan percaya terhadap bawahannya, maka ia akan merasa termotivasi untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan dengan lebih baik. Kepemimpinan efektif dapat dibangun dengan komunikasi dan koordinasi yang efektif dengan semua bawahan.
Pentingnya E-Counseling dalam Pelayanan BK di Sekolah pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Literature Review Abdullah Rasyid; Abdul Muhid
EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling Vol 2 No 2 (2020): EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Pandemi Covid-19 menciptakan berbagai perubahan dalam hidup mulai dari Sosial distancing, memakai masker, WFH (Work From Home), dan pembelajaran sekolah via daring. Bimbingan konseling yang pada mulanya dilakukan secara luring atau bertatap muka langsung antara konselor dan peserta didik sekarang harus dilakukan secara daring. Disaat ini e-counseling menjadi salah satu solusi yang banyak dipakai pihak sekolah dalam proses pelayanan bk di sekolah. E-Counseling adalah konselor dan klien berkomunikasi melalui perangkat yang terhubung jaringan internet guna menyelesaikan masalah klien. Dengan adanya e-counseling proses pelayanan bk di sekolah masih bisa dilakukan tanpa bertemu secara langsung.
Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.995 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/scaffolding.v2i02.466


Abstract: The school is a place for students to achieve their learning goals. Effective learning requires comfort for students. With the convenience of the participants encourage students to achieve learning success. Bullying is an act of violence and causes discomfort to the victims. Bullying is not in accordance with the meaning of the purpose of education. Bullying can occur anywhere. Most perpetrators of bullying are friends and do not rule out the perpetrators of bullying are educators, family relatives and the surrounding environment. Forms of bullying vary, from verbal to cyber bullying. The research method uses library research. The population is taken from a collection of journals to make conclusions. From the sample of victims of bullying, they experience dizziness, shame, depression, no schooling, hand injuries, forehead injuries and some even want to commit suicide. IRCW data, KPAI data show that the number of victims of bullying has increased every year. From the research references which are the source of literature, it shows that the results of research every year of bullying have increased, Educational institutions are inseparable from bullying. The need for a handling mechanism so that the environment of Educational institutions is free from bullying.
Transformatif Vol 4, No 2 (2020): ISSUED IN OCTOBER 2020

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23971/tf.v4i2.2092


Islamic religion with the most adherents in Indonesia. As a religion, Islam always answers and suits the needs of the times. How Islam is a religion that regulates the whole concept of humanity in goodness. In a more privacy-based scope of benefit, namely the election of leaders, is also governed by Islam. In the concept of leadership, Islam also explains in the Qur'an and the Hadith by narrating the history of the prophets when leading their people, or other figures such as the king of Zulkwarna or others. It should be underlined, it can be seen that implicitly, Islam appoints men to lead, this is a tradition later on and until now. This is the question, how does Islam appoint men to be leaders? Is it because of trust. In this discourse, the writer deliberately seeks to know whether this tradition is realized by the community, or only sees from another paradigm. This background is applied through research in TanjungJabung Timur, Jambi Province. In order to measure how much the enthusiasm of this tradition is applied or abandoned by the community.