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PRODUKSI PROTEASE ALKALI DAN KERATINASE DARI Brevibacillus agri A-03 TERMOFILIK Agustien, Anthoni; Nurhajati, Jetty; Udin, Linar Z.; Aditiawati, Pingkan
Jurnal Riset Kimia Vol 4, No 1 (2010): September
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jrk.v4i1.44


 ABSTRAK Protease alkaline and keratinase are a group of protease enzym which have important value in detergen industry and skin tannery. Brevibacillus agri A-03 is thermophilic bacteria isolate that comes from Ambayan Sumatera Barat hot spring and has the ability to produce protease and keratinase. The purpose of this research is to get protease alkaline and thermostable keratinase from Brevibacilus agri-A03. thermostable enzym is produced from enzym production enzym that contains kasein and keratin at various medium pH, inoculum incubation temperature and medium type. Enzym activity is measured by modified Walker methode, protein content is measured by Lowry methode. Protease alkaline is produced at exponential phase, maximum at 18th hours of incubation and keratinase is produced at stationer phase, maximum at 22nd hours. Both enzym is produced optimically at medium pH condition 9.0; incubation temperature 55°C, inoculum 5% by using modified Johnvesly and Naik medium with each protease and keratinase specific activity 1.927 and 1.047 U/mg  Keywords: Protease alkaline, Keratinase, Thermofilic, Brevibacillus agri A-03   
Karakterisasi Produk Biosolubilisasi Lignit oleh Kapang Indigenus dari Tanah Pertambangan Batubara di Sumatera Selatan Sugoro, Irawan; Hermanto, Sandra; Sasongko, Dwiwahju; Indriani, Dea; Aditiawati, Pingkan
Publisher : Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (170.878 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/jbi.v7i2.3116


ABSTRACTCharacterization of Lignite Biosolubilization Products by Indigenous Moulds from Soil ofCoal Mining in South Sumatera. Biosolubilization of coal is a potential technology of convertingsolid coal to liquid fuel and chemicals at ambient condition. Our previous research hassuccessfully isolated four moulds from soil at coal mining - South Sumatera and has potency aslignite biosolubilization agent, i.e. T1, T2, T4, T5. The objective of this research was to characterizeof lignite biosolubilization products by four isolates. The method used was sub-mergedculture. Cultivation medium was MSS+ (minimal salt + sucrose 0,1% + yeast extract 0,01% +lignite 5 %). Incubation was conducted at room temperature for 28 days. The result showed thatall indigenos moulds have different ability in lignite biosolubilization. The highestbiosolubilization occurred after 7 days of incubation belonging to T1 isolate. However, GC-MSanalysis showed the largest percentage of hydrocarbon compound which equivalent to gasolineand diesel was T5 after 7 days of incubation.Key words: Biosolubilization, lignite, moulds, coal.
Pemanfaatan Urea sebagai Sumber Nitrogen pada Biosolubisasi Batubara oleh Trichoderma sp. Mulyawati, Novi; Pikoli, Megga Ratnasari; Sugoro, Irawan; Aditiawati, Pingkan
Al-Kauniyah: Jurnal Biologi Vol 6, No 2 (2013): Al-Kauniyah Jurnal Biologi
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islami

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (483.566 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/al-kauniyah.v6i2.2824


Lignite coal was found abundant in Indonesia, but usage for this type of coal was still relatively low. Economic value of coal increases when it is solubilized. Biosolubilization of coal by utilize of microbes produces compounds equivalent to petroleum. In this research, effect of urea on lignite biosolubilization by Trichoderma sp. was examined. Method of this research consisted of spore inoculum preparation, biosolubilization lignite coal with a variety of treatment that consists of treatment A (MSS + sucrose  1% + coal 5% + urea), and treatment B (MSS + sucrose  1% + coal 5%). Results showed that the addition of urea supported lignit coal biosolubilization by Trichoderma sp. based on increase in medium pH, concentration of phenolic and conjugated aromatic compounds, and activity of extracellular enzyme. In addition, result of product characterization using GCMS revealed compounds equivalent to 13,60%, 26,20% and 90,8% respectively for gasoline, kerosene and diesel components. Those confirmed that urea can be used as an alternative nitrogen source to support Trichoderma sp. in lignit biosolubilization producing petroleum compounds.
Publisher : Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jbi.v7i2.3116


ABSTRACTCharacterization of Lignite Biosolubilization Products by Indigenous Moulds from Soil ofCoal Mining in South Sumatera. Biosolubilization of coal is a potential technology of convertingsolid coal to liquid fuel and chemicals at ambient condition. Our previous research hassuccessfully isolated four moulds from soil at coal mining - South Sumatera and has potency aslignite biosolubilization agent, i.e. T1, T2, T4, T5. The objective of this research was to characterizeof lignite biosolubilization products by four isolates. The method used was sub-mergedculture. Cultivation medium was MSS+ (minimal salt + sucrose 0,1% + yeast extract 0,01% +lignite 5 %). Incubation was conducted at room temperature for 28 days. The result showed thatall indigenos moulds have different ability in lignite biosolubilization. The highestbiosolubilization occurred after 7 days of incubation belonging to T1 isolate. However, GC-MSanalysis showed the largest percentage of hydrocarbon compound which equivalent to gasolineand diesel was T5 after 7 days of incubation.Key words: Biosolubilization, lignite, moulds, coal.
Isolation and Molecular Identification of Endophytic Bacteria From Rambutan Fruits (Nephelium lappaceum L.) Cultivar Binjai Sony Suhandono; Meirina Kartika Kusumawardhani; Pingkan Aditiawati
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 23 No. 1 (2016): January 2016
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (505.386 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.23.1.39


Interactions between plants and endophytic bacteria are mutualistic. Plant provides nutrient for bacteria, and bacteria will protect the plant from pathogen, help the phytohormone synthesis and nitrogen fixation, and also increase absorption of minerals. These bacteria called plant growth-promoting bacteria. The aim for this study is to identify endophytic bacteria on rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) cultivar Binjai with 16S rRNA. Sequencing results showed that the bacteria is derived from genus Corynebacterium, Bacillus, Chryseobacterium, Staphylococcus and Curtobacterium,which suspected play a role as plant growth-promoting bacteria.
The Effect of Feed Supplementation with Fermented Red Seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii) on Growth and Survival of White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Post-Larvae Culture Gede Suantika; Magdalena Lenny Situmorang; Felicia Irene Saputra; Ulya Alviredieta; Pingkan Aditiawati; Sastia Prama Putri
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 28 No. 4 (2021): October 2021
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.28.4.286-392


This study was aimed to investigate the effect of novel shrimp diet supplemention with fermented red seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii on growth and survival of whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) post-larvae culture. The research consisted of three consecutive steps: (1) preliminary study on Kappaphycus alvarezii fermentation, (2) feed formulation and proximate analysis, (3) performance test of commercial feed (C), commercial + 0.5% K. alvarezii (EF1), and commercial + 1.5% fermented K. alvarezii (EF2). Following 15 days of feeding, the highest biomass, specific growth rate and survival were achieved in EF2 treatment (1.60±0.21 g, 10.88±0.86%/d, 91.67±1.53%), significantly different from control (0.99±0.09 g, 7.72±0.63%/d, 47.00±5.00%) (p<0.05). Overall, this study suggested that the dietary supplementation of 1.5% fermented K. alvarezii can enhance the growth and survival of whiteleg shrimp during the nursery phase.
JURNAL AGRIBISNIS TERPADU Vol 8, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Agribisnis Terpadu
Publisher : Jurusan Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (68.222 KB) | DOI: 10.33512/jat.v8i2.1307


The purpose of the training is to socialize and provide comprehension to farmers about technologyinnovation of botanical pesticide from tobacco waste. Farmer- behavior change is expected to lead tofarmers’ desire to apply technological innovation of botanical pesticide. This research useddescriptive method. Determination of respondent is conducted by a census of all the farmers whoattended training on botanical pesticide technology (20 respondents). Indicators of farmer- behaviorchanges including cognitive, affective, and psychomotor about the benefits, how to make and apply thebotanical pesticide. The indicators are measured using a Likert scale. Data were analyzed usingdescriptive statistics. The results showed that the training of botanical pesticide technology has a goodinfluence on the behavior of farmers.
Pengaruh Silase Sinambung Jerami Jagung Terhadap Fermentasi Dalam Cairan Rumen Secara In Vitro Crhisterra Ellen Kusumaningrum; Irawan Sugoro; Pingkan Aditiawati
Jurnal Ilmu Ternak Vol 18, No 1 (2018): June
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (220.995 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jit.v18i1.14460


Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh penggunaan silase sinambung jerami jagung terhadap, nilai pH, volatile fatty acid (VFA), amonia (NH3), produksi gas total dan produksi biomassa mikroba sebagai pakan ternak ruminansia secara in vitro. Rancangan percobaan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap Pola Faktorial 3x6 dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama dalam rancangan penelitian ini adalah pakan perlakuan yaitu pakan kontrol (P1), jerami jagung (P2) dan silase sinambung jerami jagung (P3) dan faktor kedua adalah waktu inkubasi selama fermentasi in vitro yaitu 0, 2, 4, 6, 12 dan 24 jam (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 dan T6). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa baik pakan perlakuan maupun waktu inkubasi tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (p>0,05) terhadap nilai pH, VFA, NH3, produksi gas total dan produksi biomassa mikroba serta tidak terdapat interaksi antara perlakuan pakan dengan waktu inkubasi. Secara numerik, kisaran pH perlakuan adalah 6,89 - 7,05; konsentrasi VFA sebesar 107–110 mM, konsentrasi amonia 23,92 – 29,88 mg/100 ml, produksi gas total sebesar 27,47 – 46,31 ml/200 mg dan produksi biomassa mikroba sebesar 40,60 – 56,80 mg/20 ml. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah baik jerami jagung maupun silase sinambung jerami jagung dapat digunakan sebagai pakan ternak karena mampu memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi ternak ruminansia ditinjau dari produksi gas dan fermentasi pakan dalam rumen.Kata kunci: silase sinambung jerami jagung, amonia, VFA, produksi gas in vitro.
PERSEPSI PETANI TERHADAP INOVASI TEKNOLOGI PESTISIDA NABATI LIMBAH TEMBAKAU (Suatu Kasus pada Petani Tembakau di Kabupaten Sumedang) Pingkan Aditiawati; Mia Rosmiati; Dadang Sumardi
Sosiohumaniora Vol 16, No 2 (2014): SOSIIOHUMANIORA, JULI 2014
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (737.031 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/sosiohumaniora.v16i2.5731


Sebagai suatu inovasi, proses adopsi pestisida nabati limbah tembakau membutuhkan suatu prosespemahaman (persepsi) oleh para petani. Suatu inovasi akan diadopsi oleh petani jika mereka mempunyaipersepsi yang baik terhadap inovasi tersebut. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini akan mengkaji bagaimanapersepsi petani terhadap teknologi pestisida nabati limbah tembakau. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di daerah sentrapengolahan tembakau di Kabupaten Sumedang yaitu di Kecamatan Sukasari dan Tanjungsari. Metode yangdigunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Penentuan responden dilakukan secara sensus terhadappetani yang mengikuti pelatihan teknologi pestisida nabati limbah tembakau (40 responden). Persepsi petaniterhadap inovasi teknologi pestisida nabati limbah tembakau dilihat dari indikator sifat inovasi yaitu relativeadvantage, compatibility, complexity, triability, dan observability, kemudian diukur dengan menggunakan skalalikert. Data tersebut dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistika deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwapersepsi petani terhadap inovasi teknologi pestisida nabati limbah tembakau termasuk kriteria positif. Jika petanimempunyai persepsi yang baik diharapkan proses adopsi inovasi pestisida nabati limbah tembakau oleh petanidapat berjalan secara cepat.Kata Kunci : inovasi teknologi, persepsi, pestisida nabati, sifat inovasi
The Effect of Mutation at Thr 295 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae eRF1 on Suppression of Nonsense Codons and eRF1 Structure PRIMA ENDANG SUSILOWATI; PINGKAN ADITIAWATI; FIDA MADAYANTI; . AKHMALOKA
Microbiology Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 1 (2008): April 2008
Publisher : Indonesian Society for microbiology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (223.554 KB) | DOI: 10.5454/mi.2.1.3


The termination of translation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is controlled by two interacting polypeptide chain release factors, eRF1, and eRF3. Two regions in eRF1, at position 281-305 and 411-415, were proposed to be involved on the interaction to eRF3. In this study we have constructed and characterized eRF1 mutants at position 295 from threonine to alanine and serine residues resulting in eRF1(T295A) and eRF1(T295S) respectively. The mutations did not affect the viability or temperature sensitivity of the cells. The stop codons readthrough of the mutants were analyzed in vivo using PGK-stop codon-LACZ gene fusion and the results showed that thesuppression of the mutants was increased in all of the codon terminations. The suppression of the UAG codon was the high for both mutants, with a 7-fold increased for eRF1(T295A) and a 9 fold increase for eRF1(T295S). The suppressor activity of eRF1(T295S) was higher compared to that of eRF1(T295A), suggesting that the accuracy of translational termination in eRF1(T295S) was lower than that of eRF1(T295A). Computer modeling analysis using Swiss-Prot and Amber version 9.0 programs revealed that the overall structure of eRF1 mutants has no significant difference with the wild type. However, substitution of threonine to serine on eRF1(T295S) triggered a secondary structure change on the other motif of the C-terminal domain of eRF1. This observation did not occur for on eRF1(T295A). This suggests that the high stop codon suppression on eRF1(T295S) is probably due to the slight modification of the structure of the C terminal motif.