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Antibacterial activity of ethanolic extract and fraction of leaves of singawalang (Petiveria alliaceae) against resistant bacteria Mulyani, Yani; Sukandar, Elin Yulinah; Adnyana, I Ketut
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Skip Utara, 55281, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (436.342 KB) | DOI: 10.14499/indonesianjpharm0iss0pp293-29


One  of the plants  that grow  in Indonesia,  and  still does  not  use widely  is singawalang  (Petiveria  alliaceae)  from  Phytolaceae  family.  Traditional   herbal medicine  preparations  contained  of  Petiveria  alliacea  in  the  Caribbean,  Latin America,  West  Africa  and  other  regions  for  hundreds  years  has  been  used  to treat  pain,  colds,  inflammation,  tumor,  bacterial  and  fungal   infection,hyperlipidemia,  diabetes and  other  diseases.  This  study  aims to determine  the antibacterial  activity  of  singawalang  growth  in  Indonesia  against  resistant bacteria  to  antibiotics.  The  minimum  inhibitory  concentration   (MIC)  and minimum  bactericidal  concentration(MBC)  were  determined  by  microdilution broth method and type of antibacterial action were determined by observing the profile of bacterial growth curve. Ethanol extract of dried leaves showed activity against bacteria i.e. MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus), MRCNS (Methicillin-Resistant  Coagulase-Negative  Staphylococci),  VRE  (VancomycinResistant  Enterococcus).   Further  studies  conducted  by  reviewing  the  type  of work  by  looking  at the  growth curve  and  the observed changes  in cell walls by scanning  electron  microscopy  (SEM)  at  MRCNS  (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus  coagulase-Negative).  The  results  showed  that  ethanol  extracts and  all  fractions  showed  good  antibacterial  activity  against  resistant  bacteria, are  bacteriostatic  hexane  fraction  until  the  concentration  of  8  MIC  and  change the morphology of the cell wall of MRCNS.Key words:Singawalang, Antibacteria, Broth Microdilution, bacterial growth curve, SEM 
EFEK ANTILELAH EKSTRAK AIR MESOKARP SEMANGKA KUNING (Citrullus lanatus Thunb.) TANPA BIJI Adnyana, I Ketut; Arlinda, Nisrina Dita; Safitri, Dewi
Kartika Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (208.23 KB) | DOI: 10.26874/kjif.v2i2.27


Buah semangka adalah buah yang sering dijumpai dan dikonsumsi. Akan tetapi, pada umumnya semangka hanya dikonsumsi daging buahnya saja, sedangkan kulit putihnya (mesokarp) seringkali hanya menjadi limbah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek antilelah ekstrak air mesokarp semangka sehingga bisa dijadikan suplemen energi alami. Pengujian antilelah dilakukan dengan metode Weight-loaded Forced Swimming Test (WFST). Mencit Swiss Webster jantan dibagi menjadi empat kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol, kelompok uji yang diberikan ekstrak dosis 1 g/kg bb, kelompok uji ekstrak dosis 2 g/kg bb, dan kelompok pembanding yang diberi kafein dengan dosis 19,5 mg/kg bb. Ekstrak uji dan pembanding diberikan secara peroral selama 21 hari, sedangkan kelompok kontrol hanya diberikan pembawa berupa suspensi CMC Na. Selanjutnya, waktu renang, kadar glukosa darah, asam laktat darah, bobot badan, dan glikogen hati serta otot ditentukan saat uji WFST. Ekstrak air mesokarp semangka dengan dosis 1 g/kg bb memiliki kemampuan mempertahankan kadar glukosa darah (p<0,05) dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Sementara untuk dosis 2 g/kg bb memiliki kemampuan mempertahankan kadar glukosa darah (p<0,01) dan glikogen hati (p<0,05), serta menurunkan produksi asam laktat (p<0,05), dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Pemberian ekstrak  juga tidak memiliki efek terhadap bobot badan hewan uji. Pemberian ekstrak air mesokarp semangka dapat memperbaiki aktivitas dan beberapa parameter biokimia tubuh yang memiliki kaitan dengan kelelahan sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai suplemen antilelah alami.
Uji Efek Antikram Kinin dan O-Desmetil Kinin dengan Rute Pemberian Oral dan Topikal pada Mencit Swiss Webster Betina Sukandar, Elin Yulinah; Adnyana, I Ketut; Christanti, Yohanna; Setiawan, Finna
Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia Vol 38, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Kinin adalah senyawa alkaloid dari kulit batang Cinchona sp. yang digunakan sebagai antimalaria. O-desmetil kinin (C19H22N2O2) adalah senyawa turunan kinin baru yang diperoleh dengan menghilangkan gugus metil pada kinin. Selain sebagai antimalaria, kinin juga dapat digunakan untuk mengobati kram kaki. Karena efek samping yang besar, FDA (2009) melarang penggunaan kinin oral dalam pengobatan kram kaki. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji efek kinin dan pada rute pemberian oral dan topikal serta mengetahui efek o-desmetil kinin pada terapi kram kaki. Mencit dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok yaitu kelompok normal, kelompok kinin oral dosis 26 mg/kg bb, kelompok kinin topikal dosis 52 mg/kg bb, kelompok o-desmetil kinin oral dosis 26 mg/kg bb, dan kelompok o-desmetil topikal dosis 52 mg/kg bb. Mencit diletakkan di atas rotarod dengan kecepatan 10-16 rpm selama 4 menit. Waktu yang dapat ditempuh mencit selama berada di atas rotarod diukur. Perlakuan yang sama diulang dengan durasi 45 menit selama 4,5 jam. Setelah menit ke 180, kelompok uji mengalami peningkatan waktu ketahanan di atas rotarod sedangkan kempok normal mengalami penurunan. Pada menit 270, kelompok oral dan topikal memberikan perbedaan yang bermakna dibandingkan dengan kelompok normal. Pemberian kinin dan odesmetil kinin pada rute pemberian oral dengan dosis 26 mg/kg bb dan topikal dengan dosis 52 mg/kg bb sebagai antikram memberikan hasil yang bermakna dibandingkan dengan kelompok normal (p<0,05). O-desmetil kinin memberikan efek yang tidak berbeda bermakna dari kinin base (p<0,05).Kata kunci: kram kaki, kinin, o-desmetil kinin, rotarod.AbstractQuinine is an alkaloid from the bark of Cinchona sp. as an anti-malaria. O-desmethyl quinine (C19H22N2O2) is the new quinine derivative, by losing its methyl. Beside the function as anti-malaria, quinine is used for leg cramps treatment. Because of the great side effects, FDA (2009) banned the use of quinine oral for leg cramps therapy. Therefore, this study was aimed to determine the effect of quinine by oral and topical administration and to determine o-desmethyl quinines effect for leg cramps therapy. Mice were divided into normal group, quinine oral dose 26 mg/kg bw, quinine topical dose 52 mg/kg bw, o-desmethyl quinine oral dose 26 mg/kg bw, and o-desmethyl topical dose 52 mg/kg bw. Mice were taken on the rotarod at 10-16 rpm for 4 minutes. Time to remain on the rotarod was measured. The same treatment was repeated after 45 minutes for 4.5 hours. Over the 180 minutes, the endurance of the test groups were increased on the contrary, the normal group is decreased. After 270 minutes of observations, the oral and topical groups have significant difference compared by the normal group. The administration of quinine by oral dose 26 mg/kg bb and topical dose 52 mg/kg bb as an anti-cramps showed significantly difference compared to the normal group (p<0.05). O-desmethyl quinine has no significantly difference compared by quinine (p<0.05).Keywords: leg cramps, quinine, o-desmethyl quinine, rotarod.
Uji Efek Antihiperurikemia Ekstrak Etanol Daun Sirsak (Annona muricata L.) pada Tikus Betina Galur Wistar Sukandar, Elin Yulinah; Adnyana, I Ketut; Readi, Septa
Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia Vol 37, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Daun sirsak (Annona muricata L.) digunakan secara tradisional untuk menangani berbagai penyakit termasuk untuk menurunkan asam urat. Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan uji antihiperurikemia ekstrak etanol daun sirsak dosis 100 mg/kg bb, 200 mg/kg bb dan 400 mg/kg bb pada tikus Wistar betina yang diberi asam urat 1 g/kg bb dan kalium oksonat 200 mg/kg bb. Hasil menunjukkan ekstrak etanol daun sirsak dosis 100 mg/kg bb, 200 mg/kg bb dan 400 mg/kg bb dapat menurunkan kadar asam urat dalam serum yang berbeda bermakna terhadap kontrol (p<0,05) tetapi tidak meningkatkan ekskresi asam urat dalam urin dibandingkan kontrol (p>0,05).Kata kunci: Annona muricata L., antihiperurikema, asam urat. Soursop (Annona muricata L.) leaves have been used traditionally for treatment some diseases including to decrease uric acid. The objective of this research is to test antihyperuricemic effect of soursop leaves extract at a dose of 100 mg/kg bw, 200 mg/kg bw, and 400 mg/kg bw in female Wistar rats that induced by uric acid 1 g/kg bw and potassium oxonate 200 mg/kg bw. Those doses could decrease uric acid level in the serum (p<0.05) but did not increase excretion uric acid in the urine (p>0.05) compared to control groups.Keywords: Annona muricata L., antihyperuricemic, uric acid.
Karakteristik Energy Expenditure di Kegiatan Alam Terbuka Adnyana, I Ketut; Apriantono, Tommy; Purwanti, Sandra Jati; Armina, Tjokorde Istri
Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia Vol 37, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Pengukuran pengeluaran energi (energy expenditure) selama kegiatan di alam terbuka merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengurangi risiko kecelakaan dan menghindari penurunan kinerja selama kegiatan. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan pengukuran pengeluaran energi dan parameter lain selama kegiatan Pendidikan Dasar Wanadri (PDW) 2010, di Situ Lembang dengan ketinggian 1600 meter dpl, dalam rentang waktu 4 -16 Juli 2010. Pengukuran pengeluaran energi serta denyut jantung menggunakan Polar RS400. Pengukuran berat badan, persentase lemak tubuh, dan tekanan darah dilakukan pada hari tertentu dari setiap jenis kegiatan yang berbeda. Kuesioner diberikan pada akhir terakhir setiap jenis kegiatan berbeda.Subjek penelitian yang digunakan berjumlah 6 orang pria yang rata-rata berusia 20,7 ± 1,6 tahun, dengan rata-rata tinggi badan 171,8 ± 3 cm, dan berat badan 66,2 ± 5,1 kg. Pengeluaran energi saat kegiatan berbeda bermakna dan mencapai 2-3 kali lipat dari pengeluaran energi saat kegiatan normal sebelum kegiatan PDW (2956 ± 495 kkal/hari). Pengeluaran energi terbesar terjadi saat kegiatan longmarch (8286 ± 730 kkal/hari). Jumlah asupan energi (energy intake) rata-rata selama PDW terekam sebesar 1380 kkal/hari. Terjadi penurunan berat badan (10,20 ± 0,80 %), penurunan persentase lemak tubuh (48,80 ± 2,63 %), danpenurunan massa bebas-lemak (2,87 ± 0,06 %). Dari analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengeluaran energi tidak diimbangi dengan asupan energi yang cukup, sehingga terjadi perubahan berat badan dan komposisi tubuh.Kata Kunci: pengeluaran energi, kegiatan alam terbuka Determination of energy expenditure during outdoor activity is performed to reduce the risk of accidents and to avoid a fall of performance during activity. In this study, energy expenditure measurement was performed during Pendidikan Dasar Wanadri (basic training of Wanadri or PDW) 2010, at Situ Lembang which is 1600 meter above sea level, from 4 to 16 July 2010. Measurement of body weight, body fat percentage and blood pressure was performed on certain days of each different type of activity. Questionnaires were distributed on the last day of each different activity. Subjects were 6 males, which average age, height, and weight were 20.7 ± 1.6 years old, 171.8 ± 3 cm, and 66.2 ± 5.1 kg respectively. Energy expenditure during PDW activity was significantly larger, around 2-3 times of the normal activity energy expenditure prior to PDW (2956 ± 495 kcal/day). The largest energy expenditure recorded was during long march activity (8286 ± 730 kcal/day). Average energy intake during PDW was recorded at 1380 kcal/day. Weight loss (10.20 ± 0.80 %), body fat percentage decrease (48.80 ± 2.63 %), and fat-free mass decrease (2.87 ± 0.06 %) occurred in subjects during the activity. It was concluded from the data that the energy expenditure was much larger than the energy intake, which caused changes in body weight as well as body composition.Keywords: energy expenditure, outdoor activity
Pengaruh Pemberian Jus Daun Katuk, Jus Daun Ubi Jalar, dan Kefir Terhadap Profil Hematologi Mencit Anemia yang Diinduksi Alumunium Sulfat Adnyana, I Ketut; Rosmadi, Arief; Sigit, Joseph Iskendiarso; Rahmawati, Siti Farah
Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia Vol 37, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Daun katuk, daun ubi jalar, dan kefir secara empiris digunakan dalam penanganan kondisi anemia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh pemberian jus daun katuk, jus daun ubi jalar, serta kefir terhadap profil hematologi mencit anemia. Mencit diinduksi anemia menggunakan larutan alumunium sulfat selama 12 hari berturut-turut kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pemberian sediaan uji selama 14 hari berturut-turut. Profil hematologi mencit diamati pada hari ke-0, 12, 15, 19, 22, dan 26. Mencit yang diinduksi anemia mengalami anemia kronis, di mana 80% kelompok kontrol mengalami kematian setelah hari ke-19, sedangkan mencit dari ketiga sediaan uji tetap hidup tetap hidup sampai hari ke-26. Pada pengukuran rata-rata jumlah hemoglobin, jumlah eritrosit, dan persen hematokrit pada hari ke-19, kelompok mencit yang diberikan jus daun katuk memberikan hasil yang paling baik dibandingkan kelompok yang diberikan jus daun ubi jalar dan kefir. Pemberian jus daun katuk, jus daun ubi jalar, dan kefir dapat memperbaiki profil hematologi mencit anemia lebih baik dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Ketiga sediaan juga mampumempertahankan hidup mencit yang menderita anemia. Jus daun katuk mempu memperbaiki profil hematologi paling baik dibandingkan jus daun ubi jalar dan kefir.Kata kunci: Daun katuk, daun ubi jalar, kefir, anemia. Star gooseberry leaves, sweet potato leaves, and kefir empirically used as treatment for anemia. This study aimed to examine the effect of star gooseberry leaves juice, sweet potato leaves juice, and kefir on hematology profiles of anemic mice. Mice was induced by alumunium sulfate solution for 12 consecutive days followed by the testing materials for 14 consecutive days. Hematology profile of mice was observed on day 0, 12, 15, 19, 22, and 26. The induced mice developed chronic anemia. 80% of the control group died after day 19, whereas the testing groups survived until day 26. On day 19, the gooseberry leaves juice group showed the best and significant result on the hemoglobin profile, erythrocytes profile, and hematocrite percentages. Star gooseberry leaves, sweet potato leaves, and kefir improved the hematology profile better than control group and was able to keep the anemic mice alive. Star gooseberry leaves had the best effect on improving the hematology profile of anemic mice.Keywords: Star gooseberry leaves, sweet potato leaves, kefir, anemia.
Uji Aktivitas Antistres dan Sedatif Minyak Biji Pala (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) pada Mencit Jantan Galur Swiss Webster Adnyana, I Ketut; Nugrahani, Retta; Suwendar, Suwendar; Zazuli, Zulfan
Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia Vol 37, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Telah diteliti efek antistres minyak biji pala (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) yang diberikan secara oral dan aromaterapi secara inhalasi pada mencit jantan Swiss Webster yang diinduksi stres dengan cara imobilisasi. Efek antistres ditentukan berdasarkan jumlah perpindahan mencit dalam kotak transisi terang-gelap dan lama tidur yang diinduksi dengan tiopental. Mencit yang stres ditandai dengan penurunan bobot badan yang bermakna (p<0,05). Minyak biji pala yang diberikan secara oral dengan dosis 16,90 μL/kg bobot badan dan secara aromaterapi dengan konsentrasi 0,4 g/mL dalam minyak kelapa dengan lama inhalasi dua jam memperpanjang waktu tidur (berturut-turut sebesar 208,29±159,63 menit dan 531,00±265,22 menit) secara bermakna (p<0,05) dibadingkan terhadap kontrol (38,00±7,70 menit). Efek antistres minyak biji pala ditandai dengan peningkatan jumlah perpindahan mencit dalam kotak transisi terang-gelap yang berbeda bermakna bermakna dibandingkan terhadap kontrol (9,71±2,98 kali dan 6,71±3,03 kali secara berurutan, p<0,05).Kata kunci: minyak biji pala, Myristica fragrans Houtt, antistres, sedatif.The antistress effect of nutmeg seed oil (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) given orally and as an aromatherapy through inhalation had been evaluated in stressed-male Swiss Webster mice induced by immobilization. The antistress effect was determined based on total number of crossings of mice in light-dark transition box and sleep duration induced by thiopental. Stressed mice were indicated by significant decreased of mice body weight (p<0.05). Nutmeg oil given orally at 16.90 μL/kg body weight and as aromatherapy at concentration of 0.4 g/mL in virgin coconut oil through inhalation for two hours prolonged sleep duration (208.29±159.63 minutes and 531.00±265.22 minutes respectively) significantly (p<0.05) compared to that of control (38.00±7.70 minutes). The nutmeg oil given as aromatherapy by inhalation for two hours significantly increased total number of crossing of mice in light-dark transition box compared to that of control (9.71±2.98 times and 6.71±3.03 times respectively, p<0.05) indicated the antistress effect.Keywords: nutmeg seed oil, Myristica fragrans Houtt, antistress, sedative.
Optimasi Produksi Metabolit Antibakteri Menggunakan Streptomyces galbus Strain TP2 dengan Metode Response Surface Methodology Andayani, Desak Gede Sri; Sukandar, Elin Yulinah; Adnyana, I Ketut; Sukandar, Ukan
Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia Vol 38, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : School of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Streptomyces galbus strain TP2 hasil isolasi dari tanah sekitar Gunung Tangkuban Perahu telah memproduksi metabolit antibakteri. Tujuan studi ini adalah menentukan kondisi optimum untuk produksi metabolit antibakteri. Tiga faktor penting yaitu pH, konsentrasi glukosa dan ekstrak ragi dipelajari dengan metode Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Penelitian ini menggunakan Central Composite Design (CCD) yang terdiri dari 17 tempuhan termasuk enam titik tengah. Diameter hambatan 35 mm terhadap Methicillin Resistant Staphyllococcus aureus (MRSA) dihasilkan pada kondisi optimum pH 7,06; konsentrasi glukosa 10,19 g/L dan konsentrasi ekstrak ragi 2,45 g/L.Kata kunci: Streptomyces galbus strain TP2, optimasi proses fermentasi, response surface methods, metabolit antibakteri MRSAAbstractStreptomyces galbus strain TP2 that isolated from the soil of Tangkuban Perahu Mountain was produced antibacterial metabolite. The objective of this research was to determine the optimal conditions for the production of antibacterial metabolite. Three significant factors, i.e. pH, glucose and yeast extract concentration were studied by response surface methods (RSM). This research was used Central composite design (CCD) by 17 experiments including six center points. Inhibition of diameter of 35 mm to Methicillin Resistant Staphyllococcus aureus (MRSA) was produced at  optimum condition of pH 7.06, glucose concentration 10.19 g/L and yeast extract concentration 2.45 g/L.Keywords: Streptomyces galbus strain TP2, optimization of fermentation process, response surface methods, antibacterial metabolite of MRSA.
In Vitro And in Vivo Antidiabetic Activity of Ethanol Extract and Fractions of Hibiscus surattensis L Leaves Yuliet, Yuliet; Sukandar, Elin Yulinah; Adnyana, I Ketut
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Suppl 1, No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (384.099 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijpst.v1i1.16120


Hisbiscus surattensis L the local name “tamoenju” is utilized by ethnic Sumari (Central Sulawesi) as an antidiabetic herbal, but de nitive studies on ef cacy and safety are lacking. Therefore, this study was aimed to investigate the antidiabetic activity of ethanolic extract of the leaves and fractions using in vitro and in vivo models. Ethanol extract (EE) of the leaves of H. surattensis L was prepared by maceration. The ethanol extract was separated into three fractions by liquid/liquid extractions to yield n-hexane (HF), ethyl acetate (EAF) and water fraction (WF). Firstly, the extract and fractions were tested for its inhibitory activity on α-glucosidase in vitro. The results showed IC50 EE, HF and WF more than 5000 ppm while the IC50 fraction of EAF 3888.34 ppm. Then, oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) of the extract/fractions were carried out in normal mice. On OGTT, the ethanol extract, EAF, and WF at doses of 150 and 300 mg/kg BW were able to inhibit increasing the level of glucose in the blood. The results showed that the extract and fraction of H. surattensis L leaves in vitro had no effect as α-glucosidase inhibitor but in vivo had the hypoglycemic effect especially on the fraction of ethyl acetate and the water fraction. Key words: α-glucosidase, antidiabetic, Hibiscus suratttensis, glucose tolerance.
Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy Vol 24 No 3, 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Skip Utara, 55281, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (940.23 KB) | DOI: 10.14499/indonesianjpharm0iss0pp177-185


Saponin fraction of seed flesh of Oyong (Luffaacutangula [L.]Roxb) has been investigated to have a hepatoprotective activity in rats with fibrotic chronic liver damage. This research was conducted to evaluate whether saponin fraction of Oyongseed flesh has a hepatoprotective activity in CCl4-induced acute liver damage. Hepatoprotective activity was determined by measuring the activity of liver enzymes (SGOT, SGPT, LDH), total nitrite/nitrate level, liver index and liver histology. Saponin fraction of Oyong flesh seeds 10mg/kg BW and meniran extract 400mg/kg BW alone showed hepatoprotective activity. Administration of saponin fraction 10mg/kb BB decreased SGPT and LDH significantly over untreated group. Group given meniran extract at dose of 200mg/kg BW showed decreased on LDH, while at dose of 400mg/kg BW decreased SGPT, SGOT, and LDH significantly. Hystological observation revealed any improvement in liver morphology especially after treated with saponin fraction 10mg/kg BWand meniran extract at dose of 400mg/kg BW. However, all groups treated with combination of saponin and meniran did not show improvement both at biochemical parameter and liver histology. In conclusion, saponin extract with dose of 10mg/kg BW and meniran extract at dose of 400mg/kg BW showed hepatoprotector activity. In contrast, combination of both did not show any hepatoprotective effect and it was suspected that they have antagonist effects.Key words:hepatoprotective, CCl4-induced liver fibrosis, Luffaacutangula, Phyllanthusniruri