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Kartika Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1246.695 KB) | DOI: 10.26874/kjif.v3i1.92


ABSTRAK Fenilbutazon  merupakan obat Anti Inflamasi Non Steroid (NSAID) dan diklasifikasikan dalam kelas II dari biopharmaceutic classification systems (BSC) yang memiliki kelarutan rendah permeabilitas tinggi. Pembentukan kompleks inklusi merupakan salah satu metoda untuk meningkatkan kelarutan dan disolusi suatu zat dalam air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kelarutan dan laju disolusi fenilbutazon dengan cara pembentukan kompleks inklusi fenilbutazon dengan β-siklodekstrin. Pembuatan kompleks inklusi dilakukan dengan  metoda co-grinding dengan variasi rasio molar 1:1, 2:1 dan 1:2. Interaksi padatan komplek inklusi dan campuran fisik dikarakterisasi dengan difraksi sinar X serbuk, spektrofotometri inframerah, Scanning Microscopy electron (SEM) dan Differential Thermal Analyzer (DTA). Uji disolusi dilakukan dengan mengacu pada uji disolusi USP apparatus II. Hasil karakterisasi kompleks inklusi menggunakan spektrofotometri inframerah, Scanning Microscopy electron (SEM) dan Differential Thermal Analyzer (DTA)  memperlihatkan adanya interaksi antara fenilbutazon dan β-siklodekstrin dan terbentuk komplek inklusi fenilbutazon-β-siklodekstrin. Hasil difraksi sinar-x menunjukkan bahwa pembentukan komplek inklusi fenilbutazon-β-siklodekstrin menurunkan derjat kristalinitas obat. Uji disolusi secara in vitro  menunjukkan terjadinya peningkatan laju disolusi komplek inklsi dibandingkan dengan fenilbutazon murni. Kata kunci : Fenilbutazon, β-siklodekstrin, Co-grinding, dan  kompleks inklusi. ABSTRACT Phenylbutazone is a Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory drugs (NSAID and classified  in class II of biopharmaceutic classification system (BSC) which has low solubility, high permeability. Formation of inclusion complexes is one method to increase the solubility and dissolution of a substance in the water. This study investigated improving of inclusion complex with B-cyclodextrin to solubility and dissolution rate of phenylbutazone. Inclusion complexes was made by co-grinding method in molar ratio 1: 1, 2: 1 and 1: 2. The solid state interaction inclusion complexes and physical mixture was evaluated by using X-raypowder diffraction, thermal DTA, and SEM. The dissolution studies were conducted in USP type II apparatus. The results characterization of inclusion complexes using infrared spectrophotometry, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Differential Thermal Analyzer (DTA) showed that there was interaction between phenylbutazone and β-cyclodextrin, and inclusion complexes was formed. The results of x-ray diffraction showed that inclusion complex of β-cyclodextrin-phenylbutazon reduced the degrees of crystallinity of the drug. In vitro dissolution test showed inclusion complex in dissolution rate was higher than pure phenylbutazone. Key words   : Phenylbutazone, β- cyclodextrin, Co-grinding, and inclusion complex
JFIOnline | Print ISSN 1412-1107 | e-ISSN 2355-696X Vol 3, No 3 (2007)
Publisher : Indonesian Research Gateway

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Cyclodextrin was cyclic oligosakarida that can be able to form inclusion complex with drug, used for the optimasi of transdermal delivery. Based on some research that had been done, probably that cyclodextrin can improve percutan penetration of drug by modifying the nature of phsycochemistry of drug especially drug solubility in bases, distribution and partition of drug and modify permeability of stratum corneum. Based on this reason, percutan penetration of inclusion complex of piroxicam with cyclodextrin in carbopol 940 gel had been studied. The Inclusion complex was prepared by copresipitation method with b-cyclodextrin as inclusion agent. The amount of piroxicam included by -cyclodextrin was 85.28% with stability constant of inclusion complex, K1:1 = 75.86 M-1. Percutan penetration test of inclusion complex in carbopol 940 gel using modified Franz diffusion cell with abdominal skin rat as membrane diffusion, shown that the inclusion complex with -cyclodextrin gave a higher diffusion rate than piroxicam gel without cyclodextrin and gel with physical mixtures of piroxicam-cyclodextrin. ABSTRAK Siklodekstrin merupakan oligosakarida siklik berbentuk torus yang dapat membentuk komplek dengan obat yang dapat digunakan untuk optimasi penghantaran transdermal. Berdasarkan beberapa penelitian yang telah dilakukan, diduga bahwa siklodekstrin dapat meningkatkan penetrasi perkutan dengan memodifikasi sifat fisiko-kimia obat terutama kelarutan dalam basis, partisi dan distribusi obat pada kulit serta merubah permeabilitas stratum corneum. Berdasarkan hal tersebut telah diteliti penetrasi perkutan kompleks inklusi piroksikam dengan siklodekstrin dalam sediaan gel karbopol 940. Kompleks inklusi dibuat menurut metode kopresipitasi menggunakan b-siklodekstrin sebagai pengompleks. Jumlah piroksikam yang terinklusi oleh b-siklodekstrin adalah 85,28% dengan konstanta stabilitas komplek K1:1 = 75.86 M-1. Pengujian penetrasi perkutan menggunakan sel difusi Franz yang dimodifikasi dengan membran difusi kulit abdomen tikus menunjukkan bahwa kompleks inklusi piroksikam dengan b-siklodekstrin dalam sediaan gel karbopol 940 mempunyai kecepatan difusi yang lebih tinggi dibanding sediaan gel piroksikam tanpa siklodekstrin dan sediaan dengan campuran fisik piroksikam siklodekstrin.
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 3, No 3 (2007)
Publisher : Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v3i3.78


Cyclodextrin was cyclic oligosakarida that can be able to form inclusion complex with drug, used for the optimasi of transdermal delivery. Based on some research that had been done, probably that cyclodextrin can improve percutan penetration of drug by modifying the nature of phsycochemistry of drug especially drug solubility in bases, distribution and partition of drug and modify permeability of stratum corneum. Based on this reason, percutan penetration of inclusion complex of piroxicam with cyclodextrin in carbopol 940 gel had been studied. The Inclusion complex was prepared by copresipitation method with b-cyclodextrin as inclusion agent. The amount of piroxicam included by -cyclodextrin was 85.28% with stability constant of inclusion complex, K1:1 = 75.86 M-1. Percutan penetration test of inclusion complex in carbopol 940 gel using modified Franz diffusion cell with abdominal skin rat as membrane diffusion, shown that the inclusion complex with -cyclodextrin gave a higher diffusion rate than piroxicam gel without cyclodextrin and gel with physical mixtures of piroxicam-cyclodextrin. ABSTRAK Siklodekstrin merupakan oligosakarida siklik berbentuk torus yang dapat membentuk komplek dengan obat yang dapat digunakan untuk optimasi penghantaran transdermal. Berdasarkan beberapa penelitian yang telah dilakukan, diduga bahwa siklodekstrin dapat meningkatkan penetrasi perkutan dengan memodifikasi sifat fisiko-kimia obat terutama kelarutan dalam basis, partisi dan distribusi obat pada kulit serta merubah permeabilitas stratum corneum. Berdasarkan hal tersebut telah diteliti penetrasi perkutan kompleks inklusi piroksikam dengan siklodekstrin dalam sediaan gel karbopol 940. Kompleks inklusi dibuat menurut metode kopresipitasi menggunakan b-siklodekstrin sebagai pengompleks. Jumlah piroksikam yang terinklusi oleh b-siklodekstrin adalah 85,28% dengan konstanta stabilitas komplek K1:1 = 75.86 M-1. Pengujian penetrasi perkutan menggunakan sel difusi Franz yang dimodifikasi dengan membran difusi kulit abdomen tikus menunjukkan bahwa kompleks inklusi piroksikam dengan b-siklodekstrin dalam sediaan gel karbopol 940 mempunyai kecepatan difusi yang lebih tinggi dibanding sediaan gel piroksikam tanpa siklodekstrin dan sediaan dengan campuran fisik piroksikam siklodekstrin.
Pelepasan Ibuprofen dari Gel Karbomer 940 Kokristal Ibuprofen-Nikotinamida Rini Agustin; Novica Sari; Erizal Zaini
Jurnal Sains Farmasi & Klinis Vol 1, No 1 (2014): J Sains Farm Klin 1(1), November 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (398.538 KB) | DOI: 10.29208/jsfk.2014.1.1.15


One of the methods to increase the solubility is co-crystalization. As Ibuprofen can be used in topical application for rheumatoid arthritis, a study about formulation and release of ibuprofen-nicotinamide co-crystal in carbomer gel had been conducted. Co-crystal was obtained from a dissolve method, which ibuprofen and nicotinamida were mixed with equimol composition (1:1). Gel consisted of two formulas with the same amount of ibuprofen (5%). The first formula was gel co-crystal ibuprofen-nicotinamide and the second formula was pure ibuprofen. The basis used was carbormer 940. The release test was done using the horizontal type of Franz diffusion cell and measured using HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) with mobile phase of methanol: aquabidest (80:20) pH 3.5 with orthophosphate acid. The results showed both formulas were not stable in homogeneity aspect for several storage days. Separation was occurred at low and high temperatures. The result of release profiles at the 120th minutes was 4.4793 % and 4.4293 % and the release efficiencies were 3.8891 and 3.8612. The statistic analysis showed that release efficiencies of both formulas were not significantly different (p>0.05) using One-Way ANOVA. In a conclusion, the process of making gel of co-crystal ibuprofen-nicotinamide did not influenced ibuprofen release in gel preparation.
Profil Disolusi Tablet Sustained Release Natrium Diklofenak dengan Menggunakan Matriks Metolose 90 SH 4000 Rini Agustin; Hestiary Ratih
Jurnal Sains Farmasi & Klinis Vol 1, No 2 (2015): J Sains Farm Klin 1(2), Mei 2015
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (463.244 KB) | DOI: 10.29208/jsfk.2015.1.2.33


Diclofenac sodium (Na-diclofenac) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is commonly used for arthritis patients. However, its short half-life time which is about 1-2 hours causes the drug should be administered repeatedly over a short time interval for oral administration. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to formulate a sustained release tablet of diclofenac sodium with metolose 90 SH 4000 as the matrix. In order to see the influence metolose 90 SH 4000 to the dissolution profile of diclofenac sodium tablet, metolose 90 SH 4000 was added with a ratio of 0% (F0), 5% (F1), 10% (F2), 15% (F3), 25% (F4). The tablets was prepared by wet granulation method. The dissolution results showed the formula F0, F1, F2, and F3 can be reached within 120, 240, 300, and 480 minutes, respectively. Meanwhile, F4 did not reach the dissolution for 480 minutes. According to the USP 26, only F3 qualified the dissolution of sustained release tablet.
Pengecilan Ukuran Partikel Dan Karakterisasi kolagen dari Kulit Ikan Gabus (Channa Striata) Dengan Metode Ball Milling Rini Agustin; Dwi Ramasepti Arta; Rahmi Nofita
Jurnal Sains Farmasi & Klinis Vol 10, No 1 (2023): J Sains Farm Klin 10(1), April 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jsfk.10.1.44-53.2023


Isolasi kolagen dari kulit ikan biasanya menghasilkan kolagen dalam bentuk serat padat yang tidak larut dalam air. Pembentukan partikulat kolagen dalam ukuran yang lebih kecil bahkan sampai mencapai ukuran nanometer menjadi hal yang penting terkait dengan aplikasi farmasetis kolagen. terutama dalam pembentukan sistem dispersi kolagen untuk aplikasi topikal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan mikropartikulat kolagen hasil isolasi kulit ikan gabus (Channa striata) dalam ukuran yang lebih kecil menggunakan ball milling dengan variasi jumlah bola (75 dan 100 bola) dan  waktu penggilingan (30, 60, 120 dan 180 menit). Kolagen yang diperoleh dikarakterisasi sifat fisikokimianya meliputi ukuran partikel, sifat termal, pola difraksi sinar X, morfologi dengan SEM dan spektrum Infra merah. Mikropartikel kolagen dengan ball milling memiliki ukuran  4,653 µm dengan penggilingan yang optimal pada jumlah bola sebanyak 100 buah dalam waktu 120 menit. Karakteristik dari mikropartikel menunjukkan terjadinya pengurangan ukuran partikel pada kolagen, tidak terjadinya perubahan pada gugus fungsi dengan uji spektroskopi inframerah, adanya penurunan titik leleh dari hasil termogram DSC, penurunan intensitas pola difraksi sinar-X dan tampak fibril yang saling berhubungan dalam kumparan acak pada pengamatan dengan SEM. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan metoda ball milling untuk pengecilan ukuran partikel kolagen yang diisolasi dari kulit ikan gabus (Channa striata) dapat mengurangi ukuran partikel dengan penurunan 327 kali dan tidak terjadinya perubahan struktur triple helix pada kolagen hasil optimasi.
Pengaruh Variasi Suhu dan Lama Waktu Penyimpanan terhadap Karakteristik Fisikokimia Kolagen Kulit Ikan Gabus (Channa striata Bloch) Rahmi Nofita; Rini Agustin; Mutiara Izmu Fajrin
Jurnal Sains Farmasi & Klinis Vol 10, No 1 (2023): J Sains Farm Klin 10(1), April 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jsfk.10.1.89-99.2023


Kebutuhan kolagen sebagai bahan baku untuk industri farmasi dan kosmetika pada saat ini sangat tinggi. Hambatan dalam proses produksi kolagen, proses pembuatan sediaan yang mengandung kolagen, dan pada waktu penyimpanan bahan baku serta sediaan yang mengandung kolagen adalah stabilitas kolagen. Kolagen sangat rentan terhadap pengaruh perubahan suhu, diatas suhu ±40°C kolagen akan berubah menjadi gelatin, dimana struktur triple helix kolagen rusak menjadi rantai lurus, sehingga menyebabkan penurunan kualitas, perubahan susunan gugus fungsi, intensitas serapan, viskositas, perubahan suhu transisi kaca, bahkan perubahan suhu denaturasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi suhu dan lama penyimpanan terhadap karakteristik fisikokimia kolagen kulit ikan gabus. Kolagen disimpan dan diamati sebagai serbuk dan dispersi pada kelembaban relatif 80% pada suhu 5, 26 dan 40°C selama 60 hari penyimpanan. Untuk serbuk kolagen, terdapat penurunan suhu transisi gelas dengan suhu terendah setelah penyimpanan adalah 55,05°C. Karakterisasi gugus fungsi serbuk kolagen menunjukkan perubahan hipsokromik pada bilangan gelombang gugus amida A seiring dengan peningkatan suhu penyimpanan. Pada dispersi kolagen, intensitas serapan UV tampak hiperkromik pada panjang gelombang ± 230 nm. Viskositas dispersi kolagen juga menurun seiring dengan peningkatan suhu dan waktu penyimpanan, serta terdapat penurunan suhu denaturasi dispersi kolagen menjadi 28,3°C. Selama penyimpanan, semakin tinggi suhu maka kualitas fisikokimia kolagen semakin rendah. Dari sini dapat disimpulkan bahwa serbuk kolagen disimpan secara optimal pada suhu 5, 26 dan 40°C, sedangkan dispersi kolagen pada suhu 5 dan 26°C. 
Pembuatan dan Karaterisasi Tablet NPN Lepas Lambat Berlapis Polikaprolakton Sebagai Suplement Ruminansia Edtyva Monicha; Akmal Djamaan; Rini Agustin; Rusmana Wijaya Setia Ningrat
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Research Vol 4 No 2 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/jharma.v4i2.3642


Productivity of ruminant cattle can be increased by providing non-protein nitrogen, especially urea. Urea not only has benefits as a plant fertilizer, but is also used as a substitute for nitrogen sources for ruminants. The purpose of this research is to use urea more efficiently because urea in the rumen is degraded more quickly to form ammonia so that urea excretion becomes faster in the urine. In this study it was designed so that urea is released in a slow release, its use is more practical and the dosage is correct. The method used is to make urea tablets and then coat them with a coating, characterize the tablets including their shape and urea content, then test the release of the tablets in vitro in rumen fluid. Based on this, the characteristics of the tablets are using Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) methods. From the results of the study showed that urea tablets fulfilled the tablet evaluation including tests for uniformity in size, weight variation, tablet hardness and friability. Meanwhile, for testing the release of urea tablets in the rumen fluid, it can be seen from testing that 70% of the urea tablets without coating were released, while for the coated urea tablets, only 15% were released in the first minute. Sequentially the release of urea tablets from the first minute with three successive repetitions of the test was 14.641; 15.323 and 14.798 %. Meanwhile, tablets that were not coated in the first minute released as much as 71.257%. For this reason, the manufacture of polycaprolactone-coated slow release urea tablets makes urea more beneficial for ruminants without rapid excretion and lasts longer in the rumen so that rumen microbes take advantage of this nitrogen source to form microbial protein.
Formulasi dan Evaluasi Tablet Urea Lepas Lambat Berlapis Biopolimer Poliasam Laktat Sebagai Suplemen Ruminansia Bilqis Nurganiyu; Akmal Djamaan; Rini Agustin; Rusmana Wijaya Setia Ningrat
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Research Vol 4 No 2 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/jharma.v4i2.3651


Urea is a source of non-protein nitrogen (NPN) which can be used to replace pure protein in ruminants. Urea is easily soluble and is degraded to ammonia by rumen bacteria, thus affecting the quality of ruminants. To increase the utilization of urea as a supplement is to try to slow its release into ammonia in the rumen so that it can be used efficiently by rumen microbes to form microbial protein. Slow release urea tablets as an alternative can control the rate of urea degradation and release of ammonia into the rumen and increase rumen efficiency. This study aims to determine the rate and pattern of release of urea tablets in the rumen so that their use is more practical and the dosage is correct. To maintain ammonia levels in the rumen, an alternative polymer-coated urea slow release tablet was designed. Based on this, it was carried out to manufacture slow release urea tablets with biopolymer polylactic acid (PLA) coating in the rumen fluid of ruminants. Furthermore, an in vitro evaluation was carried out by measuring pH into rumen fluid and measuring NH3 by UV-Vis spectro analysis at a wavelength of 630 nm. The results of the test for urea release in the rumen in formulas 1, 2 and 3 were 75.133%, 76.076% and 74.051% respectively, while the release of urea in uncoated urea tablets was 96.384%, these results indicate that tablets with lactic acid coated polyacid last longer. release compared to urea tablets without biopolymer coating.