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Perancangan mesin penghancur sekam padi dengan poros penggerak horisontal Ahmad Suudi; Novri Tanti; Jamiatul Akmal; Zulhendri Hasymi; Prasetyo Budiyanto
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Indonesia Vol 14 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Teknik Mesin Indonesia
Publisher : Badan Kerja Sama Teknik Mesin Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (351.592 KB) | DOI: 10.36289/jtmi.v14i2.115


Husk is a waste from the grinding process with the characteristics of a hard, scaly and dry layer. In the rice milling process, according to the Agricultural Research and Development Agency, the Department of Agriculture obtained 20-30% of rice husk, 8-12% of bran and 50 - 63.5% of milled rice. It can be seen that the amount of waste produced is predominantly dominated by rice husk and if not handled it will be a problem for the environment. One effort to reduce the form of waste was carried out research design of rice husk grinding machine become powder. The implementation method starts with designing, manufacturing and testing. The design of the grinding machine is planned to use a fuel motor drive, the transmission uses a V belt and the type of grinder is a combination of discmill and hammermill.The results of research and design obtained rice husk grinding machine with specifications dimensions of 1100 mm high, 400 mm long and 500 mm wide, Hyundai gasoline engine drive HDE 390 with power 7.6 kW, elbow profile frame 50 mm x 50 mm, belt transmission and pulley with a ratio of 1: 1, a combination milling mechanism namely hammer mills which have 3 single hammer attrition mills and a front through grinder with the help of screw conveyor components. The test results of the grinding machine capacity obtained a production capacity of 10 kg / hour, and fuel consumption which is 2.162 liters / hour.
Smart lower limb prosthetic based On accelerometer and gyroscope sensor with arduino microcontroller Ahmad Suudi; Ahmad Su'udi; M Martinus
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Indonesia Vol 14 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Teknik Mesin Indonesia
Publisher : Badan Kerja Sama Teknik Mesin Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (621.047 KB) | DOI: 10.36289/jtmi.v14i1.102


Prosthetic dalam penggunaannya secara umum sering menyebabkan masalah bagi penggunanya terutama stump yang terluka akibat penggunaannya yang cukup lama dan untuk alasan itu penelitian ini dilakukan. Penelitian ini menggunakan resin dan fiberglass sebagai bahan pembuatan soket prosthetic, sensor accelerometer dan gyroscope sebagai sensor utama. Prosthetic yang dibuat dilengkapi dengan early warning system sebagai peringatan bahwa pengguna prosthetic telah mencapai batas aman sehingga pengguna dapat meminimalisir terjadinya luka pada stump. Hasil penelitiannya adalah berat hasil akhir prosthetic sebesar ± 1,2 kg dengan foot yang memiliki panjang ± 25 cm dan lebar ± 8,8 cm serta memiliki tinggi secara keseluruhan sebesar ± 53,4 cm. Nilai sudut yang dijadikan sebagai batas jumlah langkah pada early warning system yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah 34,750. Kata kunci : prosthetic, accelerometer dan gyroscope, sudut, early warning system
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 1, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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This paper describes aerodynamic tests (wind tunnel test) for a model of secondary cabin roof (SCR) applied in BMW M3 E92 Coupe. SCR is a vehicle accessory installed on vehicle roof useful to block heats from sun while the car parking. The test were conducted at UPT-Laboratorium Aero Gas Dinamika dan Getaran (LAGG)-BPPT, PUSPITEK, Serpong, to determine lift and drag coefficient (cl and cd) of vehicle. This model with scale of 1:4.5 was tested with rigid body made by wood. The SCR model has been made from aluminium and has two kinds of type, which are A and B. The model test was carried out with the following parameters: wind speed of 15, 20 m/s, then 1,5 cm and 2,5 cm for height of SCR from roof . Before the test start, the first things that must be done is preparation the tools for test, next step is calibration of external balance in wind tunnel to obtain matrix of calibration. The inverse of this matrix named matrix of test will be used as a multiply factor to voltage measurement from result test of external balance while test start. Output from this multiply is aerodynamic forces experienced by model test. Installing SCR made some change to aerodynamic experienced by vehicle. From data of test, installing SCR type B with height 1,5 cm rom roof, the smallest cl can be obtained for each variation of velocity are 0,3 for 15 m/s and 0,29 for 20 m/s. Meanwhile,  installing SCR type A with height 2,5 cm from roof, the smallest cd be obtained for each variation of velocity are 0,368 for 15 m/s and 0,355 for 20 m/s. This results are valid if only the flow regime of two corresponding fluid are same and with the same model too.  Keywords: SCR, Aerodinamics, Wind Tunnel.
PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM SORTASI BUAH DUKU (LANSIUM DOMESTICUM) BERDASAR WARNA MENGGUNAKAN MIKROKONTROLER ARDUINO DAN SENSOR WARNA AS7262 Martinus Martinus; Irza Sukmana; Herry Wardono; Akhmad Riszal; Mareli Telaumbanua; Ahmad Suudi; Meizano Ardi Muhammad; Gigih Forda Nama; Eko Putra; Zulmiftah Huda; Trisya Septiana; Panji Kurniawan
Jurnal Informatika dan Teknik Elektro Terapan Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (712.756 KB) | DOI: 10.23960/jitet.v10i2.2446


Produk perkebunan merupakan salah satu komoditas yang sangat penting Indonesia. Duku adalah salas satu produk perkebunan musiman yang menjadi salah satu sumber pendapatan ketika panen. Namun, umur simpan duku sangat pendek, batas penyimpanan buah duku tidak lebih dari satu minggu. Buah duku akan mengalami perubahan pada warna buah, buah segar akan mengalami kecoklatan pada umur 3 sampai 5 hari pasca panen. Berubahnya warna buah duku menjadi kecoklatan tersebut tentunya dapat menurunkan kualitas dan harga dari buah duku tersebut. Pendeknya umur penyimpanan buah duku tersebut merupakan salah satu sulitnya penjualan duku. Penelitian ini melakukan pengklasifikasian duku sesuai warna dengan mengembangkan konveyor sabuk sebagai alat untuk melakukan sortasi duku berdasar warna dengan mikrokontroler. Sistem sortasi menjadi penting dalam mengelompokkan duku dalam umur yang sama sehingga dapat dipilih duku untuk pasar lokal yang sudah matang, duku untuk pasar luar yang belum matang dan akan matang dalam perjalanan serta duku yang cacat. Adapun tujuan dari riset ini adalah membuat sistem sortasi warna buah duku berbasis mikrokontroler dan mengembangkan sistem yang dapat memisahkan tiga kelompok kelas duku, duku kelas super, duku kelas a dan duku kelas b berdasar warna dengan sensor AS7262
Perancangan dan Pengujian Radiator Tester Skala Laboratorium yang Terintegrasi Pengatur Putaran Mesin dan Hembusan Angin (Regulator Wind Blower ) Ahmad Suudi
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 5, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

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Cooling system in the engine functions as the protector of the machine by absorbing the heat. Heat engine is produced by fuel in the cylinder. The heat is deliberately created to generate energy, but it will cause excessive heat if it is left unchecked (over heating effect). In order to prevent overheating and keep the machine temperature, then it uses radiator. How effective radiator is used can be seen by using a tool called a radiator tester. Therefore, this research was Designed a Trial Radiator (Radiator Tester) Laboratory Scale Which is Completed by Round Handler’s Machine and Regulator Wind Blower on Diesel Engine L 300.This research was done by testing the car L 300 diesel in the field then noted rpm and air speed that blew into the radiator. The process of designing a radiator tester L300 diesel engine laboratory scale were making the framework platform machine, making radiator tester cooling system machine to set up a thermometer in the radiator hose in and out, making a mechanism round handlers machine, making a regulatory mechanism wind blower and installing a trial radiator with round handlers machine and wind blower. The rpm test result and air speed on the field was applied to the radiator tester laboratory scale.From the results of the tests, it showed that there was an increase in value of the effectiveness of the radiator without external airflow to engine speed 1000 rpm and the average value was 0.483. Whereas, there was a decrease on the effectiveness of the radiator when given outside air flow 2.3 m / s at 1500 rpm engine speed, which was 0.63.Keywords: Effectiveness, Radiators, Temperature, Air Flow
Perencanaan Gearboxdan Perhitungan Daya Motor pada Modifikasi Dongkrak Ulir Mekanis Menjadi Dongkrak Ulir Elektrik Ahmad Suudi
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

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Manual jackscrew is a lifting device used by automobile drivers when any disorders occur, especially when the automobile tires are deflated. Considering manual jackscrew shape and design, not all people are able to use it easily, especially women. This is the reason of manual jackscrew modification into electric jackscrew.This jackscrew modification is conducted by adding a gearbox and DC motor. The ratio between gearbox input and output is 1 : 44.77 and the DC motor power is 160 Watt – 600 Watt. The electric jackscrew working principle is that rotation from DC motor is reduced by the gearbox and forwarded to screw shaft in the jackscrew. The power source is from the automobile battery. The results of electric jackscrew testing show that time of jacking is 10 seconds for tricycle motorbike, 12 seconds  for Gran Max PU car, and 14 seconds for Mazda Vantrend car,all the data is compared with the data manual jackscrew.Key words: jack, screw, manual, gearbox, DC motor, and electric
Perancangan Heat Exchanger pada Binary Power Plant Kapasitas 100 KW yang Memanfaatkan Uap Sisa PLTP Ulu Belu Ahmad Yudi Eka Risano; Ahmad Suudi; Rendy Dwi A.P.
JURNAL MECHANICAL Vol 6, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/mech.v6.i2.201508


Binary power plant adalah sistem pembangkitan listrik kedua yang mana fluida panas bumi dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber panas utama pada alat penukar panas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu merencanakan heat exchanger pada binary power plant kapasitas 100 KW, menghitung dan menentukan dimensi-dimensi tiap komponen dari heat exchanger, mengetahui besar longitudinalstress, circumferential stress dan thermal stress yang terjadi pada heat exchanger. Hasil dari perencanaan yang telah dilakukan menunjukan bahwa dimensi dari heat exchanger yaitu berdiameter 0,5 m, panjang 3,6 m, dan tebal dinding yaitu 9,5 x 10-3 m. Tegangan total yang paling besar yaitu tegangan total arah circumferential yang terjadi pada komponen shell dengan nilai sebesar 163,5 Mpa. Tegangan-tegangan yang terjadi pada tiap komponen lebih kecil dibandingkan nilai tegangan ijin material pada nilai SF 1,5 yang direncanakan. Kata kunci :Binary power plant, Circumferential stress, Heat exchanger, Longitudinal stress, Thermal stress.
Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of Stainless Steel 304 in the Sulfuric Acid Environment Due to Prestrain Badaruddin, Mohammad; Suudi, Ahmad; Hamni, Arinal
Makara Journal of Technology Vol. 10, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of Stainless Steel 304 in the Sulfuric Acid Environment Due to Prestrain. The aim of research is to investigate the effect of prestrain on the stress corossion cracking behavior of AISI 304 stainless steel in the sulfuric acid of 10% concentration under the static cantilever loading according to ASTM E-1681 standart. The specimen of 304 Stainless steel was strain up over the yield strength until reaching the uniform strain of 5% and 10% using servopulser UTM 9506 under the displacement control of 0,3 mm/sec. The results of test show that the prestrain of 5% specimen is faster failure than both of the prestrain of 10% and unprestrain specimen. It was caused by both of the decrease of ductility and the short incubation period. The change of deflection could be only recorded under the loading 20% of yield strength. Intergranular crack was the prestrain of 10% specimen under the static loading of 616 MPa. Whereas, for the prestrain of 10% specimen transgranular crack was found under the static loading of 554,4 MPa. The prestrain of 5% specimen was mixed crack under the static loading of 369.6 MPa. Higher dislocation density on the layer surface due to plastic deformation with increasing the percentage of pre-strain, so more difficult hydrogen diffused into the crack tip. Consequently, The incubation period can be prolonged.