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Strategi Komunikasi Politik dan Budaya Transparansi Partai Politik Atie Rachmiatie; O Hasbiansyah; Ema Khotimah; Dadi Ahmadi
MIMBAR (Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan) Volume 29, No. 2, Year 2013 [Accredited by Ristekdikti]
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (78.995 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/mimbar.v29i2.384


Freedom of information has become a momentum for the effort to realize good governance and promote democratic governance system in Indonesia. With the enactment of Freedom of Information Law No. 14 of 2008, the public was given access to the right of public information as human right such as  guaranteed by law. Public freedom of  information should encourage public participation. Political parties as public institutions also have to give  information  in the service of the public who wish to access any kind of information which is regulated by law. However, based on reports ICW, how difficult political parties provide the information requested by the ICW. This Article examines the political culture, political communication strategies and public freedom of information within the political parties.
Sikap Masyarakat terhadap Pemberitaan Bahaya Flu Babi di Media Massa Dadi Ahmadi; Adhi Iman Sulaeman
MIMBAR (Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan) Volume 25, No. 2, Year 2009
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (222.793 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/mimbar.v25i2.286


The result shows that television is the most accessible mass media and owned by the majority of the respondents. Even though the respondents very intensive in accessing the television, they only incidentally viewed the news of swine influenza risk and thus they are very speculative in nature  in viewing the news of swine influenza risk.  Thus,  cognition aspect of respondent about the swine influenza risk news release is very low because they only acknowledge the news but they do not understand the importance of the news for them. While, their affective aspect shows that they feel more anxious about swine flu risk because there is no socialization of swine flu risk preventions. The last but not least aspect is the behavior aspect. Here, the respondents generally act to ask to close the pig livestock to the owners or even to the state apparatuses if there is a swine flu infected case in their area. This research suggested that   the Banyumas local  government   through the health,  animal husbandry, and fishery agencies should more proactive on the swine flu risk  preventions  policy implementation,  for example,  socializing,  periodically and sustainably,  swine flu risk  preventions specially in the area surrounding the pigs livestock.
Kekerasan di Televisi: Perspektif Kultivasi Dadi Ahmadi; Nova Yohana
MediaTor (Jurnal Komunikasi) Vol 8, No 1 (2007): Berkomunikasi dengan Anak
Publisher : Pusat Penerbitan Universitas (P2U) LPPM Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/mediator.v8i1.1154


Indonesians are categorized as Views Society, i.e. society who significantly spent most of their leisure times in front of the screen, instead of doing other activities, such as reading. Television, on the other hand, proved to be an effective media whose outreach and penetration potent were undefeatable compared with other media. This situation turns to be problematic, due to the low quality of television which contained violence materials. People naturally learn violence from television. Being overexposed to violence materials, people were getting used to solve their problems by means of violence, too.
Teori Penjulukan Dadi Ahmadi; Aliyah Nuraini
MediaTor (Jurnal Komunikasi) Vol 6, No 2 (2005): Bagaimana Kita Menjelaskan Penerapan Teknologi?
Publisher : Pusat Penerbitan Universitas (P2U) LPPM Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/mediator.v6i2.1209


Labelling theory, famously associated with Howard Becker, was resulted from deviation studies which flourished in the late years of 1950s. Labelling theory, as part of interaction symbolic school of thought, assumed deviation as interactional function between deviants and non-deviants, rather than individual inherent characteristic. Labelling theory consisted of four tenets: (1) Social label for particular action; (2) criminal act is resulted from social rules; (2) social control is worsening criminal problems; and (4) there are interrelated bonds within people who being labeled and their counterparts who give them any label. Media, for some ideological reasons, implied labeling theory in their narration which acted as a mean for social construction.
Konstruksi Jilbab sebagai Simbol Keislaman Dadi Ahmadi; Nova Yohana
MediaTor (Jurnal Komunikasi) Vol 8, No 2 (2007): Proses Berkesenian = Proses Berkomunikasi
Publisher : Pusat Penerbitan Universitas (P2U) LPPM Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/mediator.v8i2.1155


Veil usage is not only just a matter of fashion style. Moreover, veils symbolize many great values in Islamic tradition. No wonder if veil—or jilbab—are commonly found in many places, including campus, among students as well as lecturer. This research aimed to investigate the motivation of the girls in wearing jilbab.  Using phenomenology approach to know more about subjectivity meanings constructed between research subjects, the research has finally revealed some motivations among the girls in wearing jilbab. There are three motives in wearing jilbab as found among Unisba’s students:  theological motive, psychological motive, and fashionable motive.  Such motive further implied on three different identities constructed by research subjects: Phenomenal Moslem Students, Fashionable Moslem Students, and Tolerant Moslem Students.
Interaksi Simbolik: Suatu Pengantar Dadi Ahmadi
MediaTor (Jurnal Komunikasi) Vol 9, No 2 (2008): Dari “Starbucks’ hingga Pembebasan Biaya Kesehatan Dasar
Publisher : Pusat Penerbitan Universitas (P2U) LPPM Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/mediator.v9i2.1115


Symbolic interaction focuses on ‘interpretation’ over subjective meaning derived from interaction of people with the others of his/her environment. As stated clearly in its name, symbolic interaction emphasized a close relationship an exchange between symbol and interaction. These exchanges produced special meanings and interpretations, unique for each person involved. Symbolic is derived from the word ‘symbol’ which means signs resulted from consensus. Symbolic Interaction tried to ‘entering’ meaning process and subject defining by employing participant observation to watch carefully how subject define themselves and their actions respectfully, based on definitions and meanings given by others in their environment.
“Quo Vadis Infotainment”? Dadi Ahmadi
MediaTor (Jurnal Komunikasi) Vol 9, No 1 (2008): Isu Komunikasi Kesehatan yang Ter-”Pojok”-kan
Publisher : Pusat Penerbitan Universitas (P2U) LPPM Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/mediator.v9i1.1148


According to Marshall McLuhan, the world has become a global village where modern communication media opened up unlimited interactions among people all over the world. Among other things, mass communication channel has rapidly developed, allowing greater mass of information transmissions to be spread for all members of society in no time. Unfortunately, the rapid development of mass media was not followed by better quality in terms of media content. Infotainments were everywhere, offering latest report concerning celebrity news in detail, and raising serious questions concerning ethics, privacy, public policy, and news quality today.
Komunikasi Antar Pribadi Antara Reseller dengan Produsen Cantiqa Kemiri Rubyanata Harahap; Wulan Tri Gartanti; Dadi Ahmadi
Inter Komunika Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Inter Komunika: Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi Inter Studi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (289.446 KB) | DOI: 10.33376/ik.v3i2.213


Abstract. Interpersonal communication among business people is very interesting because every individual in each generation will be different in how to communicate. In business cooperation between producers and product resellers, the means of conveying the intent in the expressed communication message will differ depending on the purpose of the message delivery and the purpose of the contents of the message itself. So that the influence between the communication intentions conveyed will encourage the communicator to be able to provide added value.Communication is the sending of a message from someone and is received by another person with immediate effects and feedback, so that not only aims to build effective communication in interpersonal communication but also wants to create an effect. In relation to interpersonal communication, res-sellers and producers carry out communication with the aim of creating effective communication in order to carry out good cooperation. This study examines interpersonal communication between Cantiqa Kemiri producers and resellers. This research uses descriptive method with data collection techniques through interviews, literature studies, and observations. Key informants in this study were Cantiqa Kemiri producers and resellers. The results of this study indicate that interpersonal communication between Cantiqa Kemiri producers and resellers involves several aspects such as openness, empathy, support, positive feelings, and equality in maintaining relationships between each other so that product sales remain optimal.Keywords: Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Cooperation, Business, Manufacturer, ResellerAbstrak. Komunikasi antarpribadi diantara para pelaku bisnis menjadi sangat menarik diperhatikan karena setiap individu dalam setiap generasi akan berbeda cara berkomunikasinya. Dalam kerjasama bisnis diantara produsen dan reseller produk, cara penyampaian maksud dalam pesan komunikasi yang diutarakan akan berbeda tergantung dari tujuan penyampaian pesan serta maksud dari isi pesan itu sendiri. Sehingga pengaruh diantara maksud komunikasi yang disampaikan akan mendorong pelaku komunikasi tersebut untuk bias memberikan nilai tambah. Komunikasi merupakan pengiriman pesan dari seseorang dan diterima oleh orang lain dengan efek dan umpan balik yang langsung, sehingga bukan hanya bertujuan membangun komunikasi yang efektif dalam komunikasi antarpribadi tetapi juga ingin menciptakan efek. Dalam kaitannya dengan komunikasi antarpribadi, reseller dan produsen menjalankan komunikasi dengan tujuan untuk menciptakan komunikasi yang efektif agar dapat melaksanakan kerjasama yang baik. Penelitian ini meneliti mengenai komunikasi antarpribadi antara produsen dan reseller Cantiqa Kemiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, studi kepustakaan, dan observasi. Key informan dalam penelitian ini adalah produsen dan reseller Cantiqa Kemiri. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa komunikasi antarpribadi antara produsen dan reseller Cantiqa Kemiri melibatkan beberapa aspek seperti keterbukaan, empati, dukungan, rasa positif, dan kesetaraan dalam menjaga hubungan antara satu sama lain sehingga penjualan produk tetap optimal.Kata Kunci: Komunikasi, KomunikasiAntarpribadi, Kerjasama, Bisnis, Produsen, Reseller
Peran Public Relations dalam Film Hancock Muhammad Reyzha Noorsyam Arkian; M Subur Drajat; Dadi Ahmadi
Inter Komunika Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Inter Komunika: Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi Inter Studi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (319.501 KB) | DOI: 10.33376/ik.v3i2.214


Abstract. Film is a mass media that has a function as entertainment, besides that the film also contains an informative, educative, and persuasive function. Film is also known as a medium of communication, film is an effective means to shape the perspective of society at large. A movie titled “Hancock” is a movie about a public relations practitioner who tries to restore the image of a superhero. This movie also tells a story about the troublesome life of a superhero who has bad image in the eyes of public and media.  The purpose of this research is to understand the Reality Level, Representation Level and Ideology Level of public relations role in the movie “Hancock”.  The research method is using the qualitative methods with semiotics approach, which is a science about signs. The theory used is John Fiske’s theory of Television Codes which focuses on the Reality Level, Representation level and Ideology Level.  In this research the data collection techniques used are observation, documentation, literature study, and interviews.  The results of this study conclude that at the reality level it is seen in the form of behavior and appearance which includes expert advisors who provide input, problem solvers in crisis, media relations, providers as well as media relations, communication technicians, public tranquilizers, and case development informants. showed that the role of public relations and Ray Embrey's Appearance tended to be stable when meeting with the public and Hancock as management, namely by using formal equipment in the form of shirts, suits, ties, material trousers and loafers. At the level of representation in the form of a camera code and dialogue code which includes, Framing with Background, Group Shot, Walking Shot, Two Shot, Three Shot, Eye Level, and, Point of View Shot and dialog used by Ray Embrey in this film too very shows the role of public realtions that show that it is an expert communicator and expert advisor by persuasive communication. At the ideological level, there was an ideology that appeared in the Hancock film with discrimination between white and black race and based on the eighth point of the Public Relations International code of ethics. The suggestion for further research is to look for references to books related to semiotics and the role of public relations. This is needed to be able to better understand the forms of the role of public relations in a film.Keywords: Mass Media, Reality, Semiotic, Television Codes, John FiskeAbstrak. Film merupakan media massa yang memiliki fungsi sebagai hiburan, disamping itu juga film mengandung fungsi informatif, edukatif, dan persuasif.  Film juga dikenal sebagai media komunikasi, film merupakan salah satu sarana yang efektif untuk membentuk perspektif masyarakat secara luas.  Film “Hancock” merupakan sebuah film yang mengangkat kisah tentang perbaikan citra dari seorang pahlawan oleh seorang praktisi public relations. Film ini juga mengangkat persoalan kehidupan seorang pahlawan yang memiliki citra buruk di mata publik dan media.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana level realitas, level representasi, dan level ideology peran public relations dalam film “Hancock”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah  metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan semiotika, yaitu suatu ilmu yang mengkaji tentang tanda-tanda. Teori yang digunakan adalah kode-kode televisi John Fiske dimana memfokuskan pada level Realitas, level Representasi, dan level Ideologi.  Pada penelitian ini teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa observasi, dokumentasi, studi pustaka, dan wawancara.  Hasil dalam penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pada level realitas terlihat dalam bentuk perilaku dan penampilan yang meliputi penasihat ahli yang memberikan masukan, pemecah permasalahan ketika dalam krisis, media relations, penyedia juga penyalur hubungan dengan media, teknisi komunikasi, penenang publik, dan informan perkembangan kasus yang menunjukan bahwa adanya peran public relations dan Penampilan Ray Embrey, cenderung stabil ketika bertemu dengan publik dan Hancock sebagai manajemen, yaitu dengan menggunakan stelena formal berupa kemeja, jas, dasi, celana panjang bahan, dan sepatu pantofel.  Pada level representasi dalam bentuk kode kamera dan kode dialog yang meliputi, Framing with Background, Group Shot, Walking Shot, Two Shot, Three Shot, Eye Level, dan, Point of View Shot dan  dialog yang di gunakan oleh Ray Embrey dalam film ini juga sangat menunjukan peran public realtions yang menunjukan bahwa ia merupakan seorang expert communicator dan penasihat ahli dengan melakukan komunikasi persuasif. Pada level ideologi terlihat adanya Ideologi yang muncul dalam film Hancock terdapat diskriminasi Ras antara kulit putih dengan Ras kulit hitam dan berdasarkan kode etik Public Relations Internasional point ke delapan.  Adapun saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah lebih mencari referensi buku terkait dengan semiotika dan peran public relations.  Hal ini diperlukan untuk dapat lebih memahami bentuk-bentuk peran public relations dalam sebuah film.Kata kunci: Media Massa, Realitas, Semiotika, Kode-kode Televisi, John Fiske
Strategi Komunikasi Marketing Public Relations Barli Coffee Agung Priyono; Dadi Ahmadi
Jurnal Riset Public Relations Volume 1, No. 1, Juli 2021, Jurnal Riset Public Relations (JRPR)
Publisher : UPT Publikasi Ilmiah Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (248.816 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/jrpr.v1i1.306


Abstract. Barli Coffee, one of the Coffee Shops in the city of Bandung, which is adjacent to the Art Museum, has a different concept from other Coffee Shop concepts. Entering the era of globalization, competition in various fields is getting real. The success of the performance of Public Relations as an important item of the organization or company tasked with creating and maintaining a positive value or image of the organization is getting higher. When viewed from the marketing mix carried out by Barli Coffee, there are several marketing mixes that are applied to the marketing strategy process at Barli Coffee, namely the initial marketing strategy, which was carried out in the first month by Barli, namely doing live music. The second marketing strategy, which Barli Coffee Shop does is to carry the concept of "Friday I'm In Love" this concept intends to hold a promo every Friday. The "Friday I'm In Love" promo was established since the PSBB was tightened and the concept of the promo is that every consumer who comes can pay sincerely. The third marketing strategy carried out by activities that can be carried out at Barli Coffee is such as podcasts and live concerts. The researcher wanted to find out more about Barli Coffee's marketing public relations communication strategy regarding the promotion of "Friday I'm In Love". The aim is to find out the process of marketing public relations communication strategy, the obstacles that occur during the marketing public relations communication strategy process, and the reasons why choosing social media as a promotional medium. The research methodology is a qualitative-descriptive method with a single holistic case study research approach. Data collection techniques are carried out by interview, observation, documentation, and literature study. The research subjects of key informants consist of internal parts sales & marketing, and barista Barli Coffee and supporting informants, owner of Barli Coffee. The result of the research is that the pull strategy applies tactics to promote "Friday I'm In Love" the tactic used is to hold the promotion every Friday. By holding this promo, which is to offer added value to consumers, as a stimulus to maximize sales. One of which is undertaken by Barli, namely by collaborating with several companies or brands. The obstacles are the lack of a graphic design team to focus on work on social media content and operating hours which have the effect of reducing the entry of Barli and this Health Protocol affecting places that are not allowed to be occupied due to regulations from the Government. The reason for using Instagram is because it can attract consumers widely, follow trends, and get positive feedback. Abstrak. Barli Coffee salah satukCoffee Shop diokota Bandung yang berdampingan dengan Museum art ini memiliki konsep yang berbeda dengan konsep-konsep Coffee Shop lainnya. Memasuki era globalisasi, persaingan di berbagai bidang semakin nyata saja. Keberhasilan kinerja Public Relations sebagai item penting organisasi atau perusahaan yang bertugas menciptakan dan mempertahankan nilai atau image positif organisasi semakin tinggi. Jika dilihat dari bauran pemasaran yang dilakukan Barli Coffee ada beberapa bauran pemasaran yang diaplikasikan pada proses strategi marketing di Barli Coffee yaitu Strategi marketing awal, yang dilakukan di bulan pertama oleh Barli yaitu melakukan live music. Strategi marketing kedua, yang Barli Coffee Shop lakukan adalah mengusung konsep “Friday I’m In Love” konsep ini bermaksud mengadakan promo di setiap hari Jum’at. Promo “Friday I’m In Love” didirikan semenjak PSBB diperketat dan konsep dari promo tersebut yaitu setiap konsumen yang datang dapat membayar se-Ikhlasnya. Strategi marketing ketiga yang dilakukan kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan di Barli Coffee yaitu seperti Podcast, dan live concert. Peneliti ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut strategi komunikasi marketing public relations Barli Coffee mengenai promosi “Friday I’m In Love”. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui proses strategi komunikasi marketing public relations, hambatan-hambatan yang terjadi selama proses strategi komunikasi marketing public relations itu terjadi, dan alasannya kenapa memilih media sosial sebagai media promosi. Metodologi penelitiannya yaitu metode kualitatif-deskriptif dengan pendekatan penelitian studi kasus tunggal holistic. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan studi pustaka. Subjek penelitian pada key informant terdiri bagian internal yaitu sales & marketing, dan barista Barli Coffe serta informan pendukungnya yaitu owner Barli Coffee. Hasil penelitiannya yaitu penerapan taktik untuk mempromosikan “Friday I’m In Love” dengan mengadakan promosinya pada setiap hari Jum’at. Dengan diadakan promo ini yaitu menawarkan nilai tambah kepada konsumen, sebagai suatu stimulus untuk mendorong penjualan dengan maksimal. Kemudian salah satu yang dijalani oleh Barli yitu dengan berkolaborasi dengan beberapa perusahaan atau brand. Hambatannya yaitu kurangnya tim design grafis untuk fokus kerja di konten media sosial dan jam operasional yang dampaknya mengurangi pemasukkan Barli dan Protokol Kesehatan ini mempengaruhi tempat-tempat yang tidak boleh ditempati karena adanya aturan dari Pemerintah. Alasan menggunakan media sosial Instagram karena dapat menarik konsumen secara luas, mengikuti trend, dan mendapatkan feedback positif.