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Jurnal Governansi Vol 8 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Governansi Volume 8 Nomor 1, April 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30997/jgs.v8i1.5025


For a university there is important to find out the effectiveness and to describe the implementation of freedom to learn independent campus (MBKM) policy in order to continually improve. Based on the perspective of evidence-based policy, the survey is conducted to obtain the evidences of two implementers of MBKM policy, namely provider (lecturer and administrative staff) and user (student). From provider’s perspective, results of the survey indicate the high level of provider’s involvement in implementing MBKM, starting from contribution to prepare MBKM through discussion/meeting/workshop to actively motivating students to participate in MBKM. The implementation of MBKM policy positively impacts on both student learning, improving student hard and soft skills, and improving lecturer capacity. From user’s perspective, results of the survey indicate student’s evaluation that the off-campus learning positively impacts on improving competence and widening perspective of student. The student also evaluates MBKM program in accordance with the need of graduate at future and the improvement of student soft skill. However, the survey identifies three main constraints in implementing MBKM policy, namely curriculum revision, redesign of academic information system, and fund problem for student.
Jurnal Governansi Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Governansi Volume 8 Nomor 2, Oktober 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30997/jgs.v8i2.5438


This study aims to determine the Quality of Service for Making Family Cards (KK), service quality is a comparison between consumer expectations and service performance, while the Family Card is one of the civil registration documents that must be owned by every head of the family, but complaints are still found in the manufacture service. family card at the Ciawi District Office, Bogor Regency. In this study using a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were people who received the service of making Family Cards at the Ciawi District office with a sample of 78 respondents. namely the people found who were doing the service of making Family Cards (KK) at the Ciawi District Office. The results show that in general the service for making Family Cards in Ciawi District has been going well, but there are still several dimensions that are still below the average variable value, namely the empathy dimension with an average value of 4.17, the reliability dimension. the average score is 4.16, and the dimension of assurance (assurance) with an average value of 4.17.
IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PERATURAN WALIKOTA BOGOR NOMOR 55 TAHUN 2020 TENTANG PELESTARIAN BUDAYA SUNDA Faisal Tri Ramdani; Afmi Apriliani; Rd. Yuniar Anisa Ilyanawati; Neng Virly Apriliyani; Khaerunnisa; Nisrina Putri Ramadanti; Mirna Pratami
Jurnal Governansi Vol 9 No 1 (2023): Jurnal GOVERNANSI Volume 9 Nomor 1, April 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30997/jgs.v9i1.7419


The implementation of Bogor Mayor Regulation Number 55 of 2020 Concerning the Preservation of Sundanese Culture in Bogor City is discussed in this study with a focus on research locations focused on The Bogor City Culture, Tourism and Creative Economy Service. By successfully implementing this policy, it is hoped that Sundanese culture can be preserved and maintained as an ancestral way of life. This study employs a descriptive quantitative approach methodology, and the sampling strategy employed is outside purposive in selecting the sampling of 25 respondents who were drawn from staff members of the Office of Culture, Tourism, and Creative Economy of Bogor City. to obtain research results using calculations weight mean score (WMS) in order to determine the research results using the Slovin formula. The calculation results obtained were 3.90 with the GOOD category, which indicates that the implementation of Sundanese cultural preservation policies in Bogor City has been going well, according to the results of the recapitulation of the questionnaire calculation with the operationalization of variables based on Edward III's theory of Successful Policy Implementation.
Jurnal Governansi Vol 9 No 1 (2023): Jurnal GOVERNANSI Volume 9 Nomor 1, April 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30997/jgs.v9i1.7637


One of the big challenges for the government, especially local governments in public services, is to display professional behaviour, as well as a high work ethic. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of professionalism shown by service employees. E-KTP (Electronic Identity Card). Population administration and civil registration services in Caringin District, Bogor Regency. This study uses a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. With respondents totalling 20 employees of the -district office, using probability sampling techniques, collecting data through library research, observation, interviews and questionnaires. The results showed that the professionalism of employees at the Caringin District office, Bogor Regency, was seen from competence, effectiveness, efficiency and responsibility in the implementation of services that were good, but there were still several dimensions that were still below the average outcome value of variables, namely the competency dimension with an average value average of 4.11, dimensions of effectiveness with an average value of 4.15, dimensions of efficiency with an average value of 4.12 and dimensions of responsibility with an average score of 4.12. Suggestions in this study need to increase the capacity of employees through job training and seminars in order to increase the knowledge and abilities of officers in providing services.
Analisis Gaya Kepemimpinan Kolaboratif Dalam Menghadapi VUCA Era Marezka; Muthia; Kevin Ginaldo; Dio Pratama; Afmi Apriliani
KARIMAH TAUHID Vol. 1 No. 6 (2022): Karimah Tauhid
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30997/karimahtauhid.v1i6.7660


Leadership is the foundation of the establishment of an organization. which is the impact of unstoppable advances in technology and science, a person's leadership plays an important role in the sustainability of an organization. In facing an uncertain era or the VUCA Era, innovation is certainly needed from every aspect, including in terms of leadership. Not limited to working together, but also collaborating in solving problems together through leadership carried out by a group of people. The method used is a qualitative method with a qualitative descriptive approach, so that the research does not use certain variables. Data collection through literature studies was collected from various references such as journals. What was found in the results and discussion in this study was that researchers found that a collaborative leadership style was needed to solve the same problems experienced by a group of organizations so that it was not just cooperation but the unification of concepts in achieving common goals.
JEJARING KEBIJAKAN DALAM PENGEMBANGAN DESA WISATA Novando; E Syahrudin; Afmi Apriliani; Denny Hernawan; Faisal Tri Ramdani
KARIMAH TAUHID Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): Karimah Tauhid
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30997/karimahtauhid.v2i5.9420


Desa wisata di Kabupaten Bogor sudah menjadi tren. Pengelolaan desa wisata di Kabupaten Bogor berjalan dinamis, dibentuk oleh masyarakat, kemudian Disbudpar Kabupaten Bogor memberikan pelatihan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi kebijakan jejaring dalam pengembangan desa wisata di kabupaten Bogor. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian Studi kepustakaan. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan Studi Kepustakaan. Teknik mengumpulkan data yang digunakan yakni analisis isi. Berdasarkan temuan – temuan yang didapat dari penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa jejaring kebijakan dalam pengembangan desa wisata di kabupaten Bogor sudah berjalan cukup baik, akan tetapi masih terdapat kekurangan dalam pelaksanaanya seperti belum menjangkau semua desa yang memiliki potensi.
ANALISIS TINGKAT KEMISKINAN DAN KESEJAHTERAAN RUMAH TANGGA Agra Alfin Zulfa; Muhammad Jalaludin Assayuti; Muhammad Prayoga septiana; Muhammad tegar Purna bhakti; Muhammad Syamsul ma’arif; Afmi Apriliani
KARIMAH TAUHID Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Karimah Tauhid
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30997/karimahtauhid.v2i4.9685


Kemiskinan adalah keadaan ketika seseorang atau keluarga hidup dengan pendapatan yang sangat rendah, tidak memadai untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar manusia seperti pakaian, makanan, tempat tinggal, dan pendidikan. Kemiskinan dan kesejahteraan rumah tangga memiliki hubungan yang erat, di mana kemiskinan dapat berdampak negatif pada kesejahteraan rumah tangga. Kondisi kemiskinan dapat mengakibatkan stres dan kecemasan yang dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan mental dan fisik, serta membatasi akses terhadap sumber daya dan peluang. Kampung Tajur Pugag merupakan sebuah pemukiman penduduk yang berada di desa Banjarwaru, kecamatan Ciawi, kabupaten Bogor, provinsi Jawa Barat. Di kampung Tajur Pugag masih terdapat beberapa warga kurang mampu atau miskin. Dimana pada tahun 2023 terdapat 63 orang warga miskin yang tercatat di Kampung Tajur Pugag. Gaya penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini menggambarkan keadaan sebagaimana adanya, tanpa memanipulasi atau mengubah faktor-faktor yang dipertimbangkan. Jenis penelitian yang menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data saat ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini, analisis deskriptif sering digunakan. Jika dilihat dari hasil observasi terhadap 4 narasumber di Kampung Tajur Pugag, peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa kemiskinan dan kesejahteraan rumah tangga ini terjadi akibat beberapa faktor: Pendidikan, lapangan kerja dan penghasilan, dan Kesehatan. , peneliti dapat menyimpulkan tingkat kemiskinan di kampung tajur pugag di sebabkan oleh pendidikan yang masih rendah, serta sulitnya mencari lowongan kerja, yang membuat masyarakat kampung tajur pugag menjadi petani serta pedang asonggan dengan pendapatan yang tidak menentu dan tetap berusaha untuk mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga. Kata Kunci: Kemiskinan, Kesejahteraan, Masyarakat dan Rumah Tangga.
LOCAL POTENTIAL BASED TOURISM VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT Irma Purnamasari; Rita Rahmawati; Muhammad Luthfie; Mardiah Mardiah; Afmi Apriliani; Faisal Tri Ramdani; Berry Sastrawan; Mirna Pratami; Salopah; Rio Ranbilal; Tirtayasa; Asep Ubaidilah
Qardhul Hasan: Media Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 9 No. 2 (2023): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30997/qh.v9i2.7358


One of the problems around the forest is the very high dependence of the community on the forest. Forests are a source of life for the people, but on the one hand, forests must also be preserved. For this reason, it is necessary to look for new livelihoods, which still utilize forests but do not damage their sustainability. The choice is environmental tourism services. Against this background, this community service activity aims to increase the community's knowledge and skills regarding governance and tourism development. The method used in this service is by means of observation or surveys, counselling, training, mentoring, and product manufacturing skills. The results of the activity show an increase in knowledge and skills as measured by the pretest and post-test instruments. The community response to this activity was very positive. The community has new knowledge about how to take advantage of the local potential to become village tourism objects.