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ACARYA PUSTAKA Vol 6 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ap.v6i1.22182


ANALISIS BUKU KARYA GRUP FACEBOOK KELAS MENULIS PUSTAKAWAN SEBAGAI PENGUAT EKSISTENSI PUSTAKAWANNoorika Retno WiduriPustakawan Ahli Madya UPT Balai Informasi Teknologi - LIPIE-mail: AbstrakFenomena media social tidak selamanya berdampak negative, tentu ada sisi positif yang dapat dimanfaatkan.Media sosial para prinsipnya adalah terkoneksi satu dengan yang lainnya, atau berjejaring.Hal tersebut memungkinkan orang berkumpul dalam suatu komunitas yang memiliki kesamaan minat.  Media social yang paling trend di Indonesia adalah facebook.  Grup Kelas menulis pustakawan merupakan komunitas yang memanfaatkan media social facebook dalam pergerakannya.Komunitas ini beranggotakan pustakawan dan para pemerhati kepustakawanan, lebih spesifik lagi dengan kesamaan minat dalam bidang kepenulisan.Selama kurun waktu satu tahun, grup ini menghasilkan 3 buku bertema kepustakawanan yang ditulis bersama-sama.Pada kesempatan kali ini, penulis menganalisis jumlah penulis produktif, sebaran penulis dan satuan kerja penulis.  Hal yang menarik adalah karena grup ini menggunakan sarana   online dalam semua proses bisnisnya. Disamping itu, buku-buku ini memperoleh endorse dari para tokoh terkenal juga melalui komunikasi online. Selama setahun sejak terbentuknya komunitas ini, ada total 52 kontributor untuk tiga judul yang berbeda.Delapan orang diantaranya kontribusi pada ketiga buku tersebut. Kata kunci: facebook, kelas menulis pustakawan, pustakawan, media sosial, eksistensi profesiANALYSIS OF FACEBOOK GROUP CLASS BOOK WRITING IN LIBRARY AS AN EXISTENCE OF LIBRARY EXISTENCENoorika Retno ThistleLibrarian Associate Expert UPT Balai Information Technology - LIPIE-mail: AbstractThe phenomenon of social media does not always have a negative impact, of course there are positive sides that can be exploited. Social media in principle are connected to one another, or networked. It allows people to gather in a community that has similar interests. The most popular social media in Indonesia is Facebook. Librarian writing class group is a community that utilizes social media facebook in its movement. This community consists of librarians and librarians observers, more specifically with the similarity of interests in the field of writing. the same. On this occasion, the authors analyzed the number of productive writers, the distribution of writers and the writer's work unit. The interesting thing is because this group uses online tools in all its business processes. Besides that, these books get endorsements from well-known figures also through online communication. During the year since the formation of this community, there were a total of 52 contributors for three different titles. Eight of them contributed to the three books.Keywords: facebook, librarian writing class, librarian, social media, professional existence
Jurnal Pustaka Ilmiah Vol 2, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Pustaka Ilmiah
Publisher : Central Library of Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2011.606 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/jpi.v2i1.33180


The positive development of the various plans of the central government and local government in revitalizing the function of the library in the middle of the community deserve an immediate response by the relevant stakeholders in librarianship. This avoids the loss of state spending because of the development budget of the library, while the library can not be used optimally by the community. In addition to causing harm to the state budget, the failure of the revitalization of the public library functions have an impact on the loss of public confidence in the library. See some interesting phenomenon, the author argues that it is time the library needs to revitalize its role for the community. The issue raised is how the shape of revitalizing the role of the public library for the community.There are several factors driving the revitalization of the role of libraries, namelythe advancement of information and communication technologies, the increasingmobility of educated people and high society. The revitalization of the role of public libraries include the library as a social change agent, the agent of human development and cultural agents. Revitalization activities the library’s role as change agents are providing a variety of programs that present a public library, according to the dynamics of today’s society, setting up community-based public library. Revitalize the role of the public library into a public space as a catalyst for social activities, recreation, and culture of the citizens, and to make the library more dynamic, practical and humane. Revitalizing the role of the public library as part of a public service by applying the standard ISO 9008: 2008 in libraries, innovation bureaucracy and library services, as well as professional certification library manager.Keywords: revitalization of the library; the role of the library; public Library;agents of social change; public service
Jurnal Pustaka Ilmiah Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Pustaka Ilmiah
Publisher : Central Library of Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3597.823 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/jpi.v4i2.33744


Sharing knowledge in principle is a learning opportunity for the destitute. Sharing knowledge is part of the knowledge management process. Through sharing knowledge, it is expected to increase knowledge, experience and grow as well as develop new ideas. Sharing knowledge can only be done when each member has a wide opportunity in discussions, ideas, criticisms and comments to other members. Knowledge sharing between librarians both in organizations related internally and between organizations is important. Because the existence of sharing, librarians will add insight into the activities that are in the approval increase. This activity can be carried out routinely depending on the policies of the library leader. The Culture of Knowledge Sharing among librarians must be developed and continue to be developed. Sharing, will add insight into various activities and the development of knowledge about librarianship. Sharing activities, can be done regularly and periodically. Knowledge sharing creates a positive climate for librarians. In addition to increasing knowledge, it is also a means of communication between librarians.