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Buana Matematika : Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Vol 5 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36456/buanamatematika.v5i2:.394


Teacher must always has many creation for every lesson to make the different situation. Find the way how to rise the motivation of learning result is the main task which do for the purpose learning to be fun and satisfying of learning result. This is the role of teacher as a motivator, so the writer provides decriptive quantitative research with the title “The Influence Of Cooperative Learning Method Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) Type To The Result Of Mathematics Learning Student 2014/2015”. The problem of the research is what is the influence of cooperative learning method Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) type to the result of mathematics student of class VII SMPN 1 Wonoayu. “Therefore, the purpose of this research is to know whether or not the influence of learning method to the result of learning mathematics student of class VII SMPN 1 Wonoayu”.after the result of research has t observed > t table is 3,514 > 1,666witha significance level of0.001 (a = 0,05 ). The result of post test control class lesser 75,75 than experiment class 61,81, so that the conclusion is there are the influence of learing method to the result of learning mathematics student of class VII SMPN 1 Wonoayu 2014/2015 school year. Keywords: Two Stay Two Stray, the result of mathematics learning
Journal Analytica Islamica Analytica Islamica | Vol. 2 | No. 1 | 2013
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UIN Sumatera Utara

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Kitab suci Al-Qur’an memuat seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia termasuk politik. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan politik yang seharusnya adalah sejalan dengna syari’ah Allah SWT seperti yang telah ditetapkan dalam kitab pedoman hidup seluruh umat manusia itu. Namun pada kenyataannya keberlangsungan mekanisme politik saat ini telah menjauh dari nilai-nilai yang sudah tertulis dalam al-Qur’an dan yang telah pernah teraplikasi dalam suatu komunitas digjaya peradaban akhlak Islam masa lalu yaitu komunitas Madinah yang dibangun oleh Rasulullah SAW. Untuk itu, pada saat ini diperlukan kajian reflektif dan tafsiran kontekstual kontemporer terhadap ayat-ayat yang mengatur perpolitikan dalam Islam.
Transfusi Darah Menurut Hukum Islam Ali Akbar
Al-Usrah : Jurnal Al Ahwal As Syakhsiyah Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Al-Usrah
Publisher : Al-Usrah : Jurnal Al Ahwal As Syakhsiyah

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Masyarakat dunia telah lazim melakukan donor darah untuk kepentingan pelaksanaan transfusi baik secara sukarela maupun dengan menjual kepada yang membutuhkannya. Berbagai masalah hukumpun muncul tentang transfusi darah. Tidak ditemukan hukumnya dalam fiqh pada masa-masa klasik pembentukan hukum Islam sehingga hal ini termasuk masalah ijtihadi. Hasil dari pembahasan ini adalah umat Islam wajib membantu sesama manusia yang memerlukan bantuannya dalam hal-hal yang positif, termasuk dalam melakukan donor darah (transfusi/pemindahan) darah kepada penderita suatu penyakit datau kepada orang yang tertimpa musibah kecelakaan yang membutuhkan tambahan darah untuk keperluan pengobatan.  Kata Kunci: Transfusi darah, Hukum Islam
Publisher : Hukum tata Negara/Siyasah

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Land problem can experienced by whole community. Increasing population, development and access of many people to obtain land as the basic capital of various interests, some times becomes a conflict. Conflict over lands are  actual issues that always comes up. One alternative solution to the land conflict is mediation. This mediation alternative has the characteristic that is short time, structurized, task orientation and a way of intervention involving various parties actively. The success of mediation is determined by the goddwill of both parties are in conflict to find an agreed way out. Mediation gives a sense of equalization so that the decision taken is without pressure. Keywords: Conflict, Land Border
Jurnal Caraka Prabu Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Caraka Prabu
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Ahmad Yani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36859/jcp.v4i1.221


Yogyakarta as one of the regions in Indonesia that have been given special rights by the central government so that the form of government is different from other regions. Not only in the field of government, but in other aspects to the regional spatial planning. This research wants to give an overview of the special spatial planning in Yogyakarta as stipulated in the regional regulation. For the method used in analyzing the results of this study using descriptive quantitative research methods. The findings in this study are about Yogyakarta City Privileges which is one of the strategic spaces owned by the Duchy Land Space Unit and Duchy Land Space Unit. In managing the spatial plan mentioned above in Perda No. 2 of 2010 which was then enacted, the enactment of this Act is expected to assist the rights of the community and, in fact, is still not going well. Various factors that make this still happen exist because of development that is not following applicable laws. Development malls and hotels are irregular. Like the Sleman city mall, the construction was done before the regulation took effect. Keywords: Local Regulation, Spatial Planning, Privileges
Iklim Organisasi dan Motivasi Kerja Pada Universitas Batanghari Jambi Saiyid Syekh; Ali Akbar; Muhammad Syukri
Eksis: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 11, No 2 (2020): November
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/eksis.v11i2.204


This study aims to determine the effect of leadership style and organizational climate on the performance of lecturers at Batanghari University, Jambi. This study uses a quantitative approach with the form of correlational research which explains the relationship of each independent variable with the dependent variable, either individually or collectively, and makes predictions for the dependent variable on each independent variable. With the regression equation Y = 3,120 + 0.453 X1 + 0.494 X2 + 0.010 X3 From the above equation, it can be seen that if the leadership style can be more effective by one unit, the lecturer performance will increase by 0.453; Likewise with the organizational climate, if the organizational climate is better by one unit, the lecturer's performance will increase by 0.494, something that is not much different from motivation, namely if the motivation is increased by one unit, the performance will increase by 0.010. This means that leadership style, organizational climate and motivation have a positive correlation with lecturer performance. Therefore, it is expected that these three components (X1, X2 and X3) can be optimally improved. The results of simultaneous hypothesis testing show that the value of F count is 33.110 at the level of freedom of 95 and α = 5% greater than F table 2.02439. or sig F 0.000 <0.05, this means that simultaneously or collectively, leadership style, organizational climate and motivation have a significant effect on lecturer performance at the University of Batanghari Jambi.
JEMI is managed and published by the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Kutai Kartanegara University. Institutional legality is reflected in the ISSN number: 1411-9560 published by LIPI in 2003 as a manifestation of the comm Vol 16 No 1 (2016)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (541.255 KB) | DOI: 10.53640/jemi.v16i1.351


The purpose of this study is to investigate and assess the influence of sense (senses), feel (feeling), think (way of thinking), act (habits) and relate (linkage) on customer loyalty in Raja Pisjo restaurant in Tenggarong. This study used quantitative data obtained from questionnaire data. Number samples are 75 people with the retrieval method by means of random sampling. The analysis tool used multiple linear regression analysis with hypothesis testing using the F and t test. The results of test calculations obtained F count F is 44.295 while the value of F table obtained a value of 2.21, it can be said that the variable sense (senses), feel (feeling), think (way of thinking), act (habits) and relate (affinity) jointly able to show its effect on customer loyalty in raja pisjo restaurant in Tenggarong.Based on correlation tables show that variables relate (linkage) has the most dominant influence on customer loyalty in Raja Pisjo Restaurant in Tenggarong namely at 56.3% followed by the variable act (habit) of 50.7%, the variable feel (feeling) 43.7%, variable think (thinking) of 36.6% and a variable sense (senses) by 21.4%, so that the second hypothesis is accepted.Keywords: Experiential Marketing, Customer Loyalty
Perbandingan Induction Hardening dengan Flame Hardening pada Sifat Fisik Baja ST 60 Iswanto Iswanto; Edi Widodo; Ali Akbar; Angga Kharisma Putra
Mekanika: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika Vol 19, No 2 (2020): MEKANIKA: Majalah Ilmiah Mekanika
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/mekanika.v19i2.43203


This study will discuss the comparison between induction hardening with flame hardening in ST 60 steel in terms of tensile strength and microstructure. The induction hardening machine is designed and made by itself with the maximum heat generated reaching 650 °C. While the flame hardening machine uses an acetylene welding machine. After heating the specimen to 650 °C, it is then cooled using water. Each heating process uses three specimens for tensile testing and microstructure testing. From the tensile test results obtained that, ST 60 steel with induction hardening has a greater tensile strength compared to flame hardening. ST 60 steels which experienced induction hardening treatment also had higher strain compared to ST 60 steels which experienced flame hardening treatments.
IJOTL-TL: Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017): May 2017
Publisher : Center of Language and Cultural Studies [CLCS]

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (156.908 KB) | DOI: 10.30957/ijoltl.v2i2.275


  The aim of this research is to find out the usage of figurative language appear in The Room of My Life’s poem by Anne Sexton and Still I Rise’s poem by Maya Angelou. The study focused on kinds of figurative language that appeared in the poems. A descriptive qualitative method was used in this study. Data were gathered from each line of the poetry then figurative language were grounded.The results showed that the poems mostly used three kinds of figurative language: personification, simile, and metaphor. Personifications were more dominant than similes and metaphors in The Room of My Life and similes were more dominant than personifications and metaphors in Still I Rise.  
Model Analisis Pengaruh Aktiva dan Hutang Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Dengan Laba sebagai Variabel Moderasi pada Perusahaan Sub Sektor Food And Baverages di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2016-2020 Yunan Surono; Ali Akbar; R Adisetiawan
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 22, No 2 (2022): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v22i2.2468


Financial performance is an analysis conducted to see the extent to which a company has implemented by using financial implementation rules properly and correctly. This study aims to explore and prove the effect of asset and debt variables on the company's financial performance with the profit variable as a factor that strengthens or weakens the relationship between these variables. The independent variables in this study are assets and debt as independent variables with financial performance as the dependent variable and profit as a moderating variable. The performance of listed companies in the food and beverage sub-sector which has a large and significant difference and fluctuated during the study period. This research uses SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis based on component or variance, namely Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of the study show 1) The asset variable has no effect on the financial performance variable in the food and beverage sub-sector companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2016 - 2020. 2) The debt variable has no effect on the financial performance variable. 3) The profit variable is able to moderate the relationship between the asset variable and the financial performance variable and has a positive direction (strengthening) its influence on financial performance. This moderating variable can be classified into predictor moderation where the profit variable has an effect on the financial performance variable, while the moderating effect 1 has no effect on the financial performance variable. 4) The profit variable is able to moderate the relationship between the debt variable and the financial performance variable and has a positive direction (strengthening) its influence on financial performance. This moderating variable can be classified into predictor moderation where the profit variable has an effect on the financial performance variable, while the moderation effect 2 has no effect on the financial performance variable.
Co-Authors . Mansur . Saifuddin Abdul Hakim ACHMAD FAUZI Ahmad Budiaman Ahmad Jaeni Albetris Albetris Amin Otoni Zebua Andi Pamungkas Angga Kharisma Putra Anisatuzzuhriah Anisatuzzuhriah Anwar, Anas Iswanto Arna Suryani Ary Iswanto Wibowo Arya Suryani Burhanuddin Abdullah Dadang Iskandar Mulyana` Debby Hatmalyakin Deby Pratiwi Dwi Martiningsih Edi Widodo Enny Nazrah Pulungan Fakhrul Rozi Yamali Fauzan Alfikrie Fitri Sucia Fitria Dwi Wahyuningsih Gustio Aprilda Harits Fadlly Hendra Wijayanto Heru Suparman Imam Arif Purnawan Imam Suseno Irvan Mohammad Regent Irwan Irwan Istiana Istiana Iswanto Iswanto Jonni Syatri Khairun Nisa Khoirunnisa Az-Zahra Khoirunnisa Khoirunnisa Kristian Kristian Lasminiasih Lasminiasih - Lely Prananingrum Luh Putu Ratna Sundari Lukiyana, Lukiyana M. Zahari Masnia Ahmad Miftah Andriansyah Miftah Andriansyah Mimi Mimi Amaludin Muchlis Muhammad Hanafi Muhamad Saleh Muhammad Ali Rusdi Bedong Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Kamal Zubair Muhammad Zikri Mustopa Mustopa NANA NANA Nazipawati Nazipawati Nelly Al Audhah Noor Farikhah Haneda Novegya Ratih Primanda Novie Al Muhariah Nurhadiyanti Nurhadiyanti Nurpratiwi Osep Hijuzaman Osrita Hapsara R Adisetiawan R. Adisetiawan Raldy Hendrianu Rangga Agusta Wijaya Rehan Fazalia Ananda Rooswhan B Utomo Rooswhan Budhi Utomo Rr. Artiana Krestianti Saiyid Syeikh Saiyid Syekh Salsabila Padang Sandhi Prajaka Sandhi Prajaka Saptaning Ruju Paminto Setia Abikusna Sisman Prasetyo Suryani Suryani Susilowati Susilowati Tri Fitri Yanti Uti Rusdian Hidayat Wanwan Jamaludin Winda Kustiawan Yayi Suryo Prabandari Yunan Surono Yunita Elianda Zaenal Arifin Madzkur Zuli Iskandar Zur Rahman