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Penggunaan Pertamax Sebagai Modifier Pada Lasbutag Campuran Dingin Untuk Perkerasan Jalan Alamsyah, Alik Ansyori
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 9, No 1 (2011): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (54.477 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v9i1.1110


This research is to know  there are any influences of variation modifier to marshall like Stability, Flow,  Marshall Quotient, and Air Void. And ideal variation mixture of Asbuton by using Pertamax as using rate pave oil 2%, 2,2 %, 2,4%, 2,6%, 2,8%, and 3% ,  made object test counted 3 x 6 test object ( for statistical test) which in form of volume weighing cylinder 1200 grams. variation of Modifier total which used in this research are 3,75%, 3,85%, 3,95%, 4,05%, 4,15%, and 4,25% and for the each of - variation modifier use 3 test object. Stability of Marshall will reach under conditions at usage of total modifier 3,83% and will reach conditions of maximal at usage of total modifier 4,68%. From variation of modifier fulfilling conditions of  SNI-06-2489-1991 Lasbutag Cold Mix for the Stability , Flow, Air Void and Marshall Quotient which have been known, can be calculated ideal modifier for the Lasbutag Cold Mix that is ± 4,10%.Keyword : Pertamax, Lasbutag, cold mix
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 10, No 2 (2012): Agustus
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (118.931 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v10i2.1781


Alik Ansyori AlamsyahJurusan Teknik Sipil – Fakultas TeknikUniversitas Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : Jl. Raya Tlogomas, No.246 MalangEmail: alik.syah@yahoo.comABSTRACTAsbuton is one type of natural asphalt from Buton island. How to use existing asbuton diverseas Lasbutag (Buton Asphalt Layers Beragregat) cold mix or ACAS (Aggregate Cold Abuton Sheet),or hot mix Asbuton Ahaz (Aggregate Asbuton Hot Sheet), a hot mixture of non-aggregate AsbutonNahas (Non Aggregate Asbuton Hot Sheet ) and non-aggregate mixture to cool Asbuton NACAS(Non aggregate cold Asbuton Sheet).LASBUTAG marshall stability value in the hot mixture showed no variation of the initial valuebefore the collision modifier of 244.772 kg at 3.6%: 50%, while the modifier 3.6%: 216.733 75% invalue, where the stability is eligible for the low traffic . To be used for medium and heavy traffic, thecollision is carried out at 49.5 and 224.6. In the hot mixture LASBUTAG modifier composition3.6%: 75%, the collision is carried out for 105 and traffic is heavy at 395. VIM on both compositionsare still relatively large and showed a decrease with increasing stability in LASBUTAG hot mixture.VMA qualified on both the composition of the modifier, above 16%. Flow on LASBUTAG hotmixture showed a trend to decline with the collision. From the test results and analysis show thatthe compaction of different variations affect the stability of the marshal.Keywords: Lasbutag, Variations Compaction, Mixed Heat
Penggunaan Abu Ampas Tebu (Bagasse Ash Of Sugar Cane) sebagai Bahan Pengganti Filler pada Campuran Aspal Panas (Hot Mix) Latasir B Alamsyah, Alik Ansyori; Meiyanto, Hari Eko
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 14, No 1 (2016): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (796.706 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v14i1.3285


From year to year the Portland cement ( PC ) are known to have the price up and down. The Portland cement ( PC ) is used as a filler for asphalt mix is very limited , so it sought an alternative to the use of filler . The existence of abundant ash bagasse in sugar mills Indonesia is still not utilized properly . For now bagasse ash in Indonesian factories only used as fertilizer for sugarcane . This study aims to investigate the performance of hot mix asphalt ( HOT MIX ) LATASIR type - B ( HRSS - B ) with bagasse ash as filler material substitution using a variation of the collision. Specimens are made comprised of three major groups , namely : the test specimen using cement and bitumen of penetration 80/100 ( PC ) , the test object using bagasse ash and bitumen of penetration 80/100 with ( U.S. ) and the test object using the ash residue cane with a variation of the collision and penetration bitumen 80/100 with ( U.S. ) . Total specimen made amounted to 45 , for each type of mixture made 15 test specimens . For ( PC ) Levels of asphalt used is at 6.90% , 7.90% , 8.90 % , 9.90 % , and 10.90 % . Specifications are used to follow the standard Ministry of Settlements and Regional Infrastructure in 2001 using the Marshall method. Filler levels for each of the mixtures was 8.13% and 7.40% OBC generated . For ( AT ) levels fiiler used is 5.00 % , 10.00 % , 15.00 % , 20.00 % , and 25.00 % OBC for each - each mixture was 7.40% and the resulting levels of filler optimum bagasse ash of 7.10 % . Characteristic strength of the mixture based on the value of the stability conditions of the OBC and optimum filler levels . Carrying capacity of filler cement ( PC ) in a mixture of filler OBC 7.40% 8.13% yield and stability of the value of 720 kg , the carrying capacity of bagasse ash ( AT ) in a mixture of 7.40% OBC and filler 7.10% yield stability values 823.35 kg , while carrying a mixed impact on OBC 45 7.40% 7.10 % filler and produce value stability 840.66 kg.
Media Teknik Sipil Vol 13, No 1 (2015): Februari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (178.381 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jmts.v13i1.2539


KORELASI ANTARA TEMPERATUR PEMADATAN PADA CAMPURAN ASPAL BETON HASIL DAUR ULANG TERHADAP STABILITAS MARSHALLCorrelation Between Compaction Temperature In Mixed Asphalt Concrete Recycling of Stability of MarshallAlik Ansyori AlamsyahJurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik – Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat korespondensi : Jalan Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang 65144Email : alik.syah@yahoo.comAbstractRoad improvement by adding an additional layer that will result in continuous thicker pavement layer thickness and material required dwindling. Besides, with the amount of dredging mix pavement roads that are not used in some places add to the waste pile. With treatment using pavement recycling technologies (recycling) is an alternative to overcome this problem because it has several advantages such as pavement can restore and maintain strength and overcome the geometric dependence of new materials. The addition of new material and additional material or material scratch mark on the old pavement is an alternative to increase the carrying capacity of the material scratchmark. The study was conducted at the Laboratory of University of Muhammadiyah Malang Highway. The quality of asphalt concrete mixtures with the addition of recycled asphalt can only be known through the Marshall test results (stability, melting plastic, the results for the marshal, and the cavity in the mix). Used asphalt is asphalt with a penetration of 80/100 is a variation of temperature to be used is 130°C, 12°C, 110°C, 100°C, 90°C and 80°C. From the results of the research can be seen that the decrease in the solidification temperature will decrease stability, Marshall Quotient for the entire binder content. For Flow values at a temperature of 130 ° C compaction - 80 ° C showed an increase.Keywords : Temperature Compaction, Asphalt Concrete Recycling resultsAbstrakPeningkatan jalan dengan cara penambahan lapis tambahan yang terus menerus akan mengakibatkan tebal lapis perkerasan semakin tebal dan bahan yang diperlukan semakin menipis. Disamping itu dengan banyaknya campuran perkerasan dari hasil pengerukan jalan yang sudah tidak terpakai menambah tumpukan limbah dibeberapa tempat. Dengan penanganan yang menggunakan teknologi daur ulang perkerasan (recycling) merupakan suatu alternatif untuk mengatasi masalah ini karena memiliki beberapa keuntungan seperti dapat mengembalikan kekuatan perkerasan dan mempertahankan geometrik jalan serta mengatasi ketergantungan akan material baru. Penambahan bahan baru dan atau bahan tambahan pada material bekas garukan perkerasan lama merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk meningkatkan daya dukung dari material bekas garukan. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Jalan Raya Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Kualitas campuran aspal beton hasil daur ulang dengan penambahan aspal baru dapat diketahui melalui hasil uji Marshall (stabilitas, kelelehan plastis, hasil bagi marshall, serta rongga dalam campuran). Aspal yang digunakan adalah aspal dengan penetrasi 80/100 sedang variasi temperatur yang akan digunakan adalah 130 °C, 120 °C, 110 °C, 100 °C, 90 °C dan 80 °C . Dari hasil penelitian dapat dilihat bahwa penurunan temperatur pemadatan akan berakibat turunnya stabilitas, Marshal Quotient untuk seluruh kadar aspal. Untuk nilai Flow pada temperatur pemadatan 130 °C – 80 °C menunjukkan peningkatan.Kata Kunci : Temperatur Pemadatan, Aspal Beton Hasil Daur Ulang.
Jurnal Dedikasi Vol 8 (2011): Mei
Publisher : Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (253.177 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/dedikasi.v8i0.689


Desa Donowarih Kecamatan Karangploso merupakan daerah yang terletak disebelah Baratdari Kecamatan Karangploso dengan penduduk yang berjumlah sekitar 7.206 jiwa merupakansalah satu Desa yang mempunyai penduduk terpadat di kawasan Karangploso. Desa Donowarihterbagi menjadi 5 pedukuhan dimana penduduk mayoritasnya mempunyai mata pencaharianpetani dan berpendidikan mayoritas setingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama.Mata pencaharian sebagai petani jelas lahan pertanian merupakan gantungan hidup bagiwarga Desa Donowarih tersebut. Kondisi ini sangat mempengaruhi daya beli masyarakat. Lahanpertanian masyarakat Desa Donowarih 75 % merupakan lahan sawah dan merupakan sentrapertanian sayur di Kecamatan Karangploso. Selama ini masyarakat Desa Donowarih pada saatmelakukan panen sangat terkendala sarana prasarana karena itu hasil pertanian yang ada kurangbegitu optimal dalam mendongkrak pendapatan bagi warga Desa Donowarih. Hal ini terjadikarena hasil panen masih terpotong oleh pengeluaran – pengeluaran pasca panen berupapemasarannya.Akses yang ada untuk menuju lahan pertanian selama ini hanya berupa jalan setapak. Halini tentu sangat berdampak terhadap petani sayur di Desa Donowarih. Beberapa upaya sudahdilakukan oleh perangkat desa beserta masyarakat untuk memperbaiki akses menuju arealpertanian, tetapi selalu terkendala banyak faktor. Melihat kondisi tersebut, perlu dilaksanakanpembangunan infra struktur berupa pembangunan/ peningkatan jalan makadam. Dalam pengabdianini telah terlaksana/pembangunan dan peningkatan dengan panjang sekitar 1000 meter. Kedepanseiring dengan permintaan masyarakat Desa Donowarih perlu ditingkatkan lagi dengan jalanlapis penetrasi.Pembangunan sarana dan prasarana jalan desa/kampung menentukan peningkatan kegiatanekonomi masyarakat, untuk itu diperlukan program keberlanjutan yang melibatkan pemerintahdaerah, perguruan tinggi, dan masyarakat untuk melaksanakan pembangunan dan perawatanjalan di desa/kampung.
Jurnal Gamma Vol 8, No 1 (2012): September
Publisher : Jurnal Gamma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (266.879 KB)


Korelasi Antara Penambahan Aspal Minyak Pada Campuran Perkerasan Aspal Beton Hasil Daur Ulang Terhadap Karakteristik MarshallAlik  Ansyori  AlamsyahStaf Pengajar Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas TeknikUniversitas Muhammadiyah MalangEmail: alik.syah@yahoo.comABSTRACTImproved  road  by  adding  extra  layers  of  constant  thickness  will  result  in increasingly thick layers of pavement and materials needed thining. Treatment with pavement  recycling  technologies  (recycling)  is  an  alternative  to  overcome  this problem because it has several  advantages such as to restore power and maintain the geometric road pavement and overcome dependence on new material. Recycling processed and supported by adequate equipment will  produce a mixture that can offset the value structure of the mixture. The addition of new  materials and or additional  materials  in the  former  material  scratching  the  old  pavement  is  one alternative to increase the carrying capacity of ex-scratching material.Research conducted at the Laboratory of Highway Muhammadiyah University of Malang. The quality of asphalt concrete recycled with the addition of new asphalt can be known through the Marshall test results (stability, flow plastically, the results for the marshall, and the cavity in the mix). The binder used was 60/70 penetration bitumen with each variation with the addition of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, and 2.5%. From the result showed that the addition of new asphalt on a mixture of  recycled asphalt to improve the power tie. Optimum asphalt content based on the value of stability, flow, and Marshall Quotient amounted to 7.25% of the total weight of the mixture, then there was  an increase of 0.45% asphalt needs of optimum asphalt content of 6.8%.Keywords : Marshall stability, recycling, asphalt.
Jurnal Dedikasi Vol 9 (2012): Mei
Publisher : Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (53.476 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/dedikasi.v9i0.1378


Alik Ansyori AlamsyahJurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : Jln. Raya Tlogomas, No.246 MalangEmail: Desa Ngenep kecamatan Karangploso merupakan daerah yang terletak wilayah utara dariKecamatan Karangploso. Dengan penduduk yang berjumlah sekitar 6.614 jiwa merupakan salahsatu desa yang mempunyai penduduk terpadat di kawasan Karangploso. Desa Ngenep terbagi menjadi6 pedukuhan dimana penduduk mayoritas mempunyai mata pencaharian petani dan berpendidikanmayoritas setingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama.Ngenep merupakan desa yang menempati daerah yang mempunyai topografi sangat ekstrim.Sehingga diperlukan suatu saluran drainase yang benar ? benar memadai untuk dapat menampunglimpahan air hujan yang juga cukup tinggi. Selama ini Desa Ngenep sering mengalami musibah banjiryang diakibatkan tingginya curah hujan yang terjadi dan ditunjang dengan perbedaan yang sangatekstrim muka tanah aslinya.Melihat kondisi tersebut maka telah dilakukan suatu pembenahan yang dalam hal ini pengabdimelakukan sosialisasi dan mendesain saluran draianse sesuai dengan debit curah hujan yang adasehingga pada musim hujan tidak lagi mengalami banjir yang akan merusak jalan Desa NgenepKecamatan Karangploso.Kata Kunci : Drainase jalan, Banjir, Desa Ngenep
Drainage Channels to Control Flooding and Road Damage Alamsyah, Alik Ansyori
Jurnal Dedikasi Vol 17, No 1 (2020): May
Publisher : Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (332.482 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/dedikasi.v17i1.12350


The purpose of this program is to motivate the community to build and control the drainage channels. Ngenep Village often experiences floods caused by high rainfall and extreme differences in the original land surface. Seeing this condition, an assistance program should be carried out to realize the hopes of the people of Ngenep Village to have a drainage channel that can hold rainwater. This program is carried out on the residents of Ngenep Village, Karangploso Malang with the hope of increasing the accessibility of the Ngenep village community and other villages that often pass the road. This program was carried out with data collection and data processing that included observations and interviews with the people of Ngenep Village. It was found that the people of Ngenep Village lacked awareness of their environment and cleanliness, this was compounded by the lack of role of the Village apparatus as Modeling or who gave treatments that could set an example for the Ngenep Village Community. The results of the intervention, especially training and outreach to citizens, showed an increase in motivation to change lifestyles from the inattentive to be more attentive to the environment, this is indicated by the start to maintenance drainage channels.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 5 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Gradasi Teknik Sipil - Juni 2021
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31961/gradasi.v5i1.1052


Salah satu cara meningkatkan mutu campuran beraspal adalah dengan menambah bahan aditif ke dalam aspal. Bahan aditif yang dipilih adalah plastik jenis LDPE. Pemilihan plastik ini karena kemudahan mendapatkan dan sebagai salah satu solusi mengurangi kerusakan lingkungan karena plastik. Penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi salah satu upaya untuk pengelolaan plastik dan menjadi acuan dalam mengamati karakteristik aspal yang diganti sebagian dengan LDPE. Analisa dilakukan dengan cara mencari terlebih dahulu KAO dari campuran aspal pen 60/70 HRS-WC. Dari hasil KAO (kadar aspal optimum) yang didapatkan, dilakukan substitusi kadar aspal dengan plastik LDPE. Kadar LDPE yang digunakan yaitu 0%, 2%, 4%, 6% dan 8%. Hasil dari 2%, 4%, 6%, dan 8% kadar LDPE dibandingkan dengan kadar LDPE 0%. Dari hasil Analisa yang dilakukan, semakin banyaknya kadar plastik LDPE yang dipakai maka akan semakin mengurangi nilai stabilitas, MQ, dan VFA. Nilai VIM dan VMA semakin meningkat seiring semakin banyaknya kadar LDPE yang dipakai. Pada nilai stabilitas, stabilitas sisa dan MQ mengalami peningkatan pada kadar 2% tetapi mengalami penurunan kembali di kadar 4%, 6% dan 8%.
Evaluasi Desain Terminal Penumpang Bandar Udara Sentani Jayapura Provinsi Papua Samin Samin; Alifia Dian Khoiriani; Alik Ansyori Alamsyah
Borneo Engineering : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Volume 5 Nomor 3 Tahun 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/be.v5i3.2065


Sentani Airport serves public using air transportation with increasing people mobility conditions because Jayapura is the National Activity Center, so it causes frequent accumulation of passengers in the terminal area especially during peak hours. To determine the effectiveness of the terminal in accommodating the flow of passenger movement, it is necessary to evaluate the terminal design of Sentani Airport. The method used is to calculate the number of PWS with passenger distribution patterns, calculate the standard area of terminal capacity using references from SNI 03-7046-2004 and SKEP 77/VI/2005, calculate the terminal LOS with IATA standards, measure the airport service standards based on PM 178 of 2015, processing passengers’ perceptions with IPA and QFD methods and forecasting with simple linier regression. From the analysis, Sentani Airport terminal gives passengers mobility with low service performance value, so it is rated as less optimal. In addition, the limited availability of several facilities causes the passengers feeling less comfortable. Thus, it is necessary to re-design the passenger terminal area and re-management the facilities according to Angkasa Pura standards.