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Avicenna: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 14, No 01 (2019): Jurnal Ilmiah Avicenna
Publisher : Public Health Department, Faculty of Health Science University Muhammadiyah Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36085/avicenna.v14i01.231


ABSTRAKSPeran tenaga perawat dalam menyelenggarakan pelayanan kesehatan sangatlah penting.  Tenaga perawat relatif lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan tenaga kesehatan lainnya, maka wajarlah jika loyalitas kerja perawat sangat berperan untuk menjadi penentu bagi citra rumah sakit. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor pemberian kesejahteraan, faktor fasilitas kerja dan suasana kerja mempengaruhi loyalitas perawat RSUD Hasanudin Damrah Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan.Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan metode survei, penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada 12 Agustus – 12 September 2016 RSUD Hasanudin Damrah Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 105 orang, sedangkan sampel yang diambil sebanyak 51 orang perawat. Metode analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji chi square.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberian tunjangan kesejahteraan  berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas kerja perawat dengan nilai koefisien sebesar 6.332 (0,012 0,05). Penyedian fasilitas kerja tidak berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas kerja perawat. Suasana kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas kerja perawat dengan nilai koefisien sebesar 8.430 (0,004 0.05) dan merupakan faktor yang paling besar berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas kerja perawat. Saran, diperlukan evaluasi terhadap fasilitas perawat saat ini, jika perlu disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Kata Kunci : Loyalitas Perawat, Tunjangan Kesejahteraan, Fasilitas Kerja, Suasana Kerja
Avicenna: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 15, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Avicenna
Publisher : Public Health Department, Faculty of Health Science University Muhammadiyah Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36085/avicenna.v15i1.757


Bermain plastisin bagi anak usia dini mempunyai banyak manfaat, salah satunya yaitu meningkatkan kreativitas anak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi bermain plastisin terhadap tingkat kreativitas anak prasekolah di PAUD Anak Cemerlang Kota Bengkulu.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pre-eksperimen dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian “one group pre test and post test design”, sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 15 anak, dengan pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling.Hasil penelitian Analisis univariat menunjukkan tingkat kreativitas anak prasekolah sebelum diberikan terapi bermain plastisin 9 orang anak mulai berkembang dan 6 orang anak berkembang sesuai harapan. Tingkat kreativitas anak setelah diberikan terapi bermain plastisin menjadi 14 orang anak berkembang sesuai harapan dan 1 orang anak berkembang sangat baik. Rata-rata tingkat kreativitas sebelum diberikan terapi bermain plastisin adalah 47,83 dengan standar deviasi 4,21. Rata-rata tingkat kreativitas setelah diberikan terapi bermain plastisin terjadi peningkatan kreativitas sebesar 57,97 dengan standar deviasi 7,12. Analisis bivariat dengan uji t-dependent didapatkan p-value = 0,000.Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini ada pengaruh bermain plastisin terhadap tingkat kreativitas anak prasekolah di PAUD Anak Cemerlang Kota Bengkulu. Diharapkan pihak sekolah dapat melanjutkan bermain plastisin dengan berbagai variasi di PAUD Anak Cemerlang untuk meningkatkan kreativitas anak prasekolah
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa Vol 7, No 12 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa

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AbstractThis study aims to determine how the application of LCD projector learning media on social studies subjects in class VIII A Al-Asy'ariyyah Islamic Middle School in North Pontianak. The research method used is descriptive in the form of qualitative research. The primary data sources in this study were teachers and students at Al-Asy'Ariyyah Islamic Middle School in North Pontianak, while secondary data sources in this study were documents or recapitulated values given by the teacher. Research results Learning using conventional methods is considered less effective because there are many obstacles faced by the teacher and also the material explained by the teacher does not reach the learning objectives to be achieved. As for the implementation of learning using LCD media this projector is very effective in attracting students' attention to focus during learning. This is evidenced by the increase in student learning outcomes before and after using LCD Projector learning media. Before using the LCD projector media the average pre-test value of class VIII A students was 53.57. Whereas after using the LCD Projector media the average scores of class VIII A students' tests increased to 78.21. This shows that the application of LCD projector learning media on social studies subjects in class VIII A of Al-Asy'ariyyah Islamic Middle School in North Pontianak can improve student learning outcomes. Keywords:  Application, LCD Media Projector, Learning Outcomes
MOLD PROPERTIES OF INDONESIA NATURE SAND AS GREEN SAND Hendronursito, Yusup; Amin, Muhammad; Isnugroho, Kusno; Birawidha, David Candra
Majalah Ilmiah Pengkajian Industri Vol. 13 No. 1 (2019): Majalah Ilmiah Pengkajian Industri
Publisher : Deputi TIRBR-BPPT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29122/mipi.v13i1.2699


The mould properties of Juwono sand, were investigated. The samples were subjected to various physical and mechanical test. These include permeability, green compression strength, and chemical composition by XRF/ XRD analysis. Green shear strength, grain shape, water content, and clay content were also carried out on the samples. Juwono sand casting containing 32.76% clay and category in grade 212/75 of fine sub grades were found to posses adequate permeability, good strength and refractoriness suitable for casting of both ferrous and non ferrous alloys.
Jurnal Sakinah Vol 1 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) STITNU Sakinah Dharmasraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2564/js.v1i1.11


The purpose of this research is to know how to analyze the management of Islamic education at the time of Rasulullah SAW, knowing how to analyze the management of Islamic education in modern times, and know the comparative analysis of Islamic Education management in the time of Rasulullah SAW and in modern times. Based on the results of the research can be noted that from the author's analysis on the management of Islamic education at the time of Rasulullah SAW can be deduced from planning (planning) that is fundamental to the educational purpose of the friends and this people only one, that is the moral remedy, and it is a vision of education in it. Organizing (organizing), at the time of Rasulullah SAW organizing which became the strength of the Dicala is the trust and spirit in implementing the trust given to the companions actuating (Implementation), at the time of Rasulullah SAW implementation is done in the process of education is to try the professional and try without complaining controlling (supervision) at the time of Rasulullah SAW supervision.
Darul Ilmi: Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan dan Keislaman Vol 2, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : IAIN Padangsidimpuan

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Every job must begin with intention. The intention should be based on sincerity. Sincere intention is an act that is intended solely for Allah. Sincere intentions get a reward from Allah, otherwise if there is no sincere intention there is no a reward from Allah. Intention locates in the heart, therefore every believer who wants to work  should put it in his heart.
Utilization of Blast Furnace Solid Waste (Slag) As Cement Substitution Material on Mortar Manufacture Amin, Muhammad; Isnugroho, Kusno; Hendronursito, Yusup
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri Vol. 9 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Balai Besar Standardisasi dan Pelayanan Jasa Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21771/jrtppi.2018.v9.no1.p22-28


Slag is defined as a waste material produced from iron ore smelting process in blast furnace. The slag was derived from Research Center for Mineral Technology located in Tanjung Bintang Lampung Selatan with particle size of 80,100, and 120 mesh. The percentages of slag used as cement substitution were 10%, 20%, and 30% from total volume. Test pieces was made by compressing all mixture material in 50 x 50 x 50 mm cubical mortar mold. Physical test of mortars, such as : porosity test, density test and compressive strength test were performed. Based on physical test of samples, it was shown that the higher ratio of slag used in cement substitution gives higher mortar porosity. Substitution of 10% slag with size of 100 mesh produced the porosity of 3.45%, while the substitution 20% and 30% slag with the same size, produced 5.08% and 5.76% porosity, compared with the standard of mortar which was 5.12%. The compressive strength test with 10% slag substitution was 19.3 Mpa, while 20% substitute slag gave the compressive strength of 19.1 Mpa and 30% substitute slag has compressive strength value of 18.7 Mpa. The standard mortar is 17.2 Mpa. However, beside of slag substitution ratio, the slag particle size also affected the compressive strength and porosity. Based on the results explained, the substitution of slag as a substitute for cement in mortar strength was still above the mortar standard.
Processing of granite quarry solid waste into industrial high silica materials using leaching process with HCl concentration variation Hendronursito, Yusup; Amin, Muhammad; Sumardi, Slamet; Marjunus, Roniyus; Clarasati, Frista; Birawidha, David Candra; Muttaqqi, Muhammad Al; Isnugroho, Kusno
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Balai Besar Standardisasi dan Pelayanan Jasa Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21771/jrtppi.2020.v11.no2.p43-50


This study was aimed to increase granite's silica content using the leaching process with HCl concentration variation. The granite used in this study came from Lematang, South Lampung. This study aims to determine the effect of variations in HCl concentration, particle size, and rotational speed on the crystalline phase and chemical elements formed in the silica product produced from granite. The HCl concentration variations were 6.0 M, 7.2 M, 8.4 M, and 9.6 M, the variation in particle size used was 270 and 400 mesh. Variations in rotational speed during leaching were 500 and 750 rpm. Granite powder was calcined at 1000 ºC for 2 hours. Characterization was performed using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP- OES). The results showed that the silica content increased with increasing HCl concentration, the finer the particle size, and the higher the rotational speed. XRF analysis showed that the silica with the highest purity was leached with 9.6 HCl with a particle size of 400 mesh and a rotational speed of of 750 rpm, which was 73.49%. Based on the results above, by leaching using HCl, the Si content can increase from before. The XRD diffractogram showed that the granite powder formed the Quartz phase.
El -Hekam Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : State Institute for Islamic Studies Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/jeh.v1i1.340


This paper examines the impact of the destruction of the Abbasid dynasty to the contemporary Islamic world. Abbasid dynasty setbacks caused by two factors, namely internal and external. Internal factors are the most dominant influence on deterioration of the Abbasid dynasty, which for Muslims to leave their religion. While external factors are the most dominant influence on deterioration of the Abbasid dynasty, namely: the Crusades and the Mongol army raid into the torritery of Islam. The impact of the destruction of the Abbasid dynasty to the contemporary Islamic world seen from the aspect of science, politics and economics. In the aspect of science, after the fall of the Abbasid Muslims are always behind in the field of science against the West. In the political aspect, when the Muslims led by a king who was a Syamanism (worshipers of sun) is Khulagu Khan, and the contemporary period the loss of the power of Islam as a superpower. Muslims are fragmented, Muslims colonized by the West, there is no caliphate. Meanwhile, in the economic field, after the fall of the Abbasid Muslims suffered poverty and the economy dominated by Western nations today.Keywords: Collapse, Abbasid Dynasty, Conteparary Islamic world
Studi Kitab Hadis Telaah terhadap Manhaj Kitab Sunan Abu Dawud Amin, Muhammad
Tadbir: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah FDIK IAIN Padangsidimpuan Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Tadbir: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah FDIK IAIN Padangsidimpuan
Publisher : FDIK IAIN Padangsidimpuan

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Imam Abu Dawud took the style of manhaj with fiqh which began from the book of Taharah and was closed with the book adab. The number of books in the discussion amounted to 36 books, with 1,871 chapters, with the number of hadiths of 5274. Abu Dawud chose his manhaj style with fiqh style so that it would make it easier for people to understand the fiqh problems systematically starting from taharah to adab, while making it easier for the people to find the legal traditions needed. Of course, the manhaj Abu Dawud is inseparable from the shortcomings of the other Imam Hadith manhaj, such as the unavailability of traditions related to the jurisprudence, and not the collection of a valid hadith value in the book
Co-Authors Achmad Syarifudin, Achmad Adil Jamali, Adil Agus, Aulia Ahmad Mashadi Ahmad Sidik Al Muttaqii, Muhammad Ali Parkhan Aminuyati Aprimal Aprimal, Aprimal Ayaz Ali Khan, Ayaz Ali Bhismoadi Tri Wahyu Faizal Bintang Agustina Pratiwi Bintang Y.M. Sinaga, Bintang Y.M. Birawidha, David Candra Birawidha, David Candra Candra Birawidha, David Clarasati, Frista Eduard Yohannis Tamaela Elamnisa, Wiwin Erwin Prawiro, Erwin F.Y. Khosmas Fitri, Nuzullia Ghulam Nabi, Ghulam hary maiky sudaryadi, hary maiky Hatta, Candra Hendro, Beko Hendronursito, Yusuf HERU LISTIONO Hj. Astina, MP, Ir Imran Rachman Irwan Fathurrochman, Irwan Isnugroho, Kusno Isnugroho, Kusno Ita, Muqtasidah Karo Karo, Pulung Kusmiyati Kusmiyati Kusrini, Elisa Lestiawati, Ida Mahyudin Ritonga Marjunus, Roniyus Matompo, Osgar S. Mufakhir, Fiqa Rofiq Muhamad Yamin Noch muhammad akib abro, muhammad akib Muhammad Danial Sentosa, Muhammad Danial Muhammad Subri Muliadi, Jefri Muslim, Suyitno Muttaqii, Muhammad Al Muttaqqi, Muhammad Al Nandy Putra Oktarianita, Oktarianita Prilitasari, Nurbaiti Marsas Rahayu, Agilistiya Rahmat Hidayat Rajaguguk, Tumpal Ojahan realita christi kinasih, realita christi Sahbudin Sahbudin Saputra, Asep Andri Sarbino, MP, Ir sari putri Sari, Suci Pitria Sitti Ramlah Slamet Sumardi, Slamet Soedjajadi Keman Solly Aryza Sori M Sarumpaet, Sori M Sugiatno Sugiatno Suharto Suharto Supriyatna, Yayat Iman Surijadi, Herman Susilawati . Sutriyati Suwarno Suwarno Syamsudin Syamsudin Syamsul Komar Ubaidillah Anwar Prabu Victor Pattiasina Wahda, Wahda Wati, Nopia Wedy Nasrul, Wedy Weny Herlina Widi Astuti Wirasti, Murti Kusuma Yahwardiah Siregar Yulia, Andini Yusup Hendronursito, Yusup Zulianto, Sugit