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IbM Kelompok Usaha Pengolahan Kerupuk Ikan Di Desa Tedunan Anam, Khoirul; Hidayat, Solikhul
Proceeding Seminar LPPM UMP Tahun 2014 2014: Proceeding Seminar Nasional LPPM 2014, 20 Desember 2014
Publisher : Proceeding Seminar LPPM UMP Tahun 2014

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Artikel ini memaparkan hasil program IbM, dilatarbelakangi masalah yang dihadapi oleh kelompok usaha produksi Mentari dan Lestari, sebuah kelompok usaha yang bergerak dalam pengolahan kerupuk ikan. Masalah utama yang dihadapi adalah proses produksi, pengolahan dan manajemen bisnis yang masih sangat tradisional. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan kegiatan meningkatkan motivasi wirausaha mitra; meningkatkan pemahaman mitra tentang teknik produksi dan pemasaran. Hasil dari kegiatan ini diantaranya pelatihan motivasi wirausaha untuk meningkatkan jiwa entrepreneurship anggota KUP; pendampingan pengelolaan keuangan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengelolaan keuangan; program arisan bahan baku yang dikelola oleh pengurus KUP, untuk membantu permodalan utamanya pemenuhan kebutuhan bahan baku produksi. Program IbM sangat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat setidaknya beberapa warga Desa Tedunan yang awalnya merasa putus asa tidak lagi memproduksi kerupuk, dengan pelaksanaan pelatihan, motivasi dan bisnis melalui program IbM, motivasi dan semangat masyarakat untuk membuat kerupuk kembali lagi, selain itu dari yang belum membuat kerupuk ikut mencoba memproduksi kerupuk, serta adanya tekat dari pengurus KUP menjadikan Desa Tedunan sebagai sentra produksi kerupuk ikan.Keywods: IbM, pendampingan, kelompok usaha, kerupuk ikan
Sinektika Vol 14, No 1: Januari 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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"> Riset ini dilatar belakangi penghawaan alami di dalam bangunan merupakan jaminanadanya aliran udara yang baik dan sehat dengan kesejukan yang sewajarnya. Untukmendapatkan penghawaan yang baik perlu dirancang bentuk elemen, elemen dandetail arsitektur yang bertujuan  engoptimalkan aliran udara sejuk. Pertimbangan utama dalam perancangan optimalisasi penghawaan alami adalah denganmenganalisis datangnya arah angin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakahpenghawaan alami pada obyek penelitian sudah sesuai standar yang berlaku ataubelum memenuhi standar yang berlaku. Obyek penelitian dalam hal ini adalah Omah Sinten Heritage Hotel dan Resto. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif – kualitatif diskriptif dan kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ruangyang diteliti pada obyek tersebut di atas tidak memenuhi standart peraturan yangberlaku.
Publisher : PEDAGOGY

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Management of character education in building a culture of schools include: Planning character education has an urgent position in building a school culture with menitiktekankan on activities that character, habituation and installation slogans. Organizing character education carried out by the direct command of the leaders of educational institutions, but it should be demanded active participation of the academic community of the institutions. Implementation of character education is implemented in accordance with the scenarios that have been planned, under the responsibility of each and every person in charge of carrying out the task as well as possible with the various advantages and disadvantages of each. Control measures implemented code execution pendidikaan integrated by all interested parties, is ongoing or continue and shall be responsible for himself before others and before the One Who is Aware.
Planning of the Ergonomic Seat for Four Wheel Tractor Based on Anthropometry Lutfi, Musthofa; Anam, Khoirul; Hidayah, Titik Nur
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 11, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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Seat is a dominant factor in increasing the healthy and safety for four-wheel tractor operator.  Therefore it is needed to be designed to suit the Indonesian people body’s dimension in general. This study was done to measure the body’s dimension of 100 students at the age of 19 to 30 years old. The data collected from this sample were: genuflection height data, shoulder’s height to sitting position data, pelvis width data, the distance of genuflection to the base data, the distance of the curve central point of vertebrate, and the weight of body in sitting position. The result of this study shows that: the present height of tractor seat base is 35 cm, while the proposed height is 39 cm. The present length of seat base is 34 cm while the proposed length is 51 cm. The present width of the seat base is 34 cm while the proposed width is 41 cm. The present height of back of the seat is 27 cm while the proposed height is 64 cm. The present width of back of the seat is 40 cm while the proposed width is 50 cm. The proposed curved of the back is 33 cm. The load can be resisted is 53 kg. Keywords: anthropometrics, tractor, ergonomic
Respon Mainstream Terhadap Globalisasi dan Aplikasinya Anam, Khoirul
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Wahana Akademika
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v3i1.869


AbstractGlobalization as a multi-dimensional phenomenon at some point generate a variety of perspectives. On the one hand, the scientists assume that globalization is a science paradigrma (grand theory) in the scholarly community service, but if we look at the broader aspects of the globalization of the implications of globalization also posed on the pattern of development of science and technology world. Th is paper tries to elaborate the implications of globalization as an approach in the social sciences to the pattern of development of science and technology. In the early 1970s gold reached a stage of development of capitalism and technological development pattern at that time adopted many technological developments (hard technology) but when in the 1990s era of globalization comes the pattern of technological developments turn out to be more humane. What happens is that there is an attempt to force a culture to another culture. Th is will have a big impact on the life of society. Today, people fed to then make Western culture as daily until the new kemudian budaya releasing or removing peoples identity. To overcome it, clearly need to be selective in accepting a culture.Keyword: globalization, technology, culture.
De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syari'ah Vol 2, No 2: Desember 2010
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (298.026 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/j-fsh.v2i2.2974


Al-Qur’an is a written text of God which is revealed to dignify  human  from all kinds  of subordination and violence.  Working  is  an  obligation  for  human  regarless  women  to  fulfill their primary need. This research describes and analizes women’s position in relation with annisa  verse  by  classic  and  contemporer  interpretation.  er by Ath-Thabari  represented  classic interpretation with his atomistic method, Abduh and Mahmud Syaltut represented  modern interpretation by thematic method, while Fazlurrahman and al-Faruqi represented neo-modern interpretation  with  holistic,  thematic,  and histories  methods.  The  result  reveals  that  clasic interpretation argued women are not the same with men, modern interpretation assumed that women mostly the same with men, while neo-modern interpretation assumed that women and men are the same and equal. Al-Qur’an  adalah  kalamullah  yang  berbentuk  teks,  diturunkan  untuk  mengangkat  harkat dan  martabat  manusia  dari  segala  bentuk  penindasan  dan  kedhaliman.  Usaha  dan  bekerja merupakan kewajiban manusia, tak terkecuali kaum perempuan dalam rangka memenuhi hajat hidupnya. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui posisi kaum perempuan dalam pemikiran tafsir  klasik  dan  kontemporer. Ath-Thabari  mewakili  tafsir  klasik  dengan  metode Atomistik, Abduh  dan  Mahmud  Syaltut  mewakili  tafsir  modern  dengan  metode  tematik, sedangkan Fazlurrahman  dan  Al-Faruqi  mewakili  tafsir  neo  modern  dengan  metode  holistik,  tematik, historis. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa, tafsir klasik memandang perempuan tidak sama dengan laki-laki, tafsir modern memandang perempan hampir sama dengan laki-laki dan tafsir neo modern memandang kedudukan perempuan sama dan sejajar dengan laki-laki
ULUL ALBAB Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 8, No 2 (2007): Islamic Studies
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2151.224 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/ua.v8i2.6203


Worldly life is usually related to time and space. The concept of time is central to the Holy Qur'an. That is why, Allah vows using several time-related concept like Ashr, Subh, Dhuha, uiil, Nahar. Using library review method, this research attempts to discover the meanings behind those above-mentioned terms. It uncovers that  dawn: time before sunrise which is enlightening moment for anybody to wake up from lengthy sleep in order to prepare self to seek out Allah's bounty. Dhuha, when the sun is about. to rise to shine the world which can be meant a beginning of lifelihood so that anybody should welcome it with great joyfulness. Nahar, a mid day time when the sun shines fully and the men conduct their daily activities seeking His bounties. Ashar, end of the day when people start taking a rest from their daily activities. Lail, i.e night time after the sun has completely set when people relax after doing their job. It is when tranquility and peacefulness prevail human' s lifelihood which are of great of magnitude for development and the growth of their spiritual and physical well-being.
JURNAL AGREGAT Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

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Berkembangnya dunia ekonomi saat ini dunia usaha tumbuh sangat pesat. Maka semakin banyak pula para pesaing bagi pengusaha itu sendiri. Pengusaha diharuskan bisa bersaing dengan tujuan untuk mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan dan diperlukan tetap menjaga kualitas produknya untuk menjaga keputusan perilaku konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa pengaruh variabel keinginan, kepuasan, diversifikasi produk dan harga saing terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen pada Mebel H. Zaini Karduluk Sumenep Berdasarkan hasil yang didapatkan dari ke-4 Variabel X memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen (Variabel Y) dengan menggunakan 60 responden. Adapun secara penghitungan data kepuasan konsumen terhadap Variabel Y dengan thitung 2,060 > ttabel 2,004, Keinginan konsumen terhadap Variabel Y dengan thitung -4,403> ttabel 2,004 karena dalam koefisien regresi untuk variabel keinginan konsumen memiliki hubungan negative, Diversifikasi produk terhadap Variabel Y dengan thitung 7,640> ttabel 2,004, dan Harga saing terhadap Variabel Y dengan thitung 2,033> ttabel 2,004. Berdasarkan uji F secara serentak sangat memiliki pengaruh dengan Fhitung 19,934> Ftabel 2,54. Dari 4 variabel X tersebut terhadap Variabel Y dimaksudkan untuk mengukur tingkat penilaian terhadap kualitas produk yang dihasilkan setelah penetapan metode Just In Time dilaksanakan di Mebel H. Zaini Karduluk Sumenep.
Pengembangan Budaya Disiplin pada MTsN Tunggangri, MTsN Tulungagung, dan MTsN 2 Kota Kediri Anam, Khoirul
Ta'allum: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21274/taalum.2018.6.2.281-312


Every successful education institution must have cultivated good cultures, one of them is a culture of discipline. According to the three steps theory of Kurt Lewin, there are some steps needed to develop the disciplinary culture: unfreezing, movement, and refreezing. The study belongs to a multi-sites design with qualitative approach. The data of the study are collected by employing the following three methods: in-depth interview, participant-observation, and documentation. The collected data are, then organized, interpreted, and analyzed in recursion. The activity of analyzing the data is done in every site and a cross-site analysis to formulate concepts and findings. The overall findings of the study are, the steps in developing a culture of discipline are carried out within five phases: (1) having a desire of changes supported by the value of being religious, the existence of external challenges and the availability of great desire of the leader; (2) preparing a good system done through building system and mindset of the disciplinary culture; (3) unfreezing the system conducted through the process of socialization which is continuously done and  followed by giving reward and punishment; (4) conducting movement realized by changing the disciplinary culture in terms of arrival, clothing, driving, and behaving in daily life; (5) refreezing the culture done to refreezing the existing culture of discipline covering the discipline of time, clothing, learning, driving, and behaving. The roles of the schools’ members in developing the culture of discipline are represented by school leaders as the ones responsible for making changes in relation to policy and coordination, the teachers and staff as agents of changes in implementing and controlling the culture of discipline, and the students as parts of object and evaluators of changes. Some efforts taken to overcome the resistance of the development of the culture of discipline coming from teachers and students are personally done both curatively and preventively. This study develop and support Kurt Lewin’s theories- the three step theory and the force field theory. These theories are also appropriate with the role theory developed by Biddle and Thomas. This study also indicates that religion takes an important role in cultivating and developing a culture of school discipline through modeling and habit approaches.
Jurnal YUSTITIABELEN Vol 4, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Tulungagung University

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Abstrak :Tindak Pidana yang Dilakukan oleh Premanisme terjaring dalam “Operasi Street Crime” oleh Polres Tulungagung antara lain adalah: Pasal 170 KUHP tentang melakukan tindak kekerasan terhadap orang atau barang di muka umum, pasal 303 KUHP tentang perjudian di muka umum, pasal 336 KUHP tentang ancaman dengan kekerasan, pasal 351 KUHP tentang penganiayaan, pasal 362 KUHP tentang pencurian, pasal 363 KUHP tentang pencurian khusus (gequalificeerde diefstal), pasal 368 KUHP tentang pemerasan dengan kekerasan (afpersing), pasal 480 KUHP tentang penadahan (heling), pasal 492 KUHP tentang mabuk-mabukan di muka umum, pasal 504 KUHP tentang mengemis di muka umum, pasal 506 KUHP tentang praktik pelacuran atau prostitusi.Upaya Penanggulangan Premanisme oleh Polres Tulungagung dalam    penanggulangan premanisme di Tulungagung, pihak Polres Tulungagung menempuh dengan upaya secara preventif dan dengan secara represif.  Cara preventif dilakukan  dengan  memberikan  penyuluhan hukum kepada masyarakat. Penyuluhan hukum tersebut bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran hukum masyarakat agar masyarakat mengtahui bahwa hukum menjanjikan perlindungan dan memajukan kesejahteraan yang selanjutnya  mereka akan  menikmati  keuntungan  berupa perlindungan  dan kesejahteraan tersebut. Sehingga masyarakat dapat turut serta berperan aktif dalam upaya penanggulangan premanisme. Selain dengan upaya preventif, pihak Polres Tulungagung juga menempuh upaya represif untuk menindak aksi-aksi premanisme yang terjadi di masyarakat. Upaya represif dilakukan dengan melaksanakan ”Operasi Street Crime” dengan cara merazia dan menindak para pelaku premanisme di masyarakat