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Profil Kompetensi Profesional Guru Mapel Biologi Pasca Sertifikasi di Karesidenan Surakarta Anif, Sofyan
Jurnal Varidika: Varia Pendidikan Volume 25 No. 2, Desember 2013
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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As stated in UU No. 14, 2005 and PP No. 74, 2008 that teachers as proffessional educator have to possess four competences, namely: pedagogic, proffessional, character, and social. However the condition in Indonesia is not like that. In general, they are in low category, specifically in pedagogic and proffessional. Those conditions happen in biology teachers and other teacher subjects. Then the aim of this study is to observe the profile of biology teachers especially their proffessional competence pasca sertification in Surakarta residance. The population of this study is all biology teachers (332 persons) that have rechieved sertification through direct, portofolio, and PLPG program. Purposive random sampling is used to get 116 teachers. Data are collected by depth interview, documentation, and test, then the collected data are analysed by descriptive qualitative. The result shows that the profile of proffessional competence of biology teachers can be grouped into three: low, middle, and high. The teachers are low in: concept implementation, using tool of measurements, biology experiment planning, using the result of reflection, self reflection, understanding the principles and theories of savety work, doing action research, and understanding the steps of biology experiement correctly. The teachers are middle in: understanding the objective of the study, creative and innovative in implementing and developing science of biology nad correlated sciences, undesrtanding thinking process of biology, using symbolic language, undesrtanding standard competence, and understanding the scoupe of biology. They are high in: understanding the structure biology science and its correlation, selecting the material, cooking the material creatively, understanding the concepts, laws, and biology theories, undesrtanding the history of the natural science, specifically biology, understanding the basic competence of the subject or topic, updating their knowledge from many sources, and rationally qualitatively and quantitatively in understanding the process and biology law.
Pengelolaan Sistem Informasi Akademik Berbasis SMS Gateway di MTs. Ma’arif 7 Bomo Punung Kabupaten Pacitan Widiyantoro, Heri; Sumardi, Sumardi; Anif, Sofyan
Jurnal Varidika: Varia Pendidikan Volume 27 No. 1, Juni 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The purposes of this study are: to describe the planning design and the implementation of the system as well as describe the public response to the school. The methods used in this study is a qualitatif approach, that is by interviewing, observing, and documenting as the data collection techniques. The planning of system design, is begun by doing a needs analysis that will be “shared” through SMS access, i.e student’s attendance, the student’s scores, and the notices to the student’s parents. The system implementation is applied to two users groups. They are internal user and external user. From the results of the test of system implementation it is obtained that the timeliness rate is 6.8 seconds, the accuracy of the system is 100 %, and reliability rate is 100%, and the operating procedure is quite easy and familiar. While the public response fully supports the implementation of academic information system, because it can be accessed anytime, and averywhere through SMS, as well as can foster a public positive image to the school, because of the changes and improvements made by the school especially in the academic services as a new breakthrough in the field of technology.
Pattern Analysis of Vegetation and Structure Mapping of Yard Plant in Gatak District, Sukoharjo Anif, Sofyan
Forum Geografi Vol 17, No 1 (2003)
Publisher : Forum Geografi

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Target of research is to know 1) level of type variety (diversitas) and mount the closeness (densitas) of lawn crop which conducting in region of District of Gatak of Sub Province Sukoharjo; 2) pattern of mapping of lawn crop which conducting in region District of Gatak of Sub Province Sukoharjo of pursuant to variety level and its closeness. This research is field survey done with the method of multi stage that is stratified purposive of sampling and random sampling. Focus the survey is does the stocktaking of lawn crop which conducting in house lawn. To know the structure of vegetate data processed by using formula Cox (1989) to know the closeness level, while to know the level of species variety, data analyzed to use the index of diversities Simpson. Pursuant to result of inferential solution and research 1) result analyze the structure of vegetate of lawn crop indicate that (a) District Gatak have the level of high diversities lawn crop, with the index diversities of equal to 0,84159 and index predominate equal to 0,15841, and also highest PIE 0,20657 and PIE lowerest of equal to 0,00032. Species of lawn crop having high domination that is melinjo (Gnetum gnemon), (b) closeness of lawn crop at every countryside in District Gatak of included in category very meeting of because  relied on by a closeness value of every countryside more than 75%. Crop found in research are having high closeness level for example: melinjo, banana, mango, rambutan, papaya, tapioca, and coconut, while crop having low closeness level for example: jambu mete, tapak doro, flower pukul empat; and 2) mapping of lawn crop cover the function value and amount of lawn crop found by a number of 57 type of lawn crop found in researh area, can be grouped to become 5 faction that is drug crop, vegetable faction, fruit crop, decorative crop, and protector crop.
Pengembangan Model Peningkatan Kompetensi Profesional Guru Biologi Berbasis Uji Kompetensi Awal (UKA) di Surakarta Anif, Sofyan
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Vol. 09, No. 2, Juli 2014
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

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Act No. 14/ 2005 about Teachers and Lecturers and PP (GovernmentDecree) No 74/2008 about Teachers give an instruction to the government to certify on-going-occupation teachers of all courses in requirements. Based on the survey of Directorate General of PMPTK in 2009/, however, the program of certification couldn’t have developed teachers’ competency and professionalism significantly so that it does not positively take an effect on teachers’ performance development. The study aims to describe a model of biology teachers’ professional competency development based on the early competency test (UKA) in Surakarta. The procedure of research development used R & D model developed by Borg & Gall (2007), and then simplified by Samsudi (2009; 92) into three main stage: 1) introduction, 2) development, and 3) validation for finding a model. The introduction of the study empirically analyzed a model of professional competency development through Biology MGMP, called as factual model nowadays and theoretically analyzed the relevant researchers. It employed a survey approach while the instrument was questionnaires. The respondents or informants with purposive sampling were the heads of LPMP – Provincial Central Java, Education Agency of Regency/Mayor, Principals, the Committees of Biology MGMP, and Biology Teachers. In the stage of development, the researcher formulated an early development; then it was analyzed and matched with the relevant theories for making a model design developed in the form of Figure or Model Figure after validated through focus group discussion (FGD). The results of the study stated that a model of biology teachers’ professional competency based on the early competency test included the following characters: 1) implementing a model began with a competency test; 2) the activities reflected the aspect of continuing professional development (CDP); 3) the supervision was periodically realized by principals or course teachers); 4) giving feed-back for the next development was based on the evaluation; and 5) the speakers of Higher Education with relevant sciences were involved in the activities.
Pengembangan Model Peningkatan Kompetensi Profesional Guru Biologi Berbasis Uji Kompetensi Awal (UKA) di Surakarta Anif, Sofyan
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Vol. 09, No. 2, Juli 2014
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (179.423 KB)


Act No. 14/ 2005 about Teachers and Lecturers and PP (GovernmentDecree) No 74/2008 about Teachers give an instruction to the government to certify on-going-occupation teachers of all courses in requirements. Based on the survey of Directorate General of PMPTK in 2009/, however, the program of certification couldn’t have developed teachers’ competency and professionalism significantly so that it does not positively take an effect on teachers’ performance development. The study aims to describe a model of biology teachers’ professional competency development based on the early competency test (UKA) in Surakarta. The procedure of research development used R & D model developed by Borg & Gall (2007), and then simplified by Samsudi (2009; 92) into three main stage: 1) introduction, 2) development, and 3) validation for finding a model. The introduction of the study empirically analyzed a model of professional competency development through Biology MGMP, called as factual model nowadays and theoretically analyzed the relevant researchers. It employed a survey approach while the instrument was questionnaires. The respondents or informants with purposive sampling were the heads of LPMP – Provincial Central Java, Education Agency of Regency/Mayor, Principals, the Committees of Biology MGMP, and Biology Teachers. In the stage of development, the researcher formulated an early development; then it was analyzed and matched with the relevant theories for making a model design developed in the form of Figure or Model Figure after validated through focus group discussion (FGD). The results of the study stated that a model of biology teachers’ professional competency based on the early competency test included the following characters: 1) implementing a model began with a competency test; 2) the activities reflected the aspect of continuing professional development (CDP); 3) the supervision was periodically realized by principals or course teachers); 4) giving feed-back for the next development was based on the evaluation; and 5) the speakers of Higher Education with relevant sciences were involved in the activities.
Efektivitas Model Peningkatan Kompetensi Profesional Guru Biologi Berbasis Continuous Professional Development (CPD) di Karesidenan Surakarta Anif, Sofyan; Zain, Almuntaqo
Jurnal Varidika: Varia Pendidikan Volume 27 No. 2, Desember 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (196.311 KB)


The  Indonesian  Law  No.  14  Year  2005  on  teacher  and  lecturer  and Government Regulation No 74 Year 2008 on teacher, have mandated the government to carry out certifi cation for teachers of all subjects who have met the requirements. Based on a survey conducted by the Directorate General of Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Personnel  (PMPTK) in 2009, the certifi cation program has not been able to improve the competence and professionalism of teachers signifi cantly so it has not given positive infl uence on improving the performance of teachers. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the model of professional competence  improvement  of  biology  teacher  based  on  initial  competence  test  in Surakarta.This research uses R & D approach developed by Borg and Gall (2007), which includes six procedures or stages of development: (1) determine the product; (2) conduct a theoretical and empirical study; (3) development planning; (4) the development of early models; (5) validation of the model; and (6) the discovery of the fi nal product. The fi rst up to the fourth stage has been done in previous studies, and this research is  the  fi fth  stage  namely  the  stage  of  model  validation  through  limited  experiment with  one-group  pretest-Posttest  Design.  While  the  data  analysis  uses  traditional descriptive quantitative approach.The results of the study on the effectiveness of implementation of the model of increasing Biology  teacher  competence  based  on  CPD  on  a  limited  scale  test  show  that  the classical absorption of pretest is 27.78%, while the classical absorption of post-test is 72.22%. It means that Biology teacher competence based on CPD has increased in a limited test scale of 44.44%. The results of a statistical analysis of the increase of pre- test and post-test absorption on each competence shows that the greatest increase of percentage in absorption was on the competence: “understanding the concepts, laws, and theories of biology and fl exible implementation” for 38.89%. While the lowest increase of percentage in the absorption occurred on the competence: “conducting action research to increase professionalism” with only 13.27%.
WARTA WARTA Volume 18, Nomor 1, Maret 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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PEMITRA service activities in the kecamatan Sawahan kabupaten Nganjuk, had conducted educational activities, training, and mentoring for elementary school teachers, principals, supervisors and the person in charge of Math Masters Zone program to improve the basic concepts of mathematics and its teaching method. In this Pemitra conducted training activities learning methods of Math Masters, so that teachers had  an understanding  and basic  mathematical concepts  were true,  and instructed it so easy and fun to their students. In the implementation of this Pemitra service activities, had given results and achievements were very enjoyable because math test scores elementary school students in the kecamatan Sawahan on the 2013/2014  school  year  had  average  to  8.5  and  the  highest  value  reached  10.0.  Math Olympiad  activities  also quite  lively, as  students becomed  more enthusiastic  andexcited. Based on indicators of progress and this proves that the method Math Master who had been introduced by the Executive Team Pemitra, had helped to solve problems Numeric  Phobia  for  elementary  school  students  in  the  kecamatan  Sawahan. Mathematics was considered subjects which so easy and very fun by the students.Constraints and problems still be faced today is the support and consistency of Nganjuk government has not been consistent in developing subdistrict Sawahan as Math Master Zone.
Pengelolaan Supervisi Akademik Di SMPN 1 Todanan Blora Wahyuningsih, Wiwin; Anif, Sofyan
Manajemen Pendidikan Vol 11, No 2 (2016): Juli 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (460.616 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/jmp.v11i2.2654


The aim of this study to describe the planning, implementation, feedback and follow-up of the academic supervision at Junior High School 1 Todanan Blora. This study includes qualitative research with ethnographic design. Research is located at Junior High School 1 Todanan Blora. The study begins from July 2015 to January 2016. The subjects of the research are principal, vice principal of curriculum, teachers of subjects. The technique of collecting data through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The interview process uses first order understanding and second order understading. The validity of the data with simber triangulation of source, triangulation techniques, and triangulation of time. Data analysis technique uses flow method. The results of the study (1) The planning process of supervision contains making supervision schedule and assessment instruments of supervision conducted by the principal and vice principal of curriculum, (2) The implementation of academic supervision is carried out with the preparation of supporting supervision documents and continue with classroom observation by supervisors, (3) Feedback process of supervision is done by evaluating the academic supervision, as well as providing a solution to solve the problem experienced by teachers in teaching, (4) The follow-up of supervision is done by supervisor continuously and providing the opportunity for teachers to follow training activities to improve their capability of teaching.
Pattern Analysis of Vegetation and Structure Mapping of Yard Plant in Gatak District, Sukoharjo Anif, Sofyan
Forum Geografi Vol 17, No 1 (2003)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v17i1.593


Target of research is to know 1) level of type variety (diversitas) and mount the closeness (densitas) of lawn crop which conducting in region of District of Gatak of Sub Province Sukoharjo; 2) pattern of mapping of lawn crop which conducting in region District of Gatak of Sub Province Sukoharjo of pursuant to variety level and its closeness. This research is field survey done with the method of multi stage that is stratified purposive of sampling and random sampling. Focus the survey is does the stocktaking of lawn crop which conducting in house lawn. To know the structure of vegetate data processed by using formula Cox (1989) to know the closeness level, while to know the level of species variety, data analyzed to use the index of diversities Simpson. Pursuant to result of inferential solution and research 1) result analyze the structure of vegetate of lawn crop indicate that (a) District Gatak have the level of high diversities lawn crop, with the index diversities of equal to 0,84159 and index predominate equal to 0,15841, and also highest PIE 0,20657 and PIE lowerest of equal to 0,00032. Species of lawn crop having high domination that is melinjo (Gnetum gnemon), (b) closeness of lawn crop at every countryside in District Gatak of included in category very meeting of because  relied on by a closeness value of every countryside more than 75%. Crop found in research are having high closeness level for example: melinjo, banana, mango, rambutan, papaya, tapioca, and coconut, while crop having low closeness level for example: jambu mete, tapak doro, flower pukul empat; and 2) mapping of lawn crop cover the function value and amount of lawn crop found by a number of 57 type of lawn crop found in researh area, can be grouped to become 5 faction that is drug crop, vegetable faction, fruit crop, decorative crop, and protector crop.
Kompetensi Profesional Guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kabupaten Kendal Anif, Sofyan; Sutama, S.; Prayitno, Harun Joko; Sukartono, S.
Jurnal VARIDIKA Volume 31, No. 1., Tahun 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.103 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/varidika.v1i1.8906


The teacher has a vital and fundamental role as an agent of change in helping and guiding students in the process of changing from not knowing to knowing, not understanding to understanding, not mastering to mastering and so on. Such circumstances indicate that it is appropriate to improve the professional competence of teachers. The purpose of this study is to describe the professional competence of junior high school teachers. The research method used is qualitative with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Data validation is done through triangulation, with analysis of data flow methods with the process: data collection, data reduction, then presented, followed by conclusions and verification. The results showed that the professional competence of teachers showed an average of 1.33 in poor condition. Specifically if related to teacher perceptions, it can be seen from the competencies about personality and competencies about carrying out tasks. Perspesi regarding personality is related to work discipline, work morality, loyalty, responsibility and human relations, while the perception of competence in carrying out tasks is related to work suitability andfluency in carrying out tasks.
Co-Authors A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Achmad Fathoni Ahmad Muhibbin Ahmad Muhibbin Alanindra Saputra Alanindra Saputra Almuntaqo Zain Almuntaqo Zain, Almuntaqo Alvia Quronita Ayunisai Sholihah Anam Sutopo Arif Hidayat Arifah, Ika Nur Aryati Prasetyarini, Aryati Aviandri Cahya Nugroho Bambang Sumardjoko Budi Murtiyasa Che Nidzam Che Ahmad Desi Yulihapsari Destama Einstein Shodiq DIAN LESTARI Djalal Fuadi Djumadi Djumadi Dwi Setyo Astuti, Dwi Setyo Efi Miftah Faridli, Efi Miftah Eko Wijiyono Endang Setyaningsih Farita Lina Rodiyah Fitri Rahma Octaviani Fitriyatno Fitriyatno Gamal Abdul Nasir Hariyatmi Hariyatmi Harsono Harsono Harun Joko Prayitno Heri Widiyantoro Heri Widiyantoro, Heri Hernawan Sulistyanto Heshinta, Linda Idawati Idawati Indah Kusuma Wardani Iyan Sofyan Kusuma Budi, Anggun Laila Nur Izzati Ma’ruf Hidayat Markamah, Markamah Maryadi Maryadi Mazlini Adnan Meggy Novitasari Milan Sabekti Muhammad Izzul Haq Muhammad Luthfi Hidayat Muhammad Luthfi Hidayat Muhibbin, Muhibbin Muhtadi Muhtadi Muhtadi Muhtadi Muliasari, Kharina Cahya Mustofa, Rosit N Nurgiyatna Nurgiyatna Probowati, Annisa Purnawanto, Ahmad Teguh Putri Agustina Rayana, Anis Ritantiyo, Toni Rosit Mustofa S. Sukartono Sabar Narimo Sania Rahayu Sastra, Anita Anugerah Septinawati, Septinawati Setyaningrum, Fadtma Alfita Sigit Haryanto Siti Hadiyati Nur Hafida Siti Nuraini SRI RAHAYU Sukartono Sukartono Sumardi . Sumardi Sumardi Sunanih Sunanih Sunariati, Rintik Suparti - - Suryawati, Andari Tri Sutama Suyatmini Suyatmini Tahang, Heriyanti Teguh Waluyo Tuti Rahmawati Wahyuningsih, Wiwin Wan Nasriha Wan Mohamed Salleh Weni Hastuti Wijiyono, Eko Wiwin Wahyuningsih Yasir Sidiq Zainab Alqudsi