Joko Santoso
Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Nazarene Indonesia

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Shift Key : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Vol 8, No 2 (2018): SHIFT KEY JURNAL TEOLOGI DAN PENGEMBANGAN PELAYANAN
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kristus Alfa Omega

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37465/shiftkey.v8i2.20


Family is the smallest unit in human life consisting of father, mother and child. Family is built with the aim of achieving life expectancy in peace and happiness. So, to achieve this is done in such a way with various ways, efforts and efforts. Each takes their roles and responsibilities and according to ability. But in reality, in the process of achieving goals there are many obstacles and problems that cannot be avoided. Because in one other family are interrelated, influence each other, and clash with each other. So that it causes disruption of relationships between family members. Not even the few that ended in separation. This background occurs because of the personal nature of each person who does not have self quality that must be improved in building relationships within the family continuously from time to time.
Shift Key : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Vol 7, No 1 (2017): SHIFT KEY JURNAL TEOLOGI DAN PENGEMBANGAN PELAYANAN
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kristus Alfa Omega

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37465/shiftkey.v7i1.3


The reality of life in this era has an impact that make us aware the severity of the challenges faced. Multi-dimensional crises have plagued every aspect of human life and add to the complexity of life's problems. Many people fear, despair and hopelessness. Moreover, the fragility of family relationships  and helplessness in building togetherness is fading. In response to this condition, the presence of family counseling services is a solution in giving answers. Given the gulf between family members is widespread. Both caused by the busyness and density of the activities of individuals, which resulted in the difficulty of socializing. So, to still be able to establish and build relationships  that are strong and qualified, the communication media take a big role in it. Keywords : Technology, Family Counselling, Development.
Peran Integrasi Teologi Psikologi Terhadap Pemulihan Prilaku Menyimpang Joko Santoso
SHAMAYIM: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Mei 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Yerusalem Baru, Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (270.726 KB) | DOI: 10.51615/sha.v1i2.24


AbstractHumans were created in the image of God. Have a perfect personality. However, human perfection does not guarantee that humans are free from deviant behavior. This is evidenced by the biblical figures, namely Adam and Eve, deviating from God's law. Using literature studies in a qualitative descriptive approach. Thus, it can prove that theology is the foundation for everything related to humans and psychology which contributes according to their needs. Although the theological and psychological aspects have different roles and roles in handling patients, the integration of these two aspects certainly has a big impact on achieving expectations in behavioral problem. AbstrakManusia diciptakan segambar dengan Allah. Memiliki kepribadian yang sempurna. Namun kesempurnaan yang dimiliki manusia tidak menjamin manusia bebas dari perilaku menyimpang. Hal ini dibuktikan melalui tokoh Alkitab yaitu Adam dan Hawa menyimpang terhadap hukum Allah. Menggunakan studi literatur dalam pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa teologi sebagai dasar fondasi atas segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan manusia dan psikologi memberikan kontribusi sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. Walaupun aspek teologis dan aspek psikologi memiliki peran yang berbeda satu dengan yang lain dan penanganan terhadap pasien, namun dengan terintregrasinya kedua aspek tersebut tentunya sangat memberikan dampak besar untuk meraih harapan dalam menyelesaikan persoalan penyimpangan perilaku.
Transformasi Fondasi Iman Kristen dalam Pelayanan Pastoral di Era Society 5.0 Joko Santoso; Seri Damarwanti; I Made Priana; Teguh Bowo Sembodo; Anthoneta Taru PA
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup Vol 4, No 1 (2021): September 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Berita Hidup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38189/jtbh.v4i1.181


In the Era of Society 5.0, it is very important for the church to lay down the foundation of Christian Faith for Pastoral Services in answering the problems of God's people and in solving various life challenges include social problems through the use of various information and communication technology innovations accompanied by the development of an era of disruption such as the Internet (Internet on Things), Intelligence artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence), and Data Banks (Big Data). This research is conducted to answer the issue of how pastoral care is  contextually working in today's digital world, which also influences changes in life styles and thus demands an adaptive pastoral care approach without losing the essence of pastoral care itself. This study proposes a foundation of Christian Faith in creative and innovative pastoral care. The research method uses a literature study approach whereas coclusion can be drawn that creative and innovative pastoral care must be done by laying the foundation for a realistic theological pastoral ministry in facing the challenges of the times. The newness of the research compared to previous similar studies lies in how the era of society 5.0 brings a new paradigm of the importance of the humanistic side to be a priority and basis, besides the need to maintain the essence of pastoral care itself.Gereja di Era Society 5.0 sangat penting meletakkan Dasar Pondasi Iman Kristen Pelayanan Pastoral guna menjawab persoalan umat Tuhan dalam menyelesaikan berbagai tantangan hidup termasuk permasalahan sosial melalui pemanfaatan berbagai inovasi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang dibarengi adanya perkembangan era disrupsi seperti Internet (Internet on Things), Kecerdasan buatan (Artificial Intelligence), dan Bank Data (Big Data). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjawab issue bagaimana Pelayanan Pastoral semakin kontekstual dalam dunia digital sekarang, yang turut mempengaruhi perubahan tatanan dan gaya hidup sehingga menuntut pendekatan pelayanan pastoral yang adaptif tanpa perlu kehilangan esensi pelayanan pastoral itu sendiri. Kajian ini mengusulkan pondasi Iman Kristen dalam pelayanan pastoral yang kreatif dan inovatif. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan studi literatur untuk menarik kesimpulan bahwa pelayanan pastoral yang kreatif dan inovatif dimulai dengan meletakkan dasar pondasi pelayanan pastoral yang realistis teologis dalam menyingkapi tantangan zaman. Keterbaharuan penelitian dibandingkan dengan penelitian sejenis sebelumnya terletak pada bagaimana era society 5.0 membawa paradigma baru pentingnya sisi humanistis menjadi prioritas dan dasar, disamping perlunya tetap menjaga esensi pelayanan pastoral itu sendiri.
Pelayanan Hamba Tuhan dalam Tugas Penggembalaan Jemaat Joko Santoso
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Nazarene Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (410.443 KB) | DOI: 10.46495/sdjt.v9i1.55


The Servant of God in the pastoral care of the congregation in the millennial era was subjected to severe testing and challenges. The influence of the progress and development of civilization greatly impacts and erodes the truth values that have been instilled by church fathers. Purity as a servant of God in carrying out the ministry of pastoral care is at stake. Loyalty to the Bible as a source of behavior and the carrying out of church service calls is questionable. And service as a servant of God has been a struggle in life throughout church history. This study aims to find the extent to which there has been a shift in the value of God's servants in carrying out their ministry. The result is a clear illustration of how important it is as a servant of God to remain consistent in keeping with the Bible, the source of behavior and measuring tools for the life of God's servants as a form of accountability for carrying out the ministry of pastoral care to God.
Implementasi Pelayanan Konseling Holistik Terintegrasi Aspek Teologi, Psikologi dan Skill Konseling Joko Santoso
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Nazarene Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46495/sdjt.v9i2.66


Services in the Field of Counseling to the community in the current era of mileniel, become a vital need in providing answers to the handling and resolution of multi-dimensional conflicts that occur amid modern society. The complexity of the problems of human life has reached a peak in all aspects and joints of life. Moreover, there are changes that occur in all fields of science that are growing rapidly along with the development of the era and the flow of information. Therefore the need for counseling guidance services to the community increasingly demands a better, comprehensive, integrated handler to meet and respond to the needs of the times.
Peran Keteladanan Pemimpin dalam Keluarga Berdasarkan Efesus 5: 21-6:4 Joko Santoso; Sukirdi Sukirdi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Nazarene Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46495/sdjt.v10i2.96


God created a man for a purpose. Humans can achieve goals because God gives knowledge and abilities about these goals. That is how God establishes a leader in the family. God equips one's needs to be able to lead a family properly, appropriately and successfully. Leadership in the family is referred to as the head of the family, usually led by a man. Man in the family stands as husband to wife and as a father to children. A man carries out this leadership goal as leaders in providing the right, correct and good role models. It is not easy for family members to face a pandemic situation that limits all activities in living every day, so it impacts relationships and interactions. It can even lead to disputes and conflicts between family members. Researchers used qualitative methods with an exposition, interview and literature approach. The results and discussion found the basics of exemplary leaders in the family and then applied them in everyday life.
Transformasi Fondasi Iman Kristen dalam Pelayanan Pastoral di Era Society 5.0 Joko Santoso; Seri Damarwanti; I Made Priana; Teguh Bowo Sembodo; Anthoneta Taru PA
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup Vol 4, No 1 (2021): September 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Berita Hidup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38189/jtbh.v4i1.181


In the Era of Society 5.0, it is very important for the church to lay down the foundation of Christian Faith for Pastoral Services in answering the problems of God's people and in solving various life challenges include social problems through the use of various information and communication technology innovations accompanied by the development of an era of disruption such as the Internet (Internet on Things), Intelligence artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence), and Data Banks (Big Data). This research is conducted to answer the issue of how pastoral care is  contextually working in today's digital world, which also influences changes in life styles and thus demands an adaptive pastoral care approach without losing the essence of pastoral care itself. This study proposes a foundation of Christian Faith in creative and innovative pastoral care. The research method uses a literature study approach whereas coclusion can be drawn that creative and innovative pastoral care must be done by laying the foundation for a realistic theological pastoral ministry in facing the challenges of the times. The newness of the research compared to previous similar studies lies in how the era of society 5.0 brings a new paradigm of the importance of the humanistic side to be a priority and basis, besides the need to maintain the essence of pastoral care itself.Gereja di Era Society 5.0 sangat penting meletakkan Dasar Pondasi Iman Kristen Pelayanan Pastoral guna menjawab persoalan umat Tuhan dalam menyelesaikan berbagai tantangan hidup termasuk permasalahan sosial melalui pemanfaatan berbagai inovasi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang dibarengi adanya perkembangan era disrupsi seperti Internet (Internet on Things), Kecerdasan buatan (Artificial Intelligence), dan Bank Data (Big Data). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjawab issue bagaimana Pelayanan Pastoral semakin kontekstual dalam dunia digital sekarang, yang turut mempengaruhi perubahan tatanan dan gaya hidup sehingga menuntut pendekatan pelayanan pastoral yang adaptif tanpa perlu kehilangan esensi pelayanan pastoral itu sendiri. Kajian ini mengusulkan pondasi Iman Kristen dalam pelayanan pastoral yang kreatif dan inovatif. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan studi literatur untuk menarik kesimpulan bahwa pelayanan pastoral yang kreatif dan inovatif dimulai dengan meletakkan dasar pondasi pelayanan pastoral yang realistis teologis dalam menyingkapi tantangan zaman. Keterbaharuan penelitian dibandingkan dengan penelitian sejenis sebelumnya terletak pada bagaimana era society 5.0 membawa paradigma baru pentingnya sisi humanistis menjadi prioritas dan dasar, disamping perlunya tetap menjaga esensi pelayanan pastoral itu sendiri.
Penerapan Pondasi Keluarga Bagi Generasi Penerus Joko Santoso
Jurnal Ilmiah Religiosity Entity Humanity (JIREH) Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Desember
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili dan Kejuruan (STTIK) Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37364/jireh.v2i2.45


Today's family members face increasingly difficult situations. Changes in the times have shifted and shot far, which has an impact on the pattern of family life. So that the family must rebuild and rebuild a foundation that can answer the needs of the times and be in line with God's teachings. The family in managing and laying the foundation for future generations must have a solid foundation; Includes the foundation of family understanding, the foundation of family relationship patterns, the foundation of family goals, and the foundation for achieving goals. To find the results of this study using a qualitative approach that is based on the initial step by collecting the required data, then clarification and description are carried out. Meanwhile, the results are obtained through creating concepts that reveal one's personality and views of the future. Membina keluarga dizaman sekarang ini menghadapi situasi yang semakin sulit. Perubahan zaman telah bergeser dan melesat jauh, yang berdampak pada pola kehidupan dalam berkeluarga. Sehingga keluarga harus merekonstruksi ulang dan membangun kembali pondasi yang dapat menjawab kebutuhan zaman dan sejalan dengan ajaran Tuhan. Keluarga dalam pengelolaan dan menanamkan pondasi bagi generasi penerus harus memiliki dasar yang kokoh; meliputi pondasi pemahaman keluarga, pondasi pola hubungan keluarga, pondasi tujuan keluarga, dan pondasi pencapaian tujuan. Untuk menemukan hasil penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang didasarkan pada langkah awal dengan mengumpulkan data-data yang dibutuhkan, kemudian dilakukan klarifikasi dan deskripsi. Sedangkan hasilnya didapatkan melalui membuat isntrumen konsep-konsep yang menyingkapkan kepribadian diri, menggali potensi dan pandangan terhadap masa depan.
Participation of Religious Leaders in Helping the Success of the Government's COVID-19 Vaccination Program Simon Simon; Alfons Renaldo Tampenawas; Joko Santoso; Astrid Maryam Yvonny Nainupu; Semuel Ruddy Angkouw; Alvonce Poluan
Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat Vol 5, No 2 (2021): July 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Simpson

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (254.906 KB) | DOI: 10.46445/ejti.v5i2.405


Participation of Religious Leaders in Helping the Success of the Government's COVID-19 Vaccination Program. The basic idea of this paper departs from observations in the virtual and real world, where certain people or groups are found who disagree with the need to be vaccinated. If the country's people reject the mandatory mass vaccination, which the government is discussing, it will take a long time to restore normal activities. This paper uses a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach. The description in this paper found some people's rejection of vaccines because their views or perceptions about COVID-19 influenced it. The government's hope to immediately carry out mass vaccinations for all Indonesian people must be balanced with maximum efforts to make it happen. This substantial effort can be made by providing massive education in the media, conducting public campaigns, and providing guarantees to vaccine recipients. On the other hand, the success of this vaccination program does not only depend on the government; all elements of society are expected to contribute in this regard, especially religious leaders. The manifestation of the involvement of religious leaders is by educating the congregation through the pulpit about vaccines. In addition, religious leaders must also set an example by participating in vaccinations and actively countering hoax news. The dominance of factual information about vaccines dominates mass lines on social media. ABSTRAKKeikutsertaan Pemuka Agama Dalam Membantu Mensukseskan Program Vaksinasi COVID-19 Pemerintah. Ide dasar tulisan ini berangkat dari pengamatan di dunia maya dan nyata, yang mana ditemukan orang-orang atau kelompok tertentu yang tidak menyetujui keharusan untuk divaksin. Apabila masyarakat tanah air kecenderungan menolak wajib vaksinasi masal yang diwacanakan oleh pemerintah, tentu akan lama memulihkan aktivitas normal kembali. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi literatur. Uraian pada tulisan ini ditemukan, penolakan sebagian orang terhadap vaksin karena dipengaruhi oleh  pandangan atau persepsi mereka mengenai COVID-19. Harapan pemerintah untuk segera melakukan vaksinasi masal ke seluruh masyarakat tanah air, harus diimbangi upaya yang maksimal dalam mewujudkannya. Upaya konkret itu dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian edukasi secara masif di media, melakukan kampanye publik dan adanya jaminan kepada penerima vaksin. Disisi lain suksesnya program vaksinasi ini tidak hanya bergantung kepada pemerintah, semua elemen masyarakat diharapkan kontribusinya dalam hal ini terutama para pemuka agama. Wujud dari keterlibatan pemuka agama adalah dengan mengedukasi jemaat melalui mimbar tentang vaksin. Selain itu, pemuka agama juga harus memberi contoh dengan ikut divaksin, serta aktif mengcounter berita hoax agar dominasi berita faktual tentang vaksin menguasai lini massa  di media sosial.