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Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 1, No 1: November 2012
Publisher : Jurnal Konstitusi

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The decision made by the Constitution Court in a case decision No. 5/PUU-V/2007 abbrogated the Article 56 and 59 of the 2004 Law No. 32 as a basis for allowing an individual candidate to participate in an election of  local heads. From the result of this research, it is found out that the existence of an individual candidates in a election of a local head is in line with the spirit of the 1945 Constitution namely giving an equal opportunity to every citizen to run the government since the condition of political parties that have not yet become conducive instruments to prepare candidates of leaders at all levels of state organization. If a local head is from an individual candidate, no substantial implication is on the effectiveness of the working relationship between  the local head and the Local Parliament in terms of making local regulation, deterining  local budget and  of the function of control of the local parliament. It is also the case of the head and vice head of Garut coming from individual candidates, there is no substantial implication on the effectiveness of working relationship  between the local head and the local parliament of Garut.
Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 3, No 1: Juni 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Konstitusi

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Theoretically, the problems deal with the attitude of the law enforcers, especially the judges, to take sides in considering the procedural  or substantive justices. The 1945 Constitution or the  legislation on the justice power and on Constitutional Court of Law actually oblige the judges to realize  the substantial justice in law enforcement. The judges  are not the sounders  of the laws, since human beings are never able to make perfect legislation. It is the judges who should interpret the legislations in order to realize the substantial justice.
Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 3, No 2: November 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Konstitusi

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This study is intended to understand and analyze the implications of the direct local head election on the work relation between the new local head and the local parliament in establishing local regulations and local budget, and the  monitoring on  the local government in general and, especially the mayor of Malang made by the local parliament. Therefore, the approach employed was a normative approach which was supported by sociological approach. Based pm the results and analyses made, it is known that the relation between the local parliament and the local head merely gives grammatical implication in establishing local regulations, and in making the local budget, the role of the local head is more dominant, while in terms of monitoring made by the local parliament, it is not as strong as before or when the local head was elected through the mechanism of local parliament in accordance with the law no. 22. in the year of 1999.
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Gagasan Tertulis PKM-GT-2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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Ecolabel is certification products give information to consumers that product life cycle in environmental effect negative a relatively small. World trade of fishery has shaded various provisions and regulation to keep the environmental sustainability (UNCLOS, CITES, act fishery). The arrangement trade fishery in Indonesia through a system of national logistics fish require useful aspect on this. Ecolabeling as one of the application of preserve the living environment more practical and interesting. Implementation seafood ecolabeling on trade fish in Indonesia can practiced on system logistics fish national which includes the application on fishing vessel, fish auction center, fish culture, fish processing and fish market. The application of ecolabelling manifested by sharing form model label the inspired, interesting and raises of awareness on the environment.Keywords: commercial fisheries, logistics environment, ecolabelling
Penggunaan Sensor FIGARO TGS 2600 Berbasis Mikrokontroller AT89S51 Sebagai Pendeteksi Kebocoran Gas Elpiji Anwar, Anwar; Frianto, Herri Trisna
JITROKOM Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : JITROKOM

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Abstract - Design of LPG leak detector using figaro sensor TGS 2600-based microcontroller AT89S51 is used to detect leaks in the LPG cylinder. By making this tool writer wanted to know the ability of the sensor to detect leakage of LPG gas which is controlled by the microcontroller AT89S51 and marked with an indicator light and sound buzzer. The results manufacture of tools and has attempted to use the gas in the lighter, the sensor can detect gas leaks and will be sent by the ADC to microcontroller to be processed if the gas in a safe condition, the standby state or dangerous conditions. Data collected via literature methods, methods of design and test method. Microcontroller usage as a means to interact with todays equipment is controlled mostly developed. This is because the design is relatively easy and low prices. Microcontroller is a control equipment that is already widely used in industrial applications electronics, industrial machinery, and others. Microcontroller can be implemented in various types of industries and has many variants or types so that it becomes a control equipment that ought to be considered. The authors conclude that the gas leak gas detector is the right choice for use in security purposes. Keywords: Leaks, Gas LPG, Sensor, Microcontroller Intisari - Perancangan alat pendeteksi kebocoran gas elpiji dengan menggunakan sensor figaro TGS 2600 berbasis mikrokontroler AT89S51 ini berfungsi untuk mendeteksi kebocoran pada tabung gas elpiji. Dengan pembuatan alat ini penulis ingin mengetahui kemampuan sensor mendeteksi kebocoran gas elpiji yang dikendalikan oleh mikrokontroler AT89S51 dan ditandai dengan lampu indikator dan bunyi buzzer.Dari hasil pembuatan alat dan telah dicoba menggunakan gas pada mancis, sensor dapat mendeteksi kebocoran gas dan akan dikirim oleh ADC ke mikrokontroler untuk diproses apakah gas dalam kondisi aman, kondisi siaga ataupun kondisi berbahaya. Data – data dikumpulkan melalui metode literature, metode rancang bangun dan metode uji coba. Penggunaan Mikrokontroler sebagai sarana untuk berinteraksi dengan peralatan yang dikendalikan dewasa ini banyak dikembangkan. Hal ini disebabkan karena perancangannya  yang relatif  mudah dan  harga yang murah. Mikrokontroler merupakan sebuah peralatan kendali yang sudah banyak digunakan pada aplikasi industri elektronik, industri mesin, dan lain-lain. Mikrokontroler dapat di implementasikan pada berbagai jenis industri dan memiliki banyak varian atau jenis sehingga menjadi sebuah peralatan kendali yang patut untuk dipertimbangkan. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa alat pendeteksi gas kebocoran gas ini merupakan pilihan yang tepat untuk digunakan dalam tujuan keamanan. Kata-kata Kunci : Kebocoran, Gas Elpiji, Sensor, Mikrokontroller
Karakteristik Gaya Kepemimpinan Biro Administrasi Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar Anwar, Anwar
KRITIS : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Hasanuddin Volume 1 Number 2, Dec 2015
Publisher : FISIP UNHAS

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Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik gaya kepemimpinan Biro administrasi Universitas Hasanuddin. Manfaat dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan pembelajaran serta referensi bagi peneliti lainnya yang akan mengkaji pada bidang yang sama. Di samping itu pengaplikasian ilmu pengetahuan di bidang ilmu Administrasi, khususnya peningkatan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia serta dapat memperluas pemahaman tentang pentingnya gaya kepemimpinan terhadap peningkatan kinerja pegawai. Metode penelitian menghitung populasi dengan menggunakan rumus Sloving dalam Sugiyono 2007, pengambilan data dengan kuesioner, interview dan data sekunder. Pengolahan data dengan menggunakan Skala Likert. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 3 gaya kepemimpinan pada Biro Administrasi Universitas Hasanuddin yaitu Direktif, Suportif, partisipatif dan Orientasi prestasi masih dikategorikan baik. Kata kunci : Gaya Kepemimpinan, Biro Administrasi, Universitas Hasanuddin Abstract : This study aims to determine the characteristics of leadership style Hasanuddin University Administration Bureau of the results of this study are expected to be the study materials and reference for other researchers who will study in the same plane. Besides that, the application of science in the field of administration, in particular the increase in Human Resource Management and can broaden the understanding of the importance of leadership style on performance improvement research employee. Calculate method the population using the formula Sugiyono sloving in 2007, to collect data by questionnaires, interviews and secondary data. Data using Likert Scale. The results showed that the three styles of leadership at Hasanuddin University Academic Bureau that directive, Support, participative and achievement orientation is still considered good. Key words : Leadership Style, Administration Bureau, Hasanuddin University
BIOLINK (Jurnal Biologi Lingkungan, Industri, Kesehatan) Vol 2, No 1 (2015): Agustus
Publisher : Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Biologi Universitas Medan Area

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Research about "Identification the type of fish in Sungai Batang Gadis Muarasipongi subdistrict Mandailing Natal Sumatra Utara" The study aims to determine the types of fish and Chemical Physics parameters. Research using descriptive methods and determination of observation stations is purposive sampling, that the sampling technique. The results of the study there are five types of fish that are grouped into two orders, namely the Cypriniformes and Siluriformes,and 3 Family namely Cyprinidae, Balitoridae, Sisoridae. The conclusion of the study there are 5 types of fish are included in the 2 Order  and 3 Family entirely included into the group Osteichthyes. Most of the Order Cypriniformes and Siluriformes smallest. Most are family Cyprinidae. Results Physical and chemical parameters including water temperature 22oC; pH 7,53; brightness 1.40m; a depth of river 2.28 m; the flow velocity of river 2.09 m / sec; river width of 18 m.
AL-MAIYYAH Vol 10 No 1 (2017): AL-MAIYYAH
Publisher : AL-MAIYYAH

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This paper describes the reality of gender equality that occurs in madrasah education institutions. Madrasahs as educational institutions with Islamic heritage have not been able to escape from the pattern of relationships that create gender bias in education systems and planning. Gender terminology is always the basis of consideration to determine the position and role of management and the level of participation in education. It is constructed by at least two main points, namely religious ideology which is the foundation of the ideology of understanding, attitude and behavior about gender equality. Furthermore, religious ideology undergoes a process of assimilation at the cultural level so as to form an elementary view that men have social advantages compared with women.
KONTRIBUSI KELUARGA TERHADAP PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER ANAK (Studi Perspektif Modal Sosial di Kota Parepare) Anwar, Anwar
Kuriositas: Media Komunikasi Sosial dan Keagamaan Vol 9 No 1 (2016): Kuriositas: Media Komunikasi Sosial dan Keagamaan
Publisher : P3M STAIN Parepare

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This article analyzed empirically about education character that was applied and developed by success family toward children education, the education that concern on social modal development. Family has function to lay the strong basics about social modal values that are needed by the children. When all of the elements of characters are absorbed by the children, then it becomes integral part in personality reconstruction, basically is the interaction result from system and behavior patterns that practiced by the parents. Family education basic determined the child succeed, depended on behavior patterns and interaction that developed by the parents. Family which has strong behavior patterns created the religious climate is the family that can make a role in an optimal fashion in developing the education of social modal oriented. While the family which is developed liberal behavior patterns, authoritative and ignored the religious climate, showed the low indication of role and function towards social modal development.
Transparansi Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa di Kabupaten Banyuwangi Sebagai Daya Dukung Pengelolaan Pariwisata Pamungkas, Tree Setiawan; Anwar, Anwar; Wicaksono, Galih
Journal of Social and Political Science Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Mei 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Jember

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Pengelolaan keuangan desa menjadi salah satu isu strategis di tengah peningkatan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Pemerintah Desa di Kabupaten yang mencapai lebih dari Rp. 1 Milyar. Transparansi pengelolaan keuangan desa dibutuhkan dalam rangka menunjang Kabupaten Banyuwangi sebagai daerah pariwisata. Transparansi merupakan bagian dari penyelenggaraan pemerintahan yang baik (Good Governance). Dengan pengelolaan keuangan desa yang transparan diharapkan dapat membawa dampak positif bagi perkembangan ekonomi dan pengelolaan pariwisata di Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Penelitian ini membahas pengelolaan keuangan desa di Kabupaten Banyuwangi sebagai daerah pariwisata. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan keuangan desa telah dilakukan secara transparan. Temuan lain menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan keuangan desa yang ditujukan untuk pengembangan pariwisata berbasis kearifan lokal mampu dilaksanakan secara transparan, dan menumbuhkan partisipasi masyarakat. Kata kunci : Pengelolaan keuangan Desa, transparansi,, pariwisata
Co-Authors A. Nurkidam A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abdul Rahman Abubakar Abubakar AGUS KURNIA Akbar, Junaidi Ali Djamhuri Alwi, Muhammad Khidri Ambarini, Nurillah Okta Amsan, Amsan ANDI KHAERUNI Arif, Faisal As'ari, Abdur Rahman astima, astima Athiyallah, Arina Bachmid, Reza baharuddin dammar, baharuddin Bahrun Bahrun Batter, Sherly Rudianti Bianca Benning, Bianca Bini, Bini Cut Morina Zubainur, Cut Morina Daud, Muslem Dian Pramana Putra, Dian Pramana Dipokusumo, Bambang E. Harso Kardhinata Edy Bambang Irawan Eka Srimulyani Ekaputri, Riski Eny Purwandari Fittriyanti, Fittriyanti Fonna, Fadhila GALIH WICAKSONO Gozali, Muchamad Hak, Pendais Halim, Muliha Hanifah Mutia Z. N. Amrul Hardiyanti Hardiyanti HARNITA HARNITA Hasan Nongkeng Hasbiah, Siti Hasmira, Hasmira Hasnadi, Hasnadi Hayati Hayati Hendra Pribadi Herri Trisna Frianto, Herri Trisna Hirwan Hamidi Imbawani Atmadjaja, Djoko Ipung Yuwono, Ipung Iqramullah, Iqramullah Ismail, Zulaeha Jailani Jailani Januanto, Muhammad Ikram Marham Jasa, Jafar Arb. Junid, Ramli Karmiadji, Djoko Wahyu Kennedy, Kennedy Krismadinata Krismadinata, Krismadinata Kurniawati, Rafidhah Lestari, Retno Oktavia Maiwa, Arman Maskur Maskur Moh Dahlan Th Musa Muh. Yusuf Muhamad Saleh Muji Setiyo Muliati Muliati, Muliati Munando, Fajarudin Mursidin Mursidin, Mursidin Mutia, Ratna Nana Sumarna Ningsih, Indarwati Suhariati Novianti Novianti Nur, Indriyani Nur, Rifai Nurhaedar Djafar NURLAELA NURLAELA Nurul Qomariah Oktavian, Rikki Oktia Woro Kasmini Handayani Paisal, Jon Palumpun, Kristianto Purnomo, Hedi Putra, Susanto Doni Rafiuddin, Rafiuddin Rafiudin, Rafiudin Rio Sena Eka Nurshidiq, Rio Sena Eka Riska Riska Rizka Rizka, Rizka Rompas, Stin Rumini - Sandra Kasim, Sandra Sarpin Sarpin, Sarpin Sigalingging, Ardian Brendy Sitti Aminah Subari Subari Sudarton, Sudarton Sudirman Dg Massiri Sugara, Bayu Sulham, Sulham Sumowo, Seno Sumual, Claudea J. E. Suparmin Suparmin Syukur Umar Tebe, Sry Rasyiidu Teguh Wijayanto Tree Setiawan Pamungkas, Tree Setiawan Zainuddin Zainuddin