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“Menuju Persahabatan” Melalui Komunikasi Antarpribadi Mahasiswa Beda Etnis (Studi Kasus Di Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tadulako) Arianto, Arianto
KRITIS : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Hasanuddin Volume 1 Number 2, Dec 2015
Publisher : FISIP UNHAS

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Abstrak : Menuju persahabatan antar mahasiswa beda etnis atau suku FISIP Universitas Tadulako melalui komunikasi antarpribadi berlangsung melalui ragam etnis asli maupun etnis dari luar kota Palu Sulawesi Tengah, seperti, Etnis Kaili dan etnis Bugis/Makassar, etnik Kaili dan Jawa dan etnik Bugis dan Jawa. Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana tahapan menuju persahabatan mahasiswa beda etnis melalui komunikasi antarpribadi di  FISIP Universitas Tadulako. Tujuannya adalah untuk menguraikan tahapan menuju persahabatan mahasiswa beda etnis melalui komunikasi antarpribadi dan menerangkan proses menuju persahabatan beda etnis mahasiswa. Untuk menemukan jawaban permasalahan penelitian tersebut digunakan metode penelitian dengan pendekatan studi kasus selanjutnya data data yang dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dan observasi dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa Menuju persahabatan melalui komunikasi antarpribadi mahasiswa Fisip Universitas Tadulako adalah melalui tahapan orientasi. Tahap paling awal dari komunikasi antarpribadi yang terjadi pada tingkat pribadi masing-masing. Kemudian berlanjut tahap komunikasi antarpribadi  yang lebih “tanpa beban dan santai” di mana komunikasi sering kali berjalan spontan dan individu membuat keputusan yang cepat, sering kali dengan sedikit memberikan perhatian untuk hubungan secara keseluruhan. Tahap ini ditandai munculnya hubungan persahabatan yang dekat atau hubungan antara mahasiswa, sehingga komitmen yang lebih besar dan perasaan yang lebih nyaman terhadap pihak lainnya juga menjadi ciri tahap ini. Demikian pula, perkembangan menuju persahabatan melalui komunikasi antarpribadi mahasiswa beda etnis ditandai dengan ditandai dengan adanya perilaku saling kritik, karena penggunaan bahasa daerah masing- masing, atau kesalahan interpretasi makna bahasa komunikasi masing-masing pihak. Namun, belum berpotensi mampu mengancam kelangsungan hubungan yang sudah terbina.Kata kunci : Komunikasi Antarpribadi, Perbedaan Etnis dan PersahabatanAbstract : Towards friendship between students of different ethnic or tribal FISIP Tadulako through interpersonal communication takes place through a variety of ethnicities and ethnic groups from outside the city of Palu, Central Sulawesi, such as, Kaili Ethnic and ethnic Bugis/ Makassar, Kaili and Javanese ethnicity and ethnic Bugis and Javanese. The problem is how the different stages towards friendship ethnic students through interpersonal communication in FISIP Tadulako. The aim is to outline steps towards different ethnic student friendship through interpersonal communication and explain the process towards different ethnic friendship Students. To find answers to the problems of these studies used the method to study the data further case study approach data were collected through interviews and observations were analyzed using qualitative approach. The study found that Towards friendship through interpersonal communication Tadulako Fisip students is through the stages of orientation. The earliest stages of interpersonal communication that occurs on a personal level respectively. Then progressed stage of interpersonal communication is more “carefree and relaxed” where communication often goes spontaneously and individuals make decisions quickly, often with little attention to the overall relationship. This stage marked the emergence of a close friendship relationship or the relationship between students, so that greater commitment and feeling more comfortable on the other side also characterize this stage. Similarly, progress towards friendship through interpersonal communication between personal of students ethnic differences are marked with behavior characterized by mutual criticism, because the use of local languages each, or misinterpretation of the meaning of the language of communication of each party. However, there are potentially capable of threatening the continuity of the relationship already established.Key words : Interpersonal Communication, Ethnic Differences and Friendship
Implementasi Modul Wi-Fi Pada Pengontrol Saklar Listrik Berbasis Mikrokontroler Dadi Riskiono, Sampurna; Hermana, BP. Putra; Gumilang, Rinaldy; Arianto, Arianto
CIRCUIT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Edisi Agustus 2018
Publisher : PTE FTK UIN Ar-Raniry

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Accidents that often occur on the road are partly due to road crossers who do not pay attention to vehicles or users of vehicles that are crossing. For that we need a tool that can give a warning to motorists facing the crossing. By using this PIR sensor, if there is a human movement that passes through the PIR sensor, the sensor will detect the human presence. The PIR sensor will be connected to the microcontroller. In this study using Arduino Uno which is a microcontroller and PIR sensor as a sensor that detects the presence of objects both human and vehicle so that it can be used as a driver warning device against road crossers. From the results of the test shows the test results, the sensor can detect the presence of human movement with the maximum distance between the PIR sensor and the object which is ± 5 meters. When it detects human presence, the LED indicator will light up, followed by a buzzer notification.
Political Transtactions and Expenxive Costs on Regional Head Election Arianto, Arianto
Journal of Local Government Issues Vol 1, No 2 (2018): September
Publisher : Government Studies of Muhammadiyah Malang University/AIPPTM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (147.329 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/LOGOS.Vol1.No2.226-243


Once the proliferation of regional head elections in Indonesia recently shows that our society many are interested to become a head of the region because there is recognition of its existence within the community so that competing both from the bureaucrats and from the private or legislative.The political costs incurred are not written so it is very difficult to identify how much each party pegs the price is not the same depending on the number of seats in the legislature or the amount of support available in the region or the networks that belong to the village will be different from the new party. Likewise, if through an independent channel, so much money must be spent to get administrative support from the community as from certain groups or individual, not to mention the cost of campaigns that must be issued by the candidate pair, almost not comparable if calculated by the salary of a regional head with the cost incurred, but it is still many who are interested to become a governor or mayor.Various studies conducted by many experts show, even though democracy is something that deserves to have aspired, it turns out that democracy produces many problems, even new problems that would not exist if not practiced democracy. Legislation has not regulated and limited the expenditures of candidates before and after the campaign, how much money is spent before and after the campaign, so it cannot be supervised. Supervision conducted by Banwaslu, PPATK and law enforcement officers is still not effective because there are still many gaps that can be done by a regional head in different ways and tactics.Key Words: Money Politics, Democracy, Political Monitoring.
Mitra Sains Vol 6, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Tadulako University

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The aims of this experiment were to obtain a suitable combination of planting medium and gibberelline concentration for the germination and growth of nutmeg seeds; to obtain a suitable planting medium as well as gibberelline concentration for the germination and growth of nutmeg seeds. This experiment used Split Plot Design and was arranged in Completely Randomized Design. Two factors were tested, namely concentration of gibberelline and the type of planting media. Concentration of gibberelline was ploted as main plot, with three concentrations tested, namely 200 ppm, 250 ppm and 300 ppm. The types of planting media were ploted as subplot with three types of planting media tested, namely sand, coco peat and sawing peat. Therefore, there were nine treatment combinations which each treatment combination was repeated three times. Data was analysed by using analysis of variance and followed by HSD at 5%. Results of this experiment indicated that nutmeg seeds soaked into gibberelline solution and germinated in coco peat medium produced more root numbers and higher normal germination dry weight; and the highest number of roots as well as the highest normal germination dry weight were obtained when seeds were soaked into 250 ppm gibberelline and germinated in coco peat medium. The number of roots and dry weight of normal germination on such treatment combination were 10.67 roots and 2.01 g per germinating seed. Coco peat medium was better for the germination and growth of nutmeg seeds as indicated with the highest germination rate, growth rate, length of plumula, length of roots, total length of roots as well as the ratio of plumula length and root length. The soaking of seeds into gibberelline had a relatively similar effect on the germination and growth of nutmeg seeds, except if the seeds were soaked into 250 ppm gibberelline and germinated in coco peat medium which produced the highest number of roots and the highest normal germination dry wieght.
Perilaku Menggosok Gigi pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar Kelas V dan VI di Kecamatan Sumberejo Arianto, Arianto; Shaluhiyah, Zahroh; Nugraha, Priyadi
Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia Volume 9, No. 2, Agustus 2014
Publisher : Master Program of Health Promotion Faculty of Public Health Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (53.491 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jpki.9.2.127-135


ABSTRAK Salah satu pencegahan karies gigi adalah menjaga kebersihan mulut dengan cara menggosok gigi secara baik dan benar. Usia sekolah dasar merupakan saat ideal untuk melatih kemampuan motorik seorang anak, diantaranya perilaku menggosok gigi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap perilaku menggosok gigi pada siswa Sekolah Dasar Kelas V dan VI di Kecamatan Sumberejo. Jenis penelitian ini adalah explanatory research dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa sekolah dasar kelas V dan VI di Kecamatan sumberejo dengan jumlah sampel 285 siswa. Analisa data dilakukan dengan cara univariat, bivariat dengan chi square dan multivariat dengan regresi logistic. Hasil analisis bivariat variabel yang berhubungan dengan perilaku menggosok gigi adalah peran orang tua (p=0,008), peran guru (p=0,007). Hasil uji regresi logistic menunjukan variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap perilaku menggosok gigi pada siswa sekolah dasar kelas V dan VI di Kecamatan Sumberejo adalah peran guru (OR= 1,791) artinya peran guru yang baik mempunyai kemungkinan siswa untuk berperilaku menggosok gigi yang baik sebanyak 2 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan peran guru yang kurang.Kata Kunci : Perilaku, menggosok gigi, Siswa sekolah dasarABSTRACT Tooth Brushing Behavior on the Elementary School Students of Grade V and VI in Sumberejo Sub-District; One of preventions for dental caries is by keeping mouth cleanliness by brushing the teeth properly and correctly. The age of elementary school is the ideal time to train a child’s motoric ability, such as teeth brushing behavior. The aim of the research is to identify the factors influencing teeth brushing behavior on the elementary school students of grade V and VI in Sumberejo Sub-Distict, Tanggamus District. The type of this research was explanatory research with cross sectional approach. The research subjects were the elementary school students of grade V and VI in Sumberejo Sub-Distict, and the number of samples was 285 students. The data analysis was conducted in univariate, bivariate with chi square and multivariate with logistic regression. The bivariate analysis results on the variables associated with tooth brushing behavior are the parents role (p=0.008), teacher’s role (p=0.007). The results of logistic regression test show that the most influencing variable on tooth brushing behavior in the elementary school students of grade V and VI in Sumberejo Sub-Distict, is teacher’s role (OR=1.934). It means that good teacher’s role has the effect on students to have good tooth brushing behavior twice as much as poor teacher’s role.Keywords: Behavior, Tooth Brushing, Elementary School Students
ISJN Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Volume 1 Issue 1 2019
Publisher : Indonesia Social Justice Network (ISJN)

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Abstrak Interpersonal communication involves the exchange of verbal and non-verbal messages that can directly affect the sender and recipient of the message. The context of interpersonal communication can be applied to opinion leaders and minority groups in direct interaction. Relationship between opinion leaders and minority groups have differences in religion, beliefs, culture, and customs can be applied through open interpersonal communication, empathy, and equality. The goal is to maximize the role and opinion leader function of the majority group, namely the Toraja ethnic group in interacting with the Bugis ethnic minority group of Makassar for social harmonization in a multicultural and multiethnic society. The research method approaches the constructivism paradigm. Methods of data collection through Focuss Group Discussion, observation, and in-depth interviews. Furthermore, the data collected in the analysis uses a qualitative approach to generalize the conclusions of the results of data analysis inductively. Informants were determined through purposive sampling based on high opinion leader interaction levels with individuals or groups outside their ethnicity, with the aim that the informants interviewed had a wealth of insight and extensive knowledge about ethnic opponents, and had experience of associating with individuals or groups outside their ethnicity. 3 informants were chosen in Toraja Regency and 3 in Makassar City, and 7 Bugis Ethnic Makassar who interacted directly with opinion leaders and the community in the majority group. The results of the study found that interpersonal communication was carried out by open opinion leaders, empathy, and equal attitudes. Opinion leader applies the concept of interpersonal communication with minority groups through interpersonal communication skills, such as the ability to imitate, identification skills, and the ability of sympathy with minority groups dominated by ethnic Bugis Makassar and the majority group dominated by ethnic Toraja. The obstacle factor of interpersonal communication between opinion leaders and minority groups is first, barriers to the status effect, perceptual distorsion barriers, and barriers to cultural differences on minority groups that have different cultures, religions and social environments.    
Balance : Jurnal Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol 5, No 1 (2020): Balance : Jurnal Akuntansi dan Bisnis
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32502/jab.v5i1.2450


This research aims to determine the-effect of the application of e-Filing, Corruption Perception, Environment, and Taxation Sanctions the partial or together for submissive taxpayer Pontianak. This research take population of people own tax who registered at the West Pontianak Tax Office (KPP) and East Pontianak KPP. The number of samples taken 100 taxpayers. Data collection techniques use purposive sampling. Data analysis techniques used classic assumption test and multiple regression analysis.The results showed that the application of E-Filing is not positive and significant effect of taxation against Taxpayer Compliance. Corruption Perceptions a positive and significant effect against a compliance by tax payers. Environment a positive and significant effect against a Compliance Taxpayer. Tax Sanctions a positive and significant effect against a Compliance Taxpayer. General simultaneous testing of Application of the e-Filing, Perception of Corruption, Environment, and Tax Sanctions have a positive and significant effect on Taxpayer Compliance.
KEPEMIMPINAN PENDIDIKAN MUTU Amiruddin, Amiruddin; Annisa, Annisa; Arianto, Arianto
Jurnal Sabilarrasyad Vol 4, No 2 (2019): SABILARRASYAD: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Kependidikan
Publisher : Universitas Dharmawangsa

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Leadership is a central point and determinant of policy activities that will be implemented in the organization and is a very important factor in determining the achievement of organizational goals that have been set. It is the essence of organizational management, basic resources and the central point of every activity that occurs in an organization. Educational leadership is the process of influencing and guiding a leader to educators and education personnel to carry out educational and research tasks using existing educational facilities, both individually and in groups so that educational goals are achieved effectively and efficiently. The quality of education is an evaluation of education that involves all aspects of education starting from the input, process and output of education that illustrates the quality of school performance regarding the achievement of educational goals that are in accordance with the standards and satisfaction of education stakeholders. The values needed by educational leadership to produce high quality educational institutions, namely: 1) Vision and symbols, 2) MBWA (Management by Walking About), 3) Focus on students 4) Autonomy, experimentation and anticipation of failure, 5) Creating sense of kinship, 6) Sincerity, patience, enthusiasm, intensity, and enthusiasm.
Jurnal Sabilarrasyad Vol 4, No 2 (2019): SABILARRASYAD: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Kependidikan
Publisher : Universitas Dharmawangsa

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The outcome assessment approach emphasizes the evaluation of graduates of educational organizations through student achievement, gradiation and employment. The open approach is an integrated quality assurance system in educational organizations and approaches that emphasize input, process and output. Improving the quality of education also considers the need to fulfill national quality standards. The Content Standards at STT Sinar Husni Medan in general have been well met, this shows STT Sinar Husni Medan always improve the quality of education in a sustainable manner based on the principles of Integrated Education Quality Management. The Targets and Strategies of Achievement of the Sinar Husni Informatics Engineering Study Program until 2020. To get better accreditation scores than before. This can of course be achieved through updating the learning competencies of each course and also supported by practical activities in the field, which adjusted to the needs of stakeholders. Thus each alumni does not need to wait too long to get a job.
Katalogis Vol 6, No 9 (2018)
Publisher : Katalogis

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The study intends to determine and analyze simultaneous influence of leadership and organizational culture on work discipline of officials in the Department of Manpower and Transmigration, Donggala District and partial influence  of leadership on work discipline, as well as the inflence of organizational culture on work discipline of officials in Manpower and Transmigration office, Donggala District. Respondents consist of 48 officials. Method of study is causal descriptive with multiple liear regressions analysis. The result finds that leadership and organizational culture simultaneously have significant influence on work discipline with R-square value of 0.567 in sig 0.000. Leadership has significant influence on work discipline with coefficient regression value 0,293 on sig 0.013 and the influence of organizational culture on work discipline determined by coefficient regression value of 0.613 on sig. 0.000.