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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Raushan Fikr Vol 7 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Lembaga Kajian dan Pemberdayaan Mahasiswa UIN Prof. KH. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24090/jimrf.v7i1.2205


The mass media, as an integral part of life, has become a blessing as well as a challenge to human life in the information society era. No exception for Muslims who live and become part of the information society at this time. The holy Qur’an which is believed to be the guide of life throughout the ages should be understood and explored by various disciplines of science. The universal values in the Qur’an can not only be highlighted by the doctrinal and theological perspectives of the norm, but also with the point of view of social science, one of them with the approach of mass communication. This paper explores surah Al-Hujurat verse 6 then explores it with a mass communication study approach. From the results of exploratioining and understanding to the interpretation of the scholars on surah Al-Hujurat verse 6 and various literature on mass communication, especially in mass media studies, it can be concluded that Surah Al-hujurat verse 6 contains various values and knowledge of how to respond the mass media today, The concept of knowing the news carrier, Tabayyun’s attitude, and the attention to the impact of the news in this chapter is in harmony with the study of mass communication in which there are theories about criticism of media, media texts and the effects of the mass media.
THE IMPACT OF SOLVENCY AND WORKING CAPITAL ON PROFITABILITY Yenni, Yenni; Arifin, Arifin; Gunawan, Eddy; Pakpahan, Leonard; Siregar, Halasan
Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research Vol. 2 No. 4 (2021): August 2021
Publisher : AGUSPATI Research Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (606.922 KB) | DOI: 10.7777/jiemar.v2i4.158


Every business requires working capital for its survival. A solvent company has assets that exceed its liabilities sufficiently to reinvest in its growth. Solvency refers to company's ability to fulfil its obligations. Assessment of a company's ability to pay it obligations such as to make interest and principal payments generally include analysis of the components of its financial structure. The degree of solvency in a business is measured by the relationship between the assets, liabilities and equity of a business at a given point in time. The company should determine the appropriate solvency levels in increasing profitability. The purpose of this research is to know whether solvency and working capital have an impact on profitability at CV Masindo Electric Medan. The research design used in this research is a descriptive research design with conducting financial statement analysis. Research methods used are descriptive statistic analysis with financial ratio analysis, coefficient correlation, coefficient of determination, linear regression analysis, t test and F test.This research concludes that solvency and working capital have impact on profitability at CV Masindo Electric Medan. Based on T-test, the value of Tcount is higher than Ttable. Therefore, the solvency and working capital have a significant impact on profitability at CV Masindo Electric Medan partially. Based on the F test, the value of Fcount is higher than Ftable. Therefore, the solvency and working capital have a significant impact on profitability at CV Masindo Electric Medan simultaneously. The profitability can be explained by working capital and solvency in 99.8%, while the remaining in 0.2% is explained by other factors. Based on the working capital analysis, there is decrease in working capital in the year 2012-2016. It shows that the company doesn't conduct working capital management appropriately. Based on solvency analysis, there is increasing insolvency in the year 2012-2016. The company has limitations from internal fund from profit and capital from the owner. Therefore, the company finds a way to conducting business with external funds such as from account payable and bank loan. Based on profitability analysis, it can be known that there is decreasing of profitability in year 2012-2016. The company cannot increase the sales price to a high level because there is low-profit margin. Keywords: Solvency, Working Capital and Profitability
Analisis Kinerja dan Kepuasan Pelayanan Terhadap Moda Transportasi Microtrans Jak Lingko (Puri Kembangan - Kalideres) Arifin, Arifin; Widyaningsih, Nunung
Jurnal Sosial dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 5 (2021): Jurnal Sosial dan Teknologi (SOSTECH)
Publisher : Green Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36418/jurnalsostech.v1i5.55


Microtrans Jak Lingko 50 merupakan angkutan umum dengan rute yang terhubung dengan beberapa transportasi umum lainnya mulai dari stasiun kereta, halte TransJakarta dan angkutan umum lainnya. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi kepuasan penumpang terhadap layanan dan tingkat kinerja dari Angkutan Jak Lingko 50. Penelitian ini memerlukan dua teknik pengumpulan data yakni data primer yang berasal dari hasil akumulasi kuesioner dengan jumlah 100 responden yang menjadi penumpang Angkutan Jak Lingko 50 dan data sekunder berupa data mengenai kinerja dari layanan angkutan Jak Lingko. Metode analisis menggunakan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) dan Servqual. Hasil analisis membuktikan bahwa tingkat rata-rata kinerja angkutan Jak Lingko 50 memiliki nilai rata – rata 4.02 dan rata – rata tingkat kepuasan penumpang yaitu 3,92 dari skor tertinggi 5, dengan nilai tesebut tingkat kinerja dan kepuasan mendapat predikat cukup baik dan kesanggupan pengguna untuk membeli kartu Jak Lingko dikatakan mampu karena sebanyak 100 orang berpendapat harga kartu murah.
Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Novel Madogiwa No Totto-Chan Perspektif KH. Hasyim Asy’ari Arifin, Arifin; Karimah, Ghunniyatul
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum (Unipdu)

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Penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter tidak hanya dengan memasukkan nilai-nilai karakter dalam rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran saja tanpa menerapkannya. Karena pendekatan paling efektif dalam penanaman nilai-nilai karakter adalah dengan pemberian contoh secara langsung. Pendidikan karakter merupakan proses tiada henti, pemerintah boleh saja berganti, raja boleh saja turun tahta, namun pendidikan karakter bukanlah proses diawal dan diakhirnya saja. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan dan persamaan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter dalam novel Madogiwa no Totto-chan dengan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter perspektif KH. Hasyim Asy’ari. Metode yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dokumentasi yaitu dengan menghimpun referensi terkait topik dan menganalisisnya.Hasil kajian memberi kesimpulan bahwa antara nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang terdapat pada novel Madogiwa no Totto-chan dan KH.Hasyim Asy’ari tidak ada perbedaan.Keduanya sama-sama bertujuan untuk membentuk manusia insan kamil yang berkarakter dan berbudi luhur.
Peran Orangtua dalam Penguatan Pemahaman Remaja Putri tentang Fiqih Haid Arifin, Arifin; Apal, Rufida Nastiti
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum (Unipdu)

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Peran orang tua dalam penguatan pemahaman remaja putri tentang fiqih haid sangatlah penting. Karena masa remaja merupakan masa transisi antara masa anak-anak dan dewasa, dalam masa ini anak akan mengalami banak perubahan baik dari segi fisik maupun psikis. salah satu perubahannya adalah menstruasi atau haid yang dialami setiap remaja putri. Pada awal menstruasi atau haid, banyak anak yang merasa takut, bingung dan sebagainya. Untuk itu peran orang tua sangat dibutuhkan oleh anak karena meskipun terkadang sudah diajarkan di sekolah, anak sering lupa dan acuh. Dan dalam Islam pun sudah dijelaskan bagaimana tatacara menghadapi masa menstruasi atau haid. Tinggal bagaimana orang tua menyampaikan kepada putri-putrinya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran orang tua dalam penguatan pemahaman remaja putri tentang fiqih haid, jenis penelitian yang digunanakan adalah penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif analisis dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi sebagai metode pengumpulan data, dan teknik analisis datanya menggunakan analisis data deskriptif kualitatif.
Borneo Journal of English Language Education Vol 3, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/bjele.v3i2.2369


This study attempted to characterize the prominent role of English teachers and studentresponses in online lessons during the Covid-19 pandemic at SMA Negeri 1 Tarakan.A descriptive design with a qualitative approach was utilized in the research, whichdescribed the actual situation in the field. The researcher employed interviewprotocols, questionnaires, observation sheets, and documentation to gather the data.Five English teachers and students from class XI Linat A (27 students) from SMANegeri 1 Tarakan served as the researcher participants in this study. Informer,Organizer, Motivator, Director, Mediator, Evaluator, Advisor, Diagnostician, andFacilitator were the most common positions identified by the researcher, and studentsresponses matched the nine functions played by the teacher. During their onlineEnglish Classes, the students expressed their honest feelings to their teacher. Inconclusion, the findings of this study had provided the answer to the research problems.
State Defense Education: The Urgence of Challenges and Opportunities in the Society 5.0 Era Arifin, Arifin
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute February
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i1.4206


Globalization is an opportunity and a challenge that must be faced by all citizens of the world, including Indonesia. The development of increasingly advanced information and communication technology will have a positive or negative impact on the sovereignty of a nation. In addition, globalization also provides access to information that is easier and faster to spread throughout the country, creating global transparency where the physical boundaries of a country's sovereignty are threatened with various disturbances and obstacles. This study uses a normative juridical approach aimed at knowing more about state defense education and its urgency in the era of society 5.0, so in order to maintain the integrity and sovereignty of the Indonesian state from various bad things caused by the development of globalization.
Pengembangan Pola Etika dan Moralitas Pelayanan Publik: Studi Kasus di Pemerintahan Kota Pontianak Rusdiono, Rusdiono; Arifin, Arifin
JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023): JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan)
Publisher : STKIP Yapis Dompu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (242.847 KB) | DOI: 10.54371/jiip.v6i3.1800


Pengembangan pola etika dan moralitas yang baik sebagai komponen penting dalam pelayanan publik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menyoroti pola pengembagan etika dan moralitas pelayanan publik di lingkungan Aparatus Sipil Negara (ASN) di Kota Pontianak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil peneltian menunjukan bahwa terdapat upaya maksimal Pemerintah Kota Pontianak dalam pengembangan pola etika dan moralitas melalui program innovatioan in public service through open data. Program ini berbasis komputerisasi dengan pengembangan aplikasi yang diciptakan. Program yang dijalankan tersebut sebagai upaya dalam menciptakan suatu kultur yang mengutamakan kejujuran (culture of honesty), keterbukaan (openness), dan asistensi (assistance), yang merupakan atribut kunci dalam membangun lingkungan organissai pemerintahan yang rendah terjadinya inefisiensi maupun maladministrasi serta malpraktek dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan publik.
Android-based Al-qur'an application development and culture "Nggahi Mbojo" Arifin, Arifin; Hidayat, Hidayat; Asmedy, Asmedy; Prayudi, Andi; Fathirma'ruf, Fathirma'ruf
JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia) Vol 9, No 1 (2023): JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia)
Publisher : Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Theraphy (IICET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29210/020222086


To overcome AL-Qur'an illiteracy in TPQ students can us the Qiroati method, Iqro`, An Nahdliyah, Yanbu`a, and Tartili, but are not very effective. The learning model applied by Al-Qur`an teachers is currently less attractive because they are still using the old method they are used to learning to use "Nggahi Mbojo" in every Qur'an learning, this study aims to produce the Qur'an, The Android-Based Application and Local Culture “Nggahi Mbojo” is of good quality with valid, practical and effective criteria. This research is a development research (Development Research) by developing learning tools that include, Al-Qur'an Learning Applications and IQRO Reading Ability Assessment Instruments, this research procedure refers to the 4-D model (Four D model) which is carried out on TPQ Santri total 40 people, in Pajo District, Dompu Regency in 2022, Data analysis in this study uses quantitative data analysis, through analysis of the validity of the device by experts, practicality analysis and analysis of the effectiveness of the device seen from student learning outcomes, the results of the analysis show that the learning tools used are of good quality with categories Valid, Practically effective for use in the process learning to read the Koran for students.