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Efek Pemberian Ekstrak Etanolik Kulit Manggis dan Xanton terhadap NO, TNF-α, dan IL-1, pada Penyembuhan Ulkus Lambung Ika Kustiyah Oktaviyanti; Djanggan Sargowo; Aris Widodo; Karyono Mintarum
Majalah Patologi Indonesia Vol 22 No 1 (2013): MPI
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Indonesia (IAPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (556.854 KB)


ABSTRAK Latar belakang NSAID dapat menyebabkan ulkus lambung dan menunda penyembuhan ulkus lambung. Pada paparan indometasin, dapat terjadi ulkus lambung. Penyembuhan ulkus terdiri atas fase inflamasi, proliferasi dan regenerasi. Apabila inflamasi berlangsung lama, akan menunda penyembuhan ulkus lambung. Kulit buah manggis mengandung xanton yang merupakan antioksidan alami dan antiinflamasi. Dengan Pemberian ekstrak kulit manggis dan xanton ini diharapkan dapat mempercepat penyembuhan ulkus lambung. Metode Eksperimental dengan randomized post test control only, menggunakan tikus wistar yang dipapar indometasin 30 mg/kgBB dosis tunggal menggunakan sonde lambung. 4 jam kemudian sebagian diberi ekstrak kulit manggis 200 mg/kgBB dan sebagian diberi xanton dosis 35 mg/kgBB, setiap hari selama 7 hari. Tikus dibagi dalam masing-masing 3 kelompok dan didekapitasi pada hari ke-3, ke-6 dan ke-12, untuk diambil lambungnya. Lambung dibagi dua, sebagian untuk pemeriksaan histopatologi, sebagian untuk pemeriksaan ELISA, guna mengetahui kadar NO, TNF-α, dan IL-1. Hasil Terdapat penurunan tingkat keparahan ulkus dengan pemberian ekstrak kulit manggis maupun xanton. Pengaruh Ekstrak Kulit Manggis terhadap tingkat keparahan ulkus lambung lebih baik dibanding xanton. Terdapat peningkatan kadar NO dengan pemberian Ekstrak Kulit Manggis maupun xanton dibanding kontrol, karena baik Ekstrak Kulit Manggis maupun xanton mengandung antioksidan yang dapat menangkap scavenging radikal sehingga NO yang bebas meningkat. Terdapat penurunan TNF-α, dan IL-1 dengan pemberian Ekstrak Kulit Manggis maupun xanton dikarenakan efek antiinflamasi Ekstrak Kulit Manggis dan xanton. Kesimpulan Ekstrak kulit manggis maupun xanton dapat mempercepat penyembuhan ulkus lambung yang dilihat dengan pengamatan mikroskopik, melalui efeknya sebagai antioksidan dan antiiflamasi. Kata kunci : ekstrak kulit manggis, ulkus lambung, NO, TNF-α, IL-1 ABSTRACT Background NSAIDs can cause ulcers gastric and suspend the healing of gastric ulcers. Gastric ulcers can occur on the exposure indomethacin. Ulcer healing consists of the inflammatory phase, proliferation and regeneration. If the inflammation lasts a long time, it will suspend the healing of gastric ulcers. Mangosteen rind contains of xanton which is a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. By administration of mangosteen peel extract and xanton, it is expected to accelerate the healing of gastric ulcers. Methods Randomized experimental post-test control only, using Wistar rats which were exposed with indomethacin 30 mg / kg single dose using a gastric sonde. 4 hours later mostly were given with the mangosteen peel extract 200 mg / kg and most were given with xanton dose of 35 mg / kg, every day for 7 days. Rats were divided into 3 groups, and were decapitated on day 3, the 6th and the 12th, in order to take the gaster. The gaster is divided into two, partly for histopathological examination, partly for ELISA, in order to determine the levels of NO, TNF-α, and IL-1. Results There is a decrease in the severity of the ulcer with mangosteen peel extract and xanton. Effect of Mangosteen peel Extract the severity of gastric ulcers better than xanton. On the other side, there are increased levels of NO by administration of mangosteen peel extract and xanton compared to the controls, as well Mangosteen Peel Extract and xanton which contains of antioxidants that can take radical scavenging thus the NO increases freely. There is a decrease in TNF-α, and IL-1 by administration of mangosteen peel extract and anti-inflammatory effects due xanton Mangosteen peel Extract and xanton. Conclusion Xanton and mangosteen peel extract can accelerate the healing of gastric ulcers which were seen by microscopic observation, through its effect as an antioxidant and antiiflamasi. Key words: mangosteen peel extract, gastric ulcer, NO, TNF-α, IL-1
HERMENEUTIKA DAN MISTERI SABDA TUHAN Manhaj Tafsir Thabathaba’i dalam Memaknai Huruf huruf Muqatta’ah Aris Widodo
Religia Vol 14 No 1: April 2011
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/religia.v14i1.31


Abstrak: Tulisan ini berupaya untuk menelisik bagaimana corak penafsiran Muhammad Hussein Thabathaba’i, seorang mufassir kontemporer dari negeri Iran, dalam magnum opusnya, al-Mîzân fî Tafsîr al-Qur’ân mengenai simbol-simbol dari Sabda Tuhan yang terwujud dalam huruf-huruf muqatta’ah dalam al-Qur’an. Dari analisa ini ditemukan bahwa meskipun Thabathaba’i memiliki proyek untuk menafsirkan al-Qur’an dengan pendekatan multi-dimensi, namun dalam prakteknya Thabathaba’i tidak selalu menerapkan semua pendekatan yang disebutkan dalam anak-judul karya tafsirnya itu. Dalam hal huruf-huruf muqatta’ah dalam al-Qur’an, penafsiran Thabathaba’i lebih menitik-beratkan pada pendekatan rawâ’iy, dan ‘ilmiy-fanniy, dan mengesampingkan pendekatan falsafiy, adabiy, târîkhiy, ijtimâ’iy, maupun hadîts yufassiru al-Qur’ân bi al-Qur’ân. Selain mendeskripsikan corak penafsiran Thabathaba’i, tulisan ini juga menyoroti posisinya yang kurang jelas dalam hal apakah huruf-huruf muqatta’ah itu termasuk dalam kategori ayat-ayat muhkamât atau tidak. This paper tries to search the exegesis style of Muhammad Hussein Thabathaba’i, an Iranian contemporary exegete, in his magnum opus al-Mizan fi Tafsir al-Qur’an about the symbols of God’s words manifested in muqatta’ah characters in the Quran. It is found that even though Thabathaba’i interprets the Quran using multi-dimension, he, in fact, does not always use all approaches mentioned in subtitle of his book. In the case of muqatta’ah characters in the Quran, his interpretation focuses more on rawa’i, and ilmi-fanni approach, and does not use falsafi, adabi, tarikhi, ijtima’i, and hadith yufassiru al-Qur’an bi al-Qur’an. Besides, this paper also analyses his unclear opinion that the muqatta’ah characters are included muhkamat verses or not.
Religia Vol 13 No 1: April 2010
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/religia.v13i1.173


Quran is a guide book that is able to accommodate many human beings’s thought levels. By special language style, it can also be viewed from various fields like law, theology, philosophy, and tasawuf related to reviewer’s preference. Therefore, Quran, in fact, can also be a starting point for philosophical study because it gives various materials to philosophical contemplations. This paper gives illustration of how the Quran with its stories in it is able to arouse our philosophical sensitivities. By referring to six branches of philosophy i.e. logic, epistemology, cosmology, metaphysic, ethic, and esthetic, this paper tries to show that the Quran in certain aspect can be claimed by us to have philosophical side.
Pengaruh Lama Waktu Perendaman Dan Larutan Dekapsulasi Terhadap Penetasan Siste Artemia sp. Aris Widodo; Mulyana Mulyana; Fia Sri Mumpuni
JURNAL MINA SAINS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (573.219 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/jms.v2i1.427


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama perendaman dan larutan dekapsulasi terhadap tingkat penetasan kista Artemia sp.  Sebagai perlakuan adalah lama perendaman dan jenis larutan dekapsulasi.  Hasil penelitian tidak memperlihatkan adanya perbedaan yang nyata pada lama perendaman di antara perlakuan, tetapi memperlihatkan perbedaan yang nyata dalam hal jenis larutan dekapsulasi di antara perlakuan.  Tingkat penetasan tertinggi (78,9%) diperoleh pada lama perendaman 15 menit dan campuran larutan campuran NaOCl + NaOH, sedangkan tingkat penetasan terendah (34,1%) diperoleh pada lama perendaman 15 menis dan campuran larutan dekapsulasi NaOCl + CaO.Kata Kunci: Dekapsulasi, tingkat penetasan, Artemia, lama perendaman
The Leadership Role of The Village Head in Improving Public Services in The Kalibobo Village Office, Nabire District, Nabire Regency Petrus Yeimo; Aris Widodo
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Vol 5, No 3 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i3.5964


The Village Head as a Leader has the ability to influence employees in his work environment at the Kalibobo Village Office, in working both office work in his field of work and also to be able to provide services to the public to the maximum, so that with the abilities possessed by employees, they can show performance because when people are satisfied with the results of the work given, the employee is considered capable and responsible for the work he is doing. The research location is at the Kalbobo Village Office using a total sample of 18 employees who are used as respondents, the research method uses quantitative descriptive methods based on questionnaires that are processed according to the answers from respondents. The results showed that the Head of Kalibobo Village had carried out his duties optimally as a leader because in carrying out his duties he followed the duties and functions as a leader but there were also obstacles faced in carrying out his duties but the Village head could respond wisely so that the results were satisfactory so that when serving the community with the level of need which are diverse, of course, are supported by the cooperation of employees in the Kalibobo Village Office environment, so that the expected results can provide satisfaction in serving the community to the maximum.
Jurnal Kedokteran Komunitas Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jurnal Kedokteran Komunitas (Journal of Community Medicine)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (188.546 KB)


Introduction: Farmers are a group of workers that uses pesticide evenly. The exposure of pesticide that contains cadmium (Cd) inside it in a long period of time will affect cognitive function. This research is aimed for knowing the effect of cadmium exposure on pesticide for cognitive function to the farmers at Cangar Village, Bulukerto, Bumiaji, Batu City.Method: This research uses observational analytical descriptive method with cross sectional design. it uses 47 human respondents with purposive sampling technique for sample choosing. The respondent is a male farmer that actively uses pesticide for spraying the plant. The data collection uses The Prospective Investigation of Pesticide Applicator’ Healt (PIPAH), Minimental State Examination (MMSE), and Montreal Cognitive Assessment Indonesian Version (MoCa INA) questionnaire.Result : The exposure variable gives negative effect and significant for MMSE variable with liniar regressive test significance is less than α (0.000<0.050). The determinant coefisien number is 0.0551 which shows that the exposure variable gives the negative effect and significant for MoCa-Ina variable with liniar regressive test significance is α (0.001<0.050). The determinant coefisien number is 0.212 which shows that the exposure variable gives effect for 21.2 % to MoCa-Ina variable Conclusion: The cadmium exposure in pesticide gives impact for kognitive function.Keywords: Cadmium, Pesticides, Cognitive fungtion, MMSE, MoCa-Ina, Farmers
Genistein Increase Intracellular Distribution of the High Motility Group Box-1 through p38 Pathway in HeLa culture cells induced by Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Merlita Herbani; Aris Widodo; Hidayat Suyuti
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol. 4 No. 2 (2014)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

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Cervical cancer is one kind of many cancer that cause death to women around the world. Many studies had support the statement that inflammation has a strong linkage with cancer development. Several factors like proinflammatory factor can influence tumor cell microenvironment, and induce a faster proliferation. TNF-&alpha; is suspected can induce proliferation. While cancer itself can induce inflammation, which is marked by several marker. One of them is HMGB1, released from the cell as active secretory lysosomes or passive diffusion. Genistein has demonstrated growth inhibitory effects of various types of cancer cells. It inhibits tyrosine kinase pathway, which can be activated by TNF-&alpha;. One of those pathways that have the link with proliferation is p38. This study tries to reveal about inhibitory effect of genistein toward p38 pathway that had been activated by TNF-&alpha;. This research was conducted by exposing cultured HeLa cells with various doses of genistein for 90 minutes, and then exposed to TNF - &alpha; 10 ng / mL for 20 minutes. Observations were made with a confocal microscope, by staining the cells with pp38-TRITC and HMGB1 antibody. The intensity was measured and analyzed by Fluoview software. The results suggest that there be significant differences between pp38 intranuclear intensity and HMGB1 extranuclear intensity of each dose of genistein (p = 0.000, ANOVA). pp38 and HMGB1 intensity were increased along with increasing genistein dose, but at high dose there were noted decreasing of pp38 and HMGB1 intensity. At apoptotic dose, pp38 and HMGB1 intensity were increased markedly, showing the effect of apoptosis. In general, increasing doses of genistein increase intranuclear p38 activation and HMGB1 extranuclear translocation. So there were a strong linkage between p38 activation and HMGB1 translocation in this study.
HERMENEUTIKA DAN MISTERI SABDA TUHAN Manhaj Tafsir Thabathaba’i dalam Memaknai Huruf huruf Muqatta’ah Aris Widodo
Religia Vol 14 No 1: April 2011
Publisher : UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/religia.v14i1.31


Abstrak: Tulisan ini berupaya untuk menelisik bagaimana corak penafsiran Muhammad Hussein Thabathaba’i, seorang mufassir kontemporer dari negeri Iran, dalam magnum opusnya, al-Mîzân fî Tafsîr al-Qur’ân mengenai simbol-simbol dari Sabda Tuhan yang terwujud dalam huruf-huruf muqatta’ah dalam al-Qur’an. Dari analisa ini ditemukan bahwa meskipun Thabathaba’i memiliki proyek untuk menafsirkan al-Qur’an dengan pendekatan multi-dimensi, namun dalam prakteknya Thabathaba’i tidak selalu menerapkan semua pendekatan yang disebutkan dalam anak-judul karya tafsirnya itu. Dalam hal huruf-huruf muqatta’ah dalam al-Qur’an, penafsiran Thabathaba’i lebih menitik-beratkan pada pendekatan rawâ’iy, dan ‘ilmiy-fanniy, dan mengesampingkan pendekatan falsafiy, adabiy, târîkhiy, ijtimâ’iy, maupun hadîts yufassiru al-Qur’ân bi al-Qur’ân. Selain mendeskripsikan corak penafsiran Thabathaba’i, tulisan ini juga menyoroti posisinya yang kurang jelas dalam hal apakah huruf-huruf muqatta’ah itu termasuk dalam kategori ayat-ayat muhkamât atau tidak. This paper tries to search the exegesis style of Muhammad Hussein Thabathaba’i, an Iranian contemporary exegete, in his magnum opus al-Mizan fi Tafsir al-Qur’an about the symbols of God’s words manifested in muqatta’ah characters in the Quran. It is found that even though Thabathaba’i interprets the Quran using multi-dimension, he, in fact, does not always use all approaches mentioned in subtitle of his book. In the case of muqatta’ah characters in the Quran, his interpretation focuses more on rawa’i, and ilmi-fanni approach, and does not use falsafi, adabi, tarikhi, ijtima’i, and hadith yufassiru al-Qur’an bi al-Qur’an. Besides, this paper also analyses his unclear opinion that the muqatta’ah characters are included muhkamat verses or not.
Religia Vol 13 No 1: April 2010
Publisher : UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/religia.v13i1.173


Quran is a guide book that is able to accommodate many human beings’s thought levels. By special language style, it can also be viewed from various fields like law, theology, philosophy, and tasawuf related to reviewer’s preference. Therefore, Quran, in fact, can also be a starting point for philosophical study because it gives various materials to philosophical contemplations. This paper gives illustration of how the Quran with its stories in it is able to arouse our philosophical sensitivities. By referring to six branches of philosophy i.e. logic, epistemology, cosmology, metaphysic, ethic, and esthetic, this paper tries to show that the Quran in certain aspect can be claimed by us to have philosophical side.