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Anatomical Respons of Ajwa Dates Sprouts (Phoenix dactylifera L.) to Water Availabiity and Light Intensity Armanda, Dian Triastari
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, UIN Walisongo

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The biggest moslem population in the world Indonesia still has high dependency on importing date palms from another country. Ajwa dates (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is one of special date palm cultivar which  had cultivated since 5000 BC in arid climate area in Saudi Arabia/Al-Madinah Al-Monwarah. Adaptation and optimation of environmental factors for Ajwa dates cultivation in Indonesia important to be conducted to meet the date palm demand of this country.This papers is a study on anatomical responses of Ajwa dates sprouts to water availibility and light intensity has been conducted. Ajwa date sprouts has been exposed to three shade variations (without shade, 50% shade, and 90% shade) and four water availibility variations (25%, 50%, 75%, dan 100% of the field capacity). Data taken from day 0 until 45th day of germination. Morphological parameters which observed and analyzed were the length of the leaf blade and the sprouts root length. Anatomical parameters which observed  and analyzed were the radius of the root, the stele diameter, number of leaves, leaf thickness, and stomatal diameter. Variations on water availibility and light intensity gives the same effect (not significantly different), consequently the most optimal variation treatment was unknown. Advanced research need to be conducted to gain more complete information regarding the optimization of environmental factors for the cultivation of Ajwa date.
Dimas: Jurnal Pemikiran Agama untuk Pemberdayaan Vol. 14 No. 1 tahun 2014
Publisher : LP2M of Institute for Research and Community Services - UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (459.76 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/dms.2014.141.391


Sampah merupakan masalah yang klasik sekaligus masalah yang selalu aktual.Mitra dampingan yang dipilih dalam program pendampingan ini adalah pegawaitenaga kebersihan kampus IAIN Walisongo. Tujuan program ini adalahmerubah paradigma pegawai tenaga kebersihan kampus terhadap sampah,membekali mereka dengan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan pengelolaan sampah(terutama sampah organik) yang secara jangka panjang dapat berguna untukpengingkatan kesejahteraan mereka.Tahap-tahap yang ditempuh terdiri atas: pertama, kegiatan diskusi/sharingdan analisis SWOT mengenai teknik pengelolaan sampah, untuk merubah;kedua, pelatihan pengelolaan sampah dan wacana bisnis sampah; ketiga,penguatan komitmen berkarya; keempat, pendampingan langsung mitra dalampenerapan pengelolaan sampah (uji coba); kelima, evaluasi program olehmitra dampingan bersama pengabdi; dan keenam, penyusunan rencana keberlanjutan program.
THE GROWT OF DIATOM Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve OF JEPARA’S ISOLATES CULTURES IN f/2 DAN CONWAY CULTURE Armanda, Dian Triastari
BIOMA Vol 2, No 1, April (2013): Bioma
Publisher : BIOMA

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Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve (Bacillariophyceae) is the unisel photosynthetic microalgae’s diatom which has the silica as the main composition of its cell walls. Diatoms have some life phases that can be observed in its batch culture The purpose of this research is to study the population growth of the diatom Skeletonema costatum populations in the f/2 medium and Conway medium of the growth curve is formed. This study also aims to determine the generation time and instantaneous growth rate of this the diatom species in both medium, in order to know which one is more appropriate medium for Skeletonema costatum.The batch culture of S. costatum was applied at f/2 medium and Conway medium with three replications for 7x24 hours in a sterile condition. Environmental parameters (pH, salinity, and temperature of the medium) were measured periodically. The population growth of the culture reached the lag phase in the first 24 hours, the exponential phase in the second 24 hours, whereas the stationary phase was in the third 24 hours. The growth of S. costatum in both medium were not significantly different. Skeletonema costatum growth rate in f/2 medium were 0.0282 cells/hour and its generation time were 25.5420 hours. On the other hand, Skeletonema costatum growth rate in Conway medium were 0.0228 cells/hour and its generation time were 30.3728 hours. This study proved that the growth of Skeletonema costatum populations in f/2 medium and Conway medium tends to be similar (Sig. 0.325, α = .10).Keywords: Skeletonema costatum, f /2 medium, Conway medium, growth rate, generation time
The Abundance Analysis of Mangrove Crab (Scylla spp.) in the Mangrove Area at Senik Hamlet, Bedono Village, Sayung Subdistrict, Demak District Adha, Miftahul; Mukhlisoh, Siti; Armanda, Dian Triastari
Journal Of Natural Sciences And Mathematics Research Vol 2, No 1 (2016): Volume 2, Nomor 1, 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Science and Technology, State Islamic University Walisongo Central Java

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (722.598 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/jnsmr.2016.1.1.1647


The abration at Senik hamlet, Bedono village, Demak district has alternated the land became mangrove ecosystem’s area. This ecosystem supply the habitat such as group of mangrove crab (Scylla sp). The purpose of this research to analyze the abundance of mangrove crab at various location in the mangrove’s ecosystem at Senik’s hamlet. The mangrove crabs sampling are taken at three station in the Rejosari The result of variances analyzis prove there are the significant differences (Fhitung=17,67; α=0,05) in the abundance of mangrove crab among station. The most abundant of mangrove crab in the station III (815 ind/Ha), then Station II (563 ind/Ha), and Station I (341 ind/Ha), The Domination of mangrove crab in the three of station is Scylla tanquebarica species (female and the age is adolescent). The analyzis result of Pearson Products Moment at the environment parameter obtained that the water salinity (r=0,77) and the depth of water (r=0,72) to be the most powerfull positive correlation with the abundance of mangrove crab. The conclusion of this research is the height of the abundance of mangrove crab at Senik’s Hamlet supported by the combination of various environment factor, especially the salinity factor, the water depth, and the density of mangrove vegetation. ©2016 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved
Aplikasi Umbi Suweg (Amorphophallus campanulatus) Sebagai Alternatif Penurun Gula Darah Pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Lianah, Lianah; Tyas, Dian Ayuning; Armanda, Dian Triastari; Setyawati, Siti Mukhlishoh
AL-HAYAT: Journal of Biology and Applied Biology Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Vol. 1, No. 1, Tahun 2018
Publisher : AL-HAYAT: Journal of Biology and Applied Biology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ah.v1i1.2666


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari perbandingan kadar glukosa darah tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus L.) setelah mengonsumsi suweg mentah dan suweg rebus. Eksperimen dilakukan pada 15 ekor tikus putih sehat dengan rerata berat badan 181-183 gram. Tikus dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok perlakuan. Setiap kelompok tikus normal diadaptasikan terhadap pakan selama 3 hari dan dipuasakan selama 8-12 jam, kemudian diberi pakan sesuai dengan kelompok perlakuan masing-masing pakan suweg dengan dosis 10 mg/180 g BB suweg rebus, 10 mg/180 g BB suweg mentah, dan 10 mg/180 g BB pakan standar (kontrol).  Kadar glukosa darah diukur dengan glukometer pada menit ke 0, 60 dan 120 setelah pemberian pakan secara oral. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan umbi suweg mentah menunjukkan aktivitas penurunan kadar gula darah lebih tinggi (3,8 mg/dl) dibandingkan umbi suweg rebus (3,6 mg/dl). Kecenderungan ini menunjukkan bahwa secara alami hormon insulin di dalam tubuh tikus sudah bekerja dalam menyeimbangkan kadar gula darah. Suweg mengandung senyawa bioaktif berupa Polisakarida Larut Air (PLA) dan serat pangan yang dapat membantu menurunkan kadar glukosa darah. Umbi suweg dapat diaplikasikan pada manusia khususnya sebagai terapi diet penurun kadar glukosa darah bagi penderita diabetes mellitus.
Simple Feasibility Analysis Of Nitrogen-Fixing Cereals Project Rahmani, Tara Puri Ducha; Kumalawati, Dian Aruni; Tyas, Dian Ayuning; Armanda, Dian Triastari; Rusmadi, Rusmadi
Al-Hayat: Journal of Biology and Applied Biology Vol 3, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, UIN Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ah.v3i2.6082


Nitrogen does not directly have advantages in human physiology system, but it holds one of the most critical roles in plants’ life cycle and productivity. Even though Nitrogen is the most abundant elements in the atmosphere, it is also the most deficient essential nutrients in plants. The proposed idea of the nitrogen-fixing GM crops, particularly wheat, is aimed to overcome those stated cons of the traditional diculture and nitrogen fertilizer. This analysis focus on the overview as well as the pro and cons of the genetically modified nitrogen-fixing plants in providing a better agricultural method. The genetically modifying method to generate a nitrogen-fixing non-legumes carries a significant chance of failure results and hindrance. The multilevel implication occurs when we need to modify the plants that not normally produce nodules in their roots to form the nodules and to modify the Nitrogen-fixing microbes to live in the nodules of non-legumes, which are not their natural dwelling places.In conclusion, the genetically modified crops project to fix their Nitrogen is feasible, but the difficulties and the funds needed still outweigh the benefits obtained in the future. With all of those limitations, the target goal to erase famine in 2050 just by funding the nitrogen-fixing wheat alone seems to be too high to be reached. The funds and efforts should be better spent on other factors and farming methods.
Life Science Vol 5 No 1 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Kebakaran pada area vegetasi Gunung Ungaran pada Agustus 2015 dilaporkan sebagai kebakaran terbesar dari lima kali kebakaran yang terjadi 16 tahun terakhir. Kebakaran tersebut merusak sedikitnya 15 hektar kawasan vegetasi yang merupakan habitat berbagai satwa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat keanekaragaman vegetasi pada suksesi vegetasi ekosistem Gunung Ungaran pasca kebakaran tersebut serta menganalisis strategi pengelolaan vegetasi Gunung Ungaran yang bisa dikembangkan di masa depan dengan mempertimbangkan tiga pilar pembangunan berkelanjutan, yaitu aspek lingkungan, ekonomi, dan sosial masyarakat sekitar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan campuran (kuantitiatif dan kualitatif) melalui analisis vegetasi, faktor lingkungan vegetasi, serta wawancara masyarakat. Karakter bioekologi pada lokasi terbakar yang menampilkan indeks keanekaragaman tumbuhan tingkat tinggi (Spermatophyta dan Pterydophyta) maupun tumbahan tingkat rendah (Bryophyta) yang sangat rendah (H’1=-1,162 dan H’2=-0,00021) membuktikan suksesi masih terus berlangsung. Secara lingkungan, berkurangnya debit air menjadi dampak berkurangnya vegetasi pasca kebakaran. Secara sosial, masyarakat terdekat dengan hutan yang terbakar tergolong masyarakat yang memiliki keterbatasan strata pendidikan namun masih menjunjung tinggi kearifan lokal. Secara ekonomi, masyarakat ini tergolong pada ekonomi lemah. Skenario strategi yang paling mungkin dikembangkan pada area kebakaran adalah percepatan pemulihan dampak pasca kebakaran melalui percepatan suksesi vegetasi. Percepatan suksesi dapat dilakukan dengan reboisasi dengan jenis-jenis tumbuhan kayu menahun yang mampu menyediakan cadangan air dalam jumlah tinggi serta reboisasi area batas hutan dengan pemukiman dengan jenis-jenis tumbuhan bernilai ekonomisekaligus mampu menghalau kehadiran hewan liar ke rumah penduduk. Fire in the Mount of Ungaran vegetation area in August 2015 was reported as the biggest of five fires occurred in the last 16 years. The fire damaged at least 15 hectares of vegetation whereas habitat for various animals. This study aims to determine the level of vegetation diversity on vegetation succession in the Ungaran Mount ecosystems and analyze the post-fire vegetation management strategies which could be developed in the future. It compromise the three pillars of sustainable development, namely environmental, economic, and social community aspect. This study used a mixed-method approach (quantitative and qualitative) through the analysis of vegetation and its environmental factors, as well as community interviews. Bioecological character of the burned site displayed the very low level of diversity index of higher plants (Spermatophyta and Pterydophyta) and lower plants (Bryophyta) (H'1= -1.162 and H'2= -0.00021). It proved the initial stage of natural succession and the need of succession acceleration in this area. Environmental impacts of the fire was reduced water discharge and the lost of vegetation area which was animals habitat. Most local people who lived near the burned area had insufficient educational background and financial power. But, they still uphold local wisdom. The most desirable scenario strategy developed in the fire area is accelerating recovery after the impact of the fire through the acceleration of vegetation succession. Acceleration can be done with the reforestation using the species of chronic timber plants which capable to provide abundant amounts of water reserves. Reforestation also needed in the forest border area near the settlements using some types of economic valuable plants which also able to banish the wild animals.